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I have asked to see my lawyer I need him to sort out my businesses.  Right now at this very moment anything is possible on my side.  I’ve stepped on a lot of toes in this business to get to where I am and most of the people I stepped didn’t take kindly to that, some of them ended up in jail and some ended up dead.  If there’s one thing I learned is that, whatever happens to me I must make sure my kids are taken care of.  The guard interrupts my thoughts, calling out my name, telling me I have a visitor.  I walk with him to the visitor’s area and it’s my  lawyer.
Me:  Jonathan how are  you?
Jonathan:  I’m good.  What do you need me to do?
Me:  I need you to draft a will for me
Jonathan:  You’ve never had to worry about having a will, what changed?
Me:  In here anything is possible, I could die just after this conversation.
Jonathan:  I here you.  What do you need?
I tell him everything I need, what I need to be on the will.
Jonathan:  I’ll do it tonight and I’ll bring it tomorrow for you to sign.
Me:  thanks, I’d appreciate that.  the sooner the better.
Jonathan:  I’ll see you tomorrow.  (he gets up and leaves.  When I am about to leave, I am told I have more visitors. When I turn around, I am really surprised, I was not expecting them.  I thought they were coming over the weekend.  Is it after school already.  She looks amazing, is she putting on weight?)
Me:  hi guys
Khanyi:  How are you Zwelibanzi?
Me:  I’m ok.  Kids how are you?
Ntando:  we are fine. (they follow their mom and sit down opposite me.)
Lonwabo:  Why?  (I expected that and how am I going to answer)
Me:  Greed.  I guess my father was right when he said I was greedy and I didn’t want to believe him. I didn’t want to believe that I was greedy but I was and because of that, here I am.
Lonwabo:  did you hate us that much?
Me:  I didn’t hate you, I don’t hate you.  I could never hate you, even if I wanted to.  I didn’t know how to show you that I love you without being afraid of hurting Sima.
Ntando:  Mom loved you, we loved you, why couldn’t you be honest with us.
Me:  to be honest I was scared of losing you guys.
Lonwabo:  so you chose to treat us like trash.
Ntando:  do you know what hurts the most is that you chose to be a good father to the twins and to us you were an animal.  Don’t get me wrong, we love the twins and we will have a relationship with them.  They are family after all.  I just fail to understand how you can treat your kids so differently.
Lonwabo:  you made a choice to be the way you were towards us including mom, whatever drove you to do that is your business.  We are here to tell you that you shouldn’t expect us to visit you, we don’t see the need.  You broke the deal you made with us and the judge in court so we see no need why we should keep trying to be your kids, when you obviously don’t have an interest to be our father.
Me:  guys I am truly sorry for everything that I’ve put you through.  I know an apology  will not change anything but I really do hope that one day you will forgive me.  Where is Lwanele? (Khanyi is so quiet, I guess I understand)
Lonwabo: she is in the car with dad.  She didn’t want to come.
Me:  Oh I see.  (I must admit it always did hurt when they call him “dad”)
Ntando:  We have to go, thank you for your time.
Me:  thank you for coming.
Lonwabo:  you are who you are because of the choices you made.  No matter the circumstances, there’s always a choice, at the end of the day our choices define who we are.  Bye Zweli
Me: who tought you that?
Ntando:  Mom tought us.
Me:  You are raising them well.  I am truly sorry for everything.
Khanyi:  bye Zwelibanzi.  Take care of yourself.  Come on guys let’s go. ( I watch them walk away.  The boys have taken my height, they are taller than their mother.  They look good. I really missed out.  Dad was right, they are not boys, they are men.)


After the visit with Zwelibanzi, Qhawe took us out for dinner.  He wanted to cheer up the kids and I must say it worked.  When we got home they were in a better mood.
Qhawe:  Baby girl remember the surprise you were suppose to get yesterday
Me:  yes I do My King
Qhawe:  Come with me (I get off the bed and put on my slippers.  All of a sudden he lifts me and wraps my legs around his waist and walks out.)  You moving too slow for my liking right now.
ME:  You want Lonwabo to call another meeting for us I see.
Qhawe:  he won’t, I’m just carrying you, wer are not doing anything.  (when we get to the front door  he puts me down and we both walk out and all the kids are outside, even Lungi is here.  It looks like her and Lina are getting close.
Bandile(Twin):  Mom we have something tell you t but dad will go first.  Dad over to you.
Qhawe:  As you see us out here, we decided that today we should show appreciation to the woman who has always been there for us.  We know you are not perfect, but to us you perfect with your imperfections, sometimes you can be pain but we have never doubted that you love us because you have put up with a lot from us.  Just to say thank you for being the best woman in my life.  ( he hands me a small box)  before you open it the kids want to say something.
Banele:  I know that we haven’t really told you how we feel.  Today we want you to know that we love  you and we appreciate you
Bandile:  When you came into our lives we didn’t really believe that you would be able to cope with us. We thought you would  be like Anelisa and get tired of us and walk away, we were afraid to love you.
Sibahle:  But as time went on you proved to us that you are not only accepting dad to be a part of your life but you are accepting us too and you showed us love.  You wiped our tears even when you didn’t understand why we were crying, you didn’t judge us, you were just there for us.
Zenande: you became our friend before you became our mother, you earned our trust, you showed us that you are not here replace our mother but also showed us that we can count on you all the time.
Lisakhanya:  because of you we have the best family.  We feel loved every day.  Dad is happier than he has ever been in his life.  Thank you Khanyisile for being the best you can be, the best mom and a best friend to us and thank you for loving us and our dad.
(tears have been flowing since they started talking.  God what did I do to deserve this.  They really don’t have to do all this, they really don’t and right now I’m so speechless, I really have no words.)
Khaya:  Mom, I’ll be speaking on behalf of the other half of your kids.  You have been through a lot  with us, you have put up with a lot especially with me but you never gave up on us , you made sure that we know what is right and what is wrong.  When you met Qhawe I was happy, we were happy that you finally decided to date.  You had put your life on hold for a long time.  Thank you for everything mom, thank you for being there and protecting us.  Thank you for the new family we have, as crazy as we are, it is the best gift you could have ever given us. We love you.  (Lwanele walks up to me and hands me a small box too.)
Qhawe:  open the boxes baby (I do as I am told and what I find in these boxes is amazing. It’s keys and they both have a picture of the kids on one side and Qhawe’s picture on the other side.  They switch on the rest of the lights as it was dark and when the rest of the lights go on, I understand why they kept them off.)
Me:  Oh my God what did you guys do, I don’t know what to say.
Qhawe:  Mine is not really a surprise since it is what you wanted.
Me:  baby it’s a Jaguar, I really didn’t think you would buy it.
Qhawe:  I’ll do whatever I can for you.  (I just hug him and kiss him.)
Me:  but Qhawe you know by the time I’m five months pregnant I won’t be be able to drive this car.
Qhawe:  I know baby, hence the kids came up with a back up.  Look closely at the second key and remove the sticker on it.
Me:  It’s a key for an Audi.
Lonwabo:  not just any Audi (another set of lights goes on.  I am ready to collapse.  I’m sure these people are trying to kill me.
Qhawe:  we noticed how much you enjoyed my dad’s one when we were in the eastern cape and when he was here. so the kids and my dad got together and bought that for you. This is the real reason why Lina had to come home.  She wanted to be here for this. (I just break down and cry in Qhawe’s arms.  I feel so overwhelmed right now , I don’t even know what to say them.  This is too much for one person to handle.  I feel so emotional.  They all come to us and form a group hug.


Ncesh wanted to come see Khanyi before we go to my house, she’s spending a few days there.  As we drive into Khanyi’s driveway, I see two cars that I’ve never seen there before. Maybe they have visitors.  I park next  to Khaya’s car.  As we walk into the house, we can here loud laughter coming from the lounge.  I stand there and just watch them, they haven’t noticed us.  As Ncesh walks in I hold her back.  It’s just them and their kids and they look so happy.  Right now I just feel like we have deprived them of these moments by being here all the time.  Qhawe notices us
Qhawe:  hey guys, when did you get here
Me:  just now.  I came to fetch Ncesh.  She is going to be spending a few days at my house.  She wanted to see Khanyi before we leave.  (Ncesh walks over to Khanyi and Qhawe and I we go to the kitchen.) I can’t remember the last time I’ve see you this happy, she is really good for you
Qhawe:  Just like Ncesh is good for you.  I am happy man.
Me:  and the two cars outside, I thought you had visitors
Qhawe:  they are hers.  We bought them for her.
Me:  We?  Who is we?
Qhawe:  Me and the kids. My dad helped the kids.
Me:  which one did you buy for her?
Qhawe:  the Jaguar (this man smiles like it’s nothing.)
Me:  You really love this woman because if this was Anelisa, you would have never bought that kind of car for her.
Qhawe:  She is my world.  They are my world.
Me:  we need to take care of this Sindiswa woman before she ruins things for you.
Qhawe:  I know man.  We need to find a way to get her to back off.  I really don’t want this to be another Anelisa situation.
Me:  we will figure something out don’t worry.  We’ll have to try and keep Khanyi out of it. 
Qhawe:  we definitely have to.
Me:  listen we have to go, I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.  Ncebakazi come let’s go baby and leave this happy family.  (she walks out the lounge with Khanyi and they walk us out. We say our good byes and drive off.)
Ncesh:  Can you believe Qhawe bought her a car, a Jaguar baby. 
Me:  he told me.  He really loves me, trust if that was anything other woman, he wouldn’t have done than.
Ncesh:  I’m just happy she finally has someone to take care of, in fact we all do.  Our lives have been quite a journey and today we are all happy, living the lives we’ve always wanted to live with men that love and take care of us.

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