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I hate being here and I am hoping that the doctor tells me I can go home today.  Khanyi is not here yet and I hope the doctor comes when she is here.  I miss my lady, I miss my kids.  I just miss being home and I know she needs my help even though she won’t say it.  I signed off on the new ad campaign she designed for my business and it looks absolutely amazing and it’s launching today. I can’t wait to see the results after this.  Someone walks in interrupting me from my thoughts it’s Lungi and the doctor. Lungi comes to me and starts changing my bandages.
Doctor:  You are healing nicely and you can go home today.
Me:  finally.  I was going to discharge myself now.
Doctor:  Now you don’t have to.  You need take care of that would until it heals completely.  No weight lifting until you are healed is that clear?
Me:  Yes doc.
Doctor:  I was hoping the Mrs would be here so that Lungi can show her how to dress your wound but she can always show her when she gets here. 
Me:  Thanks doc.  Thanks Lungi. (the doctor leaves and Lungi finishes up what she is doing.)  Now that I am getting out of here today, you should talk to Khaya about bringing you over to the house for dinner.
Lungi:  I’ll talk to him.  Thank you.
Me:  You really do love him?
Lungi:  how can you tell?
Me:  the way your face lights up at the mention of his name.  Lungi Khaya has been through a lot, if he hasn’t told, he will.  Don’t push him to open up, he will talk when he is ready.  He is more like his mom, more than he realises.  Love him, care for me don’t get tired of showing him you love him and telling him.  I know you want to hear him say it and he will.  I wanted so bad for his mom to tell me she loves me.  I could see it in everything.  She did everything she could to show me but I wanted to hear it but I was patient, I waited for her.  The moment the words came out her mouth I didn’t believe it because she was angry when she said it, angry at my ex-wife even though she was angry I knew she meant it, it came from the heart.  Khaya is just like his mom in everyway, just be patient with him.  Do you understand?
Lungi:  I understand but how do you know he hasn’t told me he loved?
Me:  He might not be biologically mine but he is my son, I know him and understand him.
Lungi:  he is lucky to have you.
Me:  I am lucky to have them in my life.  The life I have with them, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Lungi:  the love you guys have for each is amazing sometimes I wish my family was as united as you guys.
Me:  You are part of the family now.  To be a family you don’t have to related, the most unlikely strangers can make a family and that’s how our family started.
Lungi:  You mean to tell me that you are not all related.
Me:  No we are not.  Lwazi and Bandile are my friends since varsity.
Lungi:  and I thought you guys were brothers.
Me:  in a way we are brothers, we all are.  Eddie, Andile and Luyanda have been with Khanyi  for four years. You still have to meet Luyanda.  Sizwe has also been in Khanyi’s life for a very long time, he considers her his little sister.  Khanyi has 5 kids and I have 5 kids too and now we are this big blended family.
Lungi:  how did you manage to blend so well.
Me:  I would be lying if I said we worked hard on us being like this.  It just happened naturally
Lungi:  I’m glad to be part of the family.  Thank you for welcoming me and thank you for the breakdown I appreciate it.  I sent Khaya a message to bring a change of clothes for you, he said he’ll come and his mom was going to be held up in a meeting. (my phone beeps and it’s a message from Khanyi.  “Stuck in a meeting.  I’ll see you soon.  I hope the doctor has discharged you. I need you home today.  I love you my King.”  Me:  Yes I’m going home today apparently Khaya is the one to fetch me. I love you too my Queen.)
Me:  That was Khaya’s mom.
Lungi:  I could tell by the smile on your face.  Thank you for the advice.  I have to go check on my patients.  You are no longer my patient.  Take care of yourself Mr Mtimkhulu.
Me:  You as well Lungi. Hope to see you soon. (just as I am getting myself comfortable and wait for Khaya, someone else walks in.  I haven’t seen this in person in ages what is she doing here)
Me:  Sindiswa
Sindy:  Hi Qhawe, how are you?
Me:  fine.  What are you doing here?
Sindy:  I came to see you
Me:  And your reason for that would be what exactly?
Sindy:  because I care about you.
Me:  why would you care, oh no wait don’t tell me you still have a crush on me.  You’ve had this crush since high school and you haven’t gotten over it? wow
Sindy:  it’s not just a crush Qhawe, I love you.  I loved you back then I still love you now.  ( I look at her shocked and I’m trying to find a nice to say what I want to say to her.)


I really don’t understand why that meeting had to drag for so long.  Old people in business sometimes they can be a pain. It’s a good thing Khaya hadn’t left for the hospital. I’m so happy he is finally coming home.  I missed him so much.  I bump into Lungi at the hospital reception.  Khaya chose well.  She is a beautiful girl and very humble.
Me:  Is he ready to go?
Lungi:  yes he is.  He just needs his clothes, I hope he is not sleeping, I gave him his pain medication.
Me:  I’m sure he is too excited to sleep.  Let me go.  Oh and tell that son of mine to bring you over for dinner soon.
Lungi:  I will.  See you later Miss Sondlo.
Me:  see you later baby.
I walk to Qhawe’s room, before I could go in, I hear his voice and he is angry, so I decide to stand and listen.
Qhawe:  which part of I have a woman in my life and she is all the woman I need did you not understand Sindy. (oh it’s her, how did she manage to get in.  she must be very sneaky)
Sindy: Qhawe please, I just want us try and see where it goes.  You have nothing to lose.
Qhawe:  woman are you mad.  I have everything to lose besides that I’m not interested in you.  Don’t you think if I wanted you in any way I would have dated you in high school.  You threw yourself at me back then just like you are now.  you know what I don’t even know why I’m entertaining this nonsense of your.   Get out, leave.
Sindy:  Que please just give us a chance.
Qhawe:  if you ever call me that again, I will slap the black off you.  Now leave. (let rescue this poor girl from Qhawe’s rath.  Why would she call him Que.  She has a death wish.)
Me: I believe the man said leave (she looks at with so much disgust in her eyes.  I couldn’t care less really. She looks at Qhawe, who looks back at her with a raised eyebrow.) you are still here.  Ok then.  ( I walk over to Qhawe)
Me:  hi Que, how are you?  Are you ready to go home my King?
Qhawe:  I’ve been ready my Queen.  I miss you guys so much. (he pulls me close and kisses me)
Sindy:  why does she call you Que, I thought you didn’t like.  (hayibo this girl is still here.)
Qhawe:  none of your business.  Baby please call security because I am about to kill someone in this room.  I’ll go change so we can go.  (Qhawe turns and looks at Sindy) by the time I get of out of the bathroom you had better not be here. (he kisses my forehead and walks to the bathroom with his bag.)
Me:  why are you still standing here, you heard the man.
Sindy:  this is not over.
Me:  oh it is darling. It is over  my dear. Now leave.  (she looks at me for a while, clicks her tongue and walks out)
Qhawe:  good she is gone.  I really don’t know what mom was thinking bringing her here.
Me:  she wanted what she thought was best for you.
Qhawe:  You are what’s best for me.  Let’s go home so that I can make love to you before the kids come home.
Me:  the doctor said no sex my King until you are completely healed.  (just then Lungi walks in with the wheel chair.)
Qhawe:  I’m not using that.
Me:  since I can’t carry you, you have to use it, you don’t have a choice.
Lungi:  use it or I’ll call security to carry you
Qhawe:  You wouldn’t dare
Lungi:  try me dad in law, try me and you’ll see.
Qhawe:  fine, I’ll use it.
Me:  Good.  Sit I’ll push you. Thanks Lungi.  (we walk out)
Qhawe:  Khanyi no doctor is going to tell not to make love to my Queen.  I miss you woman.
Me:  I miss you too my King. (I help him into the car and I drive us home. There’s no point in arguing with him about this he has made up his mind.)  what’s on your mind you are very quiet.
Qhawe:  I’m trying to figure out what could be going on in that woman’s head.  I mean she was told to go home there’s nothing for her here and she decides to stay to persue me with the hope that I’ll end things with you and be with her.  I’m just trying to understand how her brain works.
Me:  Just let her be eventually she will get it.
Qhawe:  I can’t let her be babe.  Remember you are pregnant and you don’t need the stress, she has to be delt with.
Me:  Que if there one thing I know and sure of right now is that she won’t get what she wants. Let’s both not stress about her. she is non-factor in our lives.
Qhawe:  You really shouldn’t call me Que.  The way you say does things to me, I might just make you pull over on the side of the road.


Being here makes me nervous, I don’t know.  Whenever I’m arround him, I am always nervous.  Why is he taking so long to open the door. Just as I am about to open it, he opens the door.  Ok so he was in the shower, his body is wet and has a towel wrapped arround his waiste.  He has a nice body, not your gym type body but he has a nice medium sized body.  He is not one those guys that go to gym.
Him:  how long are you going to stand there staring and me.
Me:  I’m sorry (I say as I walk in.) hi
Him: hi to you too.
Me:  you have what I asked for?
Him:  on the dining table (I walk to the dining table and take the envelope and look at the info.)
Me:  Qhawe is worth so much, I didn’t know he was this rich and his business is doing well.  So the  only previous serious relationship was with his ex-wife who is in prison now for attempted murder.
Him:  before she went to jail she disappeard  for about nmonth.  She came back with scars ll over her body like someone who was being tortured.
Me:  who did she try to kill
Him:  Khanyisile Sondlo, because she wanted her ex-husband.  You need  you need to tread carfully th0ugh otherwise you are going to be in trouble. Why don’t you let this one go.
Me:  I can’t I love him.
Him:  do you realy  love him or are you obsessed. 
Me:  I’m not obessed, I know I love him.  ( I go through all the document and realise that Khanyi is also rich. She was also married.  But there’s not much here on her.) there’s not much on her.
Him:  it’s very difficul to get info on her, tha’s all I know.
Me:  but why
Him:  I don’t know, maybe she doesn’t want people snooping around in her life and I can’t blame her.  I got you all the info I could get.  If you want more than this, you’ll have to find out yourself from the source.  Now it’s time for my payment.
Me:  fine, I didn’t forget.
Him:  be a good girl and take off your clothes (I do as I am told.)  first I’m going to punish you for not tell me you were around and not coming to see me. (I’ve always loved sex with him.)  Go to the couch and bendover the arm rest.  (as soon as I am in position, he spanks my ass and stings.  I feel his wet lips where I felt the sting, he repeats that 5 times  and I swear I am so wet for him right now I just want to feel him inside me.  Without warning he pushes himself hard and deep.  He pulls out and goes in again hard and deep he stays like that for a while and starts moving slowing going deeper and deeper and all I could do is scream out his name and that seems to give him power because he gives it to me rough and deep, he is really not being gentle but it feels so good.  He goes on and stops when I’m about to come, he pulls out and carries me to his room and ties me to the bed, my legs tied to the corners of the bed and that gives him the full view of my nuna.  He comes to kiss me and it’s a beautiful kiss, it says something just not sure what.  He enters me slowly and gently this time moving back and forth, in and out slowly.  He is making love to me slowly this time, this time it’s different.  He is more passionate today, it’s as if he is trying to tell me something and the pleasure is so amazing at the same time, he has full control of my body and that drives me crazy he stops and pulls out again just before I come, I know this is punishment.  He unties me and makes me wrap my legs around his waist with his whole upper body on my chest and he is moving back and forth inside me.  He strokes are quicker and I feel my orgasm coming and he goes faster. I want him to go deeper )
Me:  go deeper Sipho please (he does as told and his pace is faster)
Sipho:  come for baby ( after 3 deep and quick strokes I let go and soon after he comes too.)
This session was different from the other ones I used to have with him, it feels like it meant something, maybe I’m just imagining things.  I must go see Qhawe’s ex-wife. I need to know what happened to her.  In the mean time I’ll be making Khanyi’s life a living hell, she won‘t know what hit her.
Sipho:  what’s on your mind?
Me: nothing much.  I’m thinking of getting a job this side. 
Sipho:  is it because him?
Me:  Yes and No. I also need a change of scenary and to be away from my mother for a while.
Sipho:  sindy you need to be careful. I didn’t like what happened to you the last time you did something like this.  Have you ever considered that the might someone out there who loves you just as you are.
Me:  Only man I’ve ever truly  loved is Qhawe and it’s time he is a part of my llife and I’m part of his.

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