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Me:  You do know that Qhawe is not going to be happy with us when he gets here.  We should have kept her out of this.
Thando:  How were we suppose to know she was going to go into panic mode and faint?
ME:  Still Thando we should have kept her out of it.  (Bandile walks in with the boys)
Bandile:  What happened?
Me:  She fainted
Bandile:  she couldn’t have just fainted, I ask again what happened?
Ayanda:  dad please calm down.
Bandile:  hayi Ayanda don’t tell me to calm down do you know what Qhawe is going to do when he gets here, he is going to shoot first and ask questions later.
Me:  I received a phone a call earlier that caused me to panic and I called them and told them what happened and Khanyi had a panic attack.
Bandile:  Jesus Ncesh, I know she is your friend, if the news were that hectic you should have kept her out of it.
Thando:  she would have had to tell her sooner or later Bandile, this is something important to Ncesh and we are worried that history is going to repeat itself.
Bandile:  what are you talking about?
Me:  it’s a long story I’ll tell you later about it.  Qhawe should be here (just as i finish saying that he walks with the doctor. They both rush straight to her)
Qhawe:  What happened?
Asive:  dad I thought you said he was going to ask questions later?
Qhawe:  do you want me to?
Asive:  I’m quiet.
Qhawe:  someone needs to tell me what happened? (he looks at Bandile)
Bandile:  don’t look at she was like that when I got here.
Dr Nkosi:  She is fine, what happened
Me:  She fainted.  She had a panic attack and fainted.
Dr Nkosi:  What caused it? (I look at Qhawe and he is waiting for me to say something)
Me:  I shared some news, that’s what cause the panic attack.
Qhawe:  Jesus Christ!!  Ncebakazi couldn’t you have kept the news from for her.  (he is not shouting but you can tell he is angry, very angry)  We are trying to have a smooth pregnancy here.  The first trimester went well.  are you trying to kill her and the babies.  You should have kept it from.
Me:  I couldn’t (I walk over to Qhawe and kneel in front him, holding his hand.) I couldn’t.  I had to tell her.  someone hurt me really bad in the past and I thought I would never have to deal with her again but now she is back and I don’t know why.  (by now I have tears running down my face)  Khanyi was there to help me pick up the million pieces of my life.  She helped me to be who I am and be where I am today. Yes Thando was there, but she was also broken.  She was there Qhawe, she was my strength, she was my everything.  If it wasn’t for her I would have given up on life.  She was there for me and Thando, she is all we have.  She is all I have.  I am truly sorry but I had to tell her. (he made me stand and hugged me)
Qhawe:  don’t cry, I understand what you are saying but I’m also scared of losing them.  It’s ok don’t cry.  Bandile take her.
Dr Nkosi:  She is fine.  I won’t wake her.  just let her sleep for now.  if she is not awake in two hours, call me.  The babies are also fine.  You can bring her in tomorrow for a scan.  Did she fall when she fainted.
Thando:  no she didn’t, she sat down when she started feeling dizzy.
Dr Nkosi:  that’s good.  I’m going to leave now but remember if she is not awake in two hours call me.
Qhawe:  thanks doc.  (he walks him out)
Bandile:  what happened baby?
Me:  it all happened eight years ago it was the worst experience of my life.
Bandile:  Ayanda, Asive do you mind going upstairs.
Me:  no let them stay it’s fine.  They are old enough to hear and understand everything I’m about say.
Asive:  Are you sure?
Me:  Yes.  (Khanyi is still passed out, Qhawe walks in and takes a sit on the couch where Khanyi is and he puts her legs on top of him and massages her feet.) Bandile I never told you this because I never felt ready to talk about it.  that last time I spoke about this was five years ago, with my therapist at that time. Now I have to tell you
Bandile:  it’s ok my pumpkin, I get it.

Eight years ago I was in love, engaged to be married and I had just had a baby.  My baby was a week old when Zolani suggested that my sister comes and lives with us since I was not coping with the baby.  I didn’t like the idea because we didn’t get along very well, we were just civil with each other.  My sister always told me that I think I am better than her just because I was doing well for myself.  She never finished her degree in accounting.  She’s been working dead end jobs , basically she couldn’t use what little she had to make something of herself.  She is the only family I have so I ended up agreeing to it and at that time she was unemployed and Zolani was willing to pay her and she was going to use the the granny flat we had.  I asked Zolani to give her a three months contract because I didn’twant  her staying with us very long. He did just that. She moved in and helped with the baby.  Nothing changed with our relationship, we didn’t get any closer.  I didn’t trust her because I knew how she was, her friends used to tell me how she wanted their man after they introduce them to her.  I was alert about everything she did.  She had this obsession that she had over me.  Everywhere I went she was there, even when I move to a different town she would always find me I don’t know how she did it. Two months went by smoothly on the the third month I started noticing some changes from her.  they way she dressed changed, she started wearing short around the house, which is something she didn’t do, she was wearing clothes that were reaviling, taking her baths just before Zolani got home.  Zolani also noticed the changes and he asked me what was up with her and I told him I didn’t know. “I hope she’s not trying to get to me with these changes she’s making otherwise she must go.”  That’s what Zolani said and I was happy that he was seeing the truth of what I told him about my sister. One Saturday I woke up and Zolani was not in bed.  I went to check on the baby and he was asleep.
I went to the kitchen and Zolani was there arguing with my sister, so I just stood outside and listened.
Zolani:  what do you think you are doing Andiswa?
Andiswa:  what does it look like.  I am kissing you. I want you.
Zolani:  I said stop it.  in fact go pack your things you are leaving.  How do you do something like this to your own sister.
Andiswa:  if you haven’t noticed, you are the man I want right now and I don’t mind sharing you with her.
Zolani:  guess what, I mind sharing myself with you.  I don’t want you.  Just get out of here.
  I decided to walk in and when I did, she was trying to kiss him and he was pushing her away and she was so shocked to see me. Zolani just continued to tell her to leave.  She walked over to me and told me that if she can’t have him then I can’t have him either.  I didn’t care about what she said.  I was just happy she was finally leaving.
Ayanda:  if you don’t mind me asking, where are your parents.
Me:  our parents died in a car accident when I was 15 and she was 12.  My aunt took care of us and she did a great job.  Can I continue?  (everyone just nodded.)
A week after she left, Zolani started changing.  One minute he wanted me and next minute I disgusted him, sometimes he wouldn’t sleep at home, I suspected that he was cheating. The way he did things was just surprising to me.  Zolani was the type of person that even if he cheated, he would make sure I don’t find out about it.  he would make sure that I don’t suspect anything, that’s just the person he was.  But the person I was seeing at that time was not the Zolani I know. Saying hurtful things to me, accusing me of cheating and that the baby was not his. As time went on I received a message from my sister with Zolani’s picture at a restaurant sitting with one of his friends.  “ I TOLD YOU I WANT HIM AND I’M GOING TO HAVE HIM.  HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING WITH HIM, HE DOESN’T UNDERSTAND WHY HE IS TREATING YOU THE WAY HE IS.”
I didn’t know what to make of this message, but one thing was clear, my sister was behind everything.  This went on for about two months and I decided to tell my aunt, who advised me to take Zolani to a traditional healer and told me to wait for him to be in a good mood and tell him.  I did exactly that.  I waited for him to be his normal self, which was rare, because things were getting worse.  He agreed to go and when we got there, we were told that he was fed some kind of muthi that would make him not want me and want someone else but the muthi doesn’t work with immediate effect, it takes time.  Eventually he would have started beating me, if I continued staying  with him like that. I had to leave him there so that he can be cleansed.  He stayed there for two days and I was called to fetch him and he looked good.  Everything was back to normal and he kept apologising for what happened.  For eighteen months things were good, really good, until my sister rocked up at my door step, it was a weekend and Zolani was home as well.  That was the beginning of the nightmare.  Zolani walked in with my sister pointing a gun at him.  She made him sit on one of the dining table chairs and tied him. She turned and pointed the gun at me and told me to put the baby in the play cot and luckiy he was asleep. She also tied me up .
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Andiswa:  I told you big sis, if I can’t have him, then you can’t have him.  You can’t have it all when I have nothing.
Me:  how is that my fault  Andiswa?
Andiswa:  You have a business, you have a man that wants to marry and you have a child.  You are miss little perfect who always thinks that she is better than me.  Today you are going to learn that you can not have it all.  I am going to take your happy ever after from you.  You won the first round and today I’m ending it all. Before I kill him, I am going to make him fuck me as you watch and after that you are going to watch him die and your son too.
Zolani:  come on Andiswa, you can’t be seri….. 
*****************************      ********************************************
He never finished what he was saying, she slapped him.  My baby woke up crying and she went to fetch his bottle in the kitchen and gave it to him and he went back to sleep again, I think she drugged him.  I’m all tears at this moment, I can’t do anything to save my family.  Zolani tries to wiggle his way out of the ropes but they are too tight.  She comes back with a glass of juice and forces Zolani to drink it, after drinking the juice Zolani told me he loved me and I think he knew that it was going to end. after he said that he seemed  to not recognise me, he was disorientated and I could see his boner in his pants. My sister stayed true to her word. She made Zolani fuck her, telling him what to do, how to do it, she was controlling him and it’s like he had no control over what he was doing.  I couldn’t stop crying, Zolani was gone, that was not my Zolani.  My screams went unheard.  After she was done with him, she looked at me “I TOLD YOU THAT I AM TAKING YOUR HAPPILY EVER AFTER”.  I looked at Zolani’s eyes, they looked empty, he looked like a Zombie.  Say your goodbyes and she shot him twice, I cried so much and screamed as she went over to my baby, she just looked at him and came to sit next me. 
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Andiswa:  even when mom and dad were still alive, you were always the favourite. You were always miss goody two shoes.  All I ever wanted  was to be like you, have what you have.  I tried so hard but nothing ever worked out for me and now, we are the same.  You are a broken soul.  Do you know what the sad thing about this is.  I’m your half sister.  Mom cheated on your dad and in the process I was concived, I never got to meet my dad.  She died without telling me who my dad is.  I hated the fact your father loved you so much, I hated the fact that even when your dad begged her to tell me who my father is, she never did, I hated the fact you were his precious princess and I was no one’s princess.
Me:  he treated you like you were his own child, hence I never knew about you  not being his daughter.  He gave you the same opportunities he gave me but you were so hung up on the fact that you were not his child, you didn’t see the love he had for you.
Andiswa:  he never loved me.  Can you hear that.  the police are coming and now for the day’s finale.
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She gets up and walks over to the baby, takes him and brings him to me and tells me to kiss him goodbye. Right then I knew my baby was gone, she poisoned his bottle. After I kissed him, she took him and placed him on the baby cot, she sat on the floor facing the front door with the gun in front and said that her job was done. 
Me:  this is what I couldn’t tell you, I was just not ready to re-live the pain and now she is out of jail and I don’t know what she wants from me.  You know I never believed in witchcraft until my own sister showed me that it does exist.

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