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I feel Her soft  small lips on mine wake me up but I don’t open my eyes.  I know it’s before 5:00am because my alarm hasn’t gone off yet.
Me:  Baby you know it’s a Saturday, I don’t have to go to work.
Khanyi:  I know (she continues kissing me going down my neck to my chest biting my nipples a little and that makes me a little weak.)
Me:  Baby Girl what are you doing?
Khanyi:  I’m waking you up.  I need you.
(she continues the torture of having me feel her lips on my body and she moves lower to my v-line and play there for a bit and stops and I can feel myself getting really hard. She helps me out of my  pyjama pants and my rod comes out to play.  She looks at me and smiles)
Khanyi:  very naughty Mtimkhulu
Me:  You started it, I hope you can finish what you started.
Khanyi:  Is that a challenge
Me:  it definitely is a challenge
(she doesn’t waste any time. She opens my legs gets in between them and kneels.  She brings her face to my already hard dick, she licks the head as if she’s licking ice cream off a cone and plants soft wet kisses around it with her right hand gently playing with my balls. Her hand moves from my balls to the ridge between my balls and my anus and she uses her thumb to press on it, moving her thumb up and I feel myself getting harder. She stops and takes my dick with both her hands rubbing it between her hands back and forth like she’s trying to warm her hands.  She is driving me crazy right now, all I want is to be inside her.  She switches still using both hands moving them up down my rod one after the other after a while she takes me into her mouth but she can’t take all of me.  She takes me in as far as she can moving up and down and then plays with tip, sucking it as if sucking on a nipple.  Right now I’m wondering why I never allowed her to give me a BJ.  I can’t take it anymore and the way she is going I can feel that I am about to come and I don’t want to, not yet.  I stop her and pull her up to my face, kissing her and I flip her so that I am on top. I open her legs as wide as they can go and gently play with tip of my dick on her clit. Gently moving it to her hole teasing her by just putting in the tip. Right now she is about to call me Que and beg me to be inside her)
Khanyi:  Que please(she moans as I continue with my torture)
Me:  Please what Baby Girl?
Khanyi:  I want you inside Que please (with that said I try to push myself in her.  I always struggle to go in. after the third try I’m in only halfway and I start moving slowly back and forth.)
Khanyi:  deeper Que please
(I open her legs wider and fully push myself in after which I take both her legs and put them on my shoulder and effortlessly she wraps her legs around my neck, she knows I love it when she does that.  she pulls me in for a kiss and that allows me to pump her even deeper slowly and she is a moaning mess and I gradually up my pace taking her left leg from my shoulder and placing it between my legs and I slightly move to the side and pump her hard and fast.  She tells me to go faster and I do just that  and we are both  about to come.
Khanyi: I’m coming baby.  (that’s music to my ears. I go deep twice and the third time she comes and I carry on pumping her through her organism and she is holding me so tight like her life depended on it and after a few minutes I come too. I slowly move her right leg from my shoulder and she wraps around my waist and I flop on top of her with half of my body weight on her. She enjoys playing with her hands on my back,  it’s as if it’s her way of apologising for every  scratch she gives me when she holds on tight  and she has this thing of not wanting me to pull out immediately after we make love and I’ve gotten used to it and actually love it.  Sometimes we even fall asleep like this.
Khanyi: I never been who wanted to be
I never felt completely free
No one’s ever had all of me
Or made me feel so beautiful and sexy

Now I’m flying like an airplane
Now I’m riding on the open range
Now I’m living out my destiny
I know the truth,
I got it all in you and me

Oh, I’m giving myself over to you
Body and soul
I’m giving it over
I’m giving myself over to you now

Like a brand new day
Now you and I, we’re the face of fame
Ain’t nobody got nothing to say, no
And from my feelings
I never have to run away
No more
‘Cause he’s here
Holding me tight
Everyday and night
Oh baby can’t you see
I don’t wanna be without you anymore

I’m giving myself over to you
Body and soul
I’m giving it over
I’m giving myself over to you

For the first time
I can stand in front of someone
Finally I can be me
I can just let my love spill over
I can cry, I don’t have to lie
I can finally let someone all the way inside
All the way
All the way
All the way

You know it’s the right time
I know it’s the right night
I know it’s the right life
I know you’re the man
I know I’m the right girl
Come on now feel it
You feel it?
I’m ready to give it over to you

Body and soul
I’m giving it over
I’m giving myself over to you now
All the way
All the way
I’ve never loved nobody else

I love you Mkhwemte, Dabane, Gqabaza, Ncibane, Qhonqolo, Venge.  I don’t want to go through the rest of my life without.  Right now at this very moment I know I cannot live without you, I have no doubt that you are mine and I am yours.  I’ve been holding back but right now I give my heart, take care of.  You complete me.  ( that’s what she say after singing the song to me. I’m not a man who cries but with this woman tears just easily fall.  I have tears running down my face, I’m looking her deep in eyes and I know she means every word of what she is saying. All of this is happening while I’m still inside, she doesn’t all me to pull out.  I didn’t even know she knew my clan names)
Me:  I didn’t know you knew my clan names (she smile at me)
Khanyi:  Your father has been teaching me ( I smile at her, I have no words, all I can do right now is kiss her senseless, as I continue kissing her I can my dick growing inside her.)
Me:  I love you too my Queen your heart is safe with me, I promise to take care of it always.
Ok I think I can safely say that I am screwed.  How did they manage to know so much about me, who is this PI that has been helping them.  At lease they said that Qhawe doesn’t know yet and I’m sure they will tell him.  By the looks of things I’ve just killed my daughter.  I’m being kept prisoner in this flat.  There’s guys watching me, I can’t go anywhere, they even took my phone.  I don’t even know how Sindy is doing.  They don’t even tell me what’s going on with her.  This Lwazi would ask me why do I care what happens to her.  They don’t get that I am nothing without her.  If she ever found out what I did to her, she’ll never forgive me.  She’ll hate me forever and probably disown me.  She can’t know I’m the one that has been drugging her. 

We decided to have another braai today, the guys are outside setting up, getting the fire ready, the boys are even outside helping.  I’m in the kitchen with the girls.  I was just told to sit down and they are going to prepare everything.  We are listening to Lina telling us about school and everything.
Lina:  Mom there’s something I need to tell you.
Me:  ok, do you want to do it now?
Lina:  Yes mama it’s fine, you are going to tell Aunt Ncesh and Aunt Thando anyway.  They might as well hear it from me.  Lungi and Khanya already know.
Ncesh:  What’s the big secret baby, I hope you are not pregnant.
Lina:  No aunt Ncesh I’m not pregnant , I’m still a virgin.
Thando:  That’s good.
Lungi:  ladies can you please let her speak. (they quickly keep quiet and listen)
Lina:  I have a boyfriend and we’ve been dating for a year now. (she stops talking looks at me, I think she is waiting for my reaction.  I mean yes it was bound to happen I knew that but I was not prepared I always thought she would stay single for the rest of her life.  I know it’s a ridiculous thought but as a parent you don’t want your kids going through the shit you went through.)  Mom please say something.
Me:  I don’t know what to say Princess, right now I’m just about your dad’s reaction when he finds out. Lungi you knew and you didn’t tell me.
Lungi:  I was asked not to tell and I kept my promise.
Lina:  You can’t tell him.  I’ll tell him myself tomorrow.
Thando:  where did you guys meet?
Lina:  I met him at school, he was guest speaker at one of the events that I was part of.  He asked me out for dinner and we’ve been seeing each other ever since.
Ncesh:  how do you feel about him
Lina:  Honestly I think I love him and I know he loves me.
Me:  are you sure he loves you
Lina:  yes mom I’m sure (she smiles at me)
Me:  how old is he
Lina:  Please don’t  freak out, he is 27
Me:  that’s a seven years gap between you
Lina:  yes mom it is.  And I like that he is much older than me
Ncesh:  it’s really not a bad thing but that means he is more experienced than you.
Lungi:  Khaya is 4 years older than me and I like it that way too.  I’m just as in experienced as Lina and Khaya is very patient with me
Lina:  Yes aunty and he is very patient with me.
Me:  at least that’s good.  What does he do?
Lina:  He just moved to Durban, he got a really good job this side at some company, I haven’t really asked him the details.  I’ve been so busy with school work and he’s  been busy with the move and we are meeting up tomorrow for lunch.
Me:  I hear you.  Can you please go upstairs and check on the girls for me. (she kisses my cheek and runs off.)
Ncesh:  you don’t look happy about it.
Me:  would you be happy about it.  besides you guys are also not happy about it.  she’s not only my daughter, she is yours too.
Thando:  I personally don’t mind, I’m just happy she is still intact.
Lungi:  Khaya and I have met him and he seems like a good guy.  Him and Khaya are getting close
Me:  at least that’s a plus for the guy. The fact that he hasn’t broken the cookie for a year.  (Qhawe walks in)
Qhawe:  Babe where did you put the meat that’s already spiced?
Me:  there it is on the table. (he walks to the table and takes the bowls of meet and walks over to me and gives a long kiss which makes me moan softly in his mouth and he stops)
Qhawe:  I love you My Queen and I want you to do that thing again tonight.  (he walks out leaving me blushing and all smiles.)
Lungi:  this is the kind of love I want with Khaya.
Thando:  Lungi wait a minute, I want to know what thing is that, it must have been good.
Ncesh:  come girl spill the beans.
Me:  BJ (it comes out as whisper but loud enough for them to hear me)  I gave it to him for the first time this morning.
Lungi:  I’ll be upstairs checking on the girls. I can’t torture my ears with this conversation.
Thando:  You are going to have to one these days.  You can’t run from it forever.  Hayibo Khanyi you guys have been doing the deed for so long, almost everyday and you only gave him a bj for the first time today.  Yithi uyadlala (say you are playing) You gave it Zwelibanzi frequently
Me:  I’m serious.  Guys you don’t get it, Qhawe is really gifted down there.  My mouth is too small and he even struggles with nuna
Ncesh:  I don’t want to be you.  I could never deal with that.  do you enjoy it
Me:  very much, once he is in, he knows how to make me comfortable and make me enjoy every bit of him.  (our conversation is interrupted by the door bell ringing.  And I was saved by the bell from this conversation. I get up to go get the door and it’s Mcebisi)
Please come in.  How are you?
Mcebisi:  I am good and how are you and the babies
Me:  We are fine. Thank you for asking. (Lina walks down the stairs as we walk towards the kitchen and she freezes halfways down the stairs)
Lina:  OH MY GOD!!!!!!
Mcebisi:  HOLLY SHIT!!!!
(Ok what the hell is going on here???)

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