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I must say there are people that I’m not really looking forward to see todat like my aunt.  That woman hates us and I don’t know why.  I just hope that she doesn’t cause any trouble today.  This is my daughter’s day and I don’t want anyone ruining it for her.  when I was growing up, I wouldn’t say life was easy for me but my parents made sure that I had everything I needed. They  made sure I studied for what I loved.  My parents worked hard for what they have and now that they are retired, they are really enjoying being taken care of.  When I started working I helped my  day renovate this house and added extra rooms and a few outside rooms.  It always feels good to be home.  Even though my relationship with dad was almost ruined because he wanted me to marry someone I didn’t love.  We argued and fought about that for a while and in the end he was able to see things from my pointed of view which I appreciated.  At least now I am going to marry someone who means the  world to me.  My sister was on my side as well as mom and I think that’s what made my dad give up on his idea of the arranged marriage. Come to think of it that girl was not happy when the wedding was called off but she had suck it up and take it like a man.  My parents made a lot of sacrifices for us to make sure that we get to have a good and comfortable life.  A knock interrupts me and it’s my dad.  I’m in my old room.
Dad:  Are you ok son?
Me:  I’m ok tata, just thinking about the sacrifices you made for us and look at us now we are amongst the best in the country.  You raised a lawyer and an electrical engineer.
Dad:  I must say that I am proud of you and your sister.  You guys really did good for yourselves and still doing good.  When I die, I’ll die a happy man knowing that my children are not struggling and they are happy.
Me:  thank you dad.  (he walks over to me and hugs me.)
Dad:  It was my job and my responsibility son to take care of you kids and your mother and I am glad to see that you are taking care of Lwandle and Lungi.
Me:  I have to dad they are my world.
Dad:  I can see that, anyone can see it.  It is written all over your face.  You really love them.
Me:  I would die for them tata.  Where are they?
Dad:  In the kitchen with your mother and the guests should start arriving. I still don’t know why you didn’t want to slaughter a sheep for granddaughter.
Me:  there’s a lot of slaughtering that you are going to be doing dad.  Don’t worry too much about it.  there’s enough meat for the braai and more than enough drinks.
Dad:  I can’t help think that there is something bothering you
Me:  It’s nothing I can’t handle dad.  I just feel like I haven’t been told everything regarding Lungi’s disappearance with her mother.
Dad:  I understand son. whatever else she is hiding let’s be thankful that she told you about her.  Come let’s see  who has arrived.  (we walk out of my room and I know this is his way of distracting me from thinking about this.)
All my life I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a dad and grandparents.  If I hadn’t met Khaya, would I have met my family, would mom have told me about me about my dad.  Ever since we arrived here I have been treated like a Princess.  My grandmother doesn’t want me and Lwandle to do anything but we are helping her anyway.  Honestly this is wonderful, I feel so blessed and when I stop being angry at my mom she can take me to her family, I also want to meet them.  To know that I have a big family really feels wonderful.  Yes Khaya has a big family and I know they love me but it didn’t the void that I had and now, now I feel complete, I feel like I can take on the world.  Lwandle is sitting on one of the high chairs in the kitchen eating noodles this is the third bowl she has had today, I was surprised to see that she had some in her bag.  I guess it’s her favourite pregnancy dish.
Me:  You really should watch how you eat if you don’t want my grandmother to know that you are pregnant.
Lwandle:  I can’t help myself Lungi, I try to control myself but I just can’t.
Me:  You do know that old people notice these things quickly.
Lwandle:  I’m sure she has already noticed and it’s just a matter of time before she asks me.  Your dad should just tell them.  (my grand mother walks into the kitchen carrying the plates she went to fetch.  At least this is a braai so there’s not much work to be done and we are almost done with the salads.)
Grandma:  Tell who and what?  (Lwandle just froze and just looked at her)  If you are talking about you being pregnant then I already know.  I can tell you are pregnant my dear and don’t worry I haven’t said anything.  We’ll wait for you guys to tell us. (I look at Lwandle and smile)
Me:  I told you.
Lwandle:  Mxm, go away. (she goes back to her noodles.  This other woman walks in)
Her:  Veronica how are you my sister?
Grandma:  I’m fine sisi and how are you?
Her:  I’m good.  (you can tell there’s no love loss between the two.  There is tension between them something must have happened for them to be like this) And who are these two ladies you are with you?
Grandma:  that’s my granddaughter Lungi and that’s my daughter in law Lwandle.  My children this is my sister.
Her: This is Lungi, you look beautiful child and Lwandle too.  But since when do you have a daughter in law.  I thought Luyanda was not married.
Grandma:  He will be soon.
Her:  Mhhhh I see.  (this woman doesn’t seem happy about her nephew getting married.  I wonder what is her problem, she definitely has one.)
Me:  Mama may I be excused I want to talk to dad about something.  Lwandle can you come with me please. (I think she also sensed the tension, she got up from her chair like she couldn’t wait to get out of there.) did you sense the tension?  (I ask as we walk towards dad and grandpa but they were also sitting with another man.)
Lwandle:  Molweni (Hello)
Him:  Molo sisi
Luyanda:  Uncle this is my future my wife Lwandle and that’s my daughter Lungi.
Uncle:  Oh Luyanda, she is so grown. I hate that woman for what she did to you and I am glad you finally have peace.  Molo Lungi and you Lwandle how are you?
Me:  We good malume, it is nice to meet.  (I think this is the always drunk uncle of the family, even now you can tell that he is a bit tipsy and already has a bottle infront of him.)
Uncle:  Siya nini ukuyolobola umakoti  mtshana (when are we going for the lobola negotiations nephew)
Dad:  Soon malume.  Very soon.
Uncle:  that’s good mtshana.  Don’t waiste time otherwise these other vultures will eat her.  You must be careful with these men here.
Dad:  I’m not worried.  She was meant for me uncle.
Uncle:  mzukulu sondela ndikubone kakuhle.  Uyafana nonyoko kodwa ndiyakubona ukuba ufuz’ uyihlo.  (grandchild come here let me look at you.  You look like your mother but you take after your father.)
Me:  how do you know I take after him malume? I’ve only been here for five minutes.
Uncle:  I’m old my child, I know these things.  Look mtshana you must buy your uncle a bottle next time you visit.
Me:  I definitely will. (my dad looks at me with that look that says no)
Me:  I thought you were not coming Bulelwa, what changed?
Bulelwa:  I wanted to see this grandchild of yours, I didn’t anticipate that I would meet your daughter in law as well.
Me:  you are something else.  When are you going to stop with this nonsense of yours Bulelwa?  What did I ever do to you to make you hate me so much?  Are you not tired of all this hate and negativity that you’ve been carrying around all these years.
Bulelwa:  I don’t hate you Veronica.
Me:  You could have fooled me.
Bulelwa:  You know that you took him from me right?
Me:  how did I take him from you when you guys were not even dating?  You need to get over this now Bulelwa.  He chose me and married me and the funny thing is that he never even attempted to date you, he was not interested in you.  I am really not interested in having this conversation with you.  If you’ll excuse I need to get my girls so that we can finish preparing the food before the man start braaing the meat and it’s obvious you are not going to help.  You might as well go home.  I don’t even know why you came.  Bulelwa if anything happens to my girls or my son I swear this time  you won’t live to tell the tale.
Bulelwa:  Mxm

My sister has always had it in for me.  I don’t even know why.  She always says I stole my husband from her, how, when he didn’t even know her name when I met him. This woman is really pushing my buttons and she is pushing the wrong ones.  She always blames me for her kids not doing well.  In fact I wouldn’t say her kids are not doing well.  They are doing well, they have goods jobs, their own houses and have cars.  One of her daughters is married, she married into a good and well off family.  My kids never have peace when she is around.  The kids get along so well.  She is always the one with a problem, her husband even became a drunkard because of her and she can’t even see that she is destroying her own family.

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