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Khaya:  WOW!!! You look gorgeous.  (pulls me close to him and kisses me.)  After tonight you know what’s going happen if you keep wearing things like these Mrs Sondlo.
Me:  I know very well dear husband and I am looking forward to it all.  (he lifts me making me wrap my legs around his waist and walks us to our bedroom while kissing me and telling me how much he loves me.  When we get to the bedroom,he  gently puts me on the bed and looks at me like he is never going to see me again.)
Khaya: I love you so much Lungi, don’t ever forget that.  I will not end at telling you that I love you but I will show you everyday that you are the only one for me.
Me:  I love you too Mr Sondlo.  (he kisses me gently and slowly.  He slowly moves away from my lips down to my neck, to my chest between my twins his hands playing with my twins and gently squeezing them and slightly pinching on my nipples.  He leaves wet kisses all the way to my belly button and comes back up again to my neck, his hands massaging the sides of my boobs, while gently squeezing them, he moves his fingers to the dark area that’s around my nipples and circles his fingers around my nipples, gently stroking the nipples from time to time.  Right now I feel so wet, I’m enjoying what he is doing.  He kisses my lips again and moves to my twins again, using his tongue he draws circles around my nipples and flicks my erect nipples and he takes in my nipple in his mouth and sucks it, then licks it.  he alternates between licking and sucking my nipples from one breast to another. He stops and gently massages my twins while kissing me, he finds my neck again and my boobs again then moves down to my stomach and plays with his tongue around my belly button.  He moves down to my cookie, kissing the top of it, moving to my inner thighs alternating them and I feel his lips kissing me around my opening.  He does not go for the clit.  He continues to tease me and I am really getting horny and very wet, the he flicks his tongue on my clit, playing with it.  he lets the tip of his tongue swirl around my clit and slowly increases the preasure against my my clit with his tongue and at this moment I call out his name.  I want to say something but I don’t know what to say, I grab on to the sheets and arch my back pressing my cookie against his face, while I grab his head, he sucks on my clit and puts preasure on it with his tongue again and I can feel my orgasim coming, he continues like that until I explode.  He gently comes up to my lips and kisses my while I try to catch breath.

Khaya:  You look beautiful (he doesn’t give a chance to respond, he kisses me and spreads my legs wider and I feel his finger going in my cookie gently moving it in and out of my cookie he stops and kneels infront of me.  He curls me into a fetus, my knees  are close to my boobs, my legs still open but not that wide.)  takes your hands and hold on to the back of your thighs and don’t let go until I tell you to.  (I do as I am told while he kisses me again and I can feel his shaft at the opening of my cookie. He pushes the tip in gently and slowly.  He takes it out again and tries again and this time he pushes in halfway I think and it hurts but it’s not as bad as I thought it would.  He takes it out again.)
Look at me baby, I know it hurts but it won’t for long ok
Me:  Ok.  (He pushes all of him in gently and starts moving slowly and it hurts but he is very gentle.  The pain is not so much.  He looks at me and smiles, which makes me smile as he wipes my tears.  He moves back and forth inside my cooking for a while before tells me to let go of legs.  While inside me he places my legs on the bed with my knees up and spreads me open holding my knees and gently moves in side me.  This man is driving me crazy this feels good.  I feel like he is hitting every corner of my vagina and the pain has subsided a little.  I don’t feel so much now.  after a while he takes my right leg and places it on his shoulder and and takes my left puts it between his legs and moves again this time increasing his pace.  I feel my orgasm coming, he takes down my leg from his shoulder and wraps it around his waist and he ups his pace and right now I don’t waist much time I explode but he doesn’t stop moving back and forth.  He continues fucking me through my orgasm and I think he has hit my g-spot because I can’t seem to stop  climaxing,  I am holding on to him so tight,  he is a moaning mess, he moves faster and after a few minutes he explodes.  He gently unwrapped my leg from his waist and positioned his body between my legs and laid on top of me placing soft kisses on my neck.  He whispers in my ear.)
Khaya:  catch your breath my love and I’ll bring you some water.  I’m not done with you. 

**********************END OF FLASHBACK****************************
He really was not done with me and I must say I really enjoyed myself.  It was painful at first but as I got to relax, I started enjoying it.  My husband was a perfect gentlemen. 
Khaya:  I hope that smile is because you are thinking about me
Me:  I was thinking about last night.   (He looks at me and smiles)
Khaya:  Repeat tonight when we get home ( I just smile at him.)
I am now in his outside room, well it is now our room.  I’m in my towel just had a bath, I also have a towel wrapped around my head since I washed my hair as well.  The  Aunts  bought lingerie for me and Lungi saying we have to look very sexy.  Aunt Thando was so persistent about it.  I am not going to lie, I am very nervous about tonight.  I have seen his dick a lot of times and sucked but I am scared.  Mom said it will hurt but she also said that if he know what to do then it won’t hurt so much.  There are certain positions he can choose from so that it doesn’t hurt as much.  That didn’t really help because I am still scared.  I wonder how it went with Lungi.  We didn’t have time to talk and I’m sure he is keeping her phone off on purpose.

Mcebisi:  You look good in those towels.  (I turn around and look at him.  He is standing by the door and he walks in.  I didn’t think he would be back by now.  I thought I would be dressed by the time he is back.)
Me:  You think so? (he walks closer to me unbuttoning his shirt)
Mcebisi:  I do infact I think you would look better without them. (he takes off his shirt and is left in his jeans and he takes belt off too.)
Me:  so what do you suggest Khabazela?
Mcebisi:  I love it when you use my clan names, it really turns me MaMkhize.
Me:  Oh, then maybe I should stop using them then (by this time I am in his arms looking up at him)
Mcebisi:  You can’t do that my love, you would be killing me if you do that.  (he slowly removes the towel on my head and my hair falls just above my shoulders.  And he slowly moves his lips to my shoulders kissing them. )  You are amazing.  (he turns me around and moves closer to my body and leaves butterfly kisses at the back of my neck moving slowly to my shoulder then back to the back of my neck and to my other shoulder.  He knows very  well that my back is my weakness, I get wet  instantly.  He moves his lips from the back of my neck, down between my shoulder blades.  He stops and turns me around and kisses the life out of me.  He is making me very horny, I can feel myself getting very wet.  He stops and takes a step back and looks at me.
Mcebisi:  I am going to introduce you to a different world of sex, things that I have never told you about, things that I would like to enjoy with you but that won’t be now.  Right now I want to introduce my wife’s cookie to my dick.  I want to make passionate love to you, like I am going to do for the rest of ourlives.  I want to hear you whisper my name as I make you climax.  Drop the towel Mrs Mkhize.  (I don’t waist time I drop the towel.  There’s just this thing about him, when he tell me to do something I just want to do it without hesitation, his commanding voice is such a turn on for me.  He looks at me admiring my body. )  I love your body (he says that walking closer to me and he pulls me to him and walks us to the  bed.  He sits and makes me sit on top of him with legs around him.  he continues to kiss me while gently squeezing my boobs after a while he takes my left boob in his mouth and starts sucking on it for dear life, the he flick my nipple with his warm tongue and slightly bites on it.  It feels good.  I like the pleasure with a bit of pain.  He looks at me
Mcebisi:  do you like that?  must I do it again?
Me:  I like it.  (I know better than to just nod.  He continues playing with twins biting my nipples a little here and there.  He moves his hand to my cookie and puts his finger and finger fucks .  He swirls his finger inside my cookie and pushes it deeper as he swirls it and I can’t help myself but lose control.  He takes it out and licks it with a smile on his face.  This man is pure crazy. He places me on the bed and he takes off his jeans and underwear.  His dick comes out to play.

Mcebisi:  lie flat on your stomach my Queen.  (I do as I am told and I can feel him hovering over me as he gets between my legs and finds my and kisses me again with soft wet kisses.  He moves the kisses to my back,  he kisses my entire back all the way to my lower back, he spanks me and gently squeezes my butt cheeks.  He spanks me again and this time he kisses my butt cheeks.  He puts his finger in again and plays with it in there for a while, when I am about to climax he stops and he lifts my ass a littles and spreads my legs even more )  are you ready MaMkhize
ME:  Yes(and my response comes out as a whisper, I guess he heard me, just then I felt his dick at my opening pushing gently and slowly.  He took his time until he was fully in. he leaned his body forward, taking my hand into his and he starts moving slowly.  It hurt, my tears are falling.
Mcebisi:  I’m sorry baby, the pain will pass and you will enjoy.  (he was right.  After a while I was holding on tight to his hands whispering his name as the pleasure was kicking in.  After a while he flipped me over and I was on my back with both my legs on his shoulder and his dick inside working it’s magic.  He changed again and we were on our sides facing  each with one my legs over him so that he can easy excess to cookie.  He continued to sex me up in that position until we both climaxed.
ME:  I love you Khabazela.
Mcebisi:  I love you too.

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