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Ok my Queen is very upset.  She hasn’t spoken about what happened yesterday and today we are having breakfast with my parents.  The kids also don’t know what happened as they spend most of the time with their grandparents.  Zwelibanzi is testing me. We are on our way to my parents’ house and she’s been very quiet since last night.  I know she’ll tell me when she is ready. I park the car and look at her.
Me:  Are you ready for this?
Khanyi:  Yes my King, I’m ready.
Me:  We can always do this some other time.
Khanyi:  No baby, I’m fine, I promise.  We’ll talk after breakfast I promise
Me:  ok then, let’s go.  (I look at my three kids in the back sit) are you guys ready to meet your new grandparents.
Ntando:  bring it on dad. (I just laugh.  This one hangs out too much with his Uncle Lwazi.  I knock on the door, I look at my Queen and she looks so nervous, I hold her hand and squeeze it just so she knows it’s going to be fine.)
Ntando:  don’t worry mom, I’m sure they don’t bite (we all just laughed and the door opened while we were laughing.)
Bandile:  I wouldn’t be laughing if I were (he smiles at Khanyi) You’re late.
Me:  Just let us in.  Where is everyone?
Bandile: in the dining room.  (we walk in and head to the dining room and the girls get up from their sits and go straight to Khanyi and hug her after which they hug their siblings.  My mom looks shocked and I think the kids haven’t said anything to them.  We greet them and take our sits.
Me:  Mom, dad this is the woman I’ve been telling you about, My Queen Khanyisile Sondlo and these are our kids Lonwabo, Ntando and Lwanele, the other two kids you will meet later on.
Mom:  You look beautiful and very short, I was expecting to see a tall woman and you have beautiful kids.
Dad: finally we get to meet the woman that has captured my son’s heart.  Thank you for coming.  I’m his dad Loyiso Mtimkhulu and this is my wife Siyanda Mtimkhulu.
Khanyi:  it’s nice to finally meet you, the kids talk about you a lot.
Mom:  how is your relationship with my grandkids?
Khanyi:  it is the best, if feels like they were meant to be mine.
Banele:  but we are yours and there’s nothing you can do about it, you can run from us but you can’t hide.
Bandile:  We’ll find you.  (the kids just laugh including Khanyi)
Khanyi:  as if I would want to run away.
Mom:  it’s good to see that you get along with them. 
Lisakhanya:  can you guys sleepover tonight?
Dad:  I don’t see a problem with that, Qhawelomzi what do you say?
Me:  (I look at Khanyi and she smile at me and I take that as yes)  We don’t have a problem tata.
When we are done eating, the kids do the dishes and drive off to Zwelibanzi’s home.  When we get there I park the car and the kids run to their grandmother who was waiting outside.  She looks at the car, I think she was expecting Khanyi  to follow, but she is still in the car. I turn and look at her)
Khanyi:  I’ll go inside in a minute
Me:  What’s wrong baby? (I can see she is angry but she is keeping calm)
Khanyi:  that idiot Zwelibanzi took me as a second wife.  He was married, been married for 10 years nows, he married me because he stood to benefit from it from his father, he married me so that the kids can have his name.  He used me.
Me:  just tell me everything that happened yesterday (and she tells me everything, by the time she is finished , I still can’t believe Zwelibanzi could be so selfish.)  are you sure you want to go back in there.
Khanyi:  I’ll be fine, his father wanted to see me, I didn’t get to speak to him yesterday, he spent most of his time with the kids. I just need to deal with this once and for all. I don’t want to come back here again unnecessarily.  I need closure so that I can move on without anything hanging over my head that has to do with Zwelibanzi.  I thought I was done with him when I left him. I don’t know why he feels the need to continue breaking me, as if he hasn’t done enough. Let me go inside, we’ll talk later.
Me:  Just know that I love you, whatever happens I’m here for you and I love you.
(I kiss her and watch her as she walks into the house.)


Mr Tom:  Zweli you have hurt that girl too much.  I told you to be good to her and she will be good to you, she loved you, she gave you her all and you betrayed her and I warned you that this would come back to bite you, look what’s happening now.  You are married to a woman that says yes to everything you do and say.  A woman that can’t even tell you when you are wrong, she can’t even stand up to you, she probably loves your money more than she loves you.  On the other hand Khanyi made you a better man.
Zweli:  dad please, I don’t need to hear this now.  yes I screwed and I can’t change that.  I love Khanyi and I love my kids.
Me:  No you don’t.  You love the benefits you get for having her in your life.  (just then Khanyi walks in) My daughter, how are you?
Khanyi:  I’m ok tata, how are you? (she looks at Zwelibanzi and there’s so much hate in her eyes, she has always been able to say a lot with her eyes.) Zwelibanzi
Me:  my days are numbered Khanyi.  Zweli please excuse us, I want to talk to her alone. (he gets up and leaves)
Khanyi:  you could have told me tata.
Me:  I know my child but I trusted that fool to tell you himself when he said he wanted to tell you.  I know what I am about say won’t change anything.  I’m sorry for what  my son put you and the kids through, I truly am.  I wish you had told us what was happening.
Khanyi:  it was not easy tata, he had me watched all the time, he didn’t want me to tell anyone, the only person who knew was Sizwe and when he tried to help, he almost killed him.
Me:  I hear you.  Khanyi I don’t have much time to live. I know that my son is a very greedy man, he is also very selfish, for what I am about to tell you, I might be putting you and the kids in danger but I have to do it. I have worked very hard for my legacy to have Zwelibanzi destroy it just like that.
Everything me and his mother own will be left to your kids, only one company will be left to the twins but you have to take care of it until they are 18. Everything that we leave to your kids you will have to manage as well.  The twins also have a trust fund that I created for them, part of that fund is for their education.  Zwelibanzi can’t have any of it because I know he will destroy it with his illegal activities.  I am only leaving him with R5 million.
Khanyi:  Tata you can’t do that, this is too much.
Me:  I can and I have.  Everything is done.  Everyone else will find out when the will is read.  Everything is already transferred into their names and you as the one who will manage everything.  I don’t trust the twin’s mother, she will spend it all on nothing.  It is done Khanyi.  All I need from you is to promise me that you will do everything in your power to protect them and protect yourself.
Khanyi:  But tata I don’t…………. (I don’t let her finish)
Me:  promise me Khanyi, promise me you won’t let Zwelibanzi destroy my legacy, your kids legacy.
Khanyi:  (she hesitates to answer) I promise tata.
Me:  That’s my girl.  Come here (she comes closer and I give her a warm hug.  Zweli lost a good woman.)

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