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Mcebisi:  What is she is doing here?
Khanyi:  what do you mean what is she doing here?  That’s my daughter.  (I don’t think he meant to say that question out loud
Me:  What are you doing here (I ask while we are both walking towards each other and he takes my face in his hands and kisses me)  You haven’t answered my question.
Mcebisi:  I was invited for dinner.
Me:  Oh my God, you are the new CEO.  Oh shit.
Mcebisi:  Language babe.
Khanyi:  someone needs to tell me what’s going on right now
Me:  Mom, this is the guy I was just telling you about
Mcebisi:   wait this is your mom? (I just nod) shit I never connected the dots and you never showed me pictures of your mom.  I’m in deep shit nhe (he whispers that last part to me.)
Khanyi:  You are definitely in deep shit.
Me:  You can’t tell him mom
Khanyi:  Oh no sweetie, I’m not the one telling him, you guys are and you are doing it tonight.
Me:  Mom please not tonight, maybe tomorrow
Khanyi:  how stupid do you think your father is.  Look at the way you guys looks at each other.  It’s written all over you.
Mcebisi:  your mom is right Lina.  Let’s just do it and know that it’s done.
Me:  right now you are going to be walking in to the lions den, those guys out there are going to eat you alive.  What you went through with Khaya is nothing compared to what you are going to go through now.
Khanyi:  and I have a front sit to this show and I am going to enjoy watching  you being torn to pieces.
Me:  MOM!!!!
Khanyi:  What!!! It’s true.  It is going to be a show worth watching.
Me:  I can’t believe you, you should taking my side in this.
Khanyi:  Oh Princess but I am.  I am for the side that protects you from any man.  Even if you can stay single for the rest of your life, we wouldn’t mind. (she says that with a big smile on her face)
Me:  you are unbelievable.
Khanyi:  I know right.
Mcebisi:  Hey look at me, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.  Your mom likes me already.  The fact that she hired me to run her company means that she trusts me and she likes me.
Khanyi:  My daughter and my business, those are two very different things.  I can’t wait for her dad to deep fry you.
Qhawe:  who am I deep frying? (he asks as he walks in, probably on his way upstairs.)  Hey Mcebisi you are here.  How are you?
Mcebisi:  I’m good and you
Qhawe:  I’m good.  So who am I deep frying. Wait hold that thought, I’ll be back just now.  (He says going upstairs.
Khanyi:  AYEYEYE!!!! (My mother is really enjoying this) come let’s go to the kitchen (as soon as we walk into the kitchen Lungi is the first one to notice Mcebisi.)
Lungi:  SHIT!!! SHIT!!!! (aand she drops the glass she was holding)
Ncesh:  Hayibo Lungi what is wrong with you, what happened?
Khanyi:  She just went into shock (and my mom laughs after saying that statement and Khaya walks in as well and immdediately sees Mcebisi)
Khaya:  EISHA!!!! We are dead. 
Thando:  what is wrong with these kids.
Khanyi:  I told you, they just went into shock
Ncesh:  someone please explain.
Me:  Aunt Ncesh, Aunt Thando; this is the guy I was telling you guys about Mcebisi Mkhize.  Babe these are my aunts.
Ncesh:  The new CEO (she asks looking at mom and she just nods) Where is Sizwe?
Khaya:  Where is dad?
Me:  He is upstairs
Khaya:  did he see him? Uncle Sizwe is outside
Mcebisi:  Yes he saw me.  Guys will you please stop worrying.  He likes so everything will be fine.
Khaya:  don’t be too sure.  Dad and uncle Sizwe are very protective of us
Ncesh:  I need a front row sit to watch him being torn into pieces.
Mcebisi:  Lina can I at least have something to munch on before I’m thrown into the den.
Thando:  Oh God, we have another Lwazi
Mcebisi:  is that a bad thing?
Ncesh:  we definitely have another Lwazi.
Me:  am I the only one scared out of her mind right now.
Thando:  why are you scared, you heard your man say he is going to be fine because your dad likes him, since he is like your uncle Lwazi, I’m definitely sure he is going to ok. (my aunt is being sacarstic right now)
Khaya:  You know that is not true.
Lwazi:  I heard my name, what’s going on?  Hey Mcebisi, you are here.  Join us outside.  Khaya where are the glasses, hurry up your woman is fine around these women, although she looks like she’s seen a ghost right now.
Mcebisi:  she is going to be fine, I’m sure.  (and they walk out)
Khanyi:  definitely another Lwazi.  You really know how to choose, you had to choose one of  your uncles in your boyfriend. You could have at least chosen another Bandile.
Qhawe:  what boyfriend? (hayike this is it for me.  I might as well get ready for my funeral. Mom turns to look at me and then dad and then me) Princess what’s going on? You have a boyfriend (he grabs a seat and sits down and pats a seatt next to him for me to sit. Everyone in the kitchen is looking at us and Mcebisi is outside with the guys)
Me:  Yes dad I have a boyfriend and you don’t have to worry I’m still a virgin and he 27 years old.
Qhawe:  that’s a 7 years gap Princess are you comfortable with that. it makes him more experienced  than you and probably more matured depending on how he was raised and his personality. (ok this is taking a different turn, I wonder how is he going to feel when he finds who it is.) How long have you been dating?
Me:  a year now.
Qhawe:  a whole year Princess and you didn’t tell me about him.
Khanyi:  don’t worry my King, you are not the only she didn’t tell. I also just found out today but your older son and his girlfriend know about him, they’ve even met him
Qhawe:  oh! When am I meeting him?
Me:  are you going to deep fry him?
Qhawe:  depends
Me:  on what exactly?
Qhawe:  if I like him or not. So who is he and what does he do for a living? I have to know that he can take care of you no matter what he does for a living.
Thando:  oh you don’t have to worry about that. he will definitely be able to take care of her. (Just then Mcebisi walks in and everyone turns to look at him)
Mcebisi:  HOLY CRAP!!!!
Qhawe:  and then what’s wrong with you?
Ncesh:  I think he just went into shock.
Qhawe:  shock from what?
Me:  dad remember you asked me who my boyfriend was (I turn to look at Mcebisi and the my dad and I don’t think he’s connecting the dots) he is mom’s new CEO
Qhawe:  WHAT!!!  Him?? (he asks looking at Mcebisi)
Me:  Yes dad him
Qhawe:  You had to choose someone who’s like your uncle Lwazi.  I should kill him right now, we don’t need another Lwazi in our lives.
Me:  but you said it depends if you like him or not and I know you like him.  The way you are looking at him right now doesn’t say you want to kill him.  Dad I really love him and I would really appreciate it if you gave us your blessing.
Mcebisi:  did you just say you love me?  (I turn to look at him and I look at Lungi who is smiling at me and she nods)  Linamandla did you just say you love me? (I look at him and just nod my head.)  I can’t hear you Princess
Me:  yes I did. (he walks close to me, lifts and spins me around.  He puts me down and looks me in the eyes with my face in his hands and kisses the life out of me.)
Qhawe:  ok that’s enough.  She is still my daughter.  (he gets up from his chair and kisses my cheek.)  I love you Princess.  Mcebisi come with me (and they both walk outside to the other guys.)
Ncesh:  Let the show begin….

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