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Me:  afternoon, I’m here to see Mcebisi Mkhize
Receptionist:  let me check if he is available. (he picks up the phone and calls him,) who shall I say is looking for him
Me:  Lina
Receptionist:  there’s a Lina looking for you Sir.  Ok.  I’ll do so. (drops the call.  You can go up dear, he’s on the sixth floor. His office is right next door to Miss Sondlo’s office.
Me:  Thank you.  (I walk to the elevator and when I get to the sixth floor, the desk meant for the assistant is empy and looks like it hasn’t been in use for a while.  I wonder why he hasn’t hired an assistant yet.  He had better hire a gay guy and some old woman. His door is open, he likes keeping his door open, even in Cape Town, he always kept his office door open.) Afternoon Mr Mkhize.  ( I greet standing by the door, leaning against the wall)
Mcebisi:  This is a nice surprise.  How are you Princess?
Me:  I’m good Pebbles and how are you?
Mcebisi:  I’m good happy to see you.  (he walks over to me, presses my back against the wall.  One hand holding my waist slightly pulling me closer to him and the other hand is above my head against the wall and he kisses me so passionately.  I missed him so much.) I missed you
Me:  I missed you too.  I brought you lunch. Spur ribs made with love by yours truly
Mcebisi:  are you joining me for lunch
Me:  if you want me too, there’s enough food for three here, you can save some of it for dinner.
Mcebisi:  I was hoping you could come by today.
Me:  I can do that but as long as you take me home.  You know how dad is.  But I’ll speak to him about sleeping over.  I really miss waking up in your arms.
Mcebisi:  not more than I miss having you in my bed.
Me:  Pebbles
Mcebisi:  Yes Princess
Me:  I’m thinking of moving here next year.  I’ve spoken to the Dean and he said if I can get into one of the univeristies here, he will gladly write recommendation letter and a transfer letter.
Mcebisi:  are you sure about moving here.  I know we spoke about it before I moved here and you were not so kin on it.  I really don’t mind flying out every weekend or we can alternate the weekends.
Me:  I want to.  It’s not just about us anymore.  I’ve realised how much I miss being around my family especially now that the family is even bigger and there’s new babies coming and I don’t want to miss out on being a part of their lives, I want to be around to help out mom with the babies. I don’t think I can handle being away from them and being away from you.  You got me used to seeing you everyday and now I’m addicted.
Mcebisi:  I understand what you are saying and I am addicted to you.  The week would be very long before I could see you on the weekend.  I know what I’m about to say may sound as a cliché but it’s the truth.  I have never met a woman like you, you are so confident, crazy in your own special way, you don’t care about what people think of you, you do your own thing the way you want and I admire that about you.  I will live my days making sure that you don’t have regrets about us.  I love you Miss Sodlo, no matter how stupid I act sometimes, no matter what mistakes I make, don’t ever leave me.
Me:  the only reason I would ever leave you, is if you cheat on me.
Mcebisi:  that is something you never have to worry about.  My father has taught me the same lesson your dad teaches your brothers.  One woman is enough. If I get 80% from you, and I want more, then I should find ways to make that 80% a 100%. Believe when I tell you, you are enough for me and besides my dad will have my head if he ever found out I cheated or laid my hand on a woman.
Me:  I am glad to hear that.  I’m worried about Ncesh Pebbles.
Mcebisi:  I know Princess, but I think your uncles have got this handled.  I can even call my dad and ask him for help.  Before he retired, he was in the army, special forces.  Maybe he can call in a favour or something.
Me:  I think bhut’ Bandile would really appreciate that.
Mcebisi:  I’ll speak to him tonight.  Very soon I want to introduce you to them.  We’ve been dating for over a year, it’s time you meet them and I don’t want to date you for years and have a long engagement as well. I don’t need five years to get to know you before I marry you.
Me:  what are you saying Mcebisi.
Mcebisi:  yhooo I’m not Pebbles anymore. Haaa!!!  I’m saying that my intentions are to make you my wife in about a year.
ME:  what about school, I want to finish my studies and work on my career.
Mcebisi:  I would never take you out of school.  Even if we are married, you can continue with your studies and work if you want to.  You can study until you ninety I don’t care as long as you are mine and I am yours, we stand by each other and support each other.
Me:  Sounds good to me.  I have to go now and let you get back to work.  I’m going to drive pass Bhut’ Bandile’s house just check on how they are doing.
Mcebisi:  Ok then.  Let me know how it goes and also let me know what your dad says about the sleep over.
Me:  I will,  Let me go.  I love you Pebbles
Mcebisi:  and I love you Princess.

Andiswa coming into our lives again is a huge set back for me and Ncesh, I can’t imagine how Khanyi is feeling, she had to watch us drown in pain and she had pull us out and she did and helped  us through this.  Ncesh blamed herself for the death of my son eight years ago, she never tells that part of the story.  She never even told her therapist.  Ncesh was baby sitting for me that day.  Her sister not only killed her son but she also killed my son.  When I got there to pick up my son and saw two little bodies covered in white sheets next to an adult who was also covered in a white sheet that was stained with blood,I  couldn’t help but breakdown.  Ncesh was a Zombie, she was just sitting there  staring into space with tears rolling down her eyes. I walked over to her and when she saw me I think it made the tears worse.   All she couldsay was “ she killed them Thando, my sister killed them Thando.”  She kept saying it over and over again. We both just sat there crying and this man walked over to us asked if there’s anyone he can call for us and only person I could think of was Khanyi. They took the bodies to the morgue. When Khanyi got there there were only just a few people left.  She packed a few things for Ncesh and she took us her parent’s house, asked her parents if they could accommodate us for while.  She couldn’t stay with us because of that husband of her.  at that time she was also dealing with her own with her ex husband who was abusing her.  when ever I asked if she was ok, she always said that her problems can wait.  Ncesh was really out of it.  after the funerals, Khanyi had her admitted into a Psychiatric hospital, I was also a patient at the hospital but I was an out patient.  My therapist said I didn’t need to be admitted.  We were broken beyond broken.  We are still broken all three of us, only now that we have started healing, experiencing love and living life to the fullest. Even though Khanyi had her own shit to deal with, she made sure we got the help we needed.  For three years I had nightmares about seeing my son laying on the floor covered like that, the pain was too much.  I tried taking my own life a few times.  I wished I was the one dead, I wanted to be the one who is dead instead of those two boys.  My son was almost three years old when he died.  It felt weird not to have him around anymore.  I kept hearing his voice in around our apartment, I ended up moving out and that didn’t help either.  Ncesh never wants to talk about son, the guilt became too much for her.  Over the years she got better, she stopped blaming herself and that made me happy. Right now I am praying and hoping that the guys find Andiswa first. 
i.m sure they will.

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