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I’m standing in the boys room and looking at the video Khanyi sent me of my family tied up in what looks like a basement.  How can she be so cruel, how did she get to be so cold.  My boys are only two years old and it looks like they are sleeping in this video.  The ways she slaps Sima, I have never seen so much anger in her. If I came home when I was supposed to, they would still be here.  I can’t let her hurt my family. I love my family, I can’t let her hurt them.  I need to see those two. They need to talk some sense into her.  I grab my car keys and drive off to the house.
Me:  Songezo how are our guests doing?
Songezo:  they seem fine to me but I think the big guy has a broken rib from the beating yesterday.
Me:  he is going to be fine.  Let me go see them. (when I get there Khaya is crouching over Qhawe lookoing at his injuries.  I must say he is badly hurt.) he is going to be fine though. (Khaya chuckles a little.)  You need to talk some sense into your mother kid.
Khaya:  don’t make me laugh.  What did she do?
Qhawe:  she’s got him by the balls (he tries to laugh but I am assuming tha it hurts when he laughs. He is right though. Khanyi has me by the balls. It’s strange how he knows her so well in such a short space of time.)
Me:  This is a dangerous game that she is playing and she is going to lose. I know she is going to do what I want her to do for you.  I mean Khaya your are her first born son after all.
Khaya:  you’ve been with my mom for so long and still don’t know her, you don’t know how she thinks.  Let me educate Zweli;  she would die for us, she would fight anyone who tries to hurt us.  She might not kill you for us, she might just let you go to jail and let jail deal with you because she wouldn’t want to tell my little siblings that she killed their father. When it comes to him (he says looking at Qhawe)  she is going to kill you.  But first you will suffer unbearable pain for hurting her kids and then a bullet through the heart for him.
Me:  oh please we both know your mother is not capable of killing anyone.
Khaya:  if that’s what you think then, it’s your funeral. (Qhawe starts coughing and Khaya gives his attention again) Dad are you ok?
Qhawe:  I’m fine.  I’ll be fine.
Khaya:  She is going to find us.  They are going to find us.
(I leave the room, making sure I lock and I make a call to Khanyi)                   
Phone conversation
Khanyi:  if you are not about tell me that you are parked outside my gate with family then we have nothing to talk about.
Me:  but we do.  You also have my family and my businesses and I want it all Khanyi and I am going to have it.
Khanyi:  Are you sure you want to go this route?
Me:  yes.
Khanyi:  let the games begin but remember this; everytime you lay hand on them, your little family suffers for it. (she hangs up before I could say anything. Dammit this woman is really going to make me sweat. I know for sure she won’t find me, Sima won’t talk, she knows about this property and I don’t think she is going to tell them.


Zwelibanzi is really testing my patience.
Me:  Eddie please come with me to the basement
Eddie:  sure thing.  What are you going to do?
Me:  we are going to find out where her husband is keeping my people.
Eddie:  do you think she knows
Me:  I know for a fact she knows. (when we get to the basement she was awake.) you are awake.  Did you sleep well last night?
Sima:  how do you think I slept? You are so cruel
ME:  We still have a stinking attitude Eddie.
Eddie:  maybe we should get rid of it.
Me:  Take a sit Sima, we have something to talk about and Eddie here is going to tie you up again. Did you choose a weapon that you want me to use on you? you know what never mind. I’ll choose one.  Play nice with Eddie he is not as friendly as I am.  That means you need to answer all the  question we are going to ask and if we don’t like your answers then I pity you.  Are you done Eddie?
Eddie: I’m done .  so which are you going to use?
Sima:  Khanyi please don’t do this, think of my babies.
Me:  hayibo but you didn’t think of my babies when you were planning on killing me and Sima keep quiet, I’m trying to decide which weapon to use on you.  (eddie walks over to Sima grabs another chair sits right in front of her.)
Eddie:  Where is he keeping them?
Sima:  I don’t know
Eddie: I don’t like that answer Sima.
Me:  let’s try this again.  How many  properties does Zwelibanzi have around here
Sima:  I said I don’t know (I take the surgical blade I was holding and make a small on he wrist, careful not to cut the veins and she screams in pain.)
Me:  the next one will go through your veins and that will lead to a lot of bleading. Let’s try again.  How many properties does Zwelibanzi own in KZN.
Sima:  Khanyi I don’t know. (Eddie takes the blade and makes a similar cut on her other wrist. She screams in pain again.)
Me:  You can avoid all this pain by telling me what I want to here and I know you have the answers.  I’m going to send this video of you screaming in pain, maybe it will motivate him to try and find you faster, if I don’t find him first and if that happens you don’t want to know what I’ll do to him.  This is nothing dear.)
Eddie:  Let’s try this again.  Where is he keeping them?
Sima:  I don’t know.  (Eddie takes his gun and shoots her arm)
Eddie:  I didn’t like your answer, the next bullet goes to your head.
Me:  let’s try one more time and this time we better like the answer.  How many properties does Zwellibanzi own in KZN? (I ask pointing a gun to her head)
Sima:  ok, ok.  He owns three properties, only one is an isolated property.  It’s a house.  I’ll tell you where it is. (she can’t even stop crying, she has hiccups.)
Me:  Good girl.  I’ll send someone to clean you up and bandage your wounds.
She gives me the info we need.  This house is on the outskirts of Mhlanga. We walk out of the basement to the lounge where the others were still sitting.
Bandile:  We heard a gunshot, is she still alive?
Me:  She is very alive just in pain.Andile you up: gunshot wound to the arm and surgical cuts on her wrist and give her some pain killers. (Andile walks to the basement and I take my phone and I send a video of Eddie shooting her arm.  Caption:  THIS IS FOR LAYING YOUR HANDS ON THEM.  I’M COMING FOR YOU.


Me:  remind me never to get on your wrong side.  Qhawe’s dad is on his way here.
Khanyi:  He’ll have to babysit because we are going to get my baby and my King.
Eddie:  You can’t go (I look at this and I’m thinking he is crazy if he thinks Khanyi is just going to sit here waiting for us to come back with her guys.
Khanyi:  You must be crazy.  (he tries to say  something but I think he knows not to say anything at this moment.  Qhawe’s dad walks in and goes straight to Khanyi and hugs the living day lights out of her.)
Loyiso:  Are you ok?
Khanyi:  I’m fine.  I’m bringing him home tonight.  You’ll have to babysit and enjoy being a grandpa. (suddenly Sima screams in the basement.  The door must be open for us to hear that scream.  Good thing the game room and the tv room upstairs are sound proofed at least the kids can’t here any of this.)
Loyiso:  Who is that?
Me:  We’ll explain later. (I walk towards the basement)  Andile finish up we need to go.
Andile:  I’m done.  Let’s go. As for you Sima, you can go upstairs to your kids.
Sima:  my babies are still ok?
Me:  She would never hurt them, she is not that heartless.
Sima:  Look what she did to me, she is heartless
Me:  You and your husband started it.  You can’t blame her for trying to protect what’s hers.
Sima:  Zweli should have never trusted you.
Me:  You are wrong darling, he should have never tried to kill me all those years ago.  Karma is a bitch. Let’s go Andile.
(we walk out and leave her there, everyone is already in their cars.  I’m really scared of what’s going to happen when we get there.  Khanyi calls me from her car and tells me that I need to watch myself.  Zweli will try to kill me for betraying him.  I know he will and I am not about to die, I have a baby coming.  We get there and the place is very quiet not even security guards. When we walk in we see two guys sitting on the couch.  They stand up and draw their guns as soon as they see us.
Them:  and then nina?
Eddie:  We are not here for you, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll step aside.
Guy 1:  Why should we do that?
Khanyi:  because I am going to shoot you if you don’t and trust me right now I’m not in the mood for games. (ok this would funny if we weren’t in this situation.  These are big and she is so tiny.)
Guy 2:  a small person like you, I would like to see you try.  (she laughs a little, takes out her gun and shoots him in the leg.  Guy 1 tries to take out his gun but Andile shoots his arm.
Khanyi:  We are not here for you.

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