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Me:  Did you send the message?
Eddie:  I did and we have to be there in two hours, I just need find a way to separate Qhawe from you.
Me:  Don’t worry I’ve got that sorted out.  They left earlier going to Bandile’s house. You and I have all the time in the world.  He is expecting you to be there right.
Eddie:  I told him I have to be there, otherwise he can’t meet with you.
ME:  ok then.  Let’s get going, we don’t want to keep our guest waiting.  How about our other guests?
Eddie:  All sorted just two missing and that will be handled as well.
(we drive off to my house in La Lucia, when we get there everything is still the same.  Security is still in place.  We haven’t been here for a few days and I miss Mam’ Mavis.)  it’s going to work Khanyi don’t worry.
Me:  I hope so Eddie, I really hope so.
ME:  I think Eddie and Khanyi are up to something
Bandile:  why do you say that?
Me:  they are spending a lot of time together since this weekend.
Bandile:  You are just being you, there’s nothing going on there.  Let them be.
Lwazi:  He just doesn’t like that he is not with her.  he always wants her close.  I don’t even think Khanyi is the clingy one anymore,  Qhawe is.
Andile:  you are right about that.  Where are Luyanda and Sipho
Bandile:  they are coming.
Me:  Eversince Ncesh started spending more time here, this house looks amazing.
Bandile:  what is it with you and Ayanda?  This house looked amazing even before Ncesh.
Lwazi:  OK fine it did but it has that thing, if you know what I mean. (he does that girlish wave and snaps his fingers.)
Andile:  you sound like Ibanathi, don’t do that again it doesn’t suit you.
Me:  how are things between you two?  You must bring him for a visit Khanyi misses him
Andile:  He misses her too, but with everything that has been going on it’s been difficult for them to meet.
Me:  maybe you can tell us why Eddie insisted on us coming here.
Andile:  he didn’t tell me either.  He just said we would know when the time comes. 
Me:  I’m hungry.  Can we go to the kitchen.
Lwazi:  we are stuck with another Khanyi here.
Bandile:  he is better than you (we all laugh at his facial expression.  There’s a knock on the front door on our way to the kitchen and Bandile asks me to check it out.  When I open the door and see who is in front of me a thought crosses my mind.  I think I have just figured out what Eddie wants us to do. )

My sister Amanda just arrived, she wanted to come to my apartment so we can talk.
Me:  how are you?
Amanda:  I am good and you?
Me:  I am good.  So what can I do for you?
Amanda:  I want us to talk about your plan.
Me:  what about my plan?
Amanda:  your plan is to hurt Ncesh, which I understand but I need you to stay away from Bandile, that one is mine.
Me:  Oh sis’ you don’t have to worry about that.  I’m not interested in him, I’m more interested in his friend but Ncesh doesn’t know that.
Amanda:  I see.  Why do you hate her so much?  I mean she never did anything to you.  Why all this.
Me:  Everytime I look at her I see mom. She looks so much like mom and I can’t help myself but hate her and make her suffer for mom’s sins.
Amanda:  have you ever tried to look at her and see her for who she really is and not your mom?
Me:  I have but it’s hard.  Why do you ask.
Amanda:  Look Andiswa you are new in this family and I want you to understand that at the end of the day all you will be left with is your family.  Those people are smart and their strength lies in their unity hence we are trying to break the unity. We are your sisters and we are here for you, and we don’t hurt each other and we don’t take from each other, that’s the rule we have as sisters, you are going to have to learn to trust us.  I don’t really care why you want to hurt Ncebakazi and how you feel about her but I want you to remember that she is your sister and she has never done anything to hurt you and should anything happen to us, you will be left with her.  Sima and I, we are not the killing people, hence the plan doesn’t involve killing anyone.  Natasha is not really part of this plan because she is a killer, just like you and I think you too will get along just fine. She is actually one of dad’s assassins.  Dad raised her, and our mom raised us but kept us in boarding schools so that we don’t end up in this life, but if she could only see us now. Natasha’s mom died while giving birth to her.
Me:  I don’t really care about Ncebakazi, Amanda.  I don’t care if I’m left all alone in this world, it wouldn’t make a difference to me.  I am who I am and that will never change.  Where is your mom?
Amanda:  She died years ago.
Me:  Oh I see.  I was about to go pay my sister a visit, care to tag along?
Amanda:  Sure why not, I get a chance to see my ex.  Even though he banned from going to his house uninvited, I can’t resist the temptation, besides I’ve never really listened to him.  Let’s go.
(This Amanda chick is crazy, she might be crazier than Sima.  So Natasha is an assassin, no wonder she keeps to herself.  We get to the house and knock, a guy I have never seen before opens the door.  Who is he, damn he is hot.)
Him:  BANDILE I THINK THE STRIPPERS YOU ORDERED ARE HERE!!! (he shouts while still standing at the door.)  Come in ladies.
Bandile:  I didn’t order any str……. (he freezes when he sees us and looks at his friend and then us)
Amanda what are you doing here and what are you doing with Ncesh’s sister
Amanda:  She is my sister too, she wanted to introduce me.
Bandile:  didn’t I tell you never to come here uninvited?
Me:  Guys come on, what’s with the hostility
His friend:  stay out of it if you know what’s good for you.  (another guy walks in and it’s Lwazi)
Lwazi:  Ladies! Oh Shit Amanda is that you?
Amanda:  in the flash Lwazi.  Qhawe how are you?  She asks the guy that opened the door for us.  (Oh so she knows them.)
Me:  You know them?
Amanda:  Of cause I know them, they are friend with my ex.
Me:  oh yes.
Lwazi:  Drinks ladies, Ii’ll make something special for you. (he winks at me and I swear I just blushed.)
Eddie:  He is here.  Just make sure you are comfortable I don’t want you getting tired on me.
Me:  I won’t be getting tired Eddie.  I’ll just be talking to the man. 
Eddie:  talking can be tiring.
Me:  just stop it you being ridiculous. (One of the gaurds walks in with him)
Eddie:  have a sit.
ME:  Welcome to my home. 
Mike:  you have a beautiful.  The security is impeccable.  You are really good at what you do Eddie.
Me:  thank you.  So why did I invite you to my house?
Mike:  let’s talk business.  You have something I want and I am willing to pay you handsomely for it.
Me:  and what could I have the Micheal Arendse could possibly want from me?
Mike:  The export company.  I want to buy your shares and maybe you can convince your partnet to sell too.
Me:  But we are not selling Mike.  I’ll speak for myself, why would I want to sell my shares?  I love that company and it’s making good money.
Mike:  I need it Khanyi and one way or the other you will sell to me.
Me:  You know Zwelibanzi ended up in jail wanting the same company but we both know that’s not all that you want from me.  You know Mike I don’t like it when people mess with my family to get to me, it annoys me to the core, it makes me do things I don’t want to do. I am a peaceful person but I hate it when people disturb my peace.
Mike:  Oh come on Khanyi, you know they will end up in this life one way or the other.
Me:  not if I have anything to do with it.  the difference between you and me is that I would die protecting  my family, whereas you would kill them protecting yourself. Are your daughters enjoying this life, are you happy now that they are part of the family business.  I’m sure they are doing you proud, it’s just a pity that they are not the sons you’ve always wanted.  I know you’ve always wanted my sons to be part of this business, I know you want them to replace their father in a few years and let me tell you that will never happen.
Mike:  that’s where you are wrong, they will replace him one way or the other.
Me:  then you don’t know me very well. You will leave my kids alone Micheal or I will have Natasha’s pretty little head served to me on a golden platter.
Mike:  How did you know about Natasha.  No knows she is my daughter. 
Me:  I always find out everything I can about my enemies.  In as much as you like to pretend that they are not your weakness, I know they are and you were very happy when Sima and Amanda decided to join the family business but Natasha; Natasha is you pride, her you would die for, the other girls not so much.  Finally father and daughters doing their things since you don’t have sons.  You are going to regret the day you decided to come after me.  I know you’ve been after me for a while trying to get my boys.  Now I know that Khaya being mixed up with the wrong crowd was your doing.  You took advantange of his vulnerability, your plan worked for a while because I almost lost my son to your world and right now you hate the man that helped me save him.  Get it through your thick skull Micheal, you don’t mess with my kids and live to tell the tale with a smile.  The game you have started, you will lose.  Are you proud of little Andiswa, you probably introduced  her to the people that made her who she is today.  What you thought I didn’t know about her?  I know everything there is to know about you Micheal.  I know you and my ex-husband were partners.  I know that you made a deal with him and in return he had to marry Sima and lucky for him he fell in love.  I know you are keeping Sima’s twins from visiting me and you guys used the visits to spy on us.  I found a nanny cam in one of the teddies the twins left behind during their last visit. At that time I thought nothing of it.  but when I found out that you were helping  Sima, I put two and two together and guess what I got FOUR and that’s why you are sitting here.  You are not sitting here because you wanted to. You are sitting here because I wanted you here.  Eddie I’m hungry, I think we should move this meeting to the kitchen.
Eddie:  Let’s go, let me help you up.  what do you feel like eating?
Me:  I’m not sure, we’ll see when we get to the kitchen.  Micheal are you coming dear?  Are you ok?  You look like you’ve seen a ghost, you’ve gone pale.
Eddie:  I think he is in shock, he wasn’t aware you knew so much about him.  I’m sure he’ll be ok.
Me:  Would you like something to eat Micheal?  Eddie here makes a very delicious toasted cheese and tomato sandwich.
Mike:  No I’m fine.  How did you know all this.
Eddie:  the same way you know about her.  (Mike looks at me and I just raise my eyebrow and shrug)
Me:  After we finish eating there’s something I want to show but in the mean time, I want you to tell me why you thought Nkosikhona was ideal for the kidnapping.
Mike:  He was not really ideal but I played into his desperation.  He was going to do the ceremony after that he would hand the kids to me.  I didn’t count on you finding them so quick.
Me:  Thanks to his wife, we able to get there in time.  Eddie can you please put some water in the sink for me.  Mike I need your phone, your watch, your bracelet and your chain please.
Eddie:  don’t forget the wallet.
Mike:  Why?
Me:  don’t play dumb with me, you know why.  Let’s make it quick, we are running out of time and your belt too.  (he gives me everything and I take it and put it in the sink that Eddie filled with water.)  now we have all the time in the world.  You see Mike, I know that if you don’t checkin with your guys in three hours, they will start looking for you.  Are we good or are we good? What do you think Eddie?
Eddie:  We are the best. (he puts his hand up for a high five.)  Here eat up, we still have a lot to do.
Me:  we know that Nkosikhona works for you Mike, he launders money for you, same thing Sima is doing for you.  Her accounting firm does that for you.  Just like Andiswa’s mother but she didn’t know and when she found she told the police and soon after she died with her husband in a car accident, how unfortunate.  I wonder how Andiswa would feel about you if she found out you killed her mother.  In fact I wonder how they all would feel about you if they knew you killed their mothers.  Your first three daughters do they even know they share the same mother.  You see Mike, when you die it won’t be by my hand or any of my family members,  your daughters will kill you when they find out what you did, you trained them after all I’m sure the lawyer knows, she is just playing your game waiting for the right moment to strike.  Come with me I want to show you something.
Mike:  Where are we going?
Me:  Just my basement, I want to show you my new toys.  (when we get to the basement he couldn’t believe his eyes.)
ME:  Me?  This is not my doing Mike.  This all your doing darling.  Please have a sit, I don’t want you fainting on me.

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