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My eyes felt so heavy, I feel so tired.  I slowly open my eyes, I feel arms around me as I try to move, I am so pressed and these arms can only belong to Qhawe.  I try to move slowly so that I don’t wake him but I fail.
Qhawe:  What’s wrong babe?
Me:  I’m pressed I need to pee (he quickly gets up, gets out of bed and helps me off the bed and helps me walk to the bathroom and helps me back to the bed when I’m done. I should have opted for the c-section.  I still feel tired I can barely stand on my own.)
Qhawe:  How are you feeling?
Me:  I’m exhausted my love and I’m hungry.  Where are my babies
Qhawe:  I’m sure the nurses will bring the babies as soon as they see you are awake.  I’ll  ask Thando and Ncesh to bring some food.  Thank you Mama Bear.  You gave birth to beautiful babies.  two boys and three girls.  (I give him a warm smile)
Me:  You got your wish, two boys.  Did you name them?
Qhawe:  I was waiting for you to wake up. 
Me:  I have a few names.  Let’s start with the boys.
Qhawe:  Thandolwethu and Thandokuhle
Me:  Thandolwethu Oyama and Thandokuhle Yongama
Qhawe:  I love them.  And the girls?
Me:  Ahluma, Amyoli and Alunamida
Qhawe:  Ahluma Zenande, Amyoli Mihlali and Alunamida Uyanda
Me:  our parents are going to be sad that they didn’t get to name the babies you know that right?  Especially your mom.
Qhawe:  I know.  They will be here sometime today.  I spoke to the doctor yesterday, they want to keep you here a few more days just to make sure that every is ok with you and the babies.
Me:  I hate being here already, the few days will be terrible, and how long is a few days?
Qhawe:  two or three more days.  Hang in there babe, do it for the Boovs.
Me:  You call them Boovs now? (I ask laughing at him)
Qhawe:  I might as well get accustomed to the name, since everyone is calling them Boovs.  (I lean towards him and kiss him.  Thando and Ncesh walk in carrying food.)
Thando:  You just gave birth and you are trying for another baby already.
Qhawe:  you know jealousy won’t get you anywhere.
Ncesh:  And I thought after birth you would stop being all over each other and we are not jealous.
Lwazi:  whose jealous and why?  (he asks as he walks in with Luyanda)
Me:  Lwazi no man. Luyanda how are you?  Lwazi you love news you know.
Luyandal:  I’m good Mama bear and how are you?
Me:  I’m good just waiting for the nurse to bring my babies.
Lwazi:  have you named them
Me:  yes we have and you’ll hear the names when every one is here.
Luyanda:  I’m sure that won’t take long.  Apparently Andile is on his way to the airport to pick up the parents.  They took the first flight out.
Me:  Yhooo, they are in a hurry.  (Qhawe dishes out some food for me and the nurses walk in with  my babies in their little beds.  They wheel them in and they give me a boy and I think this is the last born he is smaller than the others)
Nurse:  He came out last.  (she says placing him in my arms)  I know you said you won’t breast feed but I think you should breast feed this one, he is struggling with the bottle and the others are fine.  We just fed them, we’ll bring you their bottles when it’s time to feed them again.
Me:  thank you nurse.  He is still sleeping.  I’ll feed him when he wakes up.  Can you place him on his bed, I just want to eat quickly before they wake up.  Thank you. (she puts Thandokuhle in his bed and walks out.)
Ncesh:  these babies look so beautiful.  I think the girls will look like daddy.
Thando:  Ncesh it’s too soon to tell.
Luyanda:  None the less.  They are beautiful babies.  Qhawe, Lwazi can we talk outside.  (they walk out leaving Ncesh and Thando arguing about who the babies are going to look like.)
Me:  Guys something doesn’t end up with Sihle’s story and keeping Lungi away from me.  I know someone knew about her and Lungi, someone in her family but I suspect the whole family knew.  She is lying about something and I can’t put my finger on it.
Qhawe:  have you spoken to Sipho about looking into it?
Me:  No I haven’t, I want to talk to her first and see if I can’t get the truth out of her.
Lwazi:  How do you know she is lying?
Me:  I’m a lawyer man.  I know when someone is lying to me.
Lwazi:  to be honest with you, I never believed her when she said her family didn’t know.  They knew and watched you going crazy but the question is “WHY?”  Why would they do that knowing full well how much you loved your daughter?
Me:  Lungi and I we are leaving for the Eastern Cape tomorrow morning for the weekend but when we come back I would like for you guys to help me with this.
Bandile:  Help with what? (he asks as he walks into the waiting room where we were sitting followed by Andile, Eddie,Sizwe, Mcebisi and Khaya)
Me:  Where is the rest of the family?
Bandile:  Khanyi’s room.
Khaya:  Don’t even think about telling us to leave the room.   We are old enough to be involved in protecting this family.
Mcebisi:  You should start by protecting me from your father since he still has that thing of wanting to kill me.
Me:  he won’t kill you.  He loves you too much.
Qhawe:  since when do I love him?
Me:  Just stop it Qhawe, you know he is good for her, you know he’ll do anything for her.  he follows your every rule.  Give him break. 
Bandile:  You mentioned something about needing help when we walked in.
Me:  yes.  I was telling them about how I think Sihle is hiding something about her family knowing about her and Lungi all these years. (I continue telling them everything I told the other guys.)
Eddie:  Do you think she might cause trouble
Me:  that’s the thing Eddie, I’m not sure and I hate this feeling I have.  I don’t want Sihle ruinning things for Lungi.  Lungi is happy and I want her to stay like that.  I want this journey to her wedding to be a peaceful one.  I really don’t trust Sihle and her family. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.
Andile:  Let’s keep an eye on her and see what happens.  If she knows what’s good for her then she won’t do anything stupid.
I haven’t spoken to my mom in a long time.  I’ve decided to talk to her.
Me:  Hi ma
Sihle:  Lungi Baby, how are you?
Me: I’m ok ma and you?
Sihle:  I’m good.
Me:  Mama, I want you to understand that I don’t hate you. I love you, you are my mother and I will always love you but that doesn’t mean I cannot be angry with you.  I am angry with you ma for lying to me about my dad and both families.  Do you know what’s sad, that you kept me from him and you and I we’ve never had the best of relationships, we’ve never had a mother- daughter relationship and I don’t understand why you never wanted us to be that close.
Sihle:  You always reminded me of your father.  The way you are, your personality you are just like him even your favourite food is his favourite food.  I loved your father Lungi, I still do, why do you think I never married or been in a relationship, it’s because my heart still wants him and it always will.
Me:  but mama he is not yours, he is in love with another and they really love each other and I hope you won’t do anything to ruin the relationship because I really like Lwandle, she has been good to me.
Sihle:  I know your father doesn’t love me and no I won’t do anything to ruin their relationship.  I’ve done enough to hurt him by taking you away from him and watched him go crazy.
ME:  What do you mean you watched him go crazy
Sihle:  Nothing.  How are things between you and him?
Me:  they are good, we get along like a house on fire.  Mama, at some point in this relationship of ours I will forgive you but please don’t push me.  What you did hurts, it hurts more than you can imagine and I know that at some point I will get over it and forgive you.
Sihle:  Are you still not going to involve me in your wedding plans?
Me:  no mama I won’t.  I’m not writing you off mama.  You will still be at the wedding as my mother but as for planning the wedding, I’ll do that with Khaya. We are going to plan our own wedding the way we want it to be.  I really hope that you have told us the truth about everything, I hope thre are no mre secretes.  (she swallows quickly and looks  away and then at me again.  I really hope she sis not hiding anthing.

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