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Me:  You are late and I don’t appreciate that.
Andrea:  I’m sorry ok.  Can we just do this.
Mcebisi:  you really have a stinking attitude Miss Williams.  You need to clean it up. (Andrea clicks her tongue and walks away.)
Khaya:  we’ll wait for you out here.
Me:  No, I need you to come in with me.
Mcebisi:  I don’t   mind.   Let’s go.  (we all walk into the doctor’s office.  Same doctor that attended to mom.)
Dr Nkosi:  Hey guys what can I do for you today?
Bandile:  we are here because the lady is pregnant and we just want to make sure and know how far along she is.
Dr Nkosi:  Did you do a pregnancy test?
Andrea:  yes I did and I am three months pregnant.  I’ve already seen a doctor, I don’t know why he is making me do this again. (Dr turns and looks at Bandile with a questioning look)
Mcebisi:  My brother was not there for the appointment doc and we don’t trust the information she gave us.
Dr Nkosi:  alright then. Please get on the bed miss (she does as told and you can tell she is nervous as hell and if she doesn’t have anything to hide why would she be nervous.  When she she lifted her top you can tell she is pregnant she is starting to show. )  You can’t be three months pregnant unless you have twins in there.  I am going to do a scan.  (the does his thing we could here the heart beat and he showed us the baby and all.)
Bandile:  Doc you said she can’t be three months pregnant
Dr Nkosi:  No she is not.  Who ever the doctor that she went to see was off by two months.  She is exactly five months pregnant and it’s just one baby.  She is not going to carry big.  Your stomach is small for someone who is five months pregnant but that’s normal.  The baby is fine, everything is fine.  Take  care of yourself and drink the pills you were given.
Khaya:  thank you doc.  Have a nice day.
Mcebisi:  So you lied to us, I can’t wait to here the reason behind all this.   You are going to have to make it quick my dear, we have to get back to work
Andrea:  I’m sorry Bandile I had to do it.  I am really sorry.
I walk into this man’s office and he looks at me like I am a piece of meat.  Qhawe doesn’t know I am here.  I need to get the truth out of this guy.
Him:  You look stunning in that suit Miss Sondlo, navy definitely suites you.  How are you?
Me:  thank you I guess.  I’m not ok at all since I am here
Him:  What’s wrong Qhawe not treating you well
Me:  Actually he is the best.  He is amazing in everyway that you can imagine.  I’m here because of  your daughter.  Do you mind if I sit?
Him:  Not at all, go ahead have a sit.  So you are here because of my daughter.  What about her?
Me:  I think you know but so that there are no misunderstandings I’ll tell you.  Your daughter claims to be pregnant and she says it’s my son’s baby which I don’t believe hence I am here.  I know for a fact that she drugged him, I have a surveillance of tape of where it happened.  I’m sure you didn’t count on that.  the house party they went to, the owner of the house has cameras around the house for just incase something goes wrong at one of his parties and he was kind enough to provide us with footage of that day.  Before you ask me a lot of questions, I also spoke to her best friend, who didn’t hesitate to tell me what I wanted to know.  Now why is your daughter pinning her pregnancy on my son.
Him:  You are good.  Why is he sending you to fight his battles for him?
Me:  I wasn’t aware that this was a battle my man needed to fight alone.  As far as I understand you can’t go into battle alone and besides he doesn’t know I am here.  I am here because my son is going to be accused of something he didn’t do and in our family we stand up for each other.  Now tell me why is your daughter pinning her pregnancy on my son?  I am not going to ask again.
Him:  Why don’t you ask her?  I don’t know why she is doing it.
Me:  You are lying to me.  You see Anthony if I have to ask her then you won’t like what I’ll do to her to get the truth. Do you want to know why? Don’t answer that I’ll tell you anyway.  You see your daughter drugged my son and slept with him without his consent and in my knowledge that is rape and my family doesn’t take kindly to abuse be it’s a female or a male that is being abused.
Him:  even if your son can go to the police and report what happened to him, who is going to believe him.
Me:  Are you sure about that.  Fine then I am going to have a case opened against your daughter for rape and we’ll see who has the last laugh when she goes to jail.  Before I do that, I am going to put her on electric chair and make her tell me why she is pinning the pregnancy on my son.  Then again before I do that I am going to take her to a doctor make she actually is pregnant and have a partenity test done.  You see I’m still giving you time to come clean.  This is a long process but because I have a friend who has a friend , who has another friend that has a friend in high places, this process is going to be short plus I have the police on speed dial on my phone.  You have 24 hours to tell me the truth or hell will break loose.  (I get up look at him and smile.) 24 hours Anthony, 24 hours.  I would be wise about my choice if I were, especially since you are the only parent she has.
Me:  the last thing we need here little Miss is your apology.  Why did you lie?
Andrea:  I can’t tell you, if I tell you then I’m going to be in trouble
Mcebisi:  and you don’t think that you are in trouble right now.  Right now you are in deep trouble.  If I were you I would sing like a Canary.
Bandile:  You were ready to ruin my life and I deserve to know why, so start talking
Andrea:  I can’t I’m scared.
Me:  You should be more scared of us than anything else right now.
Mcebisi:  I’m driving to your mom’s house Khaya, she need to sit on that electric chair, maybe when she gets the taste of it she will start talking.
Andrea:  electric chair, you can’t I’m pregnant, you will kill my baby
Mcebisi:  I don’t care, I need to get the truth out of you and that’s how I’m going to do it.
Me:  We can’t say anything to him that will change his mind.  He is going to put you in that chair whether you like it or not and there’s nothing we can do.
Andrea:  fine I’ll tell you what you want to know just don’t hurt my baby.
Mcebisi:  now that’s more like it.  Wait we are close to the mall, I am hungry, let’s grab something to eat.  Aren’t you hungry Andrea being pregnant and all.  (she nods) I don’t understand sign language
Andrea:  yes I am hungry.
Mcebisi:  good.  Guys what do you feel like eating.
Bandile:  Let’s go to Mugg and Bean (when we get to the mall we go straight to the restaurant place our orders and eat)
Me:  We are listening Andrea
Andrea:  My dad told me to lie.  He knew I had a crush on you but you were not interested.
Bandile:  How did your dad know that?
Andrea:  he is the only parent I have and I talk to him about everything.  He hasn’t been getting a lot of clients lately due to some scandal he got himself involved in.  he said I should lie and say you made me pregnant hence I drugged you that night and made it look like I slept with you.  I never slept with you.  We left your brother at the party after I drugged and when we got to your house, you passed out and I just stripped you naked and called an uber for myself and went home. This was a plan to get your dad to merge his company with my dad’s company.
Me:  now was that so hard to do.
Mcebisi:  so you were prepared to ruin my brother’s life just because your father got himself into trouble which in turn was going to destroy my father in law’s company.  The scandal your father got himself involved in would have destroyed both companies.  Your father is really a stupid man.  Besides we don’t associate ourselves with people like your father and his shenanigans.
Andrea:  Now you know the truth what are going to do?
Mcebisi:  That’s for us to know and for you to stay out of it.
Bandile:  I just want to know one thing.  What was the plan about the father of the baby?
Andrea:  the was no plan, he knew about everything about the whole plan.
Me:  How stupid.  Guys let’s go. I have a meeting at the studio in an hour.
Mcebisi:  Thank you for honesty and I was never going electritute you at least my threat worked.

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