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As head of security in this house, I called a meeting with the guys.  This meeting is not about our brotherhood, this is about the safety of everyone.  It sounds like we have a bigger storm coming and it’s going to hit from all directions.  I can’t shake the feeling that there’s more than this Andiswa woman coming.  I feel like something else is going to happen but I don’t know what it is.  There’s been a strange car parked two houses away from us for the past week.  I think someone is trying is trying to understand the routine in this house.  I need to check with Qhawe if the farm house is ready for moving in.  it’s meant to be a surprise for Khanyi.  Even though they spoke about it she doesn’t know he bought it.  the guys will be finishing up with the installation of the security system.  Qhawe and Khanyi walk into the kitchen while I am making myself a sandwich.
Them:  what are you making?
Me:  Sandwich
Khanyi:  which one?
Me:  ham and cheese.
Khanyi:  no thank you.
Me:  it’s like I was making it for you.
Khanyi:  since you are the one busy with food can you make me a peanut and jam sandwich, I’ll make the coffee.
Qhawe:  Make that two sandwiches and don’t worry Baby Girl I’ll make the coffee.
Me:  I hope that’s decaf  coffee.
Khanyi:  of cause it is, what do you take us for. (I just laugh at her, she can be so dramatic)
Qhawe:  what’s with the urgent meetings today?
Me:  You’ll find out as soon as everyone gets here and Khanyi I need you to relax, it’s nothing to panic about just changes in security.
Khanyi:  who said I was going to panic?  (just then everyone walks in including Mcebisi and Sipho and I give Khanyi and Qhawe their sandwiches, holding their cups of coffee already.)
Lwazi:  Can I aslo have whatever you guys are having
Me: You can make it yourself or ask Thando to make it for you.
Thando:  I just fed him three hours ago, if he wants something he can make it himself.
Mcebisi:  I need something, last time I ate was lunch time, busy day today.  (he walks over to me and I move to make space for him so that he make his own sandwich.  Ncebakazi pours wine for everyone except Qhawe, Khanyi and Mcebisi.)
Lwazi:  Can you make one for me too please.  Why are you refusing a glass of wine.
Mcebisi:  I’ll have it when I finish my sandwich.
Me:  the reason I called you all here (Luyanda walks in)  Luyanda you are a lawyer and always on time in court, why is it so difficult for you to be on time for our meetings?
Luyanda:  I was held up in the office, I have info for you guys.
Me:  you can share that when I’m done.  Ok guys I am going to tighten security for everyone and please I want no arguments.  Ladies, as you know Andiswa is coming to town and it is sooner than we expected.
Khanyi:  How soon?
Me:  this weekend. 
Ncesh:  that’s soon.  What’s her hurry.
Me:  I don’t think she is a hurry for anything, I think she wants to find out more about you.
Sipho:  I really think she is a puppet also in someone else’s plan.  The judge that approved her release was bribed.
Luyanda:  how did you know that, that’s the same info I have but I can’t seem to unlock the door that leads to who is behind the bribery.  We find out who bribed the judge and we’ll have the master mind of this plan. 
Me:  guys I want you all to be aware that this is someone who has something against Ncesh or Bandile.  I’ve made changes in our security.  Bandile, Lwazi, Mcebisi, Sipho, Sizwe, Luyanda even though you guys don’t live here, your security is still my responsibility. So for your own protection you have to follow my orders
Lwazi:  I’m not very good with following orders as you all know but I promise I’ll try my best.
Me:  that’s all I need from you Lwazi.  We have to play it safe especially when I have this feeling that I can’t shake.
Khanyi:  No Eddie you can’t have one of those not now Eddie, not while I’m pregnant.
Eddie:  I’m sorry Khanyi but you know I’m always right when I get this feeling.
Khanyi:  Jesus Eddie, you had to choose now to have one of your feelings
Me:  you know I don’t choose for this to happen.
Qhawe:  what on earth are you talking about?
Khanyi:  this is not just about Andiswa, there something more coming for us that’s what it normally means when Eddie gets one his feelings that he can’t shake.
Qhawe:  oh I see.
Me:  guys I know you are not happy with me putting everything out in the open like that, I just didn’t think it will be best to keep theladies in the dark, they need to know what’s going on so that they can be able to accommodate the changes.  The kids need to finish packing, they are leaving tomorrow for the Eastern Cape not this weekend and they are going to be using a private jet.  I called in favour with one of my very rich clients and he has agreed to help.  You are all going to fly to the Eastern for Christmas on Christmas eve and you are going to come back on the 3rd without the kids.  To all those going to the Eastern Cape, I need you  to keep a low profile.  Guys it is imperitive that you do as I say right now.
Bandile:  Understood.
Me:  good.  Mcebisi, you are new in this family, if you haven’t cought on yet, this is family drama.  I know you are spending the holidays with your parents but if you make any changes to those plans you need to let me know because I am going to have guys on you and your family.  I know you keep your relationship with Lina as private as possible but people know she is yours since you post her on instagram.  We need to be careful.
Mcebisi:  so posting our relationship on social media is not safe?
Me:  You can post as much as you like, even if you don’t post people will have a way of finding out just like they did with Qhawe and Khanyi.  Sizwe are you going to be around for the holidays.
Sizwe:  yes I am.  Anelisa can’t travel anymore she is too far along.  She can give birth anytime.
Khanyi:  I can’t wait to meet the little princess.
Sizwe:  how do you know it’s a princess
Khanyi:  because God knows we need to balance out this family.  We don’t need anymore males.
Sizwe:  what if your five babies are boys
Khanyi:  then I’ll die.  We can’t have anymore males here. No it’s too much.
Ncesh:  It is too much.  I also want a princess when I get pregnant.
Bandile:  what if I want a boy?
Ncesh:  that’s your problem, don’t make your problems mine please.  If you want to survive our marriage you better make sure I get a girl.
Thando:  me I want a boy shame.
Lwazi:  Now you are talking, a boy it is for us.  You know Thando, I’ve met women in my life, good women, bad women but I’ve never met one like you until I met you.  As frozen as my heart was, in a way you’ve managed to melt it and made me fall in love you with you.  I love you my Punkie.
Thando:  I love you too my joker.
(I honestly have no idea how these meetings manage to spiral out context, really I don’t somehow they always do.)
I’ve never had a good relationship with my mother. She is not easy to talk to.  We never have conversations that last for hours like I do with Qhawe’s mom.  Sometimes I feel like my mom is hiding something from me.  Apparently my dad didn’t love her and he married someone else but he died when I was little.  There’s gaps when she tells the story and it sounds rehearsed.  I even stopped asking her about him because I feel like she is not telling me the whole truth about him.  I do wish he was alive though, maybe I would have the same kind of relationship with him I have with Khaya’s dad.  I’m thankful that his parents treat me like one of their kids, I never feel like an outsider.  My mom has been wanting to meet Qhawe, and I have been delaying it but now I can’t delay it anymore.
Me:  Mom may I have a word with you?  (that’s how formal the relationship is between me and her)
Her:  sure
Me:  Remember I told you I was seeing someone, Khaya Sondlo
Her:  yes I remember.  When am I meeting him?
Me:  well soon mom.  He asked me to marry him and I said yes.
Her:  are you preganant?  (that’s my mom for you.  A man can’t simply ask a woman to marry him unless she is pregnant.)
Me:  no mom.  In fact I am still a virgin.  Mom his family is going to send a letter requesting to come for lobola negotiations.
Her:  hayibo who sends letters in our days.  They can just send a text or an email.
Me:  they are a very morden family mom but there are certain traditions that they like to maintain and this is one of them.
Her:  mmhhh I when do you think they might come?
Me:  they are planning to come in Feb, because we want to get married in July.
Her:  Lungi it’s so soon, are you sure you are not pregnant?
Me:  Mama he is marrying me because he loves and wants to spend his life with him and I want the same.  I love him.
Her:  there’s no such thing as love.  It doesn’t exist.
Me:  so you are saying that you don’t love me.
Her:  that’s not what I am saying
Me:  but you just said that there’s no such thing as love.
Her:  your dad ……. Never mind. (that’s what she does all the time when it comes to my dad.)
Me:  mom I want my dad’s family to be involved in my lobola negotiations.  You told me they had accepted me as their child, I still don’t understand why you kept me from them, I would like them to be involved
Her:  No Lungi.  They haven’t been a part of your life for a very long time and they are not about to start now.
ME:  who’s fault is it mom?  Why are they not part of my life.  If they accepted and once loved me, then what changed mama?
Her:  a lot changed Lungi, he fell in love with someone else.. I don’t want to talk about it.
Me:  this is what you do all the time. I know bits and pieces about my father and his family. You never want to talk about them.  Don’t you think I deserve to know the truth mama.  He was my father after all, they are my family.  Why did you keep me away from them,why mama , why?
Her:  because I broke up with the one that loved me and cared for me chasing your father only to realise that he didn’t love me.  I blame myself.  He made it clear from the beginning that we were just having a fling and I went and fell in love and he was in love with someone else. He was happy when he found that I was pregnant.  He told his family and fiancé.  They accepted you and did everything for you but I was so obsessed with him I wanted him all to myself, which created problems between me and his fiancé and him.  i ran away with you because I couldn’t handle the rejection and never kept in touch with them.  I heard that he tried looking for us and he was so broken and suffered from depression for a few years but I couldn’t take you back, I just couldn’t go back there.  The only person that knew where we were died and even today no one  knows where we are or even my family.
Me:  you lied to me when you said you had no family, you had no one.  You lied to me when you said that it is just you and me.  Is my father even dead mama? (at this time I can’t even control the tears and she is looking at me not saying anything, but I can read between the lines.)  Oh my God mama, how could you?
Her:  I’m sorry Lungie.  (I just got up took my car keys and left her there)

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