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I cannot believe my mom cock blocked me last night.  Khanyi was also very frustrated.  I know my Baby Girl needed me to relieve her stress and I needed her.  She needed me inside and I needed to be inside her but then my mother happened. This woman really knows how to push all the wrong buttons with me.
Me:  Mama what are you trying to achieve by all of this?  What you wanted me to do last night is something dad could have done or one of the twins for that matter, but you felt the need to stop my fun last night.
Mom:  Qhawe I don’t like her.  You need someone who is always going to be home, taking care of you and the kids.  This girl won’t have time for you, I bet she doesn’t even have time for these poor kids. You need someone like Sindy.
Me:  I can’t believe you just said that.  Mama, you introduced me to Anelisa look how that turned out, she did nothing but spend my money, she didn’ t even take care of the kids and now you want me to date Sindy who will probably do the same things Anelisa was doing. Don’t you get tired of choosing these women and for me and they end up hurting me?  You like seeing me unhappy right mama?
Mom:  Sindy is not like Anelisa Qhawe, she is a respectful girl, humble and down to earth. (she said the same thing about Anelisa, I wonder what’s different now?)
Me:  Mama I’m happy, Khanyi makes me and my kids happy, her kids make me and my kids happy.  She has time for all of us.  There’s nothing that she doesn’t do for us even though she is working and by working I mean running her own company.  There’s something that you seem to forget.  I am not my father, he wanted a housewife and you wanted to be one.  Mama being with Khanyi  is a challenge, she challenges me every day, she keeps me on my toes.  She’s helping me grow my business to heights I never imagined.  My company is going to be internationally known because of her and most importantly she loves my kids.  She spends time with them, which is more than I could say for your precious Anelisa.  My love her, she is a mother to them.  Did you see how happy they were to see her when she arrived here yesterday? (just then my dad walks in.)
Dad:  and I’m glad she is making you happy son.  Siyanda I told you to stop this or else you are going to lose your son. Didn’t we have this conversation last night, do you want me to remind you what happens when you get this stubborn?
Mom:  My son wouldn’t stop talking to me just because of some girl.
Me:  That’s where you are wrong mama. For Khanyi I would and she is not just some girl.  She is the woman I love, the woman I want to spend the rest of my life, the woman I want to grow old with, the woman I want to raise my kids with.  If you don’t stop with this Sindy nonsense mama, I swear I will walk away from you and not look back.
Mom:  you can’t do that Qhawe, I’m your mother.  Loyiso speak to him
Dad:  Speak to him and say what?  The person I’m speaking to now is you.  Stop this nonsense Siyanda or else…(my dad was very firm and very serious and I could see a bit of fear in my mom’s face. I know that my dad does beat mom, I just wonder what he does to punish her) Qhawe is old enough to choose a woman for himself.  Look at how happy these kids are, all of them together and you want to destroy all of that, trust me when I tell you this, you will die before I let you destroy my children’s happiness because of your own selfish reasons.  (Khanyi walks into the study)
Khanyi:  Oh sorry I didn’t realise …….. I thought you were alone.
Me:  it’s fine my love.
Khanyi:  I just wanted to let you know that we are ready to go and I need the car keys, the boys are going to put the bags in the car so long.
Me:  come here. (my dad is watching us very closely.  Khanyi walks to me and stands next to me with my arm wrapped around her waist as I take out my car keys hand them to her.)  Do you need my help?
Khanyi:  No my King, the boys are helping out so we are fine.  You can finish up here.  (she stands to walk away but I pull her close, hold her face, tell her I love her while looking into her eyes, kiss her after which she leaves.)
Dad:  Most independent woman don’t know how to submit to a man but her, she submits to you.
Me:  that’s because she trusts me. Besides how do you know that she does?
Dad:  This moment, what just happened said a lot about you guys and about her behaviour toward you and I can see that she trusts you,  But you still have a long way to go with her, I can tell.  You need be patient with her.  I can tell that she’s been through a lot in life. You two are good for each other.
Mom:  mxm (mom says before walking out)
Me:  thanks dad.  I really love her, I would die if I had to lose her. Let me go check on how far they are.  (I stand and walk out of the study leaving him there. When I get to my room Khanyi was just finishing packing our last bag, the rest are in the car) Baby are we going to past Zwelibanzi’s house?
Khanyi:  No babe.  The kids already said their goodbyes yesterday.  We can just go straight to the airport and now I’m done with this we can go.  The kids are done also. All their bags are in the car.
Me:  I have a surprise for you when we get home.
Khanyi:  Que you know I hate surprises, what is it?
Me:  it won’t be a surprise if I tell you.  (I sit on the bed) come here babe ( she walks over to me and I make straddle me and hold her close to my chest and whisper in her ear) “but before I give you the surprise, first thing I want to do when we get home is to be get myself deep inside you.  Do you want me inside you Baby Girl?  (she whispers a “yes”  with her lips against my neck and that alone does things to me.  This woman drives me crazy, the little things that she does, the ways she says my name especially when she calls me “Que”)
“You really should keep the door closed when you are alone in your room so that we can knock , you can’t keep your hands off each other.” (and that was my son Lonwabo.)
Lonwabo:  Please stop fooling around we are going to be late, so we need to go. Honestly guys do we always have to catch you in these compromising positions, maybe you should learn to keep away from each other. (he laughs and he walks out.)
Me:  if it’s not these kids, it’s my mother. Will we ever have peace?


Me:  how are you?
Sizwe:  I’m fine and how are you and how’s my baby?
Me:  We are fine, thanks to you I’m well taken care off.  (we were sitting in the doctor’s office that’s here in the prison, it’s the day of the check-up)
Sizwe:  I hope you understand that this is only until the baby is born after that you are on your own here.
Me:  I know you made it clear.  (the doctor walks in.)
Doctor:  how are you feeling Anelisa?
Me:  I’m ok.  Just wish the morning sickness would just stop.
Doctor:  it will stop don’t worry just hang in there. Lie on your back please. (I do as the doctor says and he performs the ultra sound scan, it was amazing how I could hear my son’s heartbeat.  (we don’t know the gender yet.  Sizwe wants to be surprised but he is hoping for a girl.)
Sizwe:  is that the hearbeat doc.  O my god, I just can’t get over it.  (I understand his excitement and it his first child. The doctor does everything he needs to do when we are done,  Sizwe   kisses my forehead) thank you for this.
Me:  it’s not like I have a choice, I can’t even enjoy it.
Sizwe:  Doc can you give us a minute (the doctor nods and walks out.) Have you told them about the baby?
Me:  not yet
Sizwe:  what are you waiting for Anelisa.  They are the only people I trust to help me raise this baby, you need to tell them soon. As for you not having a choice in this, you are wrong my dear.  I gave you a choice when I started fucking you.  You could have said no, why didn’t you say no Anelisa?
Me:  I wanted it, it felt good having you inside me, even though you didn’t let me come, I still wanted it.  At least that torture I could deal with.
Sizwe:  don’t ever say you didn’t have choice then.  I didn’t rape you honestly I didn’t think you would be pregnant. I’m happy you are now I have a little person to call my own.
Me:  why are you being so good to me? I thought the baby would be staying with you.
Sizwe:  Hayibo Anelisa, why wouldn’t I be, you carrying my precious cargo and I’m showing what it have been like had you given us a chance and not go after your ex which ended you and yes the baby will be staying with me, I’ll be raising my baby, like any single parent I am going to need help and they are the only ones that can help me and help me keep my baby safe. I have to go now.  Take care of my baby will you. (he kisses my forehead and kisses my stomach)  Daddy loves you. Be good in there. I can’t wait to meet you.  (with that he walks out and leaves.)


As I live the prison I get a phone call.
Me:  what’s wrong?
Him:  they are following the kid but he is safe, we managed to lose them.
Me: We need to be careful and be aware all the time.  Shit is about to hit the fan.
Him:  yeah we do. They already know his protected at all times.  At some point we have to get the police involved, we can’t always keep him hidden.
Me:  Anything is possible.  We have to get ready for phase two of this plan. He really won’t know what hit him. Are you ready for that? Has he told his mother about what’s going on?
Him:  yeah man I am.  I told him not to tell his mother yet.  The sooner we end this, the better.  That baby needs to arrive with all this done, so that you can focus on him/her.  How is the mother?
Me:  she is fine.  I’m sure if I didn’t threaten to kill her kids, she would have done something stupid like killing herself or having an abortion.  She says it’s worst kind of pain.
Him:  worse than the things you did to her when you held her captive, you wouldn’t kill her kids would you?
Me:  that’s what she says man.  I would never kill those kids.  Those kids are Khanyi’s kids now, I would never hurt like that even if they were not, I don’t kill children but she doesn’t need to know that.
Him:  I hear you.  You really care about Khanyi don’t you?
Me:  I do a lot.  She’s my little sister.  I love her too much.
Him: she’s one lucky woman.  I just wanted to update.  I have to go, we’ll talk later.
Me:  Sure man. (he hangs up)

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