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I'm using my home gym today. I really don't feel like seeing Qhawe and Bandile especially Qhawe.  The weekend was great.  I ended staying at my brother’s house.  Lina left Sunday afternoon.  She wants to come back again this weekend but we'll see.  It's close to exam time, I don't want her travelling too much. I can't remember the last time we had such a good time. I must remember to send my brother and his wife a bottle of wine just to say thank.  The way life happens, it has taught to appreciate those who are good to and I must be good to them as well.  Forget about those who speak negative things because people we'll always have something to say be it it's positive or negative.   You have just got to stand your ground, stand up for what you believe in. 
Maybe everyone is right.  I should just let this Qhawe situation play itself out i'm a bit scared I don't want to lie, I would love to go on a proper date with him, he seems like a fun guy.  Oh my goodness, I forgot to send Jason to fetch my car from Qhawe's place.  I'll send him later.
After I'm done with my session, I bath and get myself ready for work.  I should wear my navy pant suit with the powder blue shirt and my navy heels and my coat.  I'm done, I grab my things go to the kitchen to start on breakfast but Mam' Mavis has beat me to it.  So I grab a sit at the dining table as the kids walk in and ready for school.  Their brother walks in to, he slept here last night. Which reminds me, I'm sure Eddie has found Barbie by now but then the weekend was hectic.  We have breakfast talking about schedules for the day.  Mondays are always busy for me.  When we are done we leave and Khaya is taking the kids to school for me.
When I get to the office Ibanathi is ready for me.
Ibanathi:  Morning, here's your water.  As you know you have meetings with the various departments here.  Vuyo is back so your first meeting is with him, you need to update him, since he wasn't here the whole of last.  Here are the files for the meeting.  And  then you have a meeting with Khaya and QM Architecture remember you gave them the project for the new building and here are the notes you prepared for the meeting  and I'll just the departments are ready you today.  So tell me, how was your weekend?
Me: it was good, I really enjoyed it and I saw Mr gym at the VG, he was there with his friend and we ended up having fun together.  How was yours, how was the date and who is this crush of yours?
Ibanathi:  the weekend was great, the date was so much fun and he's name is Andile, Andile Mthethwa. 
My jaw drops, that's my Andile, my personal body guard. I know he's gay but I never thought he wanted Nathi.  Every time he came here, he never showed any emotions towards Nathi.  Oh wow.
Me: that's my Andile (I say still obviously shocked.)
Ibanathi:  I know.  It's time to get to work.  Vuyo is ready for you in boardroom on and then Khaya in same boardroom immediately after the meeting with Vuyo. I take all my files, I don't think I'll spend time in my office today. I update Vuyo with everything and what he needs to do.  As soon as we are done Khaya walks in followed by Qhawe. 
Khaya: Hey ma
Me: Hey baby ( I see shock is Qhawe's face and I'm sure he sees the same on my face.)
Khaya: mom please not infront of my associate. Qhawe meet my mom Khanyisile Sondlo, mom, this is Qhawelomzi Mtimkhulu, the genius behind my new building.
(Right now I'm frozen, I don't know what to say, no it can't be, I'm dreaming)
Khaya: mom are you ok, you look like you've seen a ghost. Wait a minute, you are the same Qhawe, she met on Friday?  (Qhawe looks at him and he just nods.  Right now Qhawe can see that he has an effect on me, I just confirmed it with my behaviour right now.)
Qhawe: nice to finally meet you.   I really didn't know you were the Miss Sondlo I was suppose to me and we never told each other our last names.  Khaya talks about you all the time.
Me:  Please excuse me, I need the bathroom (I walked out, how am I suppose to work with him almost everyday.  Oh shit, shit.  Hold it together Khanyi.  You know how to be professional just treat him as you would any client.  I wash my face and go back to the boardroom.)
Me:  Sorry about that.  Can we get started.
Khaya:  yes we may.  At least now that you guys have met and it looks like you are both into each,it saves me the trouble of hooking up the two of you. (We look at him like “WHAT") yes I was planning on hooking you guys up.
Me: Mr Mtimkhulu please talk to me about the budget for the first phase if the building, I saw in your proposal that you want us pay when you complete a phase.
Qhawe: yes that's how I would like it to happen but then again am not restricting you to pay in full should you wish to do so and i plan to start next week Monday.
Me: So soon?
Qhawe:  there's nothing delaying us, we have everything we need to start working.
Me:  alright then.  But I think I want to pay in full, we can discuss that later. 
The meeting goes on, Khaya is hardly participating, he's just sitting there watching us work.  He is just amused by this situation.  After we discuss everything the leave.  I go on with my other meetings, keeping myself really busy I'm avoiding thinking about thus whole thing. When I'm done with everyone it's 16:30, I go to my office just finalise a bit of paper work, my office phone rings
Ibanathi: Lady K, there's someone who like to see you, can I let him through
Me:  yes you can.  (Few minutes later there's a knock on my door)
Me: come in, (The door opens, mind I haven't looked at the door, I'm standing in front of filing cabinet putting some documents.  That smell, I'd know that smell anywhere and right now the only going through my mind is me wanting the earth to swallow me whole. I force myself to turn around, as I do and look at the door. No, no, no,  it can't be, what is he doing here, God why have you forsaken me.  What is he doing.
Me: Zwelibanzi (and it comes out as a whisper.)


Wow, so she’s the lady that was suppose to see my presentation but she was not available.  Wow.  I was so shocked to learn that she is Khaya’s mom. Trust me Khaya talks about his mom a lot, he really love that woman.  I admire their relationship, it's the kind of relationship I wish my boys could have with their mom. Enough about that.  Yeses the woman really knows how to be professional.   At first she was shocked just as I was and we recovered and the job done.  I still can't believe Khaya wanted to hook me up with his mom but then it just happened.
I tried calling her earlier but she didn't answer maybe I should drive pass her office on my way home, maybe we can do lunch tomorrow.  She really gave herself away today.  That intimidating Khanyi wasn't there for moment but when she came back from the bathroom, she was back to her intimidating, very professional self. You know what let me go see her, I just have this need to see her. I pack up my things and walk out and drive off to her office.  When I get , people are getting ready to go home.  It's knock off time.  When I get to her office, her assistant is not at the desk, the door to her office is not completely closed.  I hear her telling someone to leave, she is calm bit you can tell she is angry by the tone of her voice.  I hear the guy refusing to leave and she is just begging him to leave trying not lose control.  I can't take this, I just walk in.  I see she is shocked at the same time happy to see me.

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