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Today is a Friday meaning it's a short day for me. I usually go out on Fridays but today, I don't know if I want to, maybe I should, I didn't go out last week. Well I don't really have friends in this city. My friends are back home in the Eastern Cape, my two favourite crazy people. We see each other once or twice a month. Ncebakazi and Nothando, I miss them so much, that reminds I should plan our next get together, this time it's my turn to host. I'm not going to gym today. Today I'm just doing paper work at the office, I never arrange meetings on Fridays so that I can have enough time with myself and my kids during the weekend. Fridays are me time and Saturday and Sunday I spend with the kids unless they have plans of their own, which doesn't happen very often. I think they prefer spending time with me on the weekends and sometimes I think it's because they don't really want me to be alone since I am not dating anyone. Lately they've been nagging me about that, telling me that I should start dating again and a big part of me agrees with them. I do need to date but I don't want to date for fun, if I date then I want a proper relationship and I hope I meet someone who feels the same way. My babies come to the kitchen while I make myself something to eat and every Friday morning it's "Make your own breakfast", that's the Friday theme. When everyone is done eating we leave, I drop them off at school and I must remind Andile to fetch my other my daughter from the airport later on. She comes home every other weekend, she is studying in UCT. As I walk into my office building, I notice a car that looks familiar but I brush it off. As I settle into my office my PA comes with my regular cup of hot lemon water and the files I'll be working on.

Nathi: Morning Lady K

Me: Morning Nathi, how are you today?

Nathi: I'm good, I'm very good. (He is smiling from ear to ear and I just giving the questioning look.) My crush finally asked me out, so I have date with him tonight and I don't even know what I'm going to wear. Maybe I should go shopping after work, do you mind coming with me.

Me: Wow, finally it happened. You know I hate shopping with you, you are always indecisive. You can use my stylist, I'm sure he can help you. Oh! Before I forget please call The VG and tell them to prepare my usual table, I'm going out tonight.

Nathi: Are you going alone as usual

Me: Yes

Nathi: You are going to die alone with 10 dogs. You should start dating, you need to have that someone to share things with. You can't share everything with your kids and your kids won't give you sex which is exactly what you need right now. You can't hold on to the past. Not every man will hurt you like he did, you to open up your heart to love again, stop being afraid of love.

Trust Nathi to be straight about everything, and he speaks the truth though. After that he leaves my office and I get on with my work trying very hard not to think about everything that Nathi said. Let me call my daughter.

Linamandla: hi mom

Me: Hey baby, what time is your flight?

Lina: 11:30 my love.

Me: Ok baby. Andile will pick you up from the airport ok. Khaya is busy today he can't do it.

Lina: that's ok mom. See you soon. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

After that call I carry on with my day finishing my paper. Andile fetched my daughter and dropped her off at home. And it's time for me to go home. What am I going to wear tonight. When I get home the kids have cooked dinner. Mam' Mavis our helper has the weekend off.

Me: Hey guys. (Linamandla comes running to me, hugs me so tight. How I've missed her. My sweet angel. How are you baby, how was your flight

Lina: I'm good mom, I missed you guys so much. (She's crying. Tears of joy. She is just like me both my are cry babies just like me.)

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