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Me:  Hello Makhumalo.  (I never liked coming to this house.  There’s just too much negative energy.
MaKhumalo:  Busi, this is a surprise.  Please sit. I’ll ask Sne to make us some tea.
Me:  No need for that.  I am fine.  Thank you.
MaKhumalo:  alright then.  What can I do for you?
Me:  MaKhumalo we’ve been neighbours for a very long time.  We’ve never been the best of friends but we’ve always helped you when you needed the help and you’ve never really shown any appreciation of that instead you always wanted more which I found very unsettling about you hence we were never close.  We understood when your husband left, it was a difficult time for you but you managed to get on your feet and take care of yourself and your daughter and your son.  Still that was not enough.  You wanted to marry your daughter off to my son because you knew she would be well taken care of which is the reason why your son is hardly ever home.

What you don’t seem to understand is that my son was never interesedt in your daughter that way, maybe you do see it and understand but you refuse to comprehend it.  MaKhumalo I understand that  you want your daughter to be married to a man who has money and that man is not my son and it never will be not even as his second wife.  My son will never take a second wife, he is not a polygamous man, never was and never will be.

MaKhumalo:  but Busi….. (I don’t let her finish)
Me:  there are no buts about what I am saying MaKhumalo.  You and Sne need to leave my son alone.  I will not tolerate this behaviour.  When my son is not here, you hardly ever go over to my house but when Mcebisi is home,  you are at my house for everyday that he is around and your daughter too.  I want you to keep things the same way as they are when my son is not here.  I don’t want you coming over to my house the way you are right now.  Mcebisi is married now and he loves that girl very much, he will do anything to protect her.  Do not get on the wrong side of him because if you do, there is nothing I can do for you.  Mcebisi will kill for that girl. (Sne walks in)
Sne:  hello ma, how are you?
Me:  I’m ok Sne, sit with us you also need to hear what I have to say.
MaKhumalo:  She doesn’t have to.  I’ll tell her myself.  Sne you can go.
Me:  Sne sit down.  MaKhumalo she needs to hear this from me and understand the seriousness of it. 

Sne you need to stop running after my son.  We both know that you don’t love my son and you never did.  All you are interested in is his money. It stops today. Go find yourself a sugar daddy somewhere or better yet, find yourself a job.  I don’t want to see you at my house again for no reason.  You will not go to my house asking to see my son.  He is a married man now and you will not disrespect my daughter like that or any way for that matter.  And MaKhumalo you need to listen to me because you won’t like it if I involve my husband in this and most definitely don’t want my in laws involved, because from what I have heard they are not be messed with.  Just like them I won’t let you come between my children.  Leave them alone.  Stay away from them.  My son is happy and I’ll be damned if I let you people take that happiness away from him, from them. I promise you, if you try anything to come between them and I mean anything, I will personally make you regret the day you were born, both of you. I hope we understand each other.
Sne:  yebo Ma.
MaKhumalo:  I hear you.
Me:  understand this MaKhumalo, in as much as you would do anything to protect Sne, I will do anything to protect my son and my daughter in law.  Take this as a warning.  (I stand up and leave before they can say anything else.  I also cannot stand being in this house.  The energy is to heavy and not clean.)
Me:  are you having second thoughts?
Khanyi:  No I’m not babe.  I’m just worried about their reaction.
Me:  they will be shocked yes but they will be happy as well so doon’t stress too much about it. Come here (I make her sit on top of me wrapping her legs around my waist  and kiss her passionately, then go down to her neck and I unwrap the towel from her body leaving her naked.  I play with breasts, gently squeezing them.  She leans her body back giving me full access to her chest.  I move my lips down to her breasts and start sucking on them at the same time squeezing them a little harder than usual and she lets out moan telling me that she liked what I just did.  I continue doing that for a while adding a bit of bite on her nipples everynow and again.  I stop and get up from the couch and put her body against the wall while kissing her with her arms wrapped around my neck, her fingers playing around at the back of my neck and the back of my head.  This is her favourite position, she has always loved it when I carry her like this and my dick is as hard as anything right now.  I quickly drop my pants and my underwear at the same time while she tightly holds on to me and kissing me for dear life.  I put my hands back on her ass grabbing, making sure I hold her in place.

Me:  Unhook your legs baby,  (she does as I tell her and I open her legs wider and slowly insert my tip in her warm, wet cookie.  I do that a few time before I gently push all of me in her making her gasp for air, gently pounding in her, slowly going in and out of her and pushing myself in deeper with each stroke.  She tightens her arms around my neck pulling me closer to her, making me bury my face in her neck, while talking dirty in my ear.  This woman really know how to drive me crazy.  I push myself in even deeper and harder and up my pace and she reaches her orgasm and when she is done I let her breath a little and walk over to the side of the couch,  I pull out and put her on the floor and make her bend over the armrest of the couch and spread her legs.  I leave her like that and walk to my closet and grab a tie.  She is still in that position.  I position myself behind her between her legs.  I take her hands behind her back and bind them using my tie.  I push myself in and this time I am not so gentle and she lets out a soft scream.  I continue pounding in her until she reaches her orgasm again. 

I slowly pull out and untie her and lay her on her back on the bed towards the edge.  I lift her hips to match the height of mine and have her legs on my shoulders and slowly penetrate not fully though  moving inside her back and forth. I hear her whispering curses while grabbing onto the sheets and I up my pace. I slightly stand at an angle, move her legs from my shoulders holding them at the back of knees, opening them wide and fully go in and deeper and I move faster.  She has her eyes closed, her breathing is getting heavier, she is holding onto the side of my arms very tight, I know her orgasm is about to come.  As I move inside her, hitting every corner of her cookie, she squeezes my shaft with her cookie and that drives me to the edge.  I up my pace again and we both lose it.  She opens her eyes and looks into mine as we both climax.
Khanyi:  I love you.  (I pull out and move her up on the bed, I lay her on her side and insert myself again.  we just lie there facing each other, he leg over hip, she is breathing into my neck, playing with her fingers on my back.  The first time I made love to her I could never understand why she never wanted me to pull out afterwards but now I do.  I got to understand that she is having a silent conversation, the way she touches my body, the soft kisses on my neck and my chest, the way she touches the side of face and play with my short beared. That’s love right there, that’s intimacy, that’s our pillow talk. At times she even falls asleep while I’m inside her and she’ll whisper an “I love you” here and there.  This I have never experienced with anyone and I’ve gotten used to it and I love every moment of it …
Khanyi:  They are going to be angry with us you know that especially Lwazi, Sizwe and Bandile.
Me:  I know but we can handle them and they will be ok.
Khanyi:  I can imagine Lwazi’s reaction right now, your brother has too much drama.
Me:  I know.  He has always been like that.  I’m just glad he is also finally settling down and wanting to have kids.  He never wanted to have kids because of what happened.  Thando really brings out the best in him.
Khanyi:  she definitely does.  (she starts moving slowly and that makes my shaft grow inside her.  She brings my face to hers and kisses me) I can never have enough of you.
Me:  Is that so My Queen ( I flip her  to lie on her back while I’m inside and automatically she wraps her legs around my waist, using them to push me deeper inside her.  I love it when she does that.  She puts her arms around my neck and brings me to her face for a kiss and instructs to move.  I smile looking at her eyes that begging me to make love to her.)
Me:  I swear you are a sex addict.
Khanyi:  You made me one.  (with that said I move in for a kiss and made love to my woman.)

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