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We are at Qhawe’s parents’ house, we are sleeping  over as requested.  We just had dinner and I’m sitting with Qhawe’s mom outside by the garden.  She has a beautiful garden. 
Siyanda (Qhawe’s Mom):  Tell me Khanyisile, what do you from my son, are you after his money?
Me:  Excuse me, I don’t think I had you correctly ma
Siyanda:  ARE –YOU – AFTER – HIS – MONEY?  (She says it very slow, with so much emphasis.  This woman is insulting me.)
Me:  No I’m not.  I have my own money, I don’t need his.
Siyanda:  Then what do you want from him, most women were with him because of his money, even his ex-wife.
Me:  Ma, the things that I’m going to say to you right now, I am only going to say them once and once only, because I hate repeating myself.  1. Never again compare me to any woman that Qhawelomzi has been with, I’m not them, they are not me and never will be. 2.  Qhawe came after me not the other way around.  3.  I love Qhawe very much, it hasn’t been easy for me but I love him and i love his kids probably more than I love him, we are now a family, a family that I have no intentions of walking away from. 4. I’ve been through a whole of shit in my life, I’ve had to put up with a whole of shit and right now, at this very moment I want you to know that I won’t put up with any shit from you.  (Just then I notice Qhawe’s dad (Loyiso) standing and leaning against the wall by the door.  I wonder how much of this did he hear, he doesn’t look very happy.   He walks to us and he has this serious face on and he is looking at his wife very intensely.)
Loyiso:  Siyanda leave this girl alone.  You are not going to choose a girl for Qhawe.  He loves her and he is happy, for the very first time in a long time my son is happy and you will not take that away from him and I hope you take note of the things this girl said to you.
Siyanda:  I just wanted to know what she wants , if she wanted his money.
Loyiso:  if you had taken this time to find out more about her, you would know that she is a self-made multi millionare who doesn’t need our son to support her financially. 
Me:  tata please excuse me, I really don’t have the energy for this conversation.  Do you know where I could find Qhawe?
Loyiso:  He is his room, he was also looking for you.  The kids are in there tv room watching movies.  You have wonderful kids Khanyi, you’ve raised them well.
Me:  Thank you tata.  Goodnight to you both (I stand and walk away.  He can deal with his wife, I really don’t have time for a woman’s insecurities about his son.  I find Qhawe in his bedroom looking at his laptop, he doesn’t really look busy on it, when I walk close to him, he’s looking at pictures of me and I’ve never seen these pictures before.  He shuts his laptop before I could look at more pictures.)
Qhawe:  You were not supposed to see these pictures.
Me:  I only saw three, when did you take these pictures?
Qhawe:  forget about the pictures ok My Queen.  How are you? 
Me:  I’m ok babe, just emotionally tired.  Zwelibanzi’s father has put our lives in danger.  (he looks at me shocked)
Qhawe:  how so?
Me:  the will; he is leaving everything to his grandkids.  Everything has already been transferred into their names and I have to manage everything.
Qhawe:  How do you know, does Zwelibanzi know?
Me:  No he doesn’t know, he’ll find out at the reading of the will after his father dies, I am the only one who knows.  (I see a bit of confusion.  I decided to start over and tell him about everything that Mr Tom said.)  He told me because he wants me to be able to protect the kids and myself from Zwelibanzi.  I don’t want this Qhawe, I don’t want anything from him, this is just too much for us. I don’t want to accept it but he said that there’s nothing I can do.  Everything is set. Qhawe I’m scared, I don’t know why his father is doing this, it’s not fair.  I don’t know if I have the strength for this.
Qhawe:  All I can think of it’s probably his way of showing you that he does love his grandkids and he wants them taken care of.  Look, don’t worry too much.  You have six men who love and care for you and they will do anything to protect you and all your kids .  you will be safe. Zwelibanzi will have to get through us be he gets to you.
Me:  Thank you I appreciate that. I’m glad my giants will be protecting us.
Qhawe:  Khanyi who are you calling giants.  (before I answer I get off the bed and stand next to the bed on my side and he kneels on the bed looking at me.)  who are you calling giants and don’t even think about running out of this room, you won’t make it to the door.  ( I take a few steps, trying to get closer to the bathroom.)
Me:  you guys are giants nje, you are so tall, you are like………… (I don’t finish what I wanted to say, he jumps over to my side and I start running to the bathroom, but I don’t make it.  He grabs me by my waist and puts me on the bed. He is on top of tickling me, telling to apologise otherwise he won’t stop.  I give up and apologise which earns me a kiss.  It gets heated, I feel myself getting wet.  He takes my clothes off and continues to kiss, I take his t-shirt off and we continue kissing, just then the door opens and it’s his mother.  Fuck this woman, what does she want? is she cock blocking now. DAMMIT!!!


Me:  You had to mention to her that are married?
Sima:  Zweli I thought she knew.  Why didn’t you tell her, like you were supposed to years ago?  You are not going to blame me for this.
Me:  it was not your responsibility to tell her.
Sima:  baby I thought she knew.
Me:  Sima, I have told you before to stay out of my business that concerns Khanyi
Sima:  I hear you but what did she mean when she said you put her through a lot, she suffered a lot of pain because of you? Zweli did you hurt her?
Me:  That’s none of your business Sima. 
Sima:  I am your wife, it is my business Zweli.  (I turn and give her the that says “don’t fuck with me”.  She wants to say more but she keeps quiet. She stands up and  leaves the room.)  I’m going to check on the twins.
Me:  Fine. (Sima will never understand, the less she knows the better.  I have bigger problems to worry about than worrying about how Sima feels.  I need to find a way to get to Khanyi without this mysterious guy knowing, it seems like he is watching every step I make.  How did he even manage to have document with my name on for the shipment from Nigeria.  The police are on my tail but they haven’t attempted to arrest me, what are they waiting for, maybe they are still investigating.  Now that Khanyi knows the truth about Sima, she’ll never want to talk to me again, I can’t even get Sizwe to help me, he doesn’t want to be involved in anything that hurts Khanyi.  My phone rings:
Me:  yes
Him:  Boss! we lost him.
Me:  how can you lose him. He is always alone, he doesn’t have bodyguards following him around.  So how the fuck did you lose him?
Him:  he is protected Boss.  His guys keep their distance and they blend in with the crowd, we tried following him in his car but he never goes to his house, the place where he normally goes to, we can’t touch him boss.
Me:  I don’t care how you do it, I need you to get him and fast.  We are running out of time, and a lot is riding on this plan succeeding.  Do you hear me?
Him:  yes Boss.
Me:  Good get it done.  (I hang up.  Shit everything is just a mess.  I really need Sizwe on this, I need to find a way to get him on board and the only way to that is to blackmail him but with what.  Sizwe basically has nothing to lose.  He lost his little a long time ago and now, now it’s just him, no woman in his life, no child.  Wait a minute, Sizwe sees Khanyi as his little sister and he loves my kids, I guess not all is lost.  Khanyi will sign over that company to me sooner than she thought.
My phone rings again and it’s an unknown number

Him:  I thought I made it clear to you that you need to leave Miss Sondlo’s company alone but you don’t listen Mr Tom.
Me:  I told I can’t lose that company, I need that company.
Him:  You are really testing me now.  Do you think that I won’t hurt your family.  I want you to look outside the window right now. ( I walk to the window and I don’t believe what I see.)  Do you see how easy it is to get to them.  The man talking to your pretty little girlfriend, next time he won’t be so friendly, he will kill her right in front of you and your twins.  Don’t mess with me Zwelibanzi Tom. Live that company alone and in return you get to keep your family.

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