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Khanyi:  Nkosikhona,for so many years I have begged you to be a part of your kids lives but you didn’t listen to me.  Now you think you have some sort of claim over them.  You were told how to do things but still you chose to be stubborn.  When we came here, I had every intention of shooting you but I am not about make it easy for you.  You are going to jail for this.  Sizwe is busy pressing charges now against you.  You know come to think of it, you and Zwelibanzi are the same, you always start something you can’t finish with me and I end up having to finish it for you.
Nkosikhona:  they are my kids too, you had no right to refuse for them to come here.
Me:  now that you need them, you recognise them as your kids. Come to think of it again Zwelibanzi said the same thing at some point in his life, I also had a gun in my hand when he said it. Do you want to guess what happened to him, wait I’ll tell you, I shot him.   Nkosikhona for a man who is an accountant you can be very stupid at times.  Do the math right now, if you continue giving me the attitude that you are giving me now, what do you think is going to happen?  Let me put it in a way that you will understand.  YOUR ATTITUDE + MY GUN = ????  think before you speak.
Eddie:  I am more interested in knowing who helped you kidnap them (his aunt walk up to us and I recognise her, she is the Sangoma, yes Aunt Nomzamo)
Aunt Nomzamo:  Khanyi  (I quickly give the gun to Qhawe who was standing next me.)  You look beautiful my child. (she walks up to me and kisses my cheek.  She touches my stomach and closes her eyes.)  You are truly blessed.  They are truly a miracle for you and they are all going to be fine.  You are all going to be fine because the one standing next to you still needs you and you need him more.  He is your healing.  All of you are each other’s healing.  Stand together as you always have, don’t let anything come between your family and you will survive the storm that has begun.  you are strong and you will survive.  Take this Khanyi (I’m not really big in these kind of things but for some reason I have always trusted her.  She gives a beautiful beaded bracelet.  Wear it all the time.  Never take it off until you give birth.  When they are a month old, do IMBELEKO for them. (she says that looking at Qhawe, who nods at her with a smile. She is still looking at Qhawe)  Ask her, don’t be scared, don’t doubt her love for you and your kids.  And as for you (she looks at Eddie)  You will be blessed with another child soon.  (she turns to look at me)  all these people that you made your family, you are all bound together by the love you have for each other, your pasts brought you together, it is the way it should be.  These men are a healing to you, your friends and your kids.  Outside forces will try to break you but always stand together and you’ll always win  (she turns to look at Nkosikhona)  I warned my son but you don’t listen.  You will not die by their hand but by another.  (with that said she walked away and my babies started kicking like crazy.  Aunt Nomzamo turns to look at)
They are attention seekers (I couldn’t help but smile at her. We all quickly turned to Nkosikhona like his was not just here)
Me:  I believe Eddie asked you a question Nkosikhona and please we don’t have all day, we still have a long way to travel.
Qhawe:  Please make it quick
Uncle Nceba:  start talking Nkosikhona, I can’t believe you didn’t listen to Nomzamo.  Tell them what they need to know
Nkosikhona:  there is nothing to tell Uncle.  I did this on my own.
Lwazi:  Nkosikhona don’t insult our intelligence please. 
Andile:  You don’t have the precision to pull something like this off, the only thing you are good at is numbers.  So who helped you?
Nkosikhona:  no one helped me.  (Qhawe takes the gun and shoots him in the leg, he screams in pain)  YOU SHOT ME!! (everyone who was sitting where we are got up and ran to the house except his Uncle Nceba.
Uncle Nceba:  You deserve it.
Qhawe:  obviously, talk, who helped you
Me:  Nkosikhona we don’t have all day you know.  (Eddie kneels in front of him and checks his wound. He presses his thumb on it and Nkosikhona screams in pain)
Eddie:  who helped you?
Nkosikhona:  I told you, no one helped me.
Eddie:  Lwazi call Nxele, tell him we need his guy here now and call Sizwe to come back we need a ride.  (Eddie takes out his pocket knife and opens it.)  I am going to take this bullet out now and I am going to instruct Qhawe to put another bullet in your other leg, I’ll remove that one too and replace it with another.  He removes the bullet with Nkosikhona screaming hard.)
Uncle Nceba:  I don’t know why you are letting them torture you like this.  You should tell them what they need to know.
Eddie:  Qhawe please another bullet
Qhawe:  with pleasure
Nkosikhona:  wait please wait
Me:  And????
Nkosikhona:  Your ex sister wife Simamkele helped me. 
Me:  I think the wax in my ears just piled up blocking my hearing.  Did he just say Sima help him? That woman doesn’t listen, no wonder she doesn’t bring her twins to visit that often. She is testing me.
Uncle Nceba:  are you talking about Simamkele Tom, Nkosikhona?
Nkosikhona:  yes I am (just then some guy walks up to us.  And he looks very familiar)
Him:  What’s going on here?  Khanyi is that you?
Me:  Malusi Jaxa, you are still alive and still a cop
Malusi:  when Det. Nxele called me, I didn’t think the Khanyi he was talking about was you.  What are you doing with this idiot?
Me:  He kidnapped my kids
Malusi:  Hayibo you mean Lina and Khaya
Me: the one and only. 
Malusi:  If you had dated me, you would be dealing with him.  I hope he is not the father of that baby.
Me:  Not in this life. (I turn to look at Qhawe and smile)
Malusi:  and the gunshot wound
Unlce Nceba:  that’s my doing (ok that was unexpected) this boy doesn’t listen.  What were you thinking getting mixed up with that Tom woman?
Malusi:  and the bloods on your hand?  (he asks looking at Eddie)
Uncle Nceba:  he was trying to stop the bleeding.
Malusi:  is that true (he asks looking at Nkosikhona, who was looking at his uncle)
Nkosikhona:  yes it is.
Malusi:  did you kidnap the kids?
Nkosikhona:  Yes I did.
Malusi:  you Nkosikhona, I’ve always thought of you as stupid but I never figured you to be a retard.  After everything I’ve been told today about Khanyi, you have confirmed that you are stupid.
You are under arrest for the Kidnapping of Linamandla and Khayalethu Sondlo.  You have the right to remain silent, you have a right to legal representation…… (Nkosikhona doesn’t let him finish)
Nkosikhona:  I know my rights.  Let’s just go.
Me:  he had an accomplice  Simamkele Tom
Malusi:  Nkosikhona what are you doing getting mixed up with that woman.  Wait a minute, no it can’t be.  Nkosikhona, you!!! No man, it doesn’t add up.
Eddie:  what are you talking about?
Malusi:  let’s go.  You can’t the missing link.
Me:  Malusi what’s going?
Malusi:  it’s a case I’m working.  Look go back home.  I’ll deal with this one. 
Me:  there were two uniformed rookies here, they took statements from my kids, I think those guys are in his pocket as well.
Malusi:  I’ll look into it.  Leave before I arrest you for shooting him.
Me:  hayibo, you heard his uncle, he shot him.  sudlala ngathi wena (don’t play with us.  He looks at us and just smiles.
I knew Khaya was a mama’s boy, but today, I saw something else.  The connection they have with their mother is absolutely amazing.  When we got home, everyone was waiting for us.  The scene was very heart warming, the love was too much.  Their siblings were so happy to see them.  When we told them what to Khaya and Lina they were so distraught.  These kids love each other so much.  The twins even cried today when they saw them.  I really don’t know what we have done to deserve all this love around us.  I can’t help think about what Nkosikhona’s aunt said.  Khaya interrupts my thoughts.
Khaya:  can we talk to you
Me:  yes you can.  (they come sit next me on the couch in our bedroom.)
Lina:  where is mom?
Me:  she is downstairs getting some ice cream for us
Khaya:  that gives us enough time to talk to you, she’s probably going to make something to eat while at it.
Me:  What’s going on guys?
Lina:  nothing much.  Khaya.
Khaya:  we wanted tell you that we love you, we appreciate you.  We appreciate that you came into our lives and saw us as your kids and loved us the way  you do.  we never thought in our lives we would have a man that could be a role model to us, a man that could teach us how a man should behave, how a man should raise a child, a man that could teach us everything that you have taught us.  We appreciate your selflessness, you went all the way to King Williams Town to find us, not many could do that.  we never had a father, he was a father by name, even our former step father was not a father to us.  We truly don’t know why he hates us so much, we don’t know what we’ve done to him to make him hate us so much to even go to the extent of kidnapping us. (he just broke down and cried)
Lina:  I’ve wanted my father to treat me like a Princess, I’ve always wanted to have a relationship with my father where I can talk to him about anything, have him protect me from boys, teach me how to act around boys, scare away any boys that want to date me but then he would know that the boy that stands up to my father will be worthy to have me. I never had that until mom met you.  We want you to know that we are proud to call you our father.
Lonwabo:  You are the father we’ve always dreamnt of.  A strict but loving father (he walks in with his siblings holding something that looks like a frame covered with a towel.
Ntando:  A friend but first and foremost a father but most of all a dad
Lwanele:  Our heart and Our Protector.  (Lwanele walks up to me and wipes my tears.  I didn’t even realise I was crying. They all stand together in front of me .  I have five pairs of eyes looking at me with so much love.  I promise these kids are my weakness.)
Khaya:  we were going to give this to you the day they took us.  What happened to us gave this more sentimental value, it showed us that no matter what, no matter where and when, no matter time it is, we can always count on you.  The other half of your kids know about this, they helped us with it.
(just then they walked in stood by the bed, Khanyi walked in with a smile on her face and sat on the bed.  they removed the towel and the tears just fell again.) 
Lina:  it’s for your office.  (it’s a big picture of us, me and all the kids and they’ve managed to have a picture of the sonogram of the Quinstuplets fitted in there.)
Khaya:  that’s not all.  (he takes the picture and puts it aside revealing a big wall clock.  It’s a custom made wall clock, with pictures of Khaya, Lina, Lownwabo, Ntando and Lwanele.   My face is the background of the the watch as a watermark, they have their pictures placed on 3,6,9,12 and the lwanele’s picture in the center of the watch.  The frame of the watch had the word “OUR FOREVER” engraved on it with my initials as well. I’m at loss for words.  Now I understand why the Sangoma said I should not doubt their love for me, I should not be scared)

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