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I wake up and check the time, I must have been sleeping since this evening.  Qhawe brought me home yesterday.  I can’t believe Zwelibanzi is here, how the hell did he find us.  If he thinks he is getting what he wants , then he’s got another thing coming. What Zwelibanzi doesn’t seem grasp is that I’ll do anything to protect my kids from any kind of danger, and right now he is the danger.
He says he wants me back, who the hell does think he is.  I’ve changed from my clothes to my pyjamas, I’m in the kitchen warming up some milk for myself.  This whole issue of Zwelibanzi coming back is driving me crazy, how am I even going to tell the kids that he is back.  I can’t believe he wants to take me to court for the full custody of the kids. This man is really losing his marbles, does he really think he is going to get what he wants this time around.  He has no idea of how I’ve changed since then, I’m not the woman I was back then.  I’ve done a lot to get to where I am.  I also believe that that this is more than just him wanting the kids.  He is up to something.  I need to speak to Eddie, he needs look into Zwelibanzi, I have a bad feeling about this.  I’m laying on my bed and I can’t sleep.  I’ve been awake for hours and the kids just woke up, they are getting ready for school. I’ll have to tell them about their father and there’s no better time like the present, because they will also want to know what happened to  yesterday.  When I get to the kitchen mam’ Mavis is making breakfast already, she has been with us for three years now, so I just make myself a cup of hot lemon water.  The kids walk in
Them: Morning ladies
Mam’ Mavis:  my babies, how are you this morning.
Ntando:  we are good ladies.  Can we eat please, I am hungry
Lonwabo:  You are always hungry wena
Me:  guys I have something to tell you
Lwanele:  What is wrong  Ma?
Me:  Zwelibanzi is back.  (I can see the shock in their face)
Lwanele:  What does he want.  Is he the reason you cried yourself to sleep yesterday when bhut’ Qhawe brought you home.
Me:  Wait you saw Qhawe??
Lonwabo:  You had to be the first one to meet him.
Ntando:  What does he want
Me:  He says he wants us back.
Lonwabo: I hope you told him he can go to hell.
Me:  Guys hell will freeze over but I let him have you.  You don’t have to worry about anything.  You know I’ll do anything to protect you.
Ntando:  Mom, I don’t ever want to be in the house as him please.  It’s been 4 years of silence, we’ve gotten used to not having him around, even back then, he was not around that much.
Me:  You don’t have to worry my son. It will always be just us.  Ok finish up and be ready to leave, Jason will drive you to school, I need to talk to Eddie and Andile.
They get their bags as Jason comes in to get the kids and the car keys.  Jason use the Kia, it less conspicuous.


I walk in as Khanyi finishes  with Jason, and kisses her kids goodbye and Andile walks in too.
Me:  guys let’s sit. Khanyi I need to have Andile with you at all times.
Khanyi:  No Eddie, I need more security for my kids but I need the guys to blend in so that the kids don’t feel uncomfortable.  As for me, you know I can take care of myself.  You also need to talk to Brandon about tightening Security at work. And the two of you are responsible for us and the house.
Andile:  back to the real question and that is what does he really want, this can’t just be about you and the kids Khanyi. 
Khanyi:  I know Andile but I think I might have an idea, and it’s too much of a coincidence that he shows up now.
Me:  I think I know what you are talking.  The Import and Export business you just bought and turned into a legit business.  I know the previous owner had associates that were using the business for their illegal shit.  Could Zwelibanzi be really involved in that kind of shit and I mean now the business is now clean and doing legit business.  But how did he know you bought the company, that’s if he knows.
Khanyi:  I don’t know Eddie, and I made sure that no one knows I own that business and Luyanda did a good job covering all the tracks that lead to me.  Zwelibanzi would have to do serious digging to find out that I own that company.
Andile:  maybe he did.  We need to look into it.  Eddie we have to talk to Zack about this and we need Sandiso to keep track of Zwelibanzi
Khanyi:  Ok guys do all that and keep me updated.  I need to speak to Luyanda about the up coming court case.  (she says that laughing and her phone rings) Excuse me guys I need to take this.


I’m at the office.  I can’t stop thinking about what happened in Khanyi’s office yesterday.  What I saw at that moment was a completely broken woman, I don’t think I ever want to see her cry like that again.  I need to know more about this Zwelibanzi person, something is fishy.  Let me call Charlie
Charlie:  What’s up man
Me:  nothing much, I need you to get me some info on someone Zwelibanzi Tom.
Charlie:  is that all you have on him?
Me:  yeah man , that’s all, can you do it with only just the name?
Charlie:  I’m not promising anything but I’ll try and see what I can get.  What did he do
Me:  I don’t know yet, maybe he is about to do something.
Charlie:  Ok.  I’ll get back to you real quick.

He drops the call and I decide to call Khanyi

Khanyi:  Khanyi hello
Me:  Hey, how are you
Khanyi:  I’m ok I guess and you
Me:  I’m good, just tired.  Are. you at work?
Khanyi:  No I’m not. I’ll be working from home today. I was really shaken by him showing up like that.  Listen, I also wanted to thank you , for being there for me yesterday, I really appreciate it.
Me:  It was nothing really.  Anyone else would have done the same thing.
Khanyi:  I don’t think so.
Me:  Do you want to tell me about him?
Khanyi:  If I tell you about him, that  means I’m letting you in to my world and I’m really not sure if I’m ready for that.
Me:  It’s ok.  When you are ready  you’ll talk.  How about lunch today, just to get your mind off thing.
Khanyi:  Sure why not, I don’t feel like going out so you’ll have to come tomy house.

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