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Me:  Sit Mike.  Let me educate you a little about my little family and me.  You see Mike we are not gangsters, we are not killers, we don’t steal from anyone.  We are just a normal family with money and we don’t go around flashing our money and we let our money work for us.  You are here because I used the money I have to get you here.  We all have legit businesses Mike, we earn honest money and we work hard for it.  Being the people we are, we protect each other, we protect the family we have and no matter what comes at us we always stand together.  So today you have just learned that you messed with the wrong family.  By the way meet my lawyer Luyanda and Sipho the PI, I think you already know him since your daughter used him to get info on one of us.  Are you grasping how this works Mike.  We knew about your daughter Andiswa when she got out because she was stupid enough to want to check on Ncebakazi and her stupidity and our money got you here. Where are the others?
Luyanda:  They are coming.
Me:  Good.
Mike:  Khanyi please don’t do this.
Me:  Please don’t beg, it doesn’t suite you.  I told you, you are going to lose.  You know your daughter Sima is very familiar with this basement, did she ever tell you.  You should ask her and she has the scars to prove it.  you are going down today.  i feel sorry for Zwelibanzi because he has no idea of what’s going on and now he is going lose his protection in jail and he might die because of you since you were the one helping him to stay safe and now you are about to die. Oh well it might not be now but you will die eventually. 
Luyanda:  You know for someone who is suppose to be dangerous, it was very easy to get you and you had a lot of loose ends in all that you did.  It was tough at first but when Sipho broke through the first wall it was easy and it’s all thanks to Andiswa. I really do feel sorry for you.  Nkosikhona is going to tell the police everything he knows about you and Sima.  He made a deal with them.  He turned state witness in return for immunity or a shorter jail sentence.
Me:  If you had told Zwelibanzi about your plan, you wouldn’t  be here, he would have warned you against it.  As for Sima, she is a certified idiot.  Here’s what’s going to happen, Sima’s twins are going to stay with their grandmother, that’s Zwelibanzi’s mother.  You are going to transfere money into her account that she is going to use to take care of the twins and pay for the nanny.  You are going to make sure that Sima makes her the legal guardian for the twins.  All legal documents pertaining to the twins she will hand them over to the grandmother. I would them myself but as you can see, I am expecting my own.
Mike:  don’t take her kids away from her, she lives for those kids
Me:  how exactly is she living for those kids when she is going around trying to kill people and now she is going to jail, she won’t get off that easy this time.  Amanda’s kids are old, they are grown they will get over their mother’s arrest at some point.  Look at them Mike, this is all your fault.  You should have left me alone when you were told you can’t touch me.
Mike:  Please let them go, you have me, let them go please. 
Sipho:  I’m curious, is he begging for both of them or is he begging for Natasha
Eddie:  I think it’s more for Natasha.
Mike:  What have you done to them?
Me:  nothing yet, they are just asleep.  They should be awake soon, I’m sure they will be happy to see you. We are going to have so much fun when they wake up.
Me:  what happened, where are we?
Qhawe:  You are in hell.
Me:  what have you done to us, where is my sister?
Qhawe:  she is right here, she is still out.  She is probably going to wake up soon.
Bandile:  Tell me my dear sister in law, did you really think your plan was going to work?
Lwazi:  Never mind her plan, did she really think I would fall for her, no wait did she really think I would sleep with her.
Me:  How did you know about my plan?
Andile:  I think the special cocktail is making her slow.  Should I tell her or do you guys want to do it?
Qhawe:  go ahead do it, I want to see her reaction, oh wait I think the lawyer is waking up.
Bandile:  Hello sunshine, are you feeling ok.
Amanda:  What happened, where am i?
Qhawe:  you got drunk from the special cocktail, passed out and now you are in hell.
Amanda:  what do you want?
Bandile:  Tell me something Amanda, how long have you been working for Zwelibanzi Tom?
Amanda:  How did you know about that?
Bandile:  I didn’t you just confirmed it.  All this time that we were together, I didn’t even notice.
Amanda:  You noticed but I was able to convince you otherwise.
Me:  How did you know about the plan?
Amanda:  You know about the plan?
Andile:  you got out of the mental institution and you called your sister.  She was so scared that she had to tell us the horrible things that you did to her and from there on we’ve been keeping tabs on you, watching your every move.
Me:  All this time she knew and she was pretending to be scared
Bandile: that’s the thing, she was not pretending, she is scared of you and that played well for us because it boosted your ego.  From the day you landed in Durban, we’ve been watching you.  We knew someone was making you their puppet and we did our own little investigation and found out about your sisters and your father. We knew about them before you did.
Qhawe:  did you guys really think you could break us.  Come let’s go.  Luyanda is waiting for us in the basement.  (they walk us through this beautiful to the basement and I can’t believe my eyes.)
Me:  You, what are you doing here?
Sipho:  Hello to you too darling.  I work here.
Me: what are you doing with him?  Dad are you ok?
Mike:  I’m fine, are you guys ok?
Amanda:  We are fine. 
Khanyi:  You can kill me later (she says that hugging and kissing Qhawe)
Qhawe:  I definitely will.  You should have told me
Khanyi:  if I did, it wouldn’t have worked, you would have tried to stop me.
Qhawe:  are you guys ok, have you eaten.  I feel hungry
Khanyi:  Don’t worry so much, we are fine.  Luyanda is making us something to eat.
Amanda:  can you stop with all this mooshy staff.  What have you done to my sisters
Khanyi:  Your sister are fine, they’ll wake up soon.  Please take your seats and it’s time to have fun.
Mike:  what do you mean?
Khanyi:  You are going answer every question I ask and I had better like the answer or else you get electricuted.
Me:  You can’t do that to him.
Qhawe:  should we do it to you (I stay quiet and look away) I thought so.  (some other guy walks  in with food, Khanyi takes the bowl and sits in front my dad, holding some kind of remote that she puts on her thighs as she eats.)
Khanyi:  Why do you want my company Mike?
Mike:  I need the money it makes.  (she takes the remote and presses it and he screams in agorny and that wakes my other sisters.)
Natasha:  what’s going on, why are we tied up?
Lwazi:  Quiet Blondie
Khanyi:  why do you want my company Mike?  (She hands the remote to the guy standing next to her as carries on eating)
Mike:  I need the money it makes  (she takes the remote and presses it again and dad screams in pain again.)
Lwazi:  I said quiet blondie or you are going to get your own special chair.  (he’s calling her blondie  because of her blond hair)
Khanyi:  One more time.  Why do you want my company Mike?
Mike:  I need the money it makes (she presses the button again.  Why doesn’t he tell her what she wants to know,  he screams again)
Amanda:  JUST STOP IT, I’ll tell you what you need to know.
Eddie:  How sweet, daughter coming to daddy’s rescue.  Do they know?
Khanyi:  Not yet.
Sipho:   should I tell them, I want to tell them
Khanyi:  not yet Sipho.  Amanda I’m listening
Amanda:  Same reason Zwelibanzi wanted the company.
Khanyi:  Oh and you girls were in on that, damn you really are your father’s daughters.  Mike how many companies do have registered under my sons’ names?
Mike:  why would you think that (she presses the remote again)
Sima:  Khanyi please stop this, you are hurting him.
Khanyi:  it was ok for you guys to hurt my family, to traumatise my kids, it was ok for you to do that, you know what one of you is going to take his place since you feel sorry for him.  Blondie is up next.  Eddie please do the honors.  (the Eddie guy takes my sister and puts her on the chair dad was sitting on and  he puts him on her chair.)  How many companies are registered in my sons’ names
Sima:  Khanyi please don’t do this
Khanyi:  I don’t like the answer (she presses the button again and she screams so loud, she is in so much pain) I think you should tell them Sipho.
Sipho:  I’m so excited.  Andiswa you don’t have a mother because her accident was not an accident, your father killed her, for you three, it’s unfortunate that you didn’t know you share the same mother.  She was killed after giving birth to Natasha and that was your father’s doing.
Natasha:  You are lying, daddy please tell us they are lying
Amanda:  they are not lying, I accidentally found out about but I didn’t want to believe.  Is  it true daddy? (he doesn’t say anything  but the answer is written all over his face.)
Me:  why?  You better pray that the crazy pregnant woman kills us otherwise I swear I am going to kill you.
Qhawe:  HEY! Don’t ever in your entire existence call my wife crazy, do we understand each other? 
Me:  Yes
Khanyi:  How many companies are in my sons’ names?  (she is about to press thebutton when Amanda speaks)
Amanda:  three companies.  (she presses the button and Natasha screams again in pain) I gave
you an answer.
Khanyi:  so what?  I like this remote.

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