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I think I need to find myself another tech guy, Enerst is seriously not doing the job I pay him for.  How can it be to find someone’s address.  Even the guy I sent to follow her, was an idiot.  The question is, who is helping Khanyisile, who does she have on her payroll.  This woman is not using any of the security companies here in KZN, not one of them has listed her as client even with private security companies she is not listed as a client. I give it her, she is smart, very smart.  I really need a break through here.  Khanyi has something I want and I’m going to get it.  Tomorrow the lawyer must make sure that custody paper are sent to her, I know that’s what she’s going to be focused on, eventually lose focus on other things and let her guard down.  My friend walks as I am about to leave to go to the mall.
Sizwe:  Zwelibanzi
Me:  You know that’s how she calls me, she has never, not once shortened my name when she called me.
Sizwe:  Tell me something Banzi, why are you obsessed with this woman?
Mei:  She is the mother of my kids and I don’t know, there’s something about her but right now, that’s not my focus.  I want to get what I want from her first and the rest will follow.
Sizwe:  you need to be careful, from what you’ve told me, this woman is highly protected. You need to tread carefully. 
(At this point in time we are in the car driving to the mall and this idiot Sizwe is driving but he is not driving us to the mall, he is driving to La Lucia
ME: Why are we going to La Lucia?
Sizwe:  You need a bit of fresh air, besides my girl stays here so I come here a lot and I love it, I might just consider buying a house here.
(He drives us to La Lucia Mall and we go to Mugg and Bean for breakfast)
Me:  Why is she hiding Sizwe
Sizwe:  I don’t think she is hiding, she is just keeping her personal life private, very private if might add.  You know her, she has never been the type to show off.
Me:  This whole process is taking too long, I need get my business running again, I’m losing lots of money Sizwe because of this.
Sizwe: Zweli you have money, lots of it, Why don’t you just leave this whole thing and start fresh, something new.  Look Zweli, I really have a bad feeling about this, this is not going to end well and you are messing with her kids, you will never get those kids, she will fight you tooth and nail and the other things, I think you should just forget about them. Live your life like you have been leaving it the past 4 years.
Me:  I can’t Sizwe, I really can’t just let it go.
(As we walk out of Mugg and Bean after our breakfast, I bump into someone, when I look who it is, my jaw drops, what is she doing here?)
Me:  Khanyi
Her: Zwelibanzi
Me:  What are you doing here?
Her:  This is a mall right, I’m doing what everybody does at the mall.  Sizwe you still hang around with him, how are you (she asks hugging him.  Khanyi has always had a soft spot for Sizwe.)
Sizwe:  I’m good Khanyi and how are you?
Her:  I’m good.  It was nice to see you Sizwe, stay out of trouble.  I have to go.  Zwelibanzi (and she turns and walks away.  Is she really over me, she shows no emotion when talking to me.)
Me:  let’s go, we need to follow her
Sizwe:  you do know that, that is a stupid idea, she’ll know.  Look at the car we came here with and she is probably not alone
Me:  fine, I’ll let it go for now.


Andile:  I thought you went to buy muffins
Me:  I did, until I ran into Zwelibanzi and Sizwe
Andile:  Are you ok, did they follow you?
Me:  No, they didn’t.  I don’t want the muffins anymore, let’s go home.  (My phone ring and it’s Qhawe)
Qhawe:  Hello Beautiful
Me:  Hi Que
Qhawe:  what’s wrong, where are you?
Me:  I’m at the mall with Andile, I wanted blueberry muffins but I ran into Zwelibanzi at Mugg and bean and I left without buying them.  Andile is taking me home.
Qhawe:  I’m really sorry about that.  Are the kids home?
Me:  No they are not, they are visiting their uncle.
Qhawe:  I’ll be there in 30 minutes.
Me:  Ok.  Bye.  I hang up.
Me:  Qhawe is coming over for a visit.
Andile:  That’s nice (he says as he parks, but I not there’s another parked.)
Me:  What is Zack doing here? he doesn’t come here unless it is really important.
Andile:  he must have something important to share. Let’s go in.
When we walk in, Zack and Eddie are in the kitchen making themselves sandwiches.
Eddie:  I thought you went to buy muffins
Andile:  She ran into Zwelibanzi
Zack:  That’s why I’m here (the doo bell rings as he says)
Me:  Hold that thought.  (I go and open the door and it’s Qhawe, Bandile and I’m assuming the other guy is Lwazi.  I let them in, and Qhawe walks up to me and holds out a paper bag to give to me. “Your muffins my lady.” I just smile and thank him as put them down on the table. He walks up to me and holds me close and whisper in my ear “jump” and I do just that as he lifts me making me wrap my legs around his waist and kisses me ever so gently.)
Qhawe:  Are you ok nana, did he hurt you?
Me:  I’m fine Que, stop worrying.
Lwazi:  You let her call you Que (I turn to the side as he says that and then I look at Que. Lwazi’s reaction is confusing me and I whishper to Qhawe, to put me down and he does.) Sorry how rude of me, I’m Lwazi the other friend.
Me:  I’m Khanyi, his lady (and that causes Qhawe to smile like crazy) So what’s wrong with me calling him Que ( I ask as we walk to the kitchen where rest of the guys area seated, finishing my food in my kitchen.  Everyone is making themselves sandwiches and having beer.)
Me:  So what’s going on guys?
Zack:  I found something while looking into Zwelibanzi.  Remember the company you bought, the import and export company, well we know that Zwelibanzi was involved in the company somehow, but we don’t know how.  So as it turns out, he was using the company for some of his illegal activities but the problem I have is that, I don’t know what type of business he was using the company for and he knows that you own the company, he managed to uncover that. As you know he was not he only one and ever since you bought the company and changed it around, they are losing money.
Bandile:  We have the same info and we also get stuck at what he was using the company for and it
Was definitely not drugs, it’s something big, something that he doesn’t anyone to know about. He deals in drugs and diamonds as well.  His company is just a front, there’s nothing legit about it.
Me:  Oh my God, how did I get myself involved in this, why didn’t I know about this.
Qhawe:  we think that he is coming after you because of whatever business he was doing with the company, and the custody case, I think he is using it against you, so that you can let your guard down, he’s trying to distract you and whatever document you need to sign regarding the case, your lawyer will have to go through them, in case he tries to be sneaky by getting you to sign over the company to him, thinking that you are signing custody documents.
Zack:  Look Khanyi don’t worry about anything, we will find out what he was using the company for.

(I can’t believe this, I was with him  for 17 years and I knew nothing about all this. I’m so scared for my kids.)
Qhawe:  don’t be scared ok, he won’t hurt you or the kids.  We are here for you, all of us and he kisses me.
The guys:  GET A ROOM. (and they laugh.  I just put my face in my hands and hide myself in his chest.

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