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When I found out that my father was not my father I was broken to the core.  My mom had an affair and I was the result of the affair.  She never told me who my father is, she died without telling me that.  Her husband never really loved me and I think he knew even before my mom confessed the truth.  He tried to get her to tell me the truth about my father but she refushed saying that she would rather destroy her marriage that destroy someone else’s which told me that the affair was with a married man.  I started hating my sister, I wanted everything she had especially the love she got from her father, the way he treated her.  I made myself a promise that she would never be happy until I find my father.  She got everything from her father, she was treated like royalty, even her fiancé treated her like royalty and all the man I met treated me like trash. When here father died he left most of his things in her name.  she has money that she is not using from her father, she has her own business and what do I have, nothing only because my mother decided to be a whore.  Well she can suffer for her mother’s sins.  Everything her father left her should also be mine, we are sisters after all and we grew up together.  Yes I got my share but it was not equal to hers.  I’m glad I never spent it all, I kept some for a rainy day and I am going to destroy her one last time and this time she will never recover.  I need a PI though, I need to find out what she is up too.  I know she moved to Durban and operating her business there, I need need to know more about her new life.  Right now my biggest concern is who is playing with my life right now.  I was suppose to be in that hospital for 25 years and I was suppose to spend 10 years in there before I can be reviewed and be moved to a normal prison.  who ever it is, they are giving a roof over my head, a fully furnished apartment with groceries being delivered every week. They gave me  my sister’s number and some address, which I am assuming is her address, I’ll find out when I go to Durban. Maybe this is someone who knows my father, it’s all confusing.  I keep getting bits and pieces of information about my sister and I need to go to Durban to find out what’s the real story.  I think this is someone who wants my sister out of the way and they are using me to do it and this is someone who knows how I feel about her.  My phone beeps and it’s a message.


This is my life, this is how this person communicates with me. I really don’t know what they want from me.  Who ever this is got me out and obviously they want something from me.  There’s a PI that comes highly recommended in Durban and apparently the mayor’s office uses him a lot.  Let me call him and see if he can get me what I need.

****************************phone conversation**************************************

Me:  hello am I speaking to Sipho Dlamini?
Him:  Yes you are, what  can I do for you ma’am?  (no one has ever called me ma’am before.  He is so polite.)
Me:  I need you find out some information about someone for me
Him:  that is my business.  What kind of information do you have that I can use
Me:  Her name, what I think is her address and where she works.
Him:  what is her name?
Me:  Her name is Ncebakazi Ndzolo those who are close to her call her Ncesh.  (I continue to give him all the information I have on my sister.)
Him:  Ok.  I charge R5000 for investigations I do and you will have to pay a deposit of R2500 and the rest you pay when I deliver the information that is if you are local and if I have to travel, my charges exclude travel costs.  Travel costs include fuel, flights and accommodation. Or you can collect the information from me yourself.  I never send information electronically or any other way.  It’s either I deliver or you collect.
Me:  I’ll collect, I am coming to Durban this weekend.
Him: alright then, I will have your information ready by then but that depends on when you the deposit. I also need your details so that I can be able to contact you, your full name and address as well for my file and if you don’t mind me asking, how did you find me?
Me:  google, you came highly recommended.   I’ll pay you now, just sms me you banking details.
Him:  I will do so.  I’ll keep in touch.  Thank you for calling and using our services.  (he hangs up and shortly after I receive an sms with banking details.  This guy is very efficient.  Let’s see what he comes up with.)
I grab my keys and drive to Khanyi’s house, I called Bandile and he said he was there something about Khanyi needing him.  I don’t know Khanyi that well but this woman is so clingy to these guys and very  demanding and the strange thing is that their women don’t complain.  I wonder how Sindy is going to deal with it, it looks we are going to be spending lots of time with these people.  The security in this house is very tight and I like it.  this is one of the safest houses I’ve been to here.
Me:  hey guys
Bandile:  Sipho, what’s up man, it sounded very urgent over the phone. 
Me:  I have a new client and she wants to know everything about your woman.
Lwazi:  what do you mean
Me:  Exactly that Lwazi and it’s her sister.
Qhawe:  How did she find you?
Me:  I come highly recommended.  She googled me at least that’s what she says.
Bandile:  and she doesn’t know you know Ncesh already, this could be good.
Lwazi:  how on earth can this be good?(this guys is always eating.  He is busy eating a sandwich right now and Qhawe is having some sort of pasta, Bandile is the only one not eating?)
Me:  Why are you guys the only ones eating, didn’t Bandile want the food?
Lwazi:  it’s this pregnancy thing that we have going in this house, if you know what I mean.
Me:  How is it affecting, you are probably the natural food killer in this family and you were probably eating a lot even before the pregnancy, so how is it affecting?
Qhawe:  “Natural food killer”  now that is a way to describe your eating habits Lwazi and please answer the man’s question, how is it my wife’s pregnancy affecting you, since I am the one that made her pregnant and I can honestly say it affecting me in a way.
Lwazi:  hayibo, she is your wife now, If I remember correctly she is our wife, those were her words when that Zwelibanzi piece of nonsense was annoying her.
Bandile:  ok I agree with Lwazi there, she did say we were her husband and she’s a very demanding wife.  When are you proposing, it’s obvious you want to wife her, it’s been obvious for a long time now?
Me:  ok guys we are drifting away from the actual reason I am here.
BAndile:  yes we are. 
Me:  I wanted to ask you about the mother of your sons, what does she do for a living?
Bandile:  she is an advocate now, she specializes in criminal law.  You can’t think that she is behind Andiswa’s release.
Me:  No I’m not saying she is, but I’m looking at all the possibilities.  I need info about her later on.  Look we can’t leave any stones unturned if we want to beat Andiswa and she is coming to Durban this weekend and I am suppose to have her information ready for her.
Qhawe:  give it to her but leave us out of it.  Don’t tell her about us.  Make it look like she is still a lonely woman who is focused on nothing but her business.
Bandile:  Qhawe this is my woman’s life we are talking about here. (Eddie walks in)
Eddie:  and why didn’t you call us, this is part of our job you know, protecting you guys.  Qhawe is right.  Let her have the info, that way we don’t have to plan how to capture her.  Since she is going to be here this weekend, it doesn’t give us much time to plan, so the best plan is to let her play right into our hands.  All have to do is keep tabs on her when she get here.  She probably already has people following her around already since we suspecting that she is being used.
Andile:  don’t make a loney woman.  Tell he she has a boyfriend, that will definitely draw her, she is going to be curious, she is going to want to see the boyfriend and how happy they are and she will probably ask you to follow them around which I suggest you accept the job when she does make an offer.
Me:  She has your address Bandile and she will obviously come knocking at your door step.  (Khanyi walks in, looking very pregnant and I think she is only five months pregnant but she is bigger than normal.)
Khanyi:  hello Sipho
Me:  Khanyi, how are you?
Khanyi:  I’m good just tired.  (she walks to Qhawe, stands between his legs with him busy kissing her stomach and talking to the babies, she sits on his lap)  what did you bring me Sipho?  (that’s another thing, you can’t come to this house without bringing something for the pregnant lady.  I give her the small plastic bag I was carrying when I walked in.  she looks inside and smiles the biggest smile I’ve seen her smile and she kisses my cheek.)  thank you
Me:  Anything to keep you happy.  (she whispers something into Qhawe as ear and judging by his smile, she wants his dick.  Just like that Qhawe kisses her, gets up and they walk out together.  Qhawe turns to look us)
Qhawe:  I’ll be back.  The Queen needs me.  (with that said he leaves.)
Bandile:  those two are going to be the death of us I tell you.  Back to business.  I hear what you guys are saying but I’m scared of putting her at risk like that.
Eddie:  I understand your fears but this is going to work best.  Sipho will follow her around with the help of my guys and on the day she decides to show up at your door, we will be there.  She won’t know what hit her.

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