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Qhawe made love to me last night, he said he doesn’t want my mind focused too much on what’s going on and he also knows that sex is one the things that helps me to relieve my stress.  Sex is always great and he really knows how to make me forget.  When ever he makes love to me, it’s always like it’s just me and him in this world.  But then my happiness is not long lived.
Qhawe:  whatever you are thinking, don’t think it.
Me:  how do you know what I’m thinking?
Qhawe:  Because I know you my Queen.  Don’t think it, it might not end well.
ME:  Why not Que?  Everytime I am happy in my life someone decides to play with my happiness.  We should be going home to our kids today but we are here because someone decided that we do not deserve to be happy, that Luyanda doesn’t deserve to happy.  He is my family Que.  They keep messing with my people and I’m expected to fold my arms, watch and forgive.  They are killing my family and I keep letting them live.  Why can’t we just be left alone.  Why can’t we be just happy, just once be happy without any body messing with us.  Why do we always have to fight for our happiness.  It’s not fair.  Everytime I start being happing, the devil keeps knocking at my door wearing heels and when I don’t open the door, the devil finds another way. I can’t baby, I can’t deal with this.  Whoever did this to Luyanda is going to die.
Qhawe:  I understand how you feel my love, I truly do.  But you need to remember why we  keep handing the ones that do us wrong to the police.  We have kids that need us.  The last thing we need is one of us ending up in jail. One day we are going to look back at these challenges and smile thinking that it was all worth it.  We need to stand together, our enemies need to know that they can’t get to us.  They need to know that whenever they bring the fight to us, we will fight back and that’s what we need to do.  We need to always fight for what we believe in, for our family.  Just when they think we can’t fight back, we fight back.  We can never give up.  If one of us gives up, then this family will start falling apart and we can’t allow that.  We are family, we are who we are, we made us all because we believe in each other, we trust each other and loyal to each other.  
Me:  I hear you my love and I under everything you are saying, it’s just that sometimes I feel like people are taking  advantage of us.
Qhawe:  Of cause they are taking advantange of us, of our kindness and we can’t let them.  Let’s get dressed so that we can go to the hospital.  They guys will be here in two hours.
Me:  Ok.  I’m still angry though.  Angry that people think they can walk all over us and do as they please with our lives and on top of everything else that’s happening right now, some girl thinks she can rape my son and getaway with it.
Qhawe:  What do mean by your son being raped, which son are you talking about, we currently have seven sons, so which of the seven are you talking about?
ME:  Shit! Did I say that out loud?
Qhawe:  Yes you did now start talking.  Who was raped and by who?
ME:  Bandile was drugged and raped by some girl who now claims to be pregnant with his child.
Qhawe:  and when were you planning on telling me this.
Me:  As soon as I found out but then you called about Luyanda while I was talking to Bandile yesterday.  ( I proceed to tell him everything that Bandile told me.
Qhawe:  I’ve told them to be vigilant when they are in crowded places especially now that we are slowly getting to the lime light.
Me:  I know babe, but right now we need to deal with this situation.  If the girl is really pregnant with his child then he’ll take responsibility for the child but so help me God that girl is going to pay for raping my son.
Qhawe:  she definitely will.  Who is she?
Me:  Andrea Williams
Qhawe:  Did you just Williams?
Me:  yes, why?
Qhawe:  Ask Sipho to investigate her and find out who her father is.  Anthony Williams has always been my competitor in this industry and he has always hated me.
Me:  Thee Anthon Williams, always in the public eye.
Qhawe:  the one and only and I hope that this Andrea is not his daughter.
Me:  Ok.  I’ll speak to Sipho when they are here and ask him to look into it.
It is true what they say that Karma is a bitch.  I took his daughter away from him and now I am paying for it in a way I never thought I would.  I never thought I would lose everything including my daughter. I don’t really blame her for hating me.  I wasn’t the best mother.  Sometimes in life we take things forgranted.  I took forgranted Luyanda’s love for his daughter, for a period of time I destroyed him. I don’t even know how he managed to get himself together.  It goes to show that whatever evil plans we have for others might work out for a while but they won’t last long.  In the end, for every bad thing that we do to others it comes back to us ten times more.  Right now what I did to my daughter and her father it’s coming back to me ten times more.  No matter how may times I apologise, no apoogy will ever bring back what I stole from them

Today I am without a house, I am on the verge of losing my job because of the careless mistakes I have been making lately because I am not completely focused on my job and I can’t blame anyone for it.  Maybe Luyanda was right, I might just end up begging him to kill me.  My phone rings interrupting my thoughts.
Me:  Hello
Her:  I shot him
Me:  You shot who?
Her:  I shot Luyanda.  He took everything from me.  My husband is gone because of him. I have nothing because of him.
Me:  Well this is nothing compared to what we did to him.  Do you know how stupid what you did is.  You will not survive jail when you get caught and they will send you to jail once they find out.
Her:  they’ll never find out.  No one saw me do it.
ME:  I wouldn’t count on that if I were you. There’s always someone who saw something.  Do you realise that I am going to be the first suspect in what you did. What you did was very stupid, you just put all our lives at risk.
Her:  Why would you be the first suspect?
Me:  I wanted the lobola money
Her:  You deserve it.  You raised Lungi on your own.
Me:  don’t even mention that because I chose to raise her on my own.  I went along with a stupid idea and look where it got me, with practically nothing and my daughter hates me.  Look this is your mess, you can clean it up on your own.  You were not suppose to kill anyone and believe me when I tell you that they will find you.  I have to go.

DAMMIT!!! How stupid can a person be? How did I get myself involved in all this?  Since when am I greedy person.  This is really messed up.
Me:  I have a job for you
Him:  What kind of a job is that?
Me:  It’s a clean up job.  I need it to be completely clean, no trails or loose ends or anything like that.  I want everything to disappear into thin air.
Him:  It’s going to cost you, you know that right?
Me:  I know.  When it comes to my family, I’ll do anything.
Him:  Send me the info.
Me:  as soon as I have it I’ll send it and that might be tonight.
Him:  what happened to make you take this drastic decision?
Me:  Someone tried to kill my brother man and I’m tired of people messing with my family.
Him:  I hear you man and I understand.  I’ll wait to hear from you then.
Me:  Hopefully tonight, latest tomorrow.  Talk to you later.
I can’t believe the things Mcebisi said to me.  How can he even say all those things.  I can be anything he wants. 
Her:  Friend are you ok?
Me:  I’m ok.  Just thinking about the things that Mcebisi said to me.
Her:  What exactly did he say to you ( I tell her everything Mcebisi said to me) 
Me:  and on top of everything else that girl looks very young.
Her:  I know you might not want to hear what I am about to say to you but Mcebisi is right my friend.  How many times have you said you are not ready to have kids, how you don’t want to work, you just want a man to let you spend his money and it’s obvious that Mcebisi likes his ladies educated, attractive and he likes the working ladies.  Even if she is not working she must at least be driven to do something with her life except spending his money.  I bet you right now that Mcebisi doesn’t mind spending money on her because she brings more to their relationship than you ever will Sne.  You and your mother need let go of this idea of you becoming Mrs Mkhize one day, it won’t happen.  I am warning you now Sne don’t even think of using Muthi otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life.
Me:  I thought you were my friend, how can you say all these things.
Her:  I am your friend Sne.  I’m just the kind of friend that won’t lie to you and tell you to go for someone you will never have.  Mcebisi has never looked at you that way Sne and he never will.
Me:  I still want him, he can learn to love me and I won’t use Muthi, I don’t believe in that but my mother does.
Her:  don’t even try, you won’t win.  You will get hurt  Sne.  The pain that you will feel if you carry on messing with Mcebisi and his girl will be beyond mearsure.

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