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Last night was a great night and surprising.  We slept over at the Mtimkhulu residence.  It felt so good being around Sibahle and not have to hide how I feel about her and be with her freely even though her dad kept his eye on me.  The brothers are worse than their father.  When my brother and I came back from Johannesburg this is not what we expected.  There is so much love around us now and we have decided to stay in Durban and expand our business here.  Not that dad didn’t show us love, he did a lot but this is a different kind of love, family love.  I should actually speak to dad about bringing our grandfather here for a visit, he’ll definitely love spending time with everyone.  There wasn’t enough time during the wedding.  my dad walks in interrupting my thoughts.
Dad:  are you ok?
Me:  Yes dad I am ok.  Just thinking.
Dad:  You know, when you told me about your girl, I never thought it would be Sibahle.
Me:  I know dad. I also never expected to feel the way I feel about her.  I think I love her dad.
Dad:  You don’t think.  You do know that you love her, you just don’t want to admit it.  You are afraid to admint it.  I’m sure she is just  as afraid as you but she was brave last night by standing up for your relationship.
Me:  I know, she is an amazing woman.
Dad:  You have to be good to her son.  I know that you’ve had issues with females because of your mother but I can see that you are different with her.  I watched the two of you last night.  I haven’t seen you like that in a long time.  You were truly enjoying yourself and so free around her.  You were yourself. I am happy that you are starting to see that not all women are like your mother.
Me:  she makes me want to be a better man for me and for her.  I just hope that she won’t get tired of me, I hope she will stand by me through it all, especially since Asive and I just started a business, it’s going to take a lot of work.
Dad:  Never at anytime forget to make time for her.  You must always have time for her.  I get busy at times with my work but I always make time for my wife.  I see you guys are getting along very well.
Me:  yes we are.  When are you making us a little sister?
Dad:  it will just happen.  We’ll see.  I didn’t think you guys would want to have a sibling.
Me:  we do and hopefully it’s a girl.  (Sibahle walks in while we were talking, she had a cup of coffee with her.)
Sibahle:  Morning (she walked towards me)  I thought you were alone.  I brought you some coffee.
Sorry Uncle B, I didn’t know you were here.
Dad:  It’s ok.  I’m sure my wife has made me some.  (Sibahle walks closer to me and hands me my coffee with a warm smile.)  guys I want to say something to you.  Sibahle I have known you from when you were a baby, I have been  a part of  your life from day one and I never imaganied that you  would date my son.  I always thought I would protect you against some idiotic guy that would want to play. I never thought I would have to protect you against may son.  Maybe if you guys had spent more time at a younger age you wouldn’t be dating today.  I know that we are not family by blood but nevertheless we are family and we take care of each other and I want the two of you take care of each other and don’t forget the lessons we have tought you.  Always treat each other with respect.  (Uncles Lwazi walks in with Mcebisi, they don’t even knock.)
Dad:  do your knuckles hurt so much that you can’t knock?
Lwazi:  this is not your room, it’s your son’s room.
Mcebisi:  It looks like we are too late anyway.
Me:  Too late for what?
Mcebisi:  we wanted to see if she was going to bring something to drink in your room or wait until you went downstairs, I guess she brought.  Is it coffee or tea?
Me:  It’s coffee.  Wait  a minute why does it matter to you if she brings it here or wait
Lwazi:  His wife waited until he was in the kitchen.  He just lost R500 to me.
Sibahle:  You made a bet of what I would do, you guys are not serious
Dad:  and I bet this was your idea Lwazi.
Lwazi:  Actually this time around I am innocent, it wasn’t my idea or let me say our idea.  It was one of the twins
Sibahle:  You guys are so unbelievable.  I am not talking to you for the rest of the day.
Mcebisi:  it was not our idea, you can’t punish us.
Sibahle:  the mere fact that you had a bet, you were a part of it.  Unbelievable.  I’ll see you later babe.  (she kisses my cheek and walks out of the room)
Me:  really guys, really.  (they just smile and shrug.)
All our lives all we ever wanted was to have a loving family and now we do. A big loving family. My little sisters are a handful though especially at school but honestly I am loving being the brother. 
Zenande:  Have you thought about what was said last night at the dinner.
Me: I have and I actually want to do it.
Lonwabo:  I don’t see why not.  We never used the Tom name anyway and plus he agreed to the whole thing  so I don’t see why we shouldn’t change our surname.
Lwanele:  Honestly I was hoping he would ask us to.  I’m tired of having to explain why my surname is different from Lisa’s and yet we say we are sisters.  It’s frustarating.  I for one would love to be Princess Mtimkhlulu.
Zenande:  You can be so dramatic Lwanele.
Lwanele:  I am my mother’s daughter I guess
Me:  Mom is not dramatic, you are becoming more like uncle Lwazi everyday.  You and Lisa are spending too much time with him now you are adopting his dramatic tendencies.
Lisakhaya:  Oh please, just leave us alone.  we like spending time with him.  He is fun.  So you guys are going to change your last name to Mtimkhulu?
Lonwabo:  Yes we are.  (Oyama joins us)
Oyama:  Hey guys
Me:  Hey.  Are you ok?
Oyama:  I’m fine.  Just didn’t sleep much.
ME:  I know.  I heard you scream a couple of times last night.  Was it the nighmares?
Oyama:  Yes it was. 
Me:  I could tell.  You only slept when Wabo went to sleep next to you.
Oyama:  please don’t tell your parents.  I don’t want them to worry.
Lwanele:  we won’t tell them.
Oyama:  I heard you guys talking about your last name, are you going to change it?
Me:  yes we are.  It’s the right thing to do and we want to do it.
Lonwabo:  and it would be the best way to honour him as our father, carrying on his name and his legacy.
Oyama:  that is wonderful.  Your parents would really appreciate that.  Your dad would love that especially the way you put it Wabo.  I’ve been meaning to ask you.  Why do they call you Wabo?
Lonwabo:  its was Lisa’s way of calling me and everyone ended up calling me Wabo.
Oyama:  I like it. (she says that smiling at him)
Me:  I’ve been thinking.
Zenande:  about what?
Me:  we should have a day of fun for just us, I mean all the kids, including the big kids too.  Maybe even a weekend.  I know the parents wouldn’t mind especially since the older kids will be around.
Oyama:  You should speak to them, they won’t just agree to evey thing.
Zenande:  yes  we will have to speak to them first.  (Sibahle joins us as well.)
Sibahle:  what are you going to talk to the parents about?
Me:  a weekend away for us kids.
Sibahle:  I’m sure they won’t mind, they probably want some time alone.
Oyama are you ok.  I heard you last night and when I went to check on you Wabo was sleeping next you.
Oyama:  I am fine Sibahle.  I don’t get them every night like I used to before.  They are getting better.
Sibahle:  Listen my brothers have a project called the BROTHERHOOD.  They help abused males in anyway that they need help.  Would you like to share your story of what happened with the BROTHERHOOD, maybe someone out there needs to hear from you so that it can encourage them to come out and speak out.  The guys want to involve women as well even though their main focus is on men and young boys but they don’t want to leave out women and children.
Oyama:  Wabo once told me about the project and when I am ready I’ll share my story maybe I can get the other girls that were his victims to come forward as well.
Zenande:  do you think they will?
Oyama:  I don’t know but I hope they will especially now that he is in jail.
Lwanele:  My grandfather bought a dance studio for me.  It has a lot of young girls and boys my age and younger and some are just street kids that the BROTHERHOOD are helping.  We are trying to recruit more older people to join plus dancing can therapeutic.  We are also going to have a dance off, we are raising funds to build a shelter for the homeless.
Oyama:  that’s amazing.  I would love to be part of that and plus I love dancing.  Tell you what, I’ll try and recruit some of the students at campus to join in and maybe some of them can help coach.
Zenande:  as long as they don’t expect to be paid.  This is a project where one volunteers their services and they do it for the love of doing it.
Oyama:  I understand that.
Lonwabo:  I didn’t know you love dancing. (He smiles at her, knowing that he also loves dancing and he coaches at the studio as well)
Oyama:  there’s a lot you don’t know about me Mr Mtimkhulu.
Lonwabo:  I love the sound of that.
Me:  you two should just get married.

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