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When I wake I notice that the tv is still on, I don’t remember when I fell asleep.  He stayed, he really stayed, I move arm from gently and go to the bathroom and do my business and get back to bed, when I checked the time it was 3:00 AM.  I doubt I’ll go back to sleep now.  I just sit there watching him sleep, this man is handsome, I never too the time to admire, he is still in his sweat pants and t-shirt.  We fell asleep on top of the covers, well the room is warm thanks to the panel heaters installed. He wakes up, looks at me
Qhawe:  Are you ok, what’s wrong?
Me:  I’m ok.  I couldn’t go back to sleep so I was watching you sleep.
Qhawe:  Is that so, what time is it? (he asks getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.
Me:  it’s just after 3 (I say when he comes out of the bathroom.  (he get into bed, lays on his side and looks at me.)
Qhawe:  You are up early
Me:  I needed to pee. ( I just stare at him)
Him: what, why are looking at me like that?
I don’t answer him, I just push me gently so that he can lie on his back and I get on top of him, he places his hands on my waist and I hold his face in mine and kiss him.  This is not the normal kiss we normally have, this is the kiss that says I’m horny and I want you.  I feel his hands grabbing my thighs and lifting me a little and adjusting himself so that he is comfortable. His hands move up and down gently squeezing thighs here and there.  I help him out of t-shirt and go back to kissing him with my hands playing around on his chest after a while he takes my nightdress off and I’m left with just my panties, he starts playing with my tits squeezing and slight pinching my nipples, he sucks on my tit gently biting on the nipple while the other hand is busy with my other boob he does this for a while switching from boob to another.  I can feel my wetness, I can feel my fluids flowing down there.  I haven’t been touched by man in a long time, a very long time and I swear Qhawe is going to make me cum just by touching me.  My body is responding to every touch, his touch feels like a feather moving on my skin, his hands are making love to my body.  In a split second I find myself breathing heavy with him on top of me, kissing me like there’s no tomorrow. I whisper in his ear “I want you”, he stops and looks at me:
Qhawe:  Are you sure?  (I just nod)  I need your answer my lady.
Me:  yes I’m sure.
He kisses me with lust, his lips move from mine, to my neck, to my chest, sucks on my boobs, slightly biting the nipples, a  little bit of pain pleasure mixed together, while I’m focused on that I feel his one hand on my nuna, I don’t even know when he took off my panties
Qhawe:  you are so wet nana.  (I just smile)
He takes his forefinger and plays with my clit and at this moment I’m breathing heavily and moaning like nobody’s business, he kisses me again, his finger hasn’t stopped playing with my clit and I am a moaning mess in his mouth.  (I’m not loud when it comes to sex, yes I moan and scream but I’m loud enough only for my partner to hear.)  His lips move to my neck, again to my boobs, to my stomach and stops but his finger hasn’t stopped, using his other hand he opens my legs wide for him and with the  hand playing with my clit he brings his thumb to play, slightly pinching my clit with his fingers and I can’t hold it, when I look at him, he is kneeling between my legs, so the that my legs stay open.
Me: Que, I’m cumming
Qhawe:  cum for me baby
And I just let go,  he lets go of my clit and I feel his tongue on it and his teeth gently biting on it which is making my orgasm even more intense and he inserts a finger while sucking on my clit. This man is making sure this orgasm lasts long and in the process he is trying to kill me.
Me:  Qhawe I can’t stop,( he bites a little harder on my clit, making the whole thing more intense) ahhhhhh Que. 
Right now I think his finger has found my g-spot.  Truth be told, I have never experienced such an intense and long orgasm.  Eventually it stops, he comes up to my face, looks at me and kisses me again.  He flips me over and makes me lie flat on my stomach, he kisses me from the cheek, all the way to the back of my neck and right now I’m afraid he is going to find my weak spot, my body is  between his legs, I can feel his hard dick on my ass, the kisses move to my shoulders, between my shoulders moving down my back kissing it all over and there my body betrays me and responds in a way I didn’t want it to, he  brings his face to mine, one of his hands on my stomach lifting me a bit, he brings his right leg between my legs and uses it to open my legs, he kisses my back again and I feel myself overflowing down there, without warning he is in.
Me:  Mhhhh Qhawe
Qhawe:  I’ll be kissing your back more often (he whispers)
I  try to respond but he goes in harder and deeper making me scream again, again and again. After a while he pulls out and flips me over, wraps my legs around his waist and he goes in hard and deep slowly reaching every corner of my nuna. He goes in hard again and I feel my orgasm coming and I know he can see that I’m about to cum. He is in deep but he pushes in further without moving back, he pushes in three times and I explode.
Qhawe:  I need you to lock your legs tight around my waist, don’t let go until I’m done.
Me:  OK
I do as I’m told and he is gently pumping me deep, his breathing is heavier, his moans are louder, my hands grabbing on tight on his waist.
Qhawe:  Keep your legs like that and your hands on my waist.
Right now if feels like I’m pulling him in deeper and deeper inside, he slightly moves to the side, he finds my g-spot
Qhawe:  Cum with me baby
(he whispers and there I’m done, I let go and he does too and flops on top of me.  I play with my hands on his back, while we try to get our breathing back to normal.  I am so tired right now.)
Me:  You almost killed me with that first orgasm (he moves trying to pull out, I stop him, holding him tight.)  not yet let’s stay like this for a while.
Qhawe:  am I not heavy for you?
Me: a little, but I’m enjoying this moment.  (he adjusts himself so that I don’t feel all his weight.  We stay like that for a while and he pulls out after a while and lies next to me, pulling me into his arms. Eventually we get out of bed and shower together.  When we are done getting dressed, we go downstairs for tea and it’s 5:00 am, he has to leave early otherwise he’ll be late for work and his kids don’t know that he didn’t sleep at home.
Qhawe:  I’ll see you at lunch.
Me:  Definitely.  (he kisses me slowly.  I don’t want him to go.)
Qhawe:  don’t worry, you’ll see me later ok. (he kisses me again and this time I let him go.)


I hope Khanyi knows she hide from forever, eventually I’ll find out where they stay, I want to see my kids and I know she won’t let and the only way to do it is a surprise visit.  I wonder how tight the security is since she is not listed with any security company.  My lawyer walks:
Me:  Jonathan, I hope you have good news for me.
Jonathan:  The papers have been delivered, we just need a court a date, which I have to discuss with her and we are meeting tomorrow.
Me:  And Judge?
Jonathan:  Judge Smith is on leave and he is out of the country, a different Judge will handling the case.
Me:  who is the Judge?
Jonathan:  I don’t know yet. But I’ll let you know when I know.
Me:  Just keep in mind that I’ll do whatever it takes to win this (Sizwe walks without knocking, I’m used to it)
Jonathan:  Sizwe, how are you
Sizwe: I’m good man.
Jonathan:  Zweli her lawyer is a very good lawyer, so be prepared that you might lose this case and remember the lawyer will ask for the kids to take a stand, they are old enough to stand in court as witnesses.
Sizwe:  he is right man.
Me:  Look Jonathan I don’t pay you to lose this case and you better make sure that those kids don’t take the stand in court.
Sizwe:  How is going to do that?
Me:  He is the lawyer, he’ll figure it out.
Jonathan:  I have to go, I have another meeting.  Sizwe talk some sense into your friend.
With that said, Jonathan walks out.
Sizwe:  you are losing your mind you know that right.
Me:  No I’m not, I just want what I want and I’m going to get it.
Sizwe:  You really need to let this custody thing go man.
Me:  Look Sizwe, I know you’ve always had a soft for just as he does for you.  This case is the only that will make her weak.  Those kids are her weakness.
Sizwe:  having a soft spot for her has nothing to do with telling you the truth.  You are going to lose. I know you’ve always  hated being the truth, just like when I told you that you will lose her if you don’t treat her right and what happened you lost her and you think you are to get her back when you are tormenting her like this.  Chew on that Zwelibanzi.  I have to go.
With that being said he left.  Sizwe doesn’t understand.  I need them back in my life, and I’m going to do whatever it takes. Shit I need a date for this weekend.

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