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Today is the reading of the will.  They lawyer is already here.  Most of the people left yesterday and some are leaving today and I just said goodbye to my two uncles and their wives.  I was not surprised when Aunt Nokuzola wanted to stay for the reading, but my uncle knows how to handle her.  Pretty soon it’s just going to be me, mom, Sima and the twins in this house.  Maybe Sima should stay here with her.  I’ll have to speak to them.  Khanyi just arrived with the kids, we were actually waiting for them. 
Khanyi:  Morning Zwelibanzi  (this woman has called me Zwelibanzi for years and it still does something to me the way she says my name.)
Me:  Morning Khanyi,  hi kids.
Them:  Zweli (ok this I’ll never get used to)
Me:  We can go to the study the lawyer is here. (we walk to the study and take our sits not before the kids hug their grandmother, Sima is also here.)
Lawyer:  Morning everyone.  This is not going to take too much time, so I’ll get started since we are all here. I will need everyone to reserve their comments for when I am done.

I Mzimkhulu Tom write this will being of sound mind and with no outside influence.  Everything in this will I have discussed with my wife Eunice Tom and we both agreed on how to devide my estate.

1. To my grandchildren Ahlume and Hlumelo Tom (the twins) I leave trust funds, each worth R2 million, an education fund for each child worth R2 million and my construction company MT Constuctions which is just about construction.  I leave all this to them to be managed by Khanyisile Sondlo. She will manage the trust fund until the kids are 18 and the educational fund she will manage until they get their degrees.  Whatever is left over from their educational fund will be re-invested for their children.  Reason for this is that I don’t trust their parents to handle these funds properly.
2. To Lonwabo, Ntando and Lwanele Sondlo; I leave to them MT Engineers and Construction.  This company combines Civil engineering and construction, the company has four branches in the country.  Khanyisile Sondlo will manage the company for the children until they finish school.  I leave the Hotel to my little Princess Lwanele Sondlo, which her mom will also manage until she finishes school.  I also leave to them  trust funds  worth R1.5 million each which their mother Khanyisile Sondlo will manage until they are 18. Lwanele also gets a dance studio which she can start using as in yesterday.  It is ready and fully equipped.  I know how much she loves dancing.  She can use the studio teach others.
3. To my wife Eunice I leave the restaurant, which she will take care of until she decides who she wants to take over from her.  I leave the house to her which requested that it be transferred to the grandchildren.  The ownership of the house has been transferred to Lonwabo, Ntando, Lwanele Sondlo, Ahlume and Hlumelo Tom.  They will only make decisions concerning the house when my wife dies and they will not be allowed to sell the house.  This the house you will use for big family gatherings , family reunions and so forth. Until such time, my wife will take care of everything that concerns the house.
4. To Simamkele Tom I leave her with R2.5 million.  Sima you should use R500 000 to start your own Interior design company.  You are good at, put your degree to good use.  I know your husband may not allow this, but do it for you and your kids, build a legacy for them.
5. To my only son:  Zwelibanzi I know about your illegal activities, I thought I taught you better my child.  The reason I left my companies to your kids is because I want my legacy to live on and I know they will be able to do that.  You failed at doing that.  I tried to guide towards the right direction but you chose the route that you are on.  Zweli greed will be your downfall.  I leave you R 5 million and my holiday home in Cape town.
6. To Khaya and Linamandla Sondlo:  even though you are not born of Zwelibanzi, I loved you as my grandkids.  Khaya since you are already working and have your own company I leave you with R1.5 million.  R500 000 is sponsorship for you Brotherhood project that you started with your brothers.  Yes I know about it.  An associate of mine is one of your sponsors.  You will get more sponsors.  You are doing good my child, I am proud of you.  To Linamandla:  you are almost done with school.  I have paid the remainder of your fees that is until you finish school and when you are done with school You will have R2 Million waiting for you to help you start your own practise.  You already have a buiding for it and some of the equipment you will need.  I want you to build the best practise.  And your mom is going to give you a little something from me, you can go spoil yourself with your sister and your newly found sisters.
7. To Khanyisle Sondlo:  My Princess,  I know that you don’t need it but my wife insisted on it.  I give you R1 million and the lawyer will hand you keys to something you will love.

Please note that everything has been to transferred to the kids names and Khanyisile Sondlo has been named as the person who will manage all the trust funds and the companies on behalf of my grandchildren until they become illegible as stipulated.  The Will cannot be contested. Thank you
Lawyer:  that is all. I hope everything is clear.
Sima:  I don’t understand why she gets to manage my kids trust fund and company, I am their mother (she is breathing fire right now and I understand why dad did that.  Sima is very reckless when it comes to money and she won’t be able to manage those funds.  I would have thought that he would let me manage them.  I guess he really didn’t trust me.)
Me:  Leave it alone Sima. (I still can’t believe my dad left all his companies to his grandchildren and made Khanyi to manage them, I must admit that doesn’t sit well with me, how could he do that, I am his only child.  R5 million and a house, really dad?)
Sima:  No Zweli this is not fair. Why her, these are my kids. (Khanyi is just looking at her not saying anything.  This is how she.  Always calm and it’s very dangerous)
Mom:  Sima stop it right now.  Khanyi didn’t ask for this.  My husband and I we decided on how things should be and this is best for the kids.
Khanyi:  Is there anything else Mr Zulu.
Mr Zulu:  if there are no other questions I’ll be on my way.  Your monies will be transferred to you by end of day tomorrow.  Miss Sondlo there some documents you need sign regarding the trust funds.  I’ll email them to you, you should have them by tonight and you can have your lawyer look them over.
Khanyi:  Thank you Mr Zulu.  (he gets up and bids everyone farewell.  Khanyi turns to look at me and she knows I am angry right now.  those companies should be mine.  She looks at my mother, who gives her the I’m sorry look.  If my parents knew I was not going take this lying down why did they leave everything to her and the kids.  Why would my dad say I’m greedy.)
Mom:  I’m sorry Khanyi.  You know why it had to be like this. (what does my mother mean by that?)
Khanyi:  I didn’t want any of it mama but I understand, but do you understand what this means for me and my kids?
Mom:  yes baby I understand. (she stands and hugs her)
Khanyi:  We have to go now.  you must come and visit soon.
Mom:  I will.  Lwanele can take me to the dance studio and show me what she can do. (mama hugs the kids and says her goobyes. When Khanyi walks out the door, Sima speaks)
Sima:  I will fight this, I won’t leave it lying………….. (Khanyi doesn’t let her finish.)
Khanyi:  I didn’t ask for this. If you want a fight, then go to his grave and fight with him there, if you as so much bother mama about this, I swear I will make you regret the day you first laid your eyes on him.  (she says that pointing at me.) As for you Zwelibanzi, whatever you are thinking right now, get it out of your mind.  I will die before I let you hurt my kids and don’t think I won’t kill you this time, trust me I won’t hesitate. (I know she means every word.  She will do anything to protect those kids. She kisses my mother’s forehead and leaves.  The kids are already waiting for her in the car.)
I need to do something but I can’t hurt my kids.  I want those companies.


We are home in Durban.  I told Qhawe everything and he is worried.  I’m in my home office right now and I can’t sleep.  Everyone is in bed.  Where is my phone, I need to make a phone call.

Him:  Khanyisile why are you calling so late, is everything ok.
Me:  I’m cancelling your leave.  It’s time to come back. Shit is about to hit the fan
Eddie:  What do you mean shit is about to hit the fan.
Me:  I mean exactly that.  Wherever you are, you need to come back as in yesterday.
Eddie:  ok fine.  I’ll be there tomorrow.  Try and get some sleep.  (I hang up and call Andile)

Him:  I hope you are dying calling me this late while I’m on leave, you know the rules Khanyi.
Me:  Your leave has been cancelled, with immediate effect.  You need to come back.  (I hear someone’s voice in thebackground)  is that Ibanathi?
Andile:  yes it’s him.  Khanyi what happened?
Me:  Shit is about to hit the fan, that’s all I can say right.  Be here tomorrow.  I already spoke to Eddie.
Andile:  is it that serious?
Me:  Andile seriously get your dick out of Ibanathi and listen to what I am telling you.  Be here tomorrow ok, this is not a game.  This is life and death.
Andile:  Ok.  I’ll be there. (I hang up and take a sip of my wine.)

Qhawe:  you shouldn’t curse the dead.  (he walks to me and pulls me from my chair, he sits and makes me straddle him.) Talk to me my Queen
Khanyi:  Tell me something my King, why do you always make me talk when I’m in these awkward and compromising positions? As the kids would define them.  If I am not straddling you, my legs are wrapped around your waist and my back against the wall.
Qhawe: 1.  I have learned that it’s easy for you to talk in these positions and you are at your most vulnerable moment. It’s when you let me into your world and talk freely. (ok that I didn’t know.)  2.  It makes it easy for me to fuck you should the need arise.  (he gives me a naughty smile.)  and right now there is a need but I need you to talk to me.
Khanyi:  I just called Eddie and Andile back from their leave.
Qhawe:  I know, I heard you talking and I called Charlie too.  He will be here tomorrow as well.
Khanyi:  I don’t know why the old man thought I could do this.  He put me in a difficult position.  Now I have Zwelibanzi who is going to come after me full force and his wife who is being petty right now.  I should have slapped her when she opened her mouth this morning.
Qhawe:  he believed in you.  I don’t think he would have done this if he didn’t, look what he did to Sima.  Baby you are not alone in this.  Bandile and Sizwe will be here tomorrow as well.  They are also back from wherever they disappeared to.  I feel like these guys are up to something.  You have whole team behind you baby.  You will be safe, the kids will be safe.
Me:  you don’t get it Que, Zwelibanzi will come after everyone I care about and he knows that my weak spot are my kids. He will take advantange of that somehow.
Qhawe:  that’s where you are wrong my darling.  He knows those kids make you strong, he knows you will fight tooth and nail for them, he knows he won’t get anything from you by hurting the kids.  What he is going to do is hit you where you least expect him to.  He won’t go after his own kids, but he will go after Khaya and Linamandla.
Me:  that makes sense and Lina is flying back to Cape Town tomorrow.
Qhawe:  I know what you are thinking and the answer is NO.  Let her go back to school, you don’t want to raise Zwelibanzi’s suspicions.  She still has her detail at school.  They will continue watching her as they always did.  It is important that we don’t make major changes when it comes to them.  We’ll figure out the rest tomorrow when the guys are here.
Me:  Thank you for being here and thank you for your support.
Qhawe:  I wouldn’t be anywhere else.  (he kisses me and the kiss gets passionate and heated, he stands and puts me on the desk and takes off my underwear since I’m wearing one his t-shirts.  He comes back to kissing me, his fingers are deep inside me and he moves my to ear and whispers) no foreplay, you are already so wet (his fingers are driving me crazy, I am a moaning mess, his deep voice in my ear is not helping things and I can feel that I’m about to come and he stops.) I am going to fuck all this frustration out of you.  Do you want me to?
Me:  Yes (and it comes out as a whisper.  I just want him inside me.  He tries to go in about two times and the third time he succeeds.  He goes in deep and rough.  He does exactly what he said he would, he is drilling me deep and I love every minute of it.  he moves my right leg over his shoulder and leaves my left leg wrapped on his waist, he moves slightly to the side, holding both my legs tight which keeps me in position at this point my orgasm is calling me, telling me to let go but I don’t want to, he feels so good right now.
Qhawe:  Let go baby (I do as told and he doesn’t stop he keeps fucking me which intensifies my orgasm, a few minutes later  he lets go and the only sound in this room right now is our heavy breathing.  He lets go of my right leg on his shoulder and wraps both my legs around his waist.  With him still inside me, he moves to the couch and takes the throw, he covers both of us and walks out of the office to our bedroom.  I can feel growing inside me and that alone does something to me.  It’s funny how I always seem like such a light weight.  When we get to the bedroom he lowers me to the bed on my back and he is carefull that he doesn’t pullout of me)
Qhawe:  right now, I am going to make love you to you, tonight I’ll make you forget about your problems.  We’ll deal with them tomorrow.  (he says all this moving back and forth inside me very slowly.)  I love you Khanyi
Me:  I love you Que.

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