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Oh gosh, my head.  Shit I slept in my clothes.  I know Qhawe drove me but who put me in bed, maybe Eddie did.  I need to get to my brother’s place, actually what is it?  10:30 ok I still have time.  Qhawe must think I’m some drunk.  The minute I stepped into the car I just slept.  Maybe I should ask him out for coffee next week just to make it up to him.  As I finish getting dressed I hear my phone beeping, yhooo that’s a lot of messages.  I’ll check when I’m done getting ready.  I’m interrupted by a knock on my door.  It’s Eddie with pain killers and water. 
Me:  You know you are supposed to be off today. Andile is here, and Jason is also here. Your wife is going to hate me.  She’s going to think I’m over working you.
(He looks at me and just laughs.)
Eddie:  She’s actually down stairs, she wants to say hi.  We are on our way to the mall but I just thought let me pass by here and see if you are ok.
Me:  I’m ok Eddie.  The other guys don’t baby me the way you do.
Eddie:  And they know why.  You really like this Qhawe guy to actually let him bring you home. Oh by the way he saw that.  (He says with smug on his face pointing at the picture of me naked.)
Me:  Eddie why did you allow him up here? 
Eddie:  He carried you from the car, and he didn’t want to let go, so I just let me.  Plus he just reminded me of how I am with my wife.  Very protective and wanting to make sure she is ok.  That’s how he was with you last night.
Me:  is that so.  (I brush off what he just said) Let’s go downstairs so that I can see Elsa.
I blame everything that happened last night on the wine.  I shouldn’t have drunk so much wine.  Come to think of it, I had a great time last night.  I actually had fun.
Elsa:  Khanyi (she says while hugging me.)  I’m glad to see you smile, which means you really had a good time last night.  Yes I know, my dear husband told me everything.  You know how couples like gossiping. (she laughs)
Me:  Hi Elsa, yes I did have a good time. It was really fun.  The guys I was with, were not really strangers, I always see them at the gym.
Eddie:  So Qhawe is the irritating idiot from the gym
Me:  Yes he is. Elsa it’s really good to see you, I haven’t seen you in a while. I should make time and visit.
Elsa: it’s alright my dear, I understand that you are busy, and I know you haven’t forgotten about me.  I’m glad we came by today.
Me:  I’m glad too.  But now I have to rush to my brother’s house, we are having lunch with the kids.
Elsa:  I hope to see you soon darling.  Have fun with the little ones.  Come Eddie let’s go.
Eddie:  I’ll see you Monday Khanyi.  Oh before I forget, please send someone to fetch your car from Qhawe’s house the address is in my office, I told him to drive himself last night, I also needed to get home to my wife.
Me:  ok I’ll do that.  Thanks Eddie.
We all leave at the same time.  Andile is coming with me.  I’m not in the mood to drive.


I wake up in one of the guest the bedrooms, there’s a girl next to me.  She’s beautiful, I wonder, maybe I should keep her around for a while, no I can’t, these girls always get attached, that’s not what I need right now.  At some point in my life I do need to settle down but I haven’t found that special person.  My two sons are all grown up and they don’t live with me anymore, this house is very empty without them, it doesn’t feel like a home anymore.  Little miss here interrupts my thoughts as she wakes up and she asks for the bathroom, when she comes back she doesn’t say anything she just kisses me and I can feel my dick waking up, i move my lips to her neck down to her boobs, my hands grabbing her ass, I lift her a bit and insert myself in her and she moans, her moans are nothing special, it’s something I’m used, but she is wet for me very wet and warm. She tries to move a little so that she fit all me in her, when I’m finally in she rides me, bouncing up and down, she then settles and moves in circles, it feels good, she is moaning like crazy.  I gently hold her tight to stop her from moving and gently get off me and I tell her to be on all fours.  She bends over for me, I start fingering her while she is bend over with two finger moving in and of her, I use my other hand to play with her  clit rubbing it slowly, I stop as she tells she is about to cum, and push myself in her, gently pounding her deep.  I reposition her, bend her further down, gently holding her head down and my other holding her waist so that she doesn’t move.  I fuck her hard and deep and I can hear from how she is moaning she is about to cum, I move deeper and faster until she cums.  As I feel that I’m about to cum, I pull out and cum all over her ass.
My phone rings and it’s Lwazi, she gets up and goes to the bathroom, I answer my phone as I leave the room going to my bedroom.
Lwazi:  hey man, what are you up to?
Bandile:  I’m about to shower man what’s up
Lwazi:  I wanted us to meet maybe have a little, I spoke to Qhawe he is cool with it, we are going to his place.
Bandile:  Alright then.  I’ll see you in an hour.
Lwazi:  Cool man.  Later then.
Just as I finish getting ready, hear her voice calling me
Me:  I’m in here
Her:  this is a nice room.  Why didn’t we sleep in here.
Me:  Only the woman I make my wife will sleep in this bed
Her:  I see.
Me:  are you ready to go
Her:  Yes I am.
I grab my things and we leave.  I drop her off at her place before I go buy a few drinks for the gents.  Maybe I should buy more meat too.


We are spending the weekend with our uncle, mom is coming over for lunch.  I can’t wait to see her.  Maybe I should come back next weekend again, since we are spending the weekend with uncle Lu.  We can spend next weekend with mom.  I hope she had a good time last night, she really needs it and deserves to be happy after everything she’s been through.  She called the other day telling me that my father wants to see us, me and Khaya.  I asked her why now, she just said she doesn’t know.  One thing I appreciate about mom in this situation, she is not forcing us to talk to him or have any kind of relationship with him.  She is leaving the decision making up to us. My brother is really not handling this well, he is angry and it’s only mom and my little sister that can keep him calm.  My little sister walks in the kitchen
Lwanele:  hey Lina
Me:  Hey baby sis, what’s up
Lwanele:  Do you think mom had a good time night
Me:  I hope she did.  (Lwanele is not her usual self, I wonder what’s going on)
Lwanele: Lina can I ask you something
Me:  yes you can baby
Lwanele:  why is it our dad’s don’t want us?
I’m shocked with Lwanele’s question I didn’t expect it and I don’t know how to answer it, it’s same question I had years ago but I never asked mom. Khaya and I we have our own father and my mom’s ex-husband is the father to my three little siblings.  Oh Gosh where is mom when I need her.  I just move closer to her and hug her, she’s not crying but I can tell she is hurting. I need to call mom, she needs to get here fast.  Speak of the devil, she walks in on us hugging
Mom:  and then, what’s going on, what happened
Lwanele just runs to her and hugs her and starts crying, I’m also in tears now.
Mom:  guys what’s wrong
I look and mom and you can’t miss the concern in her face.  I tell her everything and she sighs very deeply, she sits Lwanele on the kitchen counter and makes me sit on of the high chairs in the kitchen.  Uncle Lu walks in as she is about to speak to us.
Unlcle Lu:  hey what’s going on?
Mom:  Lungelo please sit down.  You girls sometimes I wish you didn’t care so much about these men.  I want you to listen to me and listen good.  You guys did nothing to your fathers , they are the ones who are idiots, the ones who don’t realise how special you are.  You should never think that they are not in your lives because of  you.  They are not a part of your lives because of their own stupidity and I don’t want you guys holding any grudges against them because that will drive you crazy.
Khaya:  Mom is right, look what happened to me, what the anger I had inside did to me, I’ve decided to forgive, you guys should too.
Uncle Lu:  Your brother is a perfect example of what happens when you hold to anger for a long time. So please my babies don’t do this to yourselves.  They don’t deserve to have crying over them.
Mom:  And that doesn’t mean you should hate all men just because two idiots couldn’t man up. Now wipe your tears so that we can prepare salads and guys are braai some meet, we can enjoy the afternoon together.
Me:  Only if you tell us about last night.
Mom:  fine I’ll tell you, when we are done with everything..
So we prepare everything, we eat while mom tells us all about last night. She really did have a good time.  We wanted to see a picture of this guy but she didn’t have one.  The afternoon was great, just family, mom will only leave later in the evening.


Lwazi is here already, he’s making pap for the mini braai we are having and I’m looking at the pictures from last night.  This lady is really making weak.  Lwazi grabs my phone while contemplating if I should call her.
Lwazi:  Is this her
Me: yeah man that’s her,
Lwazi:  so you guys were on a date last night?
Me:  No man, it was just a pure coincidence that she was there and we were there and we ended chilling together.
Lwazi:  Looks like I missed out on a good time
Me:  You did man.  This woman is really something else.  I keep wondering if I should call her
Bandile:  You should call her (he says as he walks in with a few beers and more meat.)
Lwazi: Man you’ve never had trouble with a girl. They throw themselves at you
Me: that’s the thing Lwazi, she is not throwing herself at me, she’s making me chase her, she’s making me hunt her and it’s thrilling.
Bandile:  let’s watch and see how this chase is going to end.  I bet that you are going to wife her.
Lwazi:  You think so?
Bandile:  Ndoda, this lady was dressed like him yesterday, look at the pictures.  She drinks the same wine as he does, how many ladies do you know that he has met drink that wine, she has the same taste in cars as him and that lady is as submissive as they come and she will submit to Qhawe here soon.  She might be broken but she feels something for you, she might not be sure just yet.  I bet my life that if you call her now and ask her out on a date, she’ll say yes, she’s not the type that plays hard to get.
Lwazi:  I like it when a woman knows what she wants and Qhawe it sounds like your woman knows what she wants.
Me:  Bandile how do you know all this, when did you become expert on women (we all laugh)
Bandile:  I promise you, that woman is yours.
Me:  You are definitely right about that.
We carry on with our braai, just relaxing enjoying the day.  The guys have left already not before they helped me clean up. Since the kids are not here this weekend, I gave mam’ Nkosi the weekend off.

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