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Me:  Hey beautiful
Khanyi:  You are back.  Hi babe, how did it go?
Me:  it was definitely not what we thought.
Khanyi:  What do you mean?
Me:  Firstly what are you making, I’m hungry too
Khanyi:  Noodles with chicken strips topped with a spicy mushroom sauce and a salad.
Me:  Sounds delicious I hope there’s enough for me too.
Khanyi:  Always sthandwa sam.  Now tell me what happened with Sindiswa
Me:  Apparently it’s not her that wants me, it’s her mother.  In fact her mother is selling her of to rich men and right now I’m the the target.  The message I got was from her mother.  Sindiswa also doesn’t know what she meant by it.  Apparently she said the same thing to her as well. (I carry on telling her about what her mom does to her with the pills and everything.)
Khanyi:  How can a mother do that to her own child.  Is she really her child, maybe she is adopted.  This woman is so cruel.  (she dishes up and hands me my food, gives me a quick kiss and sits next to me.)
Me:  this is devine babe.  You should show me how to make it.
Khanyi:  I’ll show you tomorrow when you come home from work.  What are we going to do with Sindiswa’s mom.  I have an idea of what I want to do with her (she gives me her sinister smile.  This woman of mine is crazy)
Me:  Apparently her mom is in town and staying with her and she is not safe with her.  Sindiswa said that she is detoxing the drugs and her mom will definitely start giving them to her again, she always insists on making Sindiswa’s food . I want to speak to the guys and see what we can do.
“Speak to the guys about what?”  (that”s Lwazi, he is with Bandile and the girls.)
Me:  does it hurt to knock or ring the bell.
Lwazi:  No it doesn’t we just like waltzing in without attracting attention of someone to open the door for us.
Khanyi:  Really Lwazi,  you know what very soon I am going to ban you from coming here.  Thando can come here alone.
Lwazi:  Qhawe say something, your woman is being unfair.
Me:  What do you want me to say?
Thando:  honestly what do you want him to say, you brought this upon yourself and your big mouth.
Lwazi:  Even my woman is turning against me, yhoooo ku rough. (we all laugh)
Bandile:  She has always been against you, I don’t know why you are surprised.
Ncesh:  The problem is that he thinks Thando will defend his nonsense
Khanyi:  I would be careful if I were you about what I say and do around me.
Lwazi:  ok fine, I’m quiet.  What are we eating (he says opening the pots on the stove)  hayibo guys you finished the food.
ME:  It was enough for seven people, if you are hungry  you can go ahead and prepare yourself something.
Lwazi:  I want what you guys are eating, it looks good. What do you mean seven people, there’s only two of you here?
Qhawe:  She is eating for six people now.  five babies and herself.
Khanyi:  too bad you don’t eat spicy food Lwazi.
Lwazi:  is that a new craving you guys have, it’s funny how you crave the same food.
Ncesh:  Hayi Lwazi stop being a nuisance.  We’ll prepare dinner and we’ll make you something to munch on.
Bandile:  Where are Andile and Eddie?
Khanyi:  they are fetching the kids from school. (Ncesh looks at Bandile with a smile and he nods looking at her with the biggest smile.  My friend is happy about something)
Ncesh:  We have something to tell you
Thando:  what is it, you guys are looking very goofy right now,
Ncesh:  Bandile asked me to marry him
Bandile: and she said Yes
Khanyi:  Oh my God Ncesh finally.  No wonder you had a smile on your face since you walked in here.  Congratulations my sweet.  I can’t wait to tell Lungelo, he is going to be so happy.  After everything you’ve been through .
Ncesh:  This is it Khanyi.  I don’t want anyone else but him (Ncesh is in tears, tears of joy and soon Khanyi will start crying too.  Thando walks over to them and she is also in tears)
Thando:  the pain, the hurt that we had to suffer all these years who knew that we would be here today happy beyond measure.
Lwazi:  and we will do our best to keep you happy.
Bandile:  if we ever hurt you in a way, know that it would not be intentional
Qhawe:  I’m happy you are crying tears of joy. We’ve also been through a lot in our lives, we also suffered a lot of pain caused by women we dated in the past and us being with you has taught us that not all women are evil.
Khanyi:  And not all men are evil.  (she walks over to me and stands between my legs.)  I love you my King.
(this moment just became a beautiful emotional moment.  Thando is crying in Lwazi’s arms, Ncesh and Bandile too.)
Lwazi:  hey stop crying now.  You guys are Queens and you will be treated as such. (Sizwe walks in)
Sizwe:  What did you do to my girls, why are they crying.  Ladies what’s wrong, do you need me to beat up these idiots.
Thando:  not this time.  Ncesh and Bandile are getting married. We are just crying tears of joy and the moment just became emotional.
Sizwe:  That’s good.  Congratulations guys (he hugs Ncesh and Bandile)
Ncesh:  Thando let’s prepare a snack and start on dinner.
Sizwe:  How about a braai and celebrate the happy couple
Bandile:  Sounds good to me.
Khanyi:  Braai it is then.

Andile and I just got back from fetching the kids from school and we walk into people preparing for a braai
Me:  what are we celebrating?
Lwazi:  What makes you think we are celebrating something?
Andile:  it’s the middle of the week and we are about to do something we normally do on weekends
Sizwe:  Bandile is getting married.
Eddie:  Yhooo you popped the question.  Congratulations man (he gives him a hug and Andile too)
Andile:  well let’s get this party started then.
Qhawe:  it’s not a party Andile.  We are just chilling with our brother and celebrating him.  Where are my kids?
Andile:  kids are upstairs.
Qhawe:  I need to talk to you about something
Me:  Sounds serious
Qhawe:  it is serious man.  It’s about Sindiswa
Me:  the woman you told us about.  What about her?
Qhawe:  this whole thing of her coming after me is her mother’s idea.  (I go ahead and tell them everything that Sindiswa told me.)
Bandile:  so this woman is getting rich by getting her daughter to date rich man.  She messed with the wrong one this time.  We need to come up with a plan before she starts feeding her the pills again.
Qhawe:  Khanyi had an idea, she didn’t say what it was but I think I have an idea of what it is. I have an idea too but I want to hear what you guys have in mind first
Me:  the best thing to do with someone like that is to let her think that her plan is working.  I think it would be a good idea to take Sindy and let leave in your house at the moment, just to keep her away from her mother and in that way she will think that her plan is working, plus I don’t think she knows you live here with Khanyi.
Qhawe:  that’s the exactly what I was thinking
Sizwe:  I think that could work but thequestion remains what do we do with the old hag.
Andile:  let’s get Sindiswa out first and deal with the old woman later.
Lwazi:  we can decide what to do with her tomorrow.  Right now let’s enjoy our braai.
Sizwe:  yes let’s do that, but there’s something familiar about this Sindy woman.  She looks like someone I know, but I can’t place her.
Me:  You are right about that.  argh we can figure it out later. Congratulations brother.  (they lift their glasses to Bandile, Khaya walks in with the twins.  I swear Khanya spends more time here than he does at his place even now that he has a girlfriend nothing has changed)
Khaya:  gentlemen, how are you doing?  What are we celebrating
Me:  We are good kid.  We are celebrating Bandile, he is getting married.
Bandile(twin):  it was bound to happen, the way you are with each other.  I know someone else who is going to be popping the question, I don’t know what he is scared of. (he says that looking at his father with serious look on his face)
Khaya:  congratulation Bhut’ Bandile. The family is really getting bigger. When I look back at myself two years ago, I never thought I would be here today to witness all this love and it’s all thanks to you guys.
Me:  we did what was required of us to do and we wanted to do it because we care and love you.
Banele:  I also never thought this much love from people who were not my blood family could exist.  It is true what they say that to be a family you don’t have to be related by blood. This is family with so much love .  I’m not saying dad didn’t show us love, he did a lot of it and what we have right now is more and beyond measure, it shows that it truly takes a village to raise a child.
Sizwe:  I have family but we are not close.  I had a step mother who didn’t care about me and my sister, who abused us and my dad never believed us when we told him what was happening when he was not home, instead he shipped us off to boarding school. This is new to me.  When I met Khanyi, I learned what love is and what it meant to be part of a family.
Bhut’ Bandile:  When they met I never thought in a million years it would result into something so wonderful, having brothers that would do anything to protect me and be there for me always.  I met the woman of my dreams through this family, my sons can’t wait to meet her.  Their mother hurt me to a point that I never thought I would fall in love again, look at me now, in love and getting married.
Lwazi:  it has been a rough ride filled with pain, loss and fear.  Our previous painful experiences brought us together.  I’m learning what love is through you guys, I’m learning how to love my woman right.  I never new how to love a woman right, I never had a father to teach me that.  my father was an abusive man who beat me and my mother whenever he felt like it. I want to say thank you to Qhawe for finally having the guts to ask Khanyi out and fall in love with her.
Qhawe:  it hasn’t been an easy road. But here we are successful and happy.  (he raises his glass)  TO US
Everyone:  TO US

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