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I’m having lunch with my friend Jessica at the mall, we are at Mugg and Bean. 
Jessica:  Lisa I don’t know what to do, my family really doesn’t like him and I don’t know why.
Me:  Try and find out why they don’t like him Jess, maybe it’s something that you can fix
Jess:  I don’t think it can be fixed, mom always had this one guy that she wanted me to date, back then he lived in UMhlanga but later moved to the Eastern Cape.  I was glad when he moved, because mom stopped pestering me about dating him. She wants me to date for money and I can’t do that.
Me:  Well Jess sometimes love is not enough.
Jess:  No man Lisa, you need to stop ……………………….. ( she doesn’t finish)
Me:  What’s wrong?
Jess:  Isn’t that your ex-husband? (I turn to look and it’s him, he’s with her, the woman I saw him with yesterday in his office.)
Me:  yes that’s him
Jess:  Wow, they look cute, she’s short, they are coming here.
I watch as they walk in holding hands, Qhawe is smiling like I’ve never seen him smile before and she is laughing at whatever he is saying.  The waitress takes them to their table. Jess brings me out of my daze
Jess:  are you ok? We can leave if you want to.
Me:  I’m fine, we don’t have to leave.
Jess:  Lisa I thought you had moved on,  I mean you even have a boyfriend now.
Me:  I have moved on.  I just don’t know why it hurts seeing him with someone else.  I went to his office yesterday, I just had this need to see him and I walked in on him with her sitting on the couch with her head on his chest, it hurt so much, what’s worse Qhawe didn’t even give me a minute of his time, he just said he was busy.
Jess:  Lisa don’t do this to yourself.  You messed up your marriage with him remember.  You cheated and worst of all, you didn’t even want to co-parent your kids with him, you gave him full custody.  You wanted the divorce when he was willing to forgive you, I don’t understand why you are doing this and remember you have someone now and he cares about you.
Me: I don’t  know Lisa, I miss him, I miss our little family.  I know I destroyed our marriage but….. (she doesn’t let me finish)
Jess:  But nothing Lisa, you can’t see him happy with someone else and all of a sudden you want him back.  No Lisa.  Leave Qhawe be. (I look over their table and they look so cosy, and some guy interrupts them and they don’t look happy.)  Lisa let’s go.

BANDILE (Qhawe’s friend)

I’m at Mugg and Bean getting a take away coffe and some muffins when I see Qhawe and Khanyi and when I walked in earlier I saw Anelisa and her friend and I’m just hoping she doesn’t cause drama. When I saw Anelisa, I decided to stay a bit.  While sitting, I notice a guy walking over to Qhawe’s table and Anelisa and Jess leave.  The atmosphere changes at the table and i quickly walk over to them:
Me:  Hey guys, how are you? (I greet kissing Khanyi’s cheek, and bro hug Qhawe.)
Guy:  Khanyi, fancy seeing you here.
Khanyi:  Well it is a public area.
Qhawe:  what do you want man, we are busy here, let alone that I don’t even know you, for you to interrupt my lunch time like that. (Qhawe is really playing it cool.  This Zwelibanzi guy is really pushing the wrong buttons and Khanyi is watching Qhawe, she wants to say something but right now I think she knows better.)
Zwelibanzi:  Oh sorry about that, let me introduce myself.  I’m Zwelibanzi Tom and you are?
Me:  I’m Bandile Bam and he is Qhawe Mthimkhulu and obviously you know our lady here. So tell me Zwelibanzi, what do you want with his wife? (I notice these two blushing, if they were an lighter they would be red now, just like Zwelibanzi here, who is red because of anger.)
Zwelibanzi:  so you are letting another man raise my kids (he says that looking at Khanyi
Khanyi:  I needed a man and one that didn’t mind being a father to my kids and he was available, so here we are and they call him daddy.  (Qhawe looks at her and smiles and I’m just amazed at how she is playing along.  Qhawe needs to keep her.) Now if you’ll please excuse us, my husbands and I have things to discuss.
Zwelibanzi:  Husbands????
Khanyi:  Let me clarify, Bandile here is friends with my husband and technically he becomes my husband too.
Qhawe:  Zwelibanzi right, you heard my wife here, please leave before this gets ugly.
This idiot looks at us and walks away. Khanyi looks at me and smiles:
Khanyi:  “His wife” that’s the  best you could come up with.
Me:  Hey it worked right.
Khanyi:  Hayisuka man Bandile, you do know that you just put him in danger right.
Qhawe:  You seem to be forgetting that he is your husband too, so he put both your husbands in danger (We all laugh but Khanyi knows it’s not laughing a matter and I think I might have woken sleeping cobra)
Khanyi:  You guys are just crazy.
And what is so funny (that was Lwazi, shit I forgot I left him in the car when I came to get coffee)
Lwazi:  so you leave me in the car to come and have fun with these two and you don’t even bother to call me and tell me. (he pulls a chair and sits)
Me:  Don’t be such a drama queen but I am sorry.
Lwazi:  buy me lunch and I’ll forgive you.
Qhawe:  Listen guys, do you mind coming over to Khanyi’s house tonight, the boys have a project that they want to pitch to us, since you guys are family you need to be there. And I think we have other things to discuss.
Bandile:  We’ll be there man.
Lwazi:  and yes we do have other things to discuss. We have new info.
Khanyi:  Hubby we have to go, otherwise I’ll be late for my meeting.
Lwazi:  huh?  Hayibo husband?
Qhawe:  Since you are my friend, you are also her husband.  Let’s go my Queen.
(the couple leaves and I’m left explaining things to Lwazi and this idiot is just laughing his lungs out.


It’s me, Lonwabo and Ntando and we are waiting for the twins and my brothers here are so nervous, I would be too if I were them.  I remember when I had to do my first, I was so nervous and it was with Bhut’ Qhawe and back then I never we would this close and I would where I am today.  The twins arrive and we decide to set up in the tv room, because mom told me they invited other people to listen the pitch I haven’t seen anyone else, I think they are all in mom’s office.  Lwanele walks in as we set up:
Lwanele:  Are you guys ready
Me:  yes we, can you go and call everyone for us please.
Lwanele:  Just so you I’ll also be part of the panel listen to your presentation.
Khaya:  hayi Lwanele go watch tv in your room.
Lwanele:  so you don’t want my money, as I understand this you need sponsors to sponsor your project and you need as many as you can get, and I don’t think it matters how much they sponsor,  no matter how little it is, it is needed.  So just to sum it up, you need my 10 cents that I’m willing to donate.
Banele:  how old are you? And I’m Banele and that’s my twin brother Bandile.
Lwanele:  I’m Lwanele and I’m 12.
Banele:  I like you, you are very smart and you are right we do need your 10 cents.
Lwanele:  finally someone with some sense.  (she says that looking at me and walks out.)
Bandile:  That girl is going to be best friends with Lisakhanya.
Me:  they are already best friends.
Everyone walks in and takes their seats including Lwanele who is sitting on Bhut’Qhawe’s lap. Bhut’ Qhawe’s friend are here, Uncle Eddie and Uncle Andile and Bhut’ Luyanda who is mom’s lawyer.
I stand up and take my position:
Me:  Ladies and Gentlemen, we are to talk to you about a project that we like start.  As you all know that I’ve had quite a difficult time in my life, I was rebellious kid that had misplaced anger, I hung out with crew, did things, I wasn’t supposed to do, almost got arrested but mom saved me with a warning “NEXT TIME I’LL LET THEM ARREST YOU. JUST KNOW THAT JAIL IS THE LAST PLACE YOU WANT TO BE.”  I did all these things because I was angry at the man who didn’t deserve my attention, he was an absent father, he didn’t want and I didn’t understand. No matter how hard mom tried to tell me that it was not my fault, I did nothing wrong to him, I always believed it was fault. She never gave up on me.  It all changed when I met the twins and they introduced to their father and made realise how lucky I am to have a mother that cares and loves me, because of the love they showed me and the love my mom showed, I’m here today although I never really thought I would have the man that helped save me as a father.  We want to start a project that will help young boys, young man, who have the same issues as I did, and some have had to deal with worse.  This is a project that will help them deal with whatever issues they have.  We are going to need a psychologist to handle that.  The project will also provide skills development.  We will be providing the skills we have acquired in our respective fields, we also want to have a sports department for those that are more talented in sports. The skills development programme will provide the following skills:  sound engineering –Bandile
Civil Engineering: Ntando
Mechanical engineering:  Lonwabo
Our psychologist:  Banele
Ntando:  The civil and mechanical engineering departments will have to get people who more qualified since we are still in school, but we will be assisting in the departments.  For now we will be doing sport with the kids that will be under the projects.
Bandile:  Sound engineering has already started working. We have a lot of young people we are training in the current studio we have and when the new building is done, we will do more.
Me:  This is the project and we need your money.
Bandile Sr:  guys this is amazing
Lwanele:  you can R5000 from me.  (everyone looks at surprised)  what, why are you looking me at like that, I’ve been saving.
Qhawe:  Guys I’m very proud of you this is absolutely amazing.  I think we need to go through the figures that you have in this presentation and we will come back to you by next week Monday.  At least you know you already R5000.
Lwanele:  I told you are going to need my 10 cents.  She says that leaving the room.
Me:  thank you for your time and for listening, we’ll talk Monday then.
Everyone gets up and leaves and we are left disconnecting the laptop and the projector.  That went great.

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