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Me:  finally you are awake
Anthony:  where am i
Me:  My other office, do you like it?
Anthony:  What am I doing here?
Me:  I told you had 24 hours to come clean and your 24 hours was up a long time ago.
Anthony:  Qhawe are you going to let her do this, I don’t know what you want from me.
Qhawe:  I enjoy watching her when she is in protective mode especially over me.  It does something to me.  It moves something in me and besides we are not friends.  Why would I want to get between you and her
Me:  start talking Anthony or your precious daughter gets it.  ( Right on cue Eddie walks in with his daughter.)
Anthony:  NO! NO! NO! Please leave my daughter out of it please.
Qhawe:  but you got her involved  Anthony and now that it’s getting dangerous you want her out of it.  Didn’t you think of her safety when you got her involved in the first place?
Me:  you know I hate it when parents involve their kids when fighting their battles.  You don’t think of the end result.  You always think that you are going to get what you and when you don’t get what you want  just like now, you want to protect your child.  Why didn’t you protect your child in the first place, why get her involved in your dealings.  Look now she is  going to pay your shenanigans, something she absolutely had nothing to do with.
Anthony:  ok yes, you are right.  I was selfish but please keep her out of this.
Qhawe:  we can’t keep her out of this, she is going to suffer for the sins of her father.
Me:  enough of this now.  Tell us what we want to know
Anthony:  fine.  I’ll tell you everything just don’t hurt my daughter.
Eddie:  that was quick.  Why did you send your daughter to lie about her pregnancy (I could’t resist the temptation, so he screamed for dear life.)
Qhawe:  Khanyi why did you do that?
Me:  I want him to know what’s going to happen if he lies to us plust I couldn’t resist
Eddie:  Give me that remote Khanyi
Me:  But Eddie  i…………….
Qhawe:   Give it to him Khanyisile (I give it to Eddie pouting and looking at Qhawe like I want to cry)  You’ll get over it. I love you
Me:  “mxm”
Qhawe:  I’ll deal with you later. You are going to pay for that
Me:  But…. (he looks at me and puts his finger on his mouth and I immediately keep quiet.  SHIT)
Qhawe:  Now let’s get on with the business at hand.  Anthony you were saying before my wife rudely interrupted us
Anthony:  years ago I made a deal with the wrong people to keep the company running.  I was sinking into debt, my company was not making any money I was losing clients because of you.
Me:  what did he do to make you lose your clients
Anthony:  Ever since he got that Zambian deal, everyone wanted to work with him after he finished that project.  They liked the modern building he did for the Zambians.  So I had to do something to save my company and keep it afloat.  Like I said I made a deal with the wrong people. I agreed for them to use my company to clean their drug money and they would use my shipments to get their drugs to Durban.  Everything went south when the man I made the deal with got arrested and the police started investigating and somehow they had some info on me but they couldn’t find anything that linked me to him because I never kept record of anything that involved him. So eversince the police started investigate me for drug trafficking and the press somehow found out, I’ve been losing a lot of money.  This is all your fault, because you got him arrested. (he goes ahead and tells us the initial plan he had)
Qhawe:  He was messing with my family just like you are doing.   did you really think about this plan of yours?  Do you realise that if i had gotten myself involved with you, the merged company would have gone down the drain because of this nonsense you are involved in. I would have lost everything I worked hard for.  I would have never associated myself and my company with someone who has been accused of drug trafficking and involved in money laundering.  That would have been suicide.  You really didn’t use your brain because you were desperate and ended up involving this poor child in your battles.
Anthony:  You would have done the same thing
Qhawe:  No I wouldn’t have.  I love my kids too much.  I want them to live a long life, I protect them from things like these because I want them to do the same with their kids.
Me:  Can I have the remote back now?
Eddie & Qhawe:  No!
Me:  this is not fair.  You are lucky my husband won’t let play with you a little.  Listen little man. You are the only parent she has got and she is pregnant  and she is going to need you.  Normally the police would be here by now but we are going to have mercy on you.  We are not cruel people, we just don’t take kindly to people who think they can toy with us and our family.
Eddie:  We are going to let you go and help your daughter get through this pregnancy. She got herself pregnant by an idiot who doesn’t even understand that he needs to be there for her now.  You are going to stay away from this family and take care of your shit without involving them.  Next time you won’t deal with them, they are very nice and I am not so nice. I won’t hesitate to kill you.  Are we clear?
Anthony:  yes we are.  I swear it will never happen again.
Qhawe:  good. It’s not my fault that you never got that deal.  You didn’t give them what they wanted and I did. stop blaming me for your misfortunes.  If you had been man enough and came to me before you got yourself into this, I would have helped you.  My wife here would have helped you too.  she is very good at what she does.
Anthony:  You keep calling her your wife, I thought you were not married.
Me:  we are not.  It just has a nice ring to it when he talks about me and calls me his wife.  Let’s go daddy, I miss my babies. 
Qhawe:  Eddie please take care of this.
Eddie:  I’ll see you later guys.  I have good news to share with you.
Me:  see you later then.
Me:  Lunga please can we not fight please.
Lunga:  are you sleeping with him?
Me:  for the 100th time, no I am not sleeping with him, I am not sleeping with anyone.
Lunga:  I see the way he looks at you and I don’t like it.  I don’t want you spending time with him, do you hear me?
Me:  that’s not fair Lunga.  You spend time with other girls.  Lonwabo is just a friend. 
Lunga:  You don’t need friends, I’m your friend.
Me:  and how is that?  Lately you are never around and when you around it’s not fun.  You are always accusing me of things that I haven’t done. Things that I don’t even thought of doing.  What happened to you Lunga,you were not like this when we first met.
Lunga:  Nothing.  I’ve always been like this, you just never noticed.  I’m telling you now and I won’t say this again, stay away from that rugby boy and his sister.
Me:  No Lunga.  You can’t control my life like that.  (he slaps me so hard that I fell on the fall. He took off his belt and started beating me.  I manage to get up and run to the bathroom and lock the door.  I can’t stop crying and I know it won’t take him long to break this door now.)
Lungi:  Oyama open this door before I break it down.  You know that no one can hear your cries. OPEN THE DAMN DOOR OYAMA!!!
Me:  GO AWAY LUNGA!!!! (I quickly take out my phone and send a text with my location and put it in my pocket again. Just then Lunga breaks  down the door.)  Lunga please stop this.  You are hurting me
Lunga:  COME HERE! (he drags me out of the bathroom and throws against the base of the bed and I hit it with my back.)  GET UP ! (he pulls me off the floor and throws me on the bed and starts hitting me with the belt again)  I tell you to stay away from those people and you talk back to me Oyama.  Since when do you talk back to me.  Today you are going to learn that you will never talk back to me again. you will do as I tell you.  (he stops and looks at me)  take off your clothes.
Me:  Lunga please, I am sorry.  (A slap lands across my face)
Lunga: I SAID TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES (with the little strength I have left I sit up and take off my dress and I am left with just my panties)  this is the first time I’ve seen you naked.  You have a nice body Oyama but I am going to ruin you for every man that wants to be with you.  (with that said I feel the belt on my bare back and I can’t help but scream but no one is coming to my rescue.  I say a little prayer while he is busy enjoying torturing me.  He stops and pulls me to the edge of the bed.)  this cookie of yours is mine and I am going to have it now. SHUT UP!!  (he slaps my again.  He puts my legs between his and holds me tight in place and belts me again on my thighs at this time I have no energy to scream and cry out loud.  I just cry silently praying that my text was received.  he continued until he got tired.  He stopped and left me on the bed and went to the bathroom.  I try to get off  but my thighs hurt so much, I drag myself off the bed and when I try to stand I fall.  I try crawling to the door, I know I won’t make it far but I have to try) AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU GOING?  I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU. (He drags me to the bed again and he is completely naked)
Me:  Lunga please, please don’t do this.  I promise I won’t do it again please Lunga. I am….(I could finish my sentence and he put his dick in my mouth moving in and out of my mouth  going deep in my throat, he didn’t care that was gagging from all that.  he took it out and made lie on my back.  He got on of my chest moving closer to my face.  He held my head tight into place and use his other hand to get me to open my mouth and he put his dick in again and roughly fucked my mouth which really hurt.  My tear haven’t stopped falling.  He did that until he released his juices in my mouth and made me swallow.  He got off me and took out ropes from the drawer of the bedside table and tied me to the bed.)
Lunga:  and it’s time for round two my love ( just then I heard the door open and heard an unfarmiliar voice, I couldn’t see who it was my eyes were filled with tears.)
Him:  I would untie her if I were you. 
Lunga:  what are you doing here?  This has nothing to do with you leave now. (the other guy took out his gun and pointed it at him.)
Him:  I said untie her.  (he untied the ropes.  As soon as I was loose I just curled myself on the bed and continued crying.)
Lunga:  You are going to regret this.  (Just then I felt someone cover me with a blanket.)
Him:  Shhhhh!  You are going to be ok.  You are safe now.  (this is a different guy and I don’t recongnise his voice either)  did he rape you?  (I have no energy to speak, I am still crying so I just shake my head  “No”)  You are safe.  Will you let me carry you to the car?
Me:  Yes.

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