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I hate hospitals, God knows I hate hospitals and this doctor wants to keep me here for the entire week and Qhawe is not taking it well, he just wants to take me home.  When he came back last night he told me that the guy that shot me was arrested and apparently he was hired to shoot me, he doesn’t know who hired him yet but they’ll find out soon enough.  I just woke up and he is still sleeping next to me, he refused to go home saying he won’t be able to sleep alone at home,  when he is here at least he knows what’s going on.  This man practically lives here. I try to move, trying not wake him but I hurt myself “shit” and that wakes him up.
Qhawe:  what’s wrong?
Me:  nothing, I just tried to move a little and ended up hurting myself.
Qhawe:  you should have woken me up, I would have helped you.
Me:  I know, but you looked so handsome in your sleep. I need to go to the bathroom please help me.
Qhawe:  I thought you had a catheter.
Me:  I did, they removed it last night before you guys came back.
Qhawe:  I see.  (he helps me sit up and this man decides to carry me to the bathroom, he puts down and lets me do my business.  When I’m done I try to get up but it hurts when I try to balance myself, the pain is too much and he immediately walks in.)  I’ll help you.
Me:  Can I walk to my bed this time, you can’t be carrying me all the time besides when you are not I’ll have to walk,
Qhawe:  Well right now I’m here so I’ll carry you, you can do the walking when I’m not here.
Me:  you are so stubborn
Qhawe:  look who’s talking (we both laugh he puts me on the bed and makes me sit with my legs dangling, he stands between my legs and holds my face in his hands, bends down to my face and kisses me with my hands on his waist.  I missed him, I missed his lips, I missed these random kisses, I stop the kiss, I can feel myself getting wet right now.) I love you Baby Girl and I missed you so much.
Me:  and I missed you.
Qhawe:  Sit here, I’ll run your bath and we can get you out of this hospital thing you are wearing and into your pyjamas.  I brought your pyjamas and a few other things that you might. (he goes and opens the bag and takes out my toiletry bag and walks to the bathroom. He comes back out and carries me to the bathroom and puts me in the water after undressing me, starts bathing me.)
Me:  I think I can bath myself.
Qhawe:  Not today.  Today I’m bathing you and tomorrow, until you completely heal.
Me:  that could take weeks. (I say that sulking)
Qhawe:  You’ll get used it (and he gives a his big smile)
Me:  Just like you said I would get used to your dick (ok I don’t know why I said that, it just came out, he stops looks at me smiling his naughty smile)
Qhawe:  why would you compare this to that and don’t tell me you are not used to my dick yet.
Me:  I could never get used to that thing of yours Que (he looks at me at again and he just laughs)
Qhawe:  now it’s a thing, it’s no longer  your “magic wand” or your “lollipop” huh? (still laughing)
Me:  hayi man Qhawelomzi (he just kisses me again and carries on bathing me, being careful around the bandages. He is bathing every inch even my nuna and I just let him be.)  Qhawe why would someone want to shoot me and how did they know I was at your house that day.
Qhawe:  I really don’t know my Queen, that’s what we are trying to find and hopefully today we’ll get the answers we are looking for. (as he finishes dressing me in pyjamas and makes me sit on the toilet sit, while he cleans the bathtub, when he is done, he carries me to the bed and pulls the blankets over my legs to my waist,  I really need my pain medication and the nurse walks in with a smile.)
Nurse Lungi:  Looks like someone has bathed already.
Me:  Thanks to this man here, you won’t have to help me with that today.
Nurse Lungi:  this man is going to get me fired for doing my job for me.  Let me look at your bandages ( thank God Qhawe brought me the pyjamas with buttons.  The nurse looks at me and the doctor walks in as well)
Doctor:  good morning, how are we feeling today?
Me:  we are fine, just pain here and there (he looks at my wounds and smiles)
Doctor:  your wounds are looking, no infection, I’m happy.  Are you able to sleep on your back?
Me:  not completely, the only time I sleep on my back is at night when Qhawe is here.
Doctor:  how so?
Me:  well he sleeps in my bed as you know, so when he puts my head on his chest, my back is not completely on the bed, so there’s no pressure on the wound on my back. (the nurse gives me my pain killers and glass of water after she is done dressing my wounds)
Doctor: I hear you.  I still don’t know, how the two of you manage to fit in this bed, considering…. (he doesn’t finish, he looks at Qhawe smiles.) We’ll see how you are feeling tomorrow; maybe you can go home tomorrow. (I smile at him and thank him as he leaves.)
Qhawe:  we are going home tomorrow,
Me:  He said maybe
Qhawe:  I don’t care, we are going home tomorrow, I’m not sleeping in this bed any longer than I have to. (I just laugh at him) the guys will visit tonight but Khaya and the Twins will come at lunch time.  Another thing is that Sizwe wants to visit you. (I look at him not believing what he is saying)
Me:  alone
Qhawe:  Yes, he  wants to come alone.  Do you want to see him, I can bring him and I’ll stay with you while he is still here.
Me:  It’s fine you can bring him.  ( I feel myself getting sleepy)
Qhawe:  don’t fight it, sleep.  I’ll go home and change and I’ll come back with Sizwe.  I love you my Queen. (he kisses me and leaves)


I’m with Bandile and Lwazi, we are on our way to the police station, the detective called wanting to see us, we are meeting Qhawe there. Lwazi is very quiet, something is bothering him.
Me:  Lwazi are you ok man?
Lwazi:  I’m ok, just thinking about Khanyi’s ex-husband.  I came across something when we were looking into him, I feel like something is not adding up, I feel like Khanyi is still danger.
Me:   I had the same conversation with Eddie yesterday.
Lwazi:  Khanyi’s company that he wants, is an import and export company that Zwelibanzi used to traffic drugs, and human trafficking right. I mean if he wanted, he could find some other company to use or buy his own, he has the money. What’s so special about this company that he wants it so badly and he knows he can’t just get it.  Khanyi has a silent partner in that company so she can’t just hand it over to me just like that.  Or maybe he doesn’t know because the company is fully registered under Khanyi’s name, the silent partner signed a contract for their 50% share and the business is fully legal.  Did Khanyi know about Zwellibanzi being involved in this company?
Me:  At first we didn’t, we found later during the process of buying it but as you know Zwelibabzi is trying keep his hands clean, so there’s no concrete proof that he is directly involved even if we could have him arrested and go to court, he would win the case. 
Bandile:  We need catch him red handed before he hurts Khanyi.  We should speak to the detective.
When we get to the police station Qhawe is already there, outside leaning against his and smiling at his phone.  We park and walk up to him and he is on a video call with the girls.
Qhawe:  Girls I have to go, I’ll call you later with mom.  I love you.
The girls:  And we love you.
Me:  how are they doing?  I miss them especially Lwanele.
Qhawe:  they are ok, enjoying the holidays
Me:  Let’s go in.  (we go in and find the detective waiting for us) morning detective
Det. Nxele:  Gentlemen, thank you for coming.  As you know we have caught the culprit and she decided to confess, I just finished taking her statement.
Bandile:  What made her confess; yesterday she didn’t sound like someone who wanted to confess, when she asked for a lawyer.
Det. Nxele:  she wanted to confess in the presence of a lawyer sot that it doesn’t look like the confession was forced out of her, plus I mentioned his name and she trembled. (he says pointing at Qhawe)
Me:  Smart woman, I want to see her.  Why is everyone so scared of you, what did you do.
Qhawe:  I did nothing. I want to see her too.
Det. Nxele:  come with me, she’s in the visitors’ area, that’s the only way you can see her, as visitors.
We walk there with the detective, we all go in and what we see before our eyes is….. well let me just say we didn’t want to believe it.  we walk to the table where she is and we sit.  The table is close to the wall, Qhawe is just standing leaning against the wall looking at this woman with so much hate. Detective is standing by the door.  Lwazi sits next to her and that makes her a little uncomfortable, me and Bandile we are seated opposite her.

Her:  The whole squad is here, I should have guessed it when they said I had visitors.  You are new to the squad, what’s your name (this woman has the nerve)
Me:  your worst nightmare (she swallows hard)
Her:  I guess you want to know why I did it. Love and hate are my reasons.
Qhawe:  Tell me Anelisa do you hate me that much, that you would want to hurt me like this, so much that you want to see me unhappy? (she doesn’t answer, she doesn’t even look at him. Bandile whispers in my ear “she’s trying to figure out why he is so calm and she knows that’s not good.” I look at Qhawe and he looks really calm, way too calm if you ask me.)
Me:  the woman you shot means the world to me, I’ve known her longer than these guys and in the short space of time that they’ve known her, she means the world to them.
Anelisa:  I don’t care, i……
Me:  (I don’t let her finish) shhhh, I’m doing the talking and you are listening, do we understand each other? (she nods)  You almost took a mother away from her kids, kids that love her dearly and can’t leave without her and for that you are going to pay and this is how it’s going to work (everyone is just quiet) I am personally going to bail you out, I’ll take you to my house, I have a special room for people like you in that house, do you want guess what’s going to happen (she shakes her head no)  I can’t hear you my darling
Anelisa: No I don’t
Me:  I am going to tell you anyway.  I have this friend that no one knows about, you my dear are going to be his pet and when he is done with you, I am going to skin you alive every day.
Bandile:  I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes.  You still haven’t answered Qhawe’s question, I’d be honest if I were you.
Anelisa:  That’s the thing Qhawe, I don’t hate you. (her voice is shaking, I think she is scared.) I love you, I love you so much that I couldn’t stand seeing her with you, she was taking you from me. She made you laugh, she made smile and I hated her for it.  I wanted to be the one to do that, I wanted to you to be happy with me.  I hated the fact that my kids were falling in love with her and calling her “mom”.  She’s taking my family from me and I couldn’t let have you guys.
Qhawe: we were never your family Anelisa.  Tell me when did you realise that you loved me?  Was it after you fucked my colleague in our bed or was it when you finally saw me happy with someone else, don’t answer that.  Answer me this though, did you think of your kids when you were planning to kill her, did you think of what they would say or do when they find out you killed the woman their father loves, a woman they love, how do you think they are going to feel when they find out that you tried to kill her, tell me Anelisa in that little head of yours, did you really see us becoming a family again after she dies because of you? Do you even have a brain or are you just carrying around an empty head on that neck yours.
Anelisa:  I wasn’t thinking ok, I just wanted what was mine.
Qhawe:  And you were prepared to lose your kids in the process
Anelisa:  You are more of a parent to them than I ever was, from the day they were born, you’ve been the parent, you have a special bond with them that I could never have.  I hate that I can’t be as close as you are with them and I know it’s my entire fault.
Qhawe:  I’m done with you.  I’m not getting my hands dirty over you, do you want to know why (she nods)  because I don’t my kids to lose both their parents, I don’t want to lose my kids because I killed their mother and I don’t want to lose the woman I love.  (he moves closer to her and sits)  what I am going to do though is let Andile here do whatever he wants with you. (he smiles at her kisses her forehead.) enjoy your new life with Andile.  (he looks at me)  have fun man. (with that said, he walks away and leaves.  I look at Anelisa and smile, I see tears in her eyes.)
Me:  don’t cry my love, we are going to have so much, you’ll love it.
Bandile:  if it was me, you would have gotten off easy.
Lwazi:  I would have just strangled you to death but I think I’m going to enjoy watching you squirm. (we all get up and leave)

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