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Wednesday night I learned something that I never really realised about these guys.  Some of them grew up in terrible homes and received the raw end of the stick.  They dated women and loved them, women who didn’t love them, women who just wanted their money.  Eddie and I never really experienced that, we both grew up in loving homes just like Qhawe.  Qhawe had a wife who didn’t love him, a woman that didn’t care about her kids.  Experiences like that normally make a person to hate the other species but with these guys it’s different, they are giving love a chance and acknowledging that not everyone will treat them same way they were treated by others.  I’ve notice that one of the things they have in common, we actually all have in common is that we don’t stand for abuse.  It doesn’t matter who is abusing who, we just don’t stand for it.  Now we have to teach Sindy’s mom a lesson and I am paying her a visit this morning.  She is going to learn that you should never hurt your family.  She broke Sindy, it will take time for her to heal.
As I knock on the door and she opens
Me:  Hello mama, may I come in
Wineka:  hello, who are you?
Me:  I’m Andile, Qhawe’s friend.
Wineka:  Ok. Come in, have a sit (she points to the couch) Would you like something to drink?
Me:   Oh no ma thank you.  I don’t like taking drinks from people, people are very cruel out there, I could end up being drugged and I wouldn’t even know about it. (I can see the fear in her eyes but she is hiding it well.)
Wineka:  What can I do for you Andile?
Me:  Well I am here about Sindiswa.  She is with Qhawe right now and we had to get our doctor to come check out because she got sick and we found out that she’s taking some kind of drugs.  I came here to find out if you know anything about that.
Wineka:  I don’t know anything about that and besides my daughter would never use drugs, she knows better.
Me:  maybe I shouldn’t have used the word drugs since there’s a lot that falls under it.  she has been ingesting certain pills, pills that should be issued by a doctor with a prescription and she told us that she hasn’t been taking any pills, she doesn’t have a condition that requires her to take pills everyday.
Wineka:  she is  right about that.
Me:  ok I see.  Another question.  Two years ago she was admitted in a psych hospital, what happened to her
Wineka:  She loved someone who didn’t love her and when he rejected her she had a breakdown.
Me:  is it true that you the one that pushed her to date that man because he is rich?
Wineka:  I did no such thing.
Me:  is it true that you have been using your daughter to get money from rich people after you spent  all the money in her trust fund that your dearly departed husband left her.  Is true that you hated the fact that your husband died and left everything to her because he knew you were slowly poisoning him the same way you are poisoning your daughter.  You fed your husband pills the way you doing with your daughter and you knew that the pills you gave him would one day kill him.
Wineka:  I don’t know what you are talking about.  Get out of my house (she stands walking to the door as I remain sitted)
Me:  Come back and sit down we are not done talking.
Wineka:  I said leave
Andile:  OLD WOMAN COME BACK AND SIT YOUR ASS DOWN, I WILL NOT REPEAT MYSELF AGAIN (I said in a very firm angry voice.  She is really starting to piss me off now. she walks back to the couch and sits.)  Your daughter doesn’t even know the house belongs to her, that she had money and you spent it all, she doesn’t know that your dead husband actually cared about her. You have created so much debt for yourself because you want a lavish lifestyle that your husband provided foryou.  Maybe if you had told your daughter the truth she would have taken care of you.  You you’re your husband’s company, you are such a stupid woman.  It’s a shame that Sindiswa was still a minor when your husband died.  You and his lawyer screwed her over.
Wineka:  how do you know all this?
Me:  a certain private inverstigator brought all this to our attention and I must say he is really good because he also managed to find out who Sindiswa’s father.  The man you didn’t want because he was poor.  I hate women like you.  Women are being called golddiggers because of women like you.
You manipulated your daughter into thinking that Qhawe wants her.  You pushed her to go for him knowing very well that Qhawe has a woman in his life.  Let me tell you something; you just threw your daughter in the lions den and now she is going to suffer the consequences of your actions and she doesn’t know that and anything that happens to her from here on will be your fault and trust me when I tell you that you messed with the wrong rich man this time around. I wonder what Qhawe is going to say when he finds out.
Wineka:  no please don’t hurt my daughter, she is all I have.  Please I am begging you, don’t hurt.
(she is crying her eyes out and I’m watching this woman and I must she really is a good actress)
Lwazi:  You should have thought about that before you lied to her. (he says as he walks with plastic bags)  Do you have food in this place? I’m hungry.  You can sit there and think about everything that we are going to do to you and your daughter while we make ourselves something to eat. Come Andile let’s eat.
Andile:  Do you trust the food in this place?
Lwazi:  hayibo Andile, what do you take me for, I brought food and beer.  I don’t want to die anytime soon.  I still have a woman to love, marry her and have lots of babies with her.
Andile:  let’s eat then.
I’m almost two months pregnant and I think I am going to start showing soon.  I can’t believe Qhawe made me pregnant with five babies at the same time, how does that even happen, these are the things you only see on tv and it’s actually happening to me.  My doctors are so excited.  They were so worried when I was in hospital and almost lost my little Boovs.  Qhawe will be home early today.  I still can’t believe the things Sindiswa’s mom is doing to her.  How does a mother do that. I feel sorry for Sindiswa, it’s going to take sometime for her to recover from this.  Lina is coming home today for the weekend.
Kids:  Mom!  Where are you?  (I really don’t know why they are shouting.  If they are here, that means their dad is home too.  He said he would fetch them from school.)
Me:  I’m in the kitchen.
Lonwabo:  You are always in the kitchen (he walks up to me and kisses my cheek followed by Ntando)
Ntando:  Queen mother how are you  (the girls walk over to me as well hugging me)
Me:  I’m ok darling, how was your day
Sibahle:  It was good.  We just missed you that’s all. (their dad walks up to me and kisses me senseless)
Qhawe:  I missed you too.
Me:  I’m still missing you, I want a repeat of last night. (I whisper all that in his ear so that the kids can’t hear.  He smiles his naughty smile and whisper back)
Qhawe:  I love the sound of that and you will get it all night long.  (I can’t help but giggle.)
Lwanele:  You guys are just hopeless.  Always all over each other.
Lisakhanya:  mom what’s for lunch. I’m hungry
Zenande:  You are following in Uncle Lwazi’s footsteps Khanya, eating a lot and you are not even gaining weight.
Me:  Zenande just let her be.
Qhawe:  babe I invited Mcebisi over for dinner tomorrow night just as a thank you.  I hope you don’t mind since I didn’t ask you first. 
Me: I don’t mind my love.  Kids go upstairs and take off your uniform, lunch will be ready soon.  (they run all the way out of the kitchen. Followed by their father, he can be so childish and he sees me as childish.  Who’s being childish right now.  Mam’ Mavis walks in)
Mam’ Mavis:  Security says there’s people at the gate that want to see you
Me:  Who are they?
Mam’ Mavis:  it’s the Dayi’s
Me:  goodness what do they want,  why can’t everyone just let me be with my family and just enjoy my pregnancy. I might as well just deal with them once and for all.  You can tell them to let them in ma.  Thank you very much.  Where is Qhawe, I need him to be here.
Sizwe:  why do you need him, never mind don’t answer that.  ever since you got pregnant you can’t stay away from him.  What am I saying, you couldn’t stay away from him from the day first day he kissed you (he says all of that walking over and kisses my cheek.)
Me:  it’s not that Sizwe jeez.  The Dayi’s are here.
Sizwe:  hayibo what do they want here?
Me:  is it not obvious, this all Nkosikhona’s doing.
Qhawe:  Is the food ready, we are ready.  Sizwe how are you?
Sizwe:  I’m good man.  Guys why don’t you go to the kitchen so long (he says looking at the kitchen)
Zenande:  I thought we were going to eat together.
Me:  we have guests honey, we’ll join you later.
Qhawe:  are you ok my Queen?
Me:  As long as you guys are here, I’m ok.  (we walk to the lounge and they were already seated.) Good afternoon gentlemen.
Sizwe:  how can we help you
Uncle Mxolisi:  we are here to talk to Khanyi.
Me:  if this is about Nkosikhona and his troubles with ancestors then I don’t want to hear it.
Uncle Mxolisi:  please my child, this could destroy him.
Qhawe:  why should she care what happens to him, where were you when Khanyi was having trouble with the kids and now all of a sudden your son is having problems in his life because he ignored his kids and only now you remember that you have kids.  I’m sorry but I find that very disrespectful .  I really don’t know what you expect Khanyi to do about that.  Your son made his choices and now karma is catching up with him and what’s unbelievable is that you now want the kids to be introduced to you as their family.  25 years of their lives you were quiet not saying anything and I’m sure you were not even worried about what they were eating, where they were sleeping. I am sure that if your son was not experiencing the problems he is experiencing now, you wouldn’t be sitting here now.
Uncle Nceba:  This is not just for our son, it’s also for those kids, so that they know their roots.
Sizwe:  that’s where you got it.  their mother made sure they know who their father is, where they are from, they know their roots, they know your family tree.  They know exactly where they are from but the thing is they also know where they belong.
Uncle Mxolisi:  if this is not done, they might have problems in the future as well with the ancestors
Me:  they way I see it, your ancestors are not angry with my kids, they are angry with you for not caring, for not doing what you were suppose to do in the first place and traditionally you are not even suppose to be talking to me about this.  You are suppose to be talking to my parents and they are all the way in East London.  Don’t bother yourself by going to them either because they will tell you everything that you are hearing from us.  The two men you see here are the fathers to those kids, I do what they say when it comes to those kids.  Nkosikhona can deal with his demons alone please don’t involve my kids in that nonsense.
Uncle Mxolisi:  Please sisi, we know we did you wrong but please do this for us.
Qhawe:  you know in everything that you have said, I didn’t even hear you apologise about your sons behaviour.  Please leave my house before things get out of hand and please don’t come back here again. My wife is pregnant and she doesn’t need all this stress you are bringing  (they look at me with the hope that I would say something but I look at them and keep my mouth shut, the man of the house has spoken.  Lina walks in with Khaya carrying her bag they greet and walk pass the lounge)
Uncle Mxolisi:  What has Nkosikhona don, they look so much like him.  (he shakes his head in disbelief)  let’s go Nceba.  Nkosikhona will have to deal with the consequences of his actions, I’m not bothering with this again.  Khanyi my child, we are truly sorry for everything you had to go through with the kids.  (with that said they walk out)

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