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Me:  Mom, Dad can we talk to you?
Mom:  sure, whats up?
Me:  May I hold the baby.  Which is this one? Where are the others?
Mom:  that’s Amyoli, the others are in their room.  What do you want to talk to us about?
Bandile:  I know that I asked for your help regarding the situation.
Dad:  You do realise that I know about the situation, you don’t have to talk about it like I have no idea what’s going on.
Bandile:  I know dad.  She wouldn’t have never kept it from you even if I asked her to. Anyway we kind of intervened.  We took her to the hospital and it turns out that she is pregnant but she is five months pregnant, which means that the baby is not mine.
Mom:  did she tell you why she tell why she lied.
Me:  Yes she did.  Her father put her up to it and got the baby daddy to agree to the whole sham.
Qhawe:  what exactly did she say?
Me:  she sad that it was a plan to get you to merge the two companies.  That’s probably what he would have wanted as payment for damages.
Dad:  you probably right
Bandile:  Dad what did you ever do to this man to hate you so much?
Dad:  At times my boy you don’t have to do anything to anyone for them to hate you.  All you have to do is focus on your hustle, slowly climb the ladder.  As soon as you start climbing the ladder you attract a lot of haters to yourself but that doesn’t mean you should stop climbing.  If you happen to fall halfway through the climb, start all over again until you get to the top.
Mom:  That’s how we got to be where we are. Your dad and I have different experiences because back then we hadn’t met yet and we were climbing our own ladders.  It was not easy and we are still climbing the ladder of success, and this time we are doing it together.  When the other falls the other is there to help the other get up and start again and we are not doing that only in business but also in our family hence we still have haters. You guys are our next generation,  we have never handed anything to you on a silver platter and we never will.  Continue working for what you want and want to archieve at the end of the day it will be worth it, you will appreciate it more when you know you worked for it than when it is handed to you.
Khaya:  OUR ACTIONS WILL DEFINE WHO WE BECOME IN THIS WORLD.  We can choose to be miserable or we can choose happiness, we can choose to go get what we want or we can choose to wait for it to come to us which may never happen.
Dad:  I’m glad you still remember all of that.
Mom:  and never let anyone get between you and your dreams
Dad:  Tomorrow let’s deal with Anthony once and for all.
Mom:  Yes let’s do that.  it is great that you guys are there for each other, that you have each other’s backs.  Keep it like this and you’ll get far and never forget your other siblings no matter, do you hear me Khaya.
Me:  I hear you ma.
Bandile:  What’s the plan for tomorrow.
Mom:  We don’t know yet but you guys have done your part and we are proud of you.
Me:  here take your baby.  She is asleep.
Dad:  You a way with them.  You are going to make a great dad.
Me:  I hope so dad.  I really hope so.
Me:  What happened at school today?
Zenande:  Nothing, why?
Me:  don’t play dumb with me Zenande.  What were you doing with that boy?
Zenande:  we were just talking Ntando.
Me:  Since when is kissing just talking Zenande?
Zenande:  he kissed me Ntando, I didn’t kiss him back.
Me:  stay away from boys Zenande.  Mom talks to you guys about boys, plus you are too young to be going around kissing boys.  He is way too old for you.
Zenande:  I didn’t ask him to kiss me Ntando
Me:  You didn’t stop him either.  Look Zenande I’m talking to you right now because I’m trying to protect you from him.  I know him and he has played with a lot of girls at school and I don’t want you to be one of his victims ok.
Lwanele:  Listen to him Zenande please.  I also don’t trust that guy.
Zenande:  Are you going to tell mom?
Lwanele:  No we are not.  But you need to be careful please.
Zenande:  I promise I will.  He is the one that’s always coming to where I am at school, you would swear that he is following me around.
Me:  that’s because he is.  He is obsessed with you Zenande and obsession can be very dangerous.  Don’t encourage him, don’t lead him on and make him think he can get with you. Make it clear to him that you are not interest in him and stay away from him.
Zenande:  I hear you and I’ll stay away from him.
Lwanele:  good because I don’t want anything happening to you.  If anything happens to you I might just catch a case and end up killing someone.
Me:  What do you know about killing someone wena?  Stop talking like that.  You sound like a murderering thirteen year old.
Zenande:  He is right you do.
Lwanele:  mom and dad always say we should be there for each other and protect each other always and that’s what I would be doing.
Me:  they never said we should do that by killing people.  There are other ways you know that right.
Lwanele:  I know, I was just saying.
Me:  as long you have no intentions of killing anyone.  Look ladies, at school it’s just us.  Lonwabo and Sibahle are no longer there and they looked out for us and now it’s just us and we have to look out for each other and very soon it’s going to be just the two of you and you are going to have to look out for each other.  Don’t let anyone bully you but in the process of not letting anyone bully you don’t become bullies.
Zenande:  We hear you.  You are so protective you that.  there’s a girl in my class that has a crush on you Ntando.
Lwanele:  What’s with the smile, when Zenande says that?
Me:  it’s nothing
Zenande:  You would swear he knows who it is Lwanele.
Me:  I just appreciate the thought of someone having a crush on me.
When I grew up my siblings and I didn’t have the best relationship with our mom.  Dad was always the one there for us.  He always made sure that we were comfortable to talk to him about everything.  Sometimes it doesn’t matter how comfortable you are with your dad, there are times where you just want to talk to your mom especially when you know that she is there, still alive.  But somehow it would always seem like she is worlds away and you can’t get to her.  Sometimes I would wish I had a big sister just because I had that need to talk to a female.  One time I ended up talking to my friends at school and that was the biggest mistake of my life and today I am not a virgin because I made a choice to listen to wrong advice.  I wish dad had met Khanyi before I made the biggest mistake of my life when I was sixteen.  I couldn’t tell dad about it because I knew how disappointed he would be but I know he would have understood and he would have been there for me but still that didn’t make easy to talk to him, beside he would have killed the guy at the same time I needed my mom and she wan’t there

Lina:  I still think you should talk to mom about it.
Me:  And what do I say Lina.  “ hey mom I lost my virginity when I was 16 and I feel damaged.
Lina:  all I’m saying is that mom will know what to say.  What she has to say won’t be the same as me, it might be, you never know.  This guy you like won’t judge you on your sexual activity history if he truly cares  you and besides it only happened once.
Me: Yes it did.  I never wanted to sleep with anyone after that.  I promised myself that I would save myself for that special guy and I think I have met him.  Since I lost my virginity I have never met anyone who makes want to drop my panties right there and there until I met him.  yes we have sexual chemistry but it’s not  just that.  I feel like I can have a long term relationship with this guy.  I don’t know if we’ll ever get married only time will tell but the problem is that I feel like he won’t want me once I tell him that I am no longer sealed.
Lina:  If he truly cares about you then he won’t have a problem.  Talk to mom too about it Sibahle please.  You know how open she is.
Sibahle:  I know.
Lina:  besides who is this guy?
Sibahle:  You’ll find out soon enough.
Lina:  You are keeping secrets from me Sibahle. I’m your sister Sibahle and you are keeping secrets from me.
Me:  Emotional blackmail won’t work this time around my dear sister.
Lina:  it was worth trying (we both laugh at that statement.)
Me:  thank you for being a part of my life and accepting me as your little sister.
Lina:  You didn’t make it easy for me, you were just too adorable not to like.

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