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Today is my day with the kids, we are going out for breakfast and doing some shopping as well.  This is going to be a long day, shopping with the girls is a nightmare, they take after their mom except for the last born Lisakhan ya – 13, this one is more like me, she always knows what she wants from the shops.  Sibahle-17 and Zenande – 14, can really shop.  They really know how to spend my money, funny enough they don’t  go crazy with their allowances but when I decide to take them shopping, it’s like I opened the gates to the heavens. 
I had a great time with Khanyi yesterday, even though she said we can try, I know it will take some time for her to be completely comfortable but I want to take this journey with her.
Lisakhanya:  Daddy, how are you this morning
Me:  I’m fine sweetheart, how are you
Khanya:  I’m fine daddy.  Are the others not down yet?
Me:  Not yet.  Do you know what you are buying today?
Khanya:  Yes dad.   I just need a few winter clothes and some of my art stationery and new pouch for my phone. (See what I mean about her, she’s just simple.) I love you daddy
Me:  I love you too Princess, come let’s go to the kitchen.
Zenande:  Oh you guys just love being all lovey divvy. (she laughs)  Morning daddy
Sibahle:  Morning dad
Me:  Morning ladies, let’s eat so that we can go
Sibahle:  Aren’t the twins coming?
Bandile:  Miss out on a chance to spend dad’s money, never.
Banele:  Sorry to disappoint you little sis, you won’t be spending dad’s money alone.
Me:  So this is about spending my money and not spending time with your dad
Sibahle:  dad we love you, you know that but today is just one of those we love you for your money.
Me:  I’m hurt, truly I am.  (they all just laugh at me)
Bandile:  Dad when we are done with the shopping, do you mind if we leave you guys, Khaya wants to meet up for lunch, we won’t stay long, we’ll be home by 16:00
Me:  No problem boys, as long as you are home early.  Come guys let’s go
I drive with the girls, and the boys take their won since they are only going home later.
When we get to the mall, the girls go crazy.  I love this mall.  Even during its busy days, you can still breath, it doesn’t get that congested. La Lucia is just the best place to raise kids and they are loving it here.   We go to all these different shops Sibahle and Zenande are really going crazy.  After a while I take Khanya with me to do grocery shopping while the other girls still busy with their own shopping.  After that we are all going to get something to eat then go home.  As we walk to Checkers, Zenande and I, I see her coming out of another shop, she’s with her daughter.  I wonder where the boys are.
Me:  Khanyi
Khanyi:  hey, how are you
Me:  I’m good.  What are you doing here? Princess Lwanele, how are you?
Lwanele:  I’m good and how are you
Me:  I’m good too.  Are you also here to spend mom’s money?  This is Lisakhanya my daughter
Lwanele:  Hi Lisakhanya, I’m Lwanele
Khanya:  Nice meet Lwanele.
Lwanele:  This is my mom, Khanyi, she is friends with your dad.
Khanya:  Nice to meet you mama.  So are you his friend or girlfriend, I hope you are the girlfriend, he needs one.
I swear my daughter just said too much right now and Khanyi is just amazed by her. I just stand there looking at her smiling, I just couldn’t help myself.
Khanya  and Lwanele:  OH MY GOD!!!!!! IT’S TRUE
Khanya:  Daddy, is it true? (she looking at me with so much joy in her eyes)
Lwanele:  I knew it, I knew it.
Khanyi:  Where were you guys going?
Me:  Checkers
Khanyi:  We were going there too and we can finish this conversation while we are there shopping
Me:  yeah sure, let’s go.
Khanya:  Dad you haven’t answered my question
Me:  (I look at Khanyi and she nods)  yes princess, she my lady
Khanya and Lwanele:  FINALLY!! (we just laugh)
I think these two will get along just fine. When we are done at checkers, we meet up with my other two girls at spur and LisaKhanya is busy pulling Khanyi by her hand, she’s in a hurry to show Khanyi to her sisters.
Khanya:  hey guys, this is Khanyi, she is Lwanele’s mom and dad’s girlfriend
Sibahle:  What?  dad has a girlfriend, how long has that been going on dad and you don’t tell us.  (she says that looking at me expecting an answer.  As I’m about to answer the waitress brings our food and leaves.)
Me:  Listen guys, I was going to tell you, this is not how I wanted to introduce her to you and we haven’t been seeing each other that long. I guess fate decided otherwise.
Sibahle:  Hi, I’m Sibahle and this is Zenande
Khanyi: Nice to meet you ladies.
We eat with the girls asking Khanyi and Lwanele a lot of questions.   And I get up to go the bathroom and looking at the table we are sitting at, they all look happy and laughing, I just stand there for a minute looking at them and taking pictures.
After the lunch we go our separate ways.


Today we decided to have lunch with Khaya.  I remember when we first met him, he was really out of it, lost, hanging out with the wrong crew, but now, when you look at him, you could never say and he always says he owes all to his mom who never gave up on him and he has this amazing idea of a programme he wants to start for guys who’ve been in the same situation as his or worse.  Dad has been his mentor for a year now and he actually loves his idea and is prepared to back him up. We are sitting at Mugg and Bean waiting and I see him walking in and he is with two other guys.

Khaya:  What’s up guys, haven’t seen in you in a while
Banele:  Busy man, we are writing exams soon and we had a lot of assignments.
Bandile:  Are you good though?
Khaya:  I’m good guys can’t complain.  Having a boys’ day with my brothers today. Guys this is Lonwabo and Ntando, my little brothers.
Bandile:  Nice to finally meet you, your brother talks about you guys all the time.
Khanya:  Guys these are the twins I’ve been telling you about, Bandile and Banele.
Ntando & Lonwabo:  Nice to meet you
Khaya:  have you ordered?
Banele:  Not yet we were waiting for you, let me call a waitress.  We place our orders and she leaves.
Khaya:  Ok guys, the idea that I told you about I also want to involve my brothers in the project.
Ntando:  Yeah, we want in, it’s a fantastic idea.
Lonwabo:  in as much as it is a fantastic idea, whose going to fund it, are we using our own money or are we getting sponsors?  I do think getting sponsors will be a good idea, it gets the community involved.
Bandile:  You were right, these boys are smart.
Khaya:  I told you.
Banele:  Our first sponsors should be our parents.  With their company names on our adverts, we can get a lot of other businesses involved.  (the waitress brings our food.  We continue with our conversation while we eat.)
Ntando:  Especially since their companies are amongst some of the best in the country.
Khaya:  I think we should have one meeting and pitch the idea to them at the same time.
Banele:  That’s perfect, we’ll speak to dad tonight.
Lonwabo:  that means we should also speak to mom tonight.
Bandile:  That’s settled then, we’ll talk tomorrow.  Right now we have to go before we are late, otherwise dad will have a thing.
Khaya:  sure man, we also need go, don’t  worry I’ll get the bill this time.

Khaya pays the bill and the guys go their separate ways.

30 minutes later
Sibahle:  Oh great, you are home just in time
Banele:  In time for what?
Zenande:  We have something to tell you, it’s about dad.
Dad:  You are talking about me like I’m not even here.  It’s not your news to tell you know that right?
Khanya:  Oh come on daddy, they are just excited.
Twins:  What is it?
Zenande:  dad has a girlfriend and her name is Khanyi
Twins:  What, when did that happen
Sibahle:  apparently not that long and he was planning on telling us.
Bandile:  really dad, when were you going to tell us, and you guys, how did you find out.
Sibahle:  We met her at the mall and had lunch with her, it was just a coincidence. Oh and we took pictures, she’s a lovely lady
Dad:  I was going to tell when the time was right.
Banele:  Let me see the pictures
Dad:  This is a going to be a long day for me.  Is this what we are going to talk about the rest of the day.
Bandile:  come on dad, we just want to know about her.
Banele:  I think we know her, I’ve seen her before, Bandile look at these pictures
Bandile:  Dad, this is Khaya’s mom (he says shocked.)  Is she the gym lady you told us about?
Dad:  Yes she is
Banele:  Does Khaya know?
Dad:  no not yet.  This is really not how I wanted you to find out.  We can talk about this later, let’s get dinner ready.


I need to call Qhawe, he picks up:
Qhawe:  Lwazi
Lwazi:  We found something, and you are not going to like it.  This guy is bad news man.
Qhawe:  How bad?
Lwazi:  dangerously bad.  Look man, we need to meet, this is stuff we can’t discuss over the phone.  I think we should go to her house tomorrow and inform the guys about what we found.
Qhawe:  I want to know first before we go there.  Come to my house tomorrow first, we can go there together.  Where is Bandile?
Lwazi:  he is right here.
Qhawe:  Ok.  Let me see you tomorrow then.  I’m grilled in this house about Khanyi.
Lwazi:  You told them?
Qhawe:  it was a coincidence which to having to tell them and introducing my girls to her.  I’ll about it tomorrow, I have to go.
Lwazi:  sure man.


When we get home, mom was busy cooking dinner and having a conversation with Mam’ Mavis, who is about to leave also. Mam’ Mavis is more like our second mother to us, she’s been with for years, from when mom was still married.  She is absolutely an amazing woman.
Me:  My ladies
Them:  Baby
Me:  I’ll let pass this time, just because it’s just us three in this kitchen.
Mam’ Mavis:  Guys I’ll see you tomorrow.
Us:  Goodnight ma.
Mom:  where are the boys?
Me:  Upstairs, they wanted to shower first.
Mom:  ok.
Me:  Mom, we have a project that we are working on that we would like to pitch to you, so we would like to have a formal meeting with and Bhut’ Qhawe.
Mom:  Have you spoken to him about it?
Me:  The twins will speak to him tonight but he knows about the project.
Mom:  I’ll have a look at my calendar and see when I’m available.  What is this about?
Me:  You’ll find out when we pitch it to you.
Mom:  wait a minute, you said the twins will speak to Qhawe, are you telling me that the twins who are your friends are Qhawe’s kids
Me:  yes mom, they are.  I thought you knew
Mom:  You never told me who their parents are.
The kids come down for dinner, mom dishes up for us, as we eat and having a conversation about school, Lwanele changes the subject:
Lwanele:  Guys mom has a boyfriend
Lonwabo:  Oh, she does
Ntando:  Who is he? 
Lwanele:  his name is Qhawelomzi Mthimkhulu
Mom:  Lwanele!!
Lwanele:  But it’s true mom.
Lonwabo:  how do you know him Lwanele?
Lwanele:  I’ve met him
Ntando:  How, when, how come we haven’t met him?
Me:  He’s the father to the twins
Ntando:  ok, I still want to know how Lwanele met him and got to know she mom’s boyfriend.
Lwanele:  they confirmed it today when we at the mall, when his daughter asked if mom was his girlfriend, they just couldn’t hide, besides, Khanya is very nosy.  I first met him here, apparently that he had brought mom home because she wasn’t feeling well, I think that’s the same day found out about father, I bumped into him coming downstairs,  that’s when he introduced himself to me but he said he was friend.
Mom:  Well, he was still a friend.
Ntando:  Now he is a boyfriend, how serious are you?
Mom:  Guys this is still new, we taking one day at a time.
Khaya:  We just happy you finally decided to date, and I think this is the one for you but we’ll see.
Lonwabo:  We are happy for you mom.  As long as he is good to you and he is good to us.
After we are done dinner, we clean up  the kitchen and go watch movies in the tv room, which reminds me that I saw mom cosy with Bhut’ Qhawe here yesterday watching movies, but she doesn’t know that I know.

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