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Everyone is busy running around getting ready for the day.  Two couples are getting married today.  Ncesh and Lwandle are very nervous.
Khanyi:  You don’t have to be so nervous ladies.  You marrying the men you love after all.
Ncesh:  Easy for you to say.
Lwandle:  I never really thought I would be getting married.  I never thought I would find the one meant for me.
Khanyi:  Well you have and you must enjoy it.
Thando:  Khanyi is right.  You have to enjoy this day.  Today is the beginning of the rest of your lives and remember the wedding is  aonce off thing and marriage is a lifetime.
Khanyi:  it is true.
Lwandle:  I just wish that my parents were alive to witness this day.
Khanyi:  they forever live in your heart darling.  Come on let’s stop with all this.  Let’s finish up otherwise we are going to be late, I’m sure the guys are already out there.


Mcebisi:  it looks like the ladies had a change of heart about getting married today.
Lwazi:  maybe the found younger guys and realised these two can’t keep up with them.
Mcebisi:  I don’t think it’s that  maybe they can’t deal with the snoring and nagging from these two.
Luyanda:  if you two don’t stop this nonsense of yours I’ll shoot you.
Lwazi:  Please don’t tell me you are carrying a gun on your wedding day.
Mcebisi:  What kind of a lawyer are you?
Bandile:  I don’t even know why we had to make the two of you groom’s men
Mcebisi:  Because you love us.
Qhawe:  there will be no love if you don’t stop with this shit.  I’ll shoot you and bury you myself.
Mcebisi:  you can’t.  You have a wife and 5 months old babies, so you can’t do anything that will end up putting you in jail.
Qhawe:  Shut up, here they come.
Bandile:   she looks amazing
Luyanda:  they both do.  Lwandle is starting to show a little.  She is so adorable.
Lwazi:  are you two crying?
Qhawe:  I said shut up

The wedding ceremony went on peacefully, couples exchanging their vows, declaring their love for each other.  Luyanda and Bandile are the happiest men right now.  They are now officially married.  Now it’s time for everyone to enjoy the reception.
Qhawe:  can I have your attention please  (everyone goes quiet)  at this moment I would like to present to you our couples of the day Mr and Mrs Langa, Mr and Mrs Qhina. 
May you guys stay strong in your marriage, stay loyal to each other, always trust each other, respect each other and love each other like you’ve never  loved before.  There will be challenges but don’t let them break you never forget to pray and always be there for each other no matter what.  (he raises his glass to toast the couples)  TO THE NEWLY WEDS AND TO THE FUTURE
With that toast everyone celebrated the newly weds congratulating and wishing them well.  There were not many speeches that were made at the reception.  This was a small and intimate celebration with close friends and family. This weekend has been dedicated to the wedding.  tomorrow the newly weds are going to their homes for the traditional ceremonies that they need to do.  Weekend went off without a glitch.  Everyone was happy and they enjoyed themselves.  Now it is time to get ready for the wedding of the year in July.

So we all decided to stay in East London for a while, spend some time with our parents before we go back to our normal lives in Durban.  My dad was very happy to see my kids.  They’ve been attached to hip the entire time we’ve been here.  It’s as if  I’m invisible.  The only people dad sees are my wife and his grand kids.  Nc nc nc this old man.
Qhawe: it’s the same with me man.  The minute Khanyi walked into the house with the kids all fifteen of them I became invisible.
Me:  Where were they?
Qhawe:  they spent the  entire weekend with Khanyi’s parents and now we are spending these two days with my parents before we leave.
Me:  Next time I come home I’m leaving everyone behind.
Qhawe:  that’s an option.
Me:  Let’s go see Luyanda and see how he is coping with his parents.  He’s probably getting attention from his uncle only.  Are you ok Qhawe?
Qhawe:  I’m not sure.  I’ve just had this bad feeling like something bad is going to happen.
Me:  Don’t do that man.  You know whenever you feel like that, something usually happens.  Brush it off.
Qhawe:  I tried, it keeps coming back.  Even Khanyi is worried.
Me:  Look let’s just drive to Luyanda, we’ll pick up Lwazi on the way.

We decided to stay two more days here with my parents and it has been great.  My uncle calls me to join him for a drink.  Apparently ever since he found out about what his wife aunt Bulelwa did, he has not been drinking that much.  He drinks on weekends now and dad tells me that he is doing well with the business.
Uncle:  your wife is very beautiful mtshana and she is glowing.
Me:  that’s because she is pregnant malume.
Uncle:  that’s wonderful news.  I called you here because I wanted to thank you for what you did.  my wife took my company from me from under my nose.  Up until today I don’t know how I sighned it over to her but thank you for getting it back for me Luyanda.  I’ll be forever grateful for that. 
Me:  It was nothing malume.  I just returned what rightfully belonged to you.
Uncle:  I want to file for a divorce mtshana.  I can’t stay married to that woman.  She might just kill me.
Me:  I have a colleague who is a divorce lawyer, I’ll refer  your case to him so that he can call you and explain everything to you.
Uncle:  Thank you mtshana.
Me:  Are your kids ok with you divorcing
Uncle:  Not really but they understand why it has to happen.
Me:  that’s better then (Next we here gun shots. I look at my uncle who is looking at me)
Uncle:  mtshana you are bleeding (I feel myself falling of the chair, he is kneeling over men.)  You are going to be ok Mtshana.  Don’t worry, you are going to be ok.)
We had the gunshots as we were busy preparing lunch for the family.  My father in law quickly ran outside and we followed.  The scene that welcomed us outside had me weak, I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t control my tears, Lungi was also crying uncontrollably.  This can’t be happening.  He can’t die not when we still need, not when he has not met our baby.  They both have been shot.  Who could do this?
Mr Qhina:  the ambulance is on it’s way at least they are still breathing.
Me:  I sit on the ground, take his head and put it on my lap.  Luyanda you have to fight, you have to fight for us.  We still need you please baby hang in there.  (Lungi comes and kneels next to me while Veronica was kneeling next to her brother in law.  Who could have done this. Lungi manages to calm herself and tries to help them)
Lungi:  I’ll try to stop the bleeding.  I’ll be back.  (she runs off to the house and comes with towels and a first aid kit.) grandma take this an put over the wound and put pressure on it.  uncle might have a punctured lung considering were the wound is.  Dad migt have some organ damage, he has been on the side.
Mr Qhina:  the police are also on the way.
Veronica:  How is he, how’s my son
Me:  he is still breathing ma.  I don’t think the wound is fatal but he is unconscious.  (just then the ambulance arrives with Bandile’s car following behind it.  As soon as they park the car they come running to us.)
Qhawe:  what happened? (at this time the paramedics were busy with Luyanda and his Uncle  Lungi goes running to Qhawe who embraces her in a hug)
Mr Qhina:  We don’t know my son.  We had gunshots and when we came out this is what we found.
Lwazi:  Who could have done this.
Paramedics:  We have to take them to the hospital, who is coming with us.
Mr Qhina:  I’ll come with you.
Bandile:  We’ll follow you.
Qhawe:  Lungi look at me, Your dad will be ok.  He is going to make it, he is a fighter and he still has a lot to live for.  Please calm down.  You have to be strong for him and for your step mom, remember she is pregnant. 
Me:  come here baby.  (she walks over to me and I hold her) your dad is going to be fine ok.  You did good.
Lungi:  who could have done this.
Lwazi:  We’ll get answers later, for now let’s go to the hospital.

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