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So today is Monday and I have to be in the office. I’m driving the kids to school who are excited that their father is awake and they are also excited about the weekend.  There’s a spring event happening at school this weekend since it is the first week of September.  I love seeing them so happy and so excited about things.  The matriculants also have their matric farewell in the middle of septmeber and that’s Lonwabo and Sibahle.  Lonwabo is being a boy about it and Sibahle is being  a girl about it.  Who would have thought I would be a mother of 10 kids soon to be 11.  5 boys and 5 girls and these boys are actually taller than me even Sibahle and Linamandla but those are the joys of dating tall guys.
Sibahle:  Mom are we going to see daddy today?
Me:  yes baby you will.  We’ll go straight to the hospital when I fetch you from school.
Ntando:  you are not at the office much lately mom, what’s going on?
Me:  well since your grandfather decided to make you guys business people at a young age I have to handle your businesses as well, so I decided to work from home for now until I get my way around things besides, I’m thinking of hiring a CEO for my company but I have to talk to your dad about that.  As soon as he is healthy and strong again we are going to have a business meeting regarding the business you got from your grandfather.
Lonwabo:  can Sibahle join us in the meeting.  There’s something I would like to discuss but I would like for her to be there.
Sibahle:  what are you talking about Lonwabo?
Me:  if she is ok with that then I don’t see a problem.
Lonwabo:  You’ll find out at the meeting dear sister. (he just smiles at her and she shakes her head.)
Ntando:  Let’s have Zenande and Lisakhanya too.  I aslo have something I want to discuss and Lwanele has something she wants discuss too.
Me:  we are here. (I say as I park the car in front of the school gate.)  I heard you all and I will discuss everything with the King of the castle.  How’s that?
Sibahle:  that’s fine.
Lwanele:  That’s fine mom.  See you at three.  Say hi to dad when you talk to him.
Me:  I will baby.
Them:  bye mom
Me: bye babies.
Ntando:  We love you, don’t ever doubt it.
(he says that kissing my forehead and walks to the others and I drive of to the office. When I get there Ibanathi is ready for me as usual, this one he never fails.  Actually Ibanathi knows everything there is to know about this business, he has a degree in accounting and diploma in business management, he has worked closely with me ever since I started, I think no one deserves this more than he does.  I’ll just have to speak to Qhawe and Khaya. I’m spending half a day in my office and the other half in Qhawe’s office.  This man needs to get better now.  I still have to go to the mall and get him a new phone since his phone was destroyed during the kidnapping and his laptop.  Today is a busy day and I am not in the mood for it, I just want to be next to my man and just cuddle. i think this baby is making me clingy and I don’t think I like that.  Half way through the morning Ibanathi tells me there’s someone who want to see me, he is in the waiting room.  Stupid me I don’t even ask who it is, I just tell him to bring him in and only to find out that….
Me:  what do you want?
Him:  is that the way you greet people these days, you don’t even offer your guest a drink.
Me:  Nkosikhona if you don’t state your business right now, security is only a button away.
Nkosikhona:  I need to take Linamandla and Khaya to meet my family and introduce them to my family and ancestors.
Me:  Get out right now.  you know very well that I hate repeating myself but because it’s you, let me do you this favour one last time and repeat myself.  My kids don’t need your family, they don’t need your ancestors, they are doing just fine.  All of sudden now your family realises that the kids need to be introduced to them and your bloody ancestors, where were they the past twenty five years.  Please Nkosikhona don’t fuck with me, not today, not any other day from now on.  You, your family and ancestors can go fuck yourselves. NOW LEAVE MY OFFICE.  (he tries to say something  but I interrupt him.)  I SAID LEAVE AND DON’T EVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN IF YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOOD FOR YOU.
(he gets up leaves without saying anything.  After he Leaves I take a deep breath and I just carry on with my day.  I finish up with everything here and go to QM Architecture, when I get there at least John is ready for me.  I didn’t have to stay long with John, we just had a few things to finalise for the ad campaign and now Qhawe just has to sign off a few things, the rest I’ve signed off.  As soon as Qhawe signs we are launching on Friday and a certain part of the campaign is a surprise for him which is the part I signed off.  I took the kids to the hospital after school.  We didn’t stay long,I still have to go to the mall for his phone and laptop, I’ll go back with them tonight.  I must say they enjoyed seeing each other.  He actually couldn’t take his eyes off me.  He said I looked sexy and he said I was killing him.  I actually didn’t feel sexy.  I’m wearing my maroon pant suit with a white shirt and maroon pencil heel shoes today but when I went to the hospital I had taken off my jacket, rolled up my shirt sleeves to the elbow since today is a hot day.  Believe me there’s nothing sexy with how I look.  I decide to go buy myself some coffee while I wait for Qhawe’s gadgets and this woman comes and sits at my table.  The coffee shop is directly opposite the gadget shop.  I must remember to buy him a slice of cheesecake.  He love the cheesecake from here.
Me:  what do you want?
Her: I want to officially introduce myself
Me:  what makes you think I am interested in your introduction?
Her: You should be, because the man you are with is mine.
Me:  I see, I didn’t realise I was sharing him.  I’m sorry what’s your name again?
Her:  I’m Sindiswa and Qhawe is going to be mine soon.
Me:  I thought you just said he was already yours, you really should make up your mind.
Her:  he is mine.
Me:  look miss Sindy, you are the second woman coming to claim Qhawe, you should try and find her and she’ll tell you what happened to her. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to the hospital. ( I say that as I get up.)  One more thing Sindiswa, if you you try and sneek in to the hospital again, I promise you; you will regret doing it for the third time.  (I can see that she is shocked that I know)  Oh darling I know and soon he will know.  Now if you don’t mind, I’m sure his gadgets are ready now. (I walk away leaving her there.  This woman, does she really think Qhawe will stand for her nonsense.  Maybe I should just let her be and let Qhawe deal with her.  Seriously I don’t have the energy for this and the doctor said this might be a complicated pregnancy. I really don’t need all this unnecessary stress.


I survived what I would consider the worst experience in my life even though I knew they would be there to save us. I prayed that when they do get there it wasn’t  too late. I’m grateful for the uncles for being there for us and for mom. Now life must go on.  I have decided to introduce my girlfriend to my family and this girl, I want to spend the rest of my life with.  I’ll be doing the introduction at the hospital since she works there, plus tonight she is working so that makes things easy for me.  She is going to kill me though because I haven’t told her but she knows them already so it won’t be that awkward.  We are at the hospital right now and I am actually nervous about the whole thing, maybe I should wait.  No let me do it now.
Lonwabo:  Bro are you ok?  You look really nevous.
Me:  that’s because I am.’
Lonwabo:  don’t worry, everyone is going to like her and plus she will be here soon so get your act together. Plus I don’t think she will mind that you introduced her to your family at the hospital.  Besides this is where we spend most of our days now.
Banele:  What’s with the private conversation guys.
Lonwabo:  You’ll just have to wait bro.
Bandile(Twin):  You guys have been having a lot of these lately.  (he is right about that because Lonwabo is the only one I trust not to say anything to anyone.)
Lisakhanya:  Wabo are you keeping secrets from me now (Lisakhanya and Lwanele are his weakeness.)
Lonwabo:  Never Princess.  (I know it’s hard for him to lie to her right now.  Just then my girlfriend walks in to check on dad, she looks at me and I see that mom saw that and dad just looked at me with a raised eyebrow.  While she was busy checking dad’s chart and checking on him I decide to do it.)
Me:  Guys (the room goes quiet giving me all the attention and mind everyone is here including dad’s parents.) I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Lungiswa (I say looking at me and she turns looking at me shocked)
Her:  Khaya!!! (that comes out as a whisper from her and I here dad cursing and only then she realises that she was holding his wound too tight) Shit!  Shit!! Khaya look what you made me do.  I’m so sorry Mr Mtimkhulu.  I’ll give you something for the pain.
Khaya:  watch the language babe there’s kids here.
Her:  Don’t tell me to watch my language while your dad is in pain because of me.  You know what this is all your fault.
Me:  come on babe, I didn’t mean for you to hurt him and besides this was the easiest way to introduce you to my crazy family.
Her:  Khaya, if you don’t stop talking right now I will give this injection to you instead of him.
Mom:  don’t even think about it, my man needs that more than that idiot boyfriend of yours.  Khaya I am going to kill you if you don’t shut up right now.
Me:  Oh please mom, you could have done that years ago if you wanted to.
Lungiswa:  I will help her it you don’t shut up.
Ntando:  she fits in perfectly with the family.  Welcome to the family my dear sister in law.  (he gets up and side hugs ger because she was still busy with my dad.)  you took care of mom when she was shot and now you are taking care of dad, (everyone in the room goes “oh shit it’s her”) I guess you were meant to be part of this family.  Don’t worry dear sister, you will fit in because it seams you are as crazy as we are.  You and mom will be best friends.
Me:  Ntando stop it you are making her shy.
Bandile(Twin):  but he is speaking the truth what’s your problem.  You wanted to introduce her to your crazy family so deal with it.
Lwanele:  Hi Lungi, I’m Lwanele and these are my sisters Sibahle, Zenande and Lisakhanya.  Those four idiots in the corner there are my brothers.  The Twins (Bandile and Banele) then Ntando and Lonwabo also known as Wabo and then that’s my Uncle Sizwe he is my favourite uncle, that’s uncle Eddie and Uncle Andile over there and then next to them are Uncle Bandile and Uncle Lwazi the twins are name after them.  The old couple are our grandparents, parents to our dad.  I don’t think I need to introduce the parents since you already met them. There; now you know everyone in this room. That’s what my idiot big brother was suppose to do.
Me:  Lwanele, I am not your age mate don’t call me an idiot.
Qhawe:  Don’t feel bad Princess he is one and you did good with the introduction now come here.  (she smiles and sticks her tongue out looking at me and goes to her dad.)
Me:  I’ll get you for this.
Lungi:  Leave her alone, you’ll do no such.  Thank you Lwanele for the introduction and it’s nice to finally meet everyone.
Loyiso:  I can see Ntando is right, you are a perfect fit in this family.
Lungi:  Thank you sir.  I have to get back to work and I guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow.
Lwazi:  As long as that man is still in here, you’ll see us everyday. Khaya couldn’t you wait to introduce her, you just had to do it at the hospital. I’m just wondering if your mom didn’t drop you as a baby.
Lonwabo:  Uncle Lwazi I wouldn’t say much about mom if I were, remember you are still on punishment and you don’t want her to make it worse especially when aunt Thando is going to back her up.
Lwazi:  you can say that again.  I’m shutting up.  (everyone laughs at him)
Lungi:  What did he do?
Bandile (twin):  that’s a story for when we are sitting in the kitchen having breakfast.
Loyiso:  that’s another thing you’ll have to get used to with this family.  They love eating in the kitchen, they have a proper dining table but they never use it.  They live in the kitchen.
Qhawe:  dad don’t say it like that.  We use the diniring area sometimes.
Bandile:  the kitchen is more comfortable and relaxed.
Lungi:  I see.  I have to go.  I’ll come check on you later Mr Mtimkhulu
Qhawe:  thanks Lungi.
(I stand from where I was sitting and walk her out.)
Lungi:  Did you really have to do it here.
Me:  it went well babe and I told you they would like you.
Lungi:  but Khaya (I just bring her shortself closer to me and kiss her.)
Me:  go back to work and I’ll see you in the morning when I come to fetch you.
Lungi:  You do know that I can drive myself right.
Me:  I know.  I just like driving you around when I have the time to do it, so just enjoy it.


What did she mean when she said I must find the other woman and she’ll tell me what happened to her and who is this woman.  Khanyi is so confident that she won’t lose Qhawe to me.  She doesn’t know me very well but I need to find this woman she is talking about and while I’m at it let me find out wha I can about Khanyi.  Where’s my phone, I need call the Private Investigator we use at work, I can’t afford to hire one.
Him:  what can I do for you?
Me:  I need you find out some information for me
Him:  is it work related or is it personal, I heard you are in Durban and you don’t even come to check on me.
Me:  I’ve been busy and the info I need is for me.
Him:  You know the price right?
Me:  Yes I know,
Him:  good then.  Who am I investigating?
Me:  Qhawe Mtimkhulu, I need know every thing about him especially his previous girlfriends and Khanyisile Sondlo I also need to know everything about her.
Him:  Qhawe the Architect guru and Khanyisile the Marketing Lady and the rumour is that she is behind the new image of QM Architecture that they will be launching soon, you are really aiming high this time Sindy.  I hope you remember what happened the last time you did this.
Me:  you don’t have to remind me and this time it’s different.
Him:  is it really different Sindy.  These people you want info on are very powerful people in business, they have money, they can easily make you disappear and you know what that would do to your mother.
Me:  don’t tell me about my mother she is the reason I’m doing this.
Him:  fine I’ll get you the info you want, I’ll let you know when I have it but Sindy you need tread carefully on this one.
Me:  I will.  Thanks for the advice.  I’ll be waiting for your call.  Bye.
(I know Qhawe is one of the best architect in the country but he called the marketing lady does that mean she money too. Mxm Qhawe probably helped her to start the business. I need a long hot bath.)

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