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I finally decided to take the twins to visit their siblings.  I wish I had someone who can take the kids there for me, right now I don’t think I can face  Khanyi after everything that has happened and how I behaved towards, I’m even surprised she wants my kids around her kids but then again she was right about one thing, the kids are innocent in all this. She even referred me to someone who can help me start my business.  I have to do this for my babies and for myself.  I just finished packing and we are ready to go.  This is going to be a quiet weekend for me without them.  My phone rings and it’s not someone I’m interested in talking to.
Me:  Hello
Him:  I hear your mission failed and your husband ended up getting arrested.
Me:  You head correct.
Him:  I warned you didn’t I Sima but you didn’t want to listen and now you’ve attracted uncessary attention to yourself.
ME:  what do you mean by unnecessary attention?
Him:  He wants to see you, he thinks you have potential and with a little training you can take over your husbands businesses.
Me:  you can tell him I’m not interested.  The only reason I did what I did, I wanted control of my kids’ trust fund, which in all honesty I should have just trusted their grandfather’s decision and why he decided to things the way he did.  I am also not willing to put my life in danger and my kids’ lives.  I did that and it didn’t work out very well for me.  You should know by now that I always learn my lesson.
Him:  I know you do.  I was also following orders.  I will tell him you are not interested but you must know that he is not going to stop trying.  He wants something Sima and he can only get it through you.
Me:  whatever it is, I’m sure he can manage without me, he always did.
Him:  not this time Sima but know that I have your back, I’m watching over you and I’m glad you learned not to mess with Khanyi.  You should try and have her as an ally, she’s well connected, her people are well connected, you will need her in the future.
ME:  she’s already helping me with my business.
Him:  just know that you are going to need her help more.  Make peace with her.
Me:  what do you mean?
Him:  Just do as I tell you and you’ll be happy and safe with your kids. I’ll check on you soon. Bye Sima. (he hangs up)
I wonder what he means by what he just said.  I have no interest in taking over Zweli’s illegal businesses, I have kids to think about.  I get the twins and drive off to Khanyi’s place. They are so excited about spending the weekend there, they can’t wait to see their siblings.  The entire drive is about all the things they are going to do with them.  I must say I haven’t seen my kids this happy about something in a while.  Their happiness makes me happy.  I think it’s good that they have their siblings especially since their father will no longer be a part of their lives but I’ll never let them forget him and they can still visit him.  I park the car and get the kids out with their bags.  Khanyi really has a beautiful house.  She opens the door at lets us in.
Khanyi:  I thought you changed your mind.  How are you?
Me:  I almost did, but I couldn’t disappoint them.
Khanyi:  Hey babies, how are you?
Twins:  hi aunti
Me:  I’ve packed everything that they are going to need and I’m also potty training them, they only use nappies at night
Khanyi:  That’s fine.  Their room is not far from mine.  I also have baby monitors. We are going to be fine.
Sibahle:  Mom (she calls out for her while walking down the stairs.)  Sorry mom, I didn’t realise you had a guest. I wanted to talk to you about something.
Khanyi:  it’s ok sweetie, we’ll talk later.  For now  please do me a favour and take the twins upstairs with their bags.
Sibahle:  ok mom.  Come boys let’s go.  (I say my goodbyes and they walk upstairs with Sibahle.)
Me:  You have a beautiful family Khanyi.  Thank you for taking them.  I’ll fetch them on Sunday in the afternoon.
Khanyi:  No problem.  We’ll see you Sunday then.


ME:  how have you been, how’s my baby?
Anelisa:  We are good daddy to be, we are really good.  I’m glad to see you happy.
ME:  that’s only because I’m looking forward to being a father.  (I pause a little and look at her)
Why didn’t you want to give us a chance?  I could have made you happy you know that right.
Anelisa:  I blinded myself by the obsession that I had over Qhawe, when I realised that he could never love me the way he loves her, it was too late to make things right between us.  The decision I took in that moment, is a decision I will always regret because it led me here, it led me to a life with no future.  Even though that may be, I’m glad there’s  something good coming out of this situation and that is this baby I’m carrying for you.  Although I wish I was not in here so that you can get to experience the pregnancy.  I’m really sorry that it had to be like this.
Me:  I would have really loved to go through it with you, in a way I think I am.  I have strange cravings lately.  Lately I have a thing for brown bread with butter and coffee.
Anelisa:  You should try it with Avacado.  And thank you for buying me my cravings I really appreciate it.  I wish things were different.
ME:  Me too, but we are here and there’s nothing we can do.  (I’m lying, there is something that can be done but I’m not sure it’s a card I want to play right now.  I don’t fully trust her yet.)
Anelisa:  Oh my God Sizwe, he is kicking. (I quickly get up, sit next to her and put my hand on her tummy and the baby moved again.)  Sizwe the guards.
Me:  They won’t say anything.  She’ s kicking again.  This feels great.  (I kiss her tummy while talking to the baby.)  Hey Princess, are you good in there, I can’t wait to meet you my Angel.  You must be good and not give mommy any trouble ok.  Daddy loves you very much.  (when I look up, my eyes are met by Anelisa’s crying eyes.  I look into her eyes and I see sadness.)  Why are you sad?  ( I ask wiping her tears)
Anelisa:  I don’t know if I’m sad or happy.  I really wish things were different Sizwe, but I promise that I will take care of myself and give birth to a healthy baby.
Me:  That’s all I ask.
Anelisa:  Sizwe I need to tell you something
ME:  what is it?
Anelisa:  There’s a lady that came here to visit me, I don’t know her and I think she found out about me because she was digging into Khanyi’s life or Qhawe’s life.
Me:  what does she want?
Anelisa:  she wanted to know why I was in here, she wants Qhawe and she wants Khanyi out of the way. I don’t think she wants to kill her though.
Me:  did you tell what happened to you?
Anelisa:  I did and to be honest I don’t think she cares.  I think there’s something wrong with her but I couldn’t put my finger on it.  Her name is Sindiswa.  Maybe you should talk to Qhawe about it and I know he doesn’t want her otherwise if he did, she wouldn’t have taken the time to come visit me.
Me:  Why are you telling me this?
Anelisa:  I guess I’m being selfish.  My kids love Khanyi and I don’t want them to lose her.  She has been a good mother to them and she has never speaks ill of me to my kids, she is even willing to bring them here for visits.  She’s bringing the girls here soon because the girls want to talk me about the shooting.  If this Sindiswa woman hurts Khanyi in anyway.  She won’t only be hurting Khanyi, she’ll be hurting my kids too.
Me:  I’ll look into it and I’ll speak to Qhawe about it.
Anelisa:  Sizwe I’m not keeping this baby because you threatened my kids, I know you would never hurt them.  I’m keeping this baby for you, the excitement you have about being a father is the reason why I’m keeping it, even though I’ll never be a part of his life, I know he will be taken care of.
Me:  This is not how I wanted to have a baby Anelisa.  Getting you pregnant was not my intention at that time.  I was so focused on punishing you for what you did, only later did I think that you could be pregnant. Having a child is one of the things I’ve always in my life and this is not how imagined it happening but what can I say, it happened and we are here now.
Anelisa:  I’m really sorry Sizwe.  (I just give a hug and let her cry .)
Me:  don’t cry ok.  We are here because of the choices we made.  I could have made different choices but I didn’t.  I have to go now.  don’t cry about this again ok.  I’ll come see you guys soon again.  Please take care of my Princess.  (I get up and kiss her forehead and leave.)


A lot has been happening especially in Khanyi’s life and now she is pregnant.  We never thought she could have kids again.  It’s an amazing miracle, but I feel for my friend but we are going to be there for her every step of the way.  A few months back Bandile asked me to move to Durban, move my business there and I accepted.  We’ve been getting everything ready.  The business is set up already, I bought an apartment as well in La Lucia. Khanyi doesn’t know that Thando and I we’ve decided to move to Durban, we are surprising her.  In a few days we’ll be in Durban. I love Bandile and I hope things work out.  I really feel like he is the one I’ve looking.  The man treats me like a Queen.  He also calls me his Queen judt like Qhawe calls Khanyi.  I think it’s their thing because Lwazi also calls Thando his Queen.  The two are so crazy.
Thando:  Lwazi is on his way here with Bandile, they say they want to help with the move.
Me:  I told Bandile they didn’t have to but these men are so stubborn.  I can’t wait to see Khanyi and the kids.
Thando:  I can’t wait to here them talk about the babies.  What are we going to do with all these babies.
Me:  we are going to take of them.
Thando:  Ncesh remember Khanyi telling us about this Sindiswa woman
Me:  yes, she said she was becoming a pain.
Thando:  I think I know her, I think it’s the same Sindiswa from two years ago.
Me:  it can’t be, could it be
Thando:  I don’t know Ncesh and if it’s her, I don’t know what kind of trouble she is stirring up. 
Me:  Khanyi also said that she went to high school with Qhawe and she’s had a crush on him since then.  This girl is really obsessed.
Thando:  I’m scared for Khanyi.  She is only human Ncesh and she can only take so much and I hope and pray for Sindiswa’s sake Khanyi doesn’t blow up.  She loves Qhawe even though she still has doubts sometimes, I know she loves him and she will break this Sindiswa woman.
Me:  let’s hope it won’t to get to that and I hope it’s not the same sindiswa.  I’ll ask her for a picture of her.
Thando:  if it’s the same Sindiswa, then her mom really has no shame even Sindiswa has no shame.
Me:  Let’s wait and see.

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