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I woke up in hospital in Qhawe’s arms . I remember I didn’t want him to go home last night after telling everyone about the pregnancy.  I try to get out of bed without waking him and I fail.
Qhawe:  where are you going you?  (he asks gently pulling me to him.)
Khanyi:  I need to pee Qhawe.  (he lets go and I get out of bed, do my business in the bathroom and go back to him, just as I am about to get into bed again the doctor walks in.)
Doctor:  my favourite couple, I see you are awake.  How are you feeling today?  (he has such a big smile on his face.  I wonder what’t that all about.)
Qhawe:  We are fine doc.  Can I take her home today.
Doctor:  yes you can.  You are  both completely fine.  I have some pills for you Miss Sondlo that you have to take everyday to help in the growth of the babies.  I’m sure you know about them since you are not a first time mother.  Here, don’t forget you have to take them every day.  Instruction on how to take them are inside.  You can also sign these discharge paper.  Please remember, this will be a delicate pregnancy.  Please no stress, I don’t want you having panic attacks any time soon.
Me:  thanks doc. Don’t worry, I won’t be dealing with anything stressful.
Doctor:  that’s good to hear and please take care of yourselves, don’t forget your next appointment next month.
Qhawe:  We won’t.  thank you. (the doctor walks out.) let’s go home baby.  I just want to be home and relax with you before the kids are home.  We can watch movies and enjoy some junk food.  I feel like vanilla ice cream, cheesecake and some hot chips.
Me:  Me too, and cholclate.
Qhawe:  let’s go we can pass by the mall and get what we need. (he gets off the bed and stands between my legs and looks into my eyes.  It’s one of the things he loves doing.  He says sometimes when he wants to hear me telling him that I love him and I don’t , all he has to do is look into my eyes and he will know.  I guess this is one of those moments.)  Thank you my beautiful Queen for carrying such wonderful gifts for us and I promise that I will do my best to take care of you and be there for you in everyway you need me.  I love you mama wabo.  (and kisses me like it’s the last time)
Me:  we have to tell the parents soon.  Yours and my parents.  I swear my mother is going to die of a heart attack when she finds out
Qhawe:  Mine too.
Me:  Babe
Qhawe:  yes my Queen
Me:  I think I am ready to go public about us, I don’t want to hide anymore.
Qhawe:  are you sure about that my love?
Me:  yes I’m sure but I’m not putting everything out there.  Our private lives will still remain private.
Qhawe:  so what you are saying is that people can know we are dating but not beyond that.
Me:  Yes that’s what I’m saying babe.  Also I want people to know who is behind my marketing company, the owner of the company.  I want to expand it again, the more people know about it the better it will be.
Qhawe:  that doesn’t sound bad at all.  If you are sure you want to do then I’m with you.
Me:  Thank you.
As we leave the mall we bump into Sindiswa.  Gosh, this is the last person I want to see right now, I am really not in the mood for her,  this girl is bringing nothing but uncessary drama into our lives, maybe she should be dealt with now rather than later.
Sindy:  hi guys
Me:  Hi (Qhawe is so not in the mood.)
Qhawe:  Can we go please.
Sindy:  hayibo Qhawe, I’m just being polite.
Qhawe:  good for you.  Baby please lets go. (he puts out his hand for me to take and I take it as we walk away. Sindy holds me back and says something.)
Sindy:  Enjoy it while it lasts, as I told you before, he is mine.
Me:  My King do you mind waiting for me in the car, I need to deal with this.
Qhawe:  Are you sure?
Me:  yes baby I’m sure (he kisses my forehead and whispers in my ear:  “kick her ass if you have too. I love you.”  I just smile at him and he walks away.)  Sindiswa right?  Let’s find somewhere to sit, it looks like you have a lot you want to say.  (steers was close by and we find ourselves a table and sit.  The smell is making me crave their hot chips and I order for myself.)
Me:  what do you want from me
Sindy:  I want you to leave Qhawe.
Me:  Ok.  What about his kids?
Sindy:  you can take them with you, his ex wife told me you are good for the kids.
Me:  You do know that Qhawe can’t live without his kids and the mere fact that you spoke to Anelisa that tells me you know what will happen to you should you carry on pursuing this idea of yours.
Sindy:  I’m not scared of you, I want what I want and I am going to get it. (I get up, getting ready to leave as I pay for my chips.)
Me:  Llisten carefully dear, He is Mine and I am His not even death can separate us. If I were you I would think really hard about the things Anelisa told you. This game that I am letting you play with me right is going to end and it’s not going to end well for you darling.  Keep that in mind with whatever you do. ( I walk away leaving her there and find my King waiting for me in the car.  When we get home, we relax watching movies in our bedroom and having a good conversation.)


Me:  so how do you guys feel about mom being pregnant
Zenande:  I’m worried that the babies will get more attention than us when they are here, I look forward to being a big sister but at the same time I am scared.
Lisakhanya:  I am scared that they will love the babies more than they love us
Me:   I felt the same way when you guys came into our lives, I didn’t think mom would be able to divide her attention amongst us equally but she did and I think they’ll be able to do it even if the babies are here.
Sibahle: I think so too but then again we are talking about five new babies
Ntando:  I still can’t believe she is having Quintuplets.   She is going to be looking like a hippo by the time she is seven months pregnant.
Zenande:  Hayi Ntando, you can’t talk like that.
Lwanele:  it’s true nje, she will looking be like one.
Lonwabo:  you can’t be talking like that.  if she ever hears you,  she won’t talk you for a long time.
Sibahle:  has anyone noticed how emotional she is lately, maybe it’s the pregnancy, I read somewhere that it can make you emotional.
Ntando:  Maybe it is.  But on a serious note, I don’t think having new babies will change anything , it’s a blessing and our family is growing and those babies will be lucky to have us as siblings and we are going to be doing a lot of babysitting.
Lonwabo:  which we need to make sure that we get paid for. There’ll no free babysitting
Lwanele:  I also don’t mind  as long as we still get our time with me. Defnitely no free babysitting.
Sibahle:  You guys love money.
Zenande:  No Sibahle it’s not that, we are talking about babysitting five little human being, that will be a full time job sisi.
Ntando:  At least we’ll be working for the money.  Sibahle talking about mom being emotional, even dad these days he is emotional.
Lisakhanya:  You are definitely right about that.
Sibahle:  Maybe we should thinking about moving in with Khaya until the babies are here.  This is going to be a long nine months  (we all just laugh at her expression when she said that.)


I can’t believe I am here right now, this is the last place I ever thougt I’d come to.   I wish I had done things differently, maybe if I did, he wouldn’t be here.  I can’t believe the things he did to Khanyi, that is not the man I fell in love with and married.  How is it possible, it can’t true can it.
Maybe his father knew he would end up in jail someday, maybe that’s why he told me to start my own business.  They bring him and he sits opposite me
Zweli:  You look beautiful
Sima:  You are not too bad yourself considering.
Zweli:  I try.  How are the twins doing?
Sima:  they are fine.  Khanyi called asking me to take them to her house for a visit.  Their siblings miss them. I’m not sure about going back there again.
Zweli: You have to take them there.  They need to know each other.  You can never keep the twins away from them.  Whenever they want to se them you take them for a visit, do you understand me.
Me:  I do.  Are you ok in here
Zweli:  I’m ok baby.  I just want this trial to be over and done with.  When last did you speak to mom?
Me:  Yesterday,  she is planning on coming for a visit soon.  She wants to go to Khanyi’s house.
Zweli:  did she say why.
Me:  she just said she misses her grand kids.
Zweli:  Sima I want you to know that I love you very much and I will always love you.  I know you have questions and one day I will answer them. I want you to know that how things turned out between me and Khanyi was never your fault, the way I was with her had nothing to do with you or anyone else, it is all on me and I can’t blame anyone one but myself.  I lost her and my kids because of my own stupidity but Sima I can’t lose you and the twins, I’ve lost too much already. I can’t lose the only family I have left.
Me:  You won’t lose us.  I love you too Zweli. (I have seen Zweli emotional but this, what I am seeing today is beyond what I have seen before, he is even holding back tears.)

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