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Things are really not going well for me.  My wife told me a long time ago to be a part of my kids’ life.  Khanyi has begged me for so long to be part of their lives, that’s all she ever asked of me.  Never asked me for money, harassed me about what the kids need, all she ever wanted from me was to have a relationship with them and I couldn’t even do that.  I don’t know why I was so stubborn at the same time pride got the better of me. Now my kids are calling another man “dad”.  This guy stepped up and became a father to my kids not even her ex-husband was this close to my kids. This man stepped when I couldn’t or rather wouldn’t.  My family wants to meet my kids and they said that the kids need to be introduced to my ancestors. My family is also very angry with me that I never brought the kids to meet them.  My uncles are on my case, they even want to talk to Khanyi themselves and I know Khanyi won’t have any of that. My wife walks in, she is such a humble woman just like Khanyi but she is angry with me at the moment about the choices I made regarding the kids and I don’t I blame her because she never tried to keep me away from Lina and Khaya.
Her:  Your uncles and your sister will be here soon.  Are you ready for them?
Me:  I’ll never be ready for this meeting, they are going to crucify me for this.
Her:  you brought it upon yourself my love and now you have to face the consequences.  You’ll be fine don’t worry.
Me:  Khanyi will never agree to this, this is one decision she we never leave up to the kids, this once decision she’ll never allow them to make on their own.
Her:  Can you blame her Nkosi.  You can’t blame her, she tried by all means to make you a part of their lives, I tried too but you let your pride get in the way.
Me:  I know that and right now I don’t need you to remind me of what I did.  We need a solution to all this.
Her:  you have a solution and the solution needs you to put your pride aside and beg that woman.  She is not heartless, she wouldn’t want to see you suffer.
Me:  that’s what you don’t understand.  She is fed of people taking advantage of her kindness, she is at the point where she doesn’t give a damn about what happens to me.  (there’s knock at the door and I know it’s my uncles and my sister.  My wife lets them in.  My sister walks up to me and hugs me, I know my uncles they won’t even greet me, that’s how mad they are with me.)
Me:  Molweni Malume (hello uncle)
Uncle Nceba:  Nkosikhona you know why we are here.  What is going on?
Me:  It’s like I told you over the phone uncle.  Khanyi doesn’t want to have anything to do with this, she is refusing to let kids come here.
Uncle Nceba:  That’s because you are stupid.  Why didn’t you do as she asked, look at the situation now.
Uncle Mxolisi:  Now we have to go and talk to her ourselves, for something you should have done a long time ago.  Your parents died wanting you to bring those kids home.  Do you even know that your parents saw your kids at least once a month before they died (that’s news to me,  I didn’t know.)  Even your sister gets to see the kids from time to time.  Your parents could have done the ceremonies for your kids but their mother refused saying that if you are not part of their lives then what’s the point. 
Uncle Nceba:  you are lucky she never told the kids you died.  You are lucky she had the heart to tell them about you and their family, at least they know where their roots are.
Sbongile:  Nkosikhona I’m your sister and I love you but the honest truth is tha you can be very stupid and what you did with the kids was stupid.
Uncle Mxolisi:  You know that things will only get worse for you. The ancestors are very angrywith you.
Me:  how did my parents manage to see the kids and they never told me about that.
Uncle Nceba:  why would they tell you anything, when it is obvious that you don’t care.  Even now you are only making these efforts because you need to fix your problems and I don’t even know why we are bothering with you.  We should just let you be and you can suffer.
Me:  Uncle Nceba please you can’t speak like that, Khanyi has to allow this otherwise my family will suffer.
Sbongile:  You are being selfish Nkosi, you can’t expect her to do anything for you.
Me:  she has too.  She has too,  those are my kids too.
Sbonginile:  no they are not, you were never there for them so they are not your kids.
Uncle Mxolisi:  You will have to give us her address, tomorrow we’ll go see her and we have to go there without telling her that we are coming because she will refuse to see us. Your wife will be coming too.
Me:  Hayibo malume(uncle)  what is Nokhaya going to do there?
Uncle Nceba:  she can tell Khanyi that she never kept you away from your kids, maybe, just  maybe that will soften her heart.
ME:  I doubt very much. I have to go. I’ll see you guys later.


I’m at the office today with Khaya.  The new CEO is starting today.  I don’t have an assistant anymore.  Ibanathi has started in his new post as the CFO.  I don’t know how I’m going to get through this day without Ibanathi.
Qhawe:  What’s wrong?
Me:  Just thinking about how I’m going to get through this day without ibanathi.
Qhawe:  You’ll be fine my darling.  I’m here,  you have nothing to worry about.  (the new guy walks in just as Qhawe was kissing me.  Doesn’t he know about knocking.)
Him:  I’m sorry the door was open.  Morning
Me:  Morning to you too. Please have a sit.
Him:  Thank you
Me:  today is basically orientation day for you.  You’ll be shown around the buiding, taken to the various departments.  As you know that this company is basically a one stop shop for our clients’ marketing need and entertainment, that mean we do everything that has to do with marketing and entertainment, also public relations.  All the departments have their HOD’s, those are the people you will  be working closely with. You will be introduced to everyone today, that is what we are going to do next.
There’s only one project that you are not going to work with and that is the QM Architectures project.
Him:  May I ask why?
Qhawe:  that’s her project, she is the only one who can work on it.  the client personally asked for her to work on the project.
Him:  Ok.  I understand.
Qhawe:  I actually need to go up to marketing I need to talk to them about something.  I’ll see you later.
Me:  Ok.  I’ll be in the boardroom doing introductions. (he kisses my forehead and walks away.)
It’s time for you to meet the people you will be working with.  You have your own office.  You won’t be using this one.  This will remain office and I’ll pop in to check on things atleast once a week until you find your feet.  If there’s anything you don’t undertand, you can always call me. ( When we get to the boardroom all the HOD’s were there.)
Morning guys.
Them: Morning Lady K (I just smile at them)
Me:  As you know I have stepped down as the CEO and today I am introducing you to the new guy and I hope you will show him the same respect you showed me and work well together. This is Mcebisi Mkhize, as from today he is the new CEO. You will have to show him around, show him how everything works around here.  I leave him in your cable hands.
(the day went on, handing over to Mcebisi until lunch time and Qhawe had gone back to his office, he had a client. I’m sitting in my office having lunch when a knock interrupts me. I just got irritated the minute he walked in.
Me:  What do you want?
Nkosikhona:  we have to talk
ME:  there’s nothing to talk about.
Nkosikhona:  Yes there is.  Khanyi please, I know I did you wrong and right now I need you to help me with this.  This is something that needs to happen.  I was told my ancestors  are angry with me and things are not going well for me.  I need to do this.
Me:  basically you are being selfish, you want this so things can right for you, kumnandi ukuba nguwe mos. (it’s nice to be you mos)
Nkosikhona:  it’s not like that Khanyi.  I want to be a  part of their  lives, I want to be a father to them
Me:  Don’t you think it’s a bit too late for that?
Nkosikhona:  No it’s not.
Me:  You see Nkosikhona, first you wanted them to forgive you and they did and you disappeared, probably things were going well for you then and now things are getting worse and now you need my kids again.  Do you really think that I am that foolish Nkosikhona.  Do you really I am going to let you use my kids like that.  My kids don’t have issues, they are fine.  Go deal with your ancestral issues somewhere else and leave my kids out of your troubles.
Nkosikhona:  I can’t do that, I need ……..( he doesn’t finish what he is about to say and I scream from the pain in my lower abdomen going around my lower back.)  Khanyi what’s wrong.
Me:  Aaaaahhhh (the pain intensifies and just then Mcebisi walks in.)
Mcebisi:  what’s wrong?
Me:  Take me to the hospital now.  Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.  It hurts.
Mcebisi:  come (he carries and walks out of the office and to the elevataor, when we get to the car he drives off.)
Me:  give me your phone (he hands it to me without asking any questions and dial Qhawe’s number and he picks up immediately)
Me:  I’m on my way to the hospital
Qhawe:  What’s wrong baby, why are you going to the hospital
Me:  I think…. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh shit”  I think something is wrong with the babies
Qhawe:  I’m on my way there, I’ll meet you there.  I love you my Queen, hang in there, everything is going to be fine.
Me:  it hurts my King, it hurts so much.
Qhawe:  I know baby, you guys are going to be ok.
Me:  I think I’m bleeding, I’m scared baby.  I can’t lose these babies
Qhawe:  You won’t lose them.  That is our miracle, it won’t be taken from us.
Mcebisi:  We are here  (he gets me out of the car and carries me in and calls for help and I see a nursing rushing to us and it’s Lungi)
Me:   we are at the hospital,please hurry, I need you here.  ( ooooouuuuch)
Qhawe:  I’m almost there, hang in there my Queen
Lungi:  take the phone (she says looking at Mcebisi)  What’s wrong?
Me:  I think something is wrong with the babies Lungi.  It hurts Lungi, I can’t lose my babies Lungi.
Lungi:  I promise you won’t.  Where is Qhawe?
Mcebisi:  I think he is coming.  I think she was speaking to him on the phone.
(the doctor walks in and gives something for the pain)
Doctor:  You are going to be fine.  The babies will be fine.

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