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She is still beautiful as ever, seeing her today made me want her back even more but she is different this time around, she is not the same.  She has done really well for herself.  Owning a trading enterprise of this magnitude is amazing.  I mean this company is a one stop shop, she got almost everything plus she owns a restaurant.  How did she do it, I really under estimated her.  When she left I never thought she would be where she is, she is even able to hide herself from the media, from me.  I can hardly find anything that’s under her name.  I must say she is very smart, but there is something I managed to find out and I don’t think she‘ll think I know. My kids hardly use their social media accounts, they don’t even post their pictures.  They are really keeping their lives private.  Even her other two kids, they are hard to find.  I know her son Khaya owns a music company and he also has an import and export company.  Khanyi is really putting a lot of effort in keeping their private lives away from prying eyes but she must have known she can’t hide from me forever.  She was a good wife, very humble and obedient and the respect she had for me was truly amazing but then I was a jerk that didn’t appreciate her and I lost her but I want her back.  My phone rings, and it’s my tech guy
Him: Zweli
Me:  Did you manage to find her?
Him:  No I didn’t, her home address is not listed, the kid’s school information is private, I can’t break  the firewall.  Whoever is helping her is a genius.  This woman is smart, everything that we’ve managed to find on her, is everything she wants people to find when they look into her life.
Me:  if that is the case then, I need her to be followed, but she will have to be followed from her office, I need to know where she stays with my kids.  Did you manage to find Khaya
Him:  No I didn’t.  This woman is protecting her kids, even Nkosikhona is not having it easy with her.
Me:  I don’t care about that guy, he is an idiot.
Him:  and what are you?  You had a good woman and you fucked it up.  She managed to move on with her life without you in it, she is building a legacy for her kids and you can’t deal with it and now you want something that you won’t get.  Listen man, the way she’s doing things, I’d forget about this company you want from her and just buy yourself another one, I’m telling you now, she is going to put up a fight and doubt you are going to win.  Remember she is a woman scorned, scorned by you.  Whatever you do, tread carefully man.
Me:  I’m also building a legacy for my kids
Him:  Not Khanyi’s kids.  They will never take over from you, your twins are more likely to take over since you are grooming them and teaching them your dirty ways.
Me:  Just get someone to follow her, I need that address and I also need to know the guy that came to her office yesterday.
I hang up, this guy was talking too much, who does he think he is?  My boys will take over.  Maybe he is right though, they are groomed differently from the twins, but I will get them.  They will learn about the business.


Qhawe was here for lunch yesterday, he was a good destruction, at least she got to relax for a bit.  She is so worried about her kids, she’s mostly afraid of losing them, even though she knows she won’t lose them, she just doesn’t want to put anything past Zwelibanzi.  She doesn’t want to let her guard down and end up under estimating the guy, she doesn’t even believe he has changed, neither do i. My phone rings and it’s Zack
Zack:  are you good man? How is Khanyi holding up?
Me:  I’m good Zack, she’ll be ok.  Do you have something for me?
Zack:  firstly, the tracking device is done and Zwelibanzi has a car that he’s taking in for a service, lucky for us I know someone who works at BMW and I’ll talk to install the device, this will  help Sandiso to track without having to follow him.
Me:  that’s great news, I’ll ask Sandiso to give you a call so that you guys talk.  What else do you have for me.
Zack:  the guys has girlfriend and has twin boys with her who are two years old.  Remember the hotel Khanyi wanted to buy about a year ago in  Cape Town but she decided not to, well Zwelibanzi bought that hotel and right now I wish Khanyi had bought that hotel, if you know what I mean.
Me:  I know what you mean. Right now there’s nothing we can do about that.  All I can say is that, this is going to be hard on Khanyi and she can’t fight this guy alone.  What about Qhawe?
Zack:  and she won’t.  Qhawe is keeping his personal life very private, there’s not much on him except business.  He is clean, from what I could find out about him, you need to get him on board.  I’ll tell you about it when we meet, we can’t talk about it over the phone.  Oh and Brandon is on his way there with Barbie (he laughs at his own statement.)
Me:  why is he bringing her here?
Zack:  Just something to keep her busy so that she doesn’t spend too much thinking about Zwelibanzi.  This will be a good destruction
Me:  ok man.  Thanks for everything, I have to go, we’ll talk later, I need to pick up the kids from school. (I hang up and shake my head wondering what this woman is going to do this girl.)


My day at work was a bit dull today.  Ibanathi is on leave for 3 weeks and the girl he left me with is just…. Let me keep my mouth shut. The day was all about meetings and meetings , it’s good to keep busy.  This new girl walks in without knocking
Me:  get out and knock (I say, before she could say anything.  She goes out and knocks, I let her in and she tells me my lawyer is here to see me and I tell her to bring him in)
Luyanda:  Miss Sondlo, How are you?
Me:  Mr Langa, I’m good and you? (we both laugh at the formalities)
Luyanda:  I’m good, nothing much. So why did you want to see me
Me:  Well, you know my ex-husband Zwelibanzi, he wants to sue me for full custody of the kids.
Luyanda:  On what grounds is he suing for custody?  I believe this guy is stupid to think he can win the case, with the kind of history he has with you and considering the fact that he has been an absent father for 4 years.
Me:  I really don’t know, unless he plans on bribing a judge.
Luyanda:  Not the judge I’m hoping for.
Me:  Luyanda anyone can be bought.
Luyanda:  trust me, not judge Smith.  I can’t do anything at the moment until Zwelibanzi’s lawyer files for the law suit.  In the meantime I am going to gather as much information as I can on the guy, and I would appreciate Zack’s help on this one.
Me:  That’s fine, I’ll speak to Zack.
Luyanda:  I have to go.  I was just passing by.  I have a date tonight.
Me:  Thanks for stepping by and good luck with the date.
This whole situation is draining.  I swear, I am going to kill Zwelibanzi.  I pack my things, lock up my office and leave.  I find Andile waiting for me at the door.  As he drives us home I notice that there is a car following us.
Me:  Andile, I think we are being followed
Andile:  I know, I’ve noticed.  But I will try to lose them.  Call Eddie and give the registration number of the vehicle.
Andile manages to lose the car that was following us and we get home safe.  As we walk into the house, I can’t help but laugh at what I see.  Barbie sitting on the couch like she owns this place.
Me:  get your feet off my couch.  I believe you are a guest in this house, having your feet on my couch is disrespectful. She quickly gets her feet off the couch and sits properly
I’m not cooking tonight, I’m too tired.  I go up to kid’s study and find them busy with their school. I greet my babies and just have a short conversation with them after which I leave and just let them be.  I go to my bedroom and change into comfortable clothes. As we wait for the order of food,   I ask Barbie to come with me to the kitchen.
Me:  Tell me something Barbie, what did my son ever do to you, for you to hurt him like that?
Barbie:  I didn’t do anything
Me:  Ok, so him catching you in bed with another man is nothing to you.  I know my son, he knows how to treat a woman and be respectful towards her, and I can’t say the same for you.  I’m not the kind of mother that would let the likes of you get away with hurting my son the way you did. I need you to listen to me very carefully, if you were thinking of calling him and asking for another chance, or call him because you want to apologise, then don’t, otherwise your family will never find, if you know what I mean.  I could just shoot you right now but I don’t have the energy to deal with you and your unruly personality.  Now you can get up and leave, your ride is waiting for you outside.

I really don’t have the energy to deal with her. When  the food arrives i eat with my kids after which we end up in the tv room watching movies, I hear the door bell and get up to go see who it is, gosh what is he doing here?


Ok, I know that this is not a good time for Khanyi , she has a lot on her plate but I want her, I have decided I want her to be part of my life, I want to protect her and her kids from all the bad guys.  Right now, I want to hold her and kiss her.  She is really making me feel weak at the knees.  I get my keys, say my goodbyes to the kids, at least Mam’ Nkosi is back, so she can watch the kids besides there a few guards so they are safe and this guy Zwelibanzi doesn’t know who I am. I arrive at her house, as she opens the door she has that look on her face, that face that haunts me every night,  that look that says what am I doing here.  I don’t say anything, she moves aside and lets me in. As soon as she closes the door and turns around and notices that I’m standing directly in front of her, I want to kiss, I walk slow towards as she moves back and leans against the door.  (Qhawe what are you doing, she asks)  I don’t say anything I just hold her face small face in my hands and I kiss her gently and slowly and surprisingly she is kissing me back and when we stop, we look at each other not saying anything
Khanyi:  What was that?
Me:  that is something I’ve wanted to do for a while now
Khanyi:  Oh is that so
Me:  yes it is so. ( I say kissing her again and she responds.)

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