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Eddie:  where is Khanyi
ME:  in the game room with the kids.
Eddie:  I need you to call her doctor, he needs to get here now.
Me:  why?
Eddie:  this is not the time for you to be slow Qhawe.  We haven’t found the kids and we need to tell her and we need to have the doctor here.
Me:  I’ll call him (just then Eddie gets a call on his phone and that gives me the opportunity to call the doctor and he agrees to come.  I guess they really want these babies to stay alive just as much as we do.)
Eddie:  and?
Me:  He is on his way.
Eddie:  let’s go to the kitchen, I feel hungry. I haven’t eaten all day.  Qhawe as you can see this is not good and we have to tell her and you know she is not going to take it well.
Me:  it will kill her Eddie, who could have done this.  It looks like the guys that did it are professionals.
Eddie:  that’s why I need the doctor here for when we tell her.  I need him to sedate her afterwards.
Me:  I don’t think that will be safe for the babies.
Eddie:  it will be don’t worry. (Khanyi walks in)
Khanyi:  I’m hungry, what are you guys eating?  (I can she is stressed and she doesn’t want to ask what’s going on.  I don’t like this, I don’t like this at all.)
Eddie:  I’m having a cheese and tomato sandwich, would you like one?
Khanyi:  yes please.  (the door bell rings and I am sure that’s the doctor. I let him in and offer him a sit in the lounge while I go get Eddie and Khanyi.)
Me:  he is here, let’s go to the lounge.
Khanyi:  Dr Nkosi, how are you?
Dr Nkosi:  I’m fine, and how are you?
Khanyi:  I’m fine and I’m sure Qhawe called you here.  He worries too much.
Eddie:  Doc we called you here because we need to tell her something and we are going to need you.  Khanyi is not someone who suffers from panic attacks but ever since the pregnancy, they’re slowly becoming a constant thing and right now she is about to have one.  Qhawe do you want to do it? (I move to the couch she is sitting, sit next to her with one leg folded on the couch and I make her face me holding her hands.)
Me:  Khanyi look at me (she does as told)  we haven’t found Lina and Khaya.  Eddie found their cars parked at the mall, their phones were last active when they were at his apartment earlier this afternoon.  The security footage at the mall shows them getting out of their cars being forced into another car.  We can’t track the car they left in because it had no number plates.  (she is silently crying while listening to every word I am saying to her. she is also starting to have difficulty breathing)  Baby I need you to breathe, look at me Khanyi, breathe with me, in and out baby slowly  (she does as told, we do the breathing exercise for a few minutes but it doesn’t seem to help.  The doctor gets up and kneels in front of her)
Khanyi:  Who took my kids Qhawe, who took them?  (she talking like she’s trying to catch her breath.)
Doctor:  Khanyi look at me, I am going to give you something that’s going to help with the breathing.  (she nods really fast, then gives her an injection and she slowly passes out.)  she is going to be out for hours and don’t worry the injection is safe for the babies and I am going to have to prescribe her anxiety tablets that will also be safe for her.  I suggest you carry her upstairs, she won’t be completely comfortable on this couch.  Another option that I can give you is having her admitted at the hospital so that we can monitor her closely.  This is going to be too much for her to handle.
Me:  it’s fine doc, we’ll keep her here, we’ll bring her in should the need arise for that.
Doctor:  Ok then.  You have my number, just call me if you need me and maybe you should ask Lungi to come stay with you guys since she is a nurse.
Eddie:  she is already on her way.
Doctor: that’s good.  Let me leave you and please take her to bed.  (he didn’t need to tell me twice.  I carried her upstairs and covered her with her favourite fleece blankie and quickly went back downstairs)
Eddie:  don’t worry man, she is going to be fine and those babies will be fine.  We are all going to pull through this and we are definitely going to find those kids.
Lwazi:  What’s with the emergency call guys, you interrupted my quality time with my Queen here. (he says followed by everyone else.)
Thando:  Lwazi stop it.
Lwazi:  but baby it’s true.  We never interrupt them.
Bandile:  Lwazi stop talking for a minute and look at Qhawe, this is serious.
Lwazi:  hey man what happened?
Sizwe:  where’s Khanyi, is she ok? (I looked them and I just could say anything to them, I had no words for them, I felt my tears falling and I felt Sizwe’s arms around me and I just couldn’t stop the tears from falling.  Who could have done this?  That’s only question going through my mind.  Who is trying to destroy my family.)
Ncesh:  hey Qhawe what happened.  (I froze, I couldn’t say anything)
Eddie:  Khaya and LIna have been kidnapped.  They were taken earlier this afternoon at the mall. In fact it was made to look like they were taken at the mall.
Mcebisi:  what do you mean they have been kidnapped?  (he asks as he walks in with Luyanda and Lungi)
Eddie:  I mean exactly that, and who ever did it, they were professional.
Lungi:  You have to find them, please find them (she breaksdown in her father’s arms)
Me:  Lungi come here. (she walks over to me) I need you to be strong because I am going to need your help with Khanyi.  She is upstairs right now sleeping, she has been sedated so she will be out for a while.
Lungi:  who sedated her?
Me:  Dr Nkosi was here, we called to be here when we told her what happened.  (she looks at with tears in her eyes)
Lungi:  I can’t lose him, I really can’t lose him, both of them. She is the little sister I never had.
Me:  You won’t lose them.  We won’t lose them.  We will find them.  (I let her cry in my arms before she gets up and goes upstairs to check on Khanyi.)
“Why are you all looking gloomy, who died?  And who made Lungi cry”,( that was Ntando walking in to the kitchen)
Ncesh:  they have to be told, we can’t hide it from them, not this
Me:  I know.
Ntando:  what do we need to know? (Mcebisi has been very quiet, looking down)
Me:  Go upstairs I’ll be there in a minute.  (he walks out)
Sizwe:  who ever did this really has a death wish.
Mcebisi:  they will wish they were never born.
I get an sms from my mistery person. 
I don’t waste anytime.  I grab my keys and drive off.  I get to wimpy an hour before they close. I find myself a private booth, order coffee and I sit and wait.  I didn’t have to wait long until someone walked over to my table.
Him:  Good evening.  (he looks good, he looks like he is in fifties but he still looks good, could this be him?)
Me:  Good evening
Him:  May I sit (I just nod.  If it’s him then I know why my hair is like this. This guy is coloured. So my dad is coloured)
Me:  are you the man I am suppose to meet here.
Him:  I am.  My name is Micheal, Micheal Arendse most people call me Mike.
Me:  I’m Andiswa Ndzolo
Him:  Nice to finally meet you.  Your mother never wanted me to be a part of your life, I guess she was protecting you but she didn’t know she was creating an animal at the same time.  I must say your record is impressive for a woman.
Me:  what do you mean she was protecting me
Him:  She didn’t want you to end up living the life I live.  Only if she knew now where you ended up with her trying to protect you. 
Me:  What kind of life is that?
Him:  the life of crime.  I have 3 daughters and you are the youngest.  Your sisters were not all about this life but at some point they were hungry for revenge and they ended up here but they are smart about it.  they do more legit work than they do criminal activities.
Me:  what made them change?
Him:  the same thing that made you, you; REVENGE.  They were both married, one is still married and the other is divorced but she can’t get over her ex husband.  The other one, her husband is in jail.  She wants revenge on the person that got her husband arrested.  You see Andiswa, when we found out about you, we had to get you out of there.  A lot was involved in getting you here and I must say you are doing well so far, you fitting into the plan so well as if you were there when we planned this.
Me:  You are the mastermind behind all this.  What is this master plan?
Him:  at the right time you will know.  Just keep doing what you do.
Me:  fine.  So you and my mother?
Him:  Your mother got herself in trouble with some people and she needed help.  I was there to help and in return she was to be mine, I tried to help her out but the people she messed with wanted her dead, it was just unfortunate that her husband died in the same accident. 
ME:  I don’t understand
Him:  You won’t.  Your mom was an accountant for a certain company.  She stumbled across something by accident, she discovered that the company that she was working for was a front for something illegal and that it was used to clean the dirty money.  She reported it to the police but that didn’t work out well for her, hence she is dead.  Had she not gone to the police, my plan to help her would have worked, they would both be still alive but your mother was a very stubborn woman, very feisty.
Me:  I have two other sisters, who are they?
Him:  don’t worry darling, everything will be revealed.  By the way, don’t trust the PI you are using.  Something doesn’t add up with him.
Me:  I don’t need him anymore anyway.
Him:  I see. (his phone rings, he answers and talks for a few minutes and hangs up) I have to go darling.  I’ll keep in touch. Take this (he hands a card)  you can contact me anytime.  You look beautiful, just like your mom. (and he walks out.  What just happened, I don’t think that’s the reunion I expected. )

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