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It felt good to tell Qhawe everything and now I hope I can keep up this act until Sipho comes up with a plan to get me out of here or Qhawe does something .
Wineka:  how did it go with Qhawe yesterday
Me:  it went very well mama.
Wineka:  I’m glad it did.  When are you seeing him again?
Me:  I’m not sure mama.  He said he would call sometime today. (there’s a knock on the door)
Me: I thought you were coming later.  HI
Sipho:  Hi to you too.  I decided to come earlier.  Where is your mom
Me:  Somewhere around the flat.
Sipho:  we need to talk
Me:  We can go to your car it’s fine.  Mom I’ll be back. (I shout as I walk out with Sipho.)
Sipho:  your dad wants to meet you and I think you should move in with me for a while until your mom leaves.
Me:  I met with Qhawe yesterday and I told him everything about what’s happening with mom and they are going to help.
Sipho:  I was going to suggest the same thing and I still think you should move in with me for a while.
Me:  she will know.  The minute I mention moving out, she will know Sipho.  I think she has a way of tracking me too.
Sipho:  Your mother really has serious control issues Sindy.  Look I hope Qhawe and his people come up with something because right now I’m running out of ideas. 
Me:  tell me about my father
Sipho:  Well he is from the Eastern Cape in East London he is one of three brothers but there’s only two of them left.  His older brother died about two months back. Your father is Mncedi Tom, he is uncle to Zwelibanzi Tom who is Khanyi’s ex-husband.
Me:  wha!t are you being serious.  You mean to tell me that Mzimkhulu Tom was my unlce?
Sipho:  yes he was,  you knew him
Me:  I knew him.  His company did most of our construction work at work, that’s how I knew him.  He was always nice to me, always checked up on me even if he had no meeting with us, he would just come by and check up on.  He once offered to help me with an apartment when I decided to move out of my mother’s house and that was impossible back then. 
Sipho:  At least now you know you have a family other than your mother.
Me:  Thank you Sipho for everything that you have done for me, I really do appreciate it.
Sipho:  it’s only my pleasure darling.  (I kiss his cheek but he turns to hold my face in his hands and pulls me in for a kiss.  He kisses me like he has never kissed me before and I am liking it.)
Me:  I have to go back before my mother gets suspicious.  (he kisses me again)
Sipho:  I’ll see you soon and I am going to try and talk to Qhawe and see where I can help.
Me:  thank you. (he opens the door for me, I get out of the car and walk back to my apartment. My mother was sitting in lounge watching tv.)
Wineka:  who was here?
Me:  that was Sipho ma.  He just came to check up on me, since he brought me flue meds yesterday.
Wineka:  You need to watch yourself Sindy.  I don’t think Qhawe would like to see you chatting with other man.
Me:  Qhawe knows Sipho ma, he is ok with him being my friend.
Wineka:  that’s good then.  (my phone rings and it’s Qhawe)
*******************phone conversation)*******************
Me:  Hi babe, how are you?
Qhawe: I’m guessing your mom is around
Me:  Yes my love.
Qhawe:  Pack your things I’m coming to fetch you. Send me your location
Me:  Ok.  I’ll be waiting.

Wineka:  was that Qhawe?
Me:  Yes ma, he is coming to fetch me.  He said I should pack a bag.  I’ll go pack.  I don’t want to keep him waiting when he get here.
Wineka:  Yes baby go pack.  How long are you leaving for.
Me:   He didn’t say but I’m sure it’s just a couple of days.
Wineka:  behave yourself and remember you have to do everything he tells you.
Me:  Yes mom.  I’ll always remember.  ( I say walking to my room to start packing my things and I can’t pack everything because I also don’t know how long I’ll be gone. I take my phone and call Sipho)
*******************phone conversation****************
Sipho:  hey beautiful, miss me already
Me:  Yes I miss you.  Qhawe just called, he is coming to fetch me he said I should pack my things, I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.
Sipho:  don’t worry about that my Angel.  I’ll see you tonight.  I just hope whatever he is planning works.
Me:  I hope it works too. See you later then.
Sipho:  bye beautiful.

What’s going on with me and Sipho and whatever is going on I think I like it. He has changed.  The way he treats me has changed and it feels like it’s more than just sex now. My mom walks into my room and she has the biggest smile on her face.
Wineka:  Qhawe is here are you done?
Me:  yes mama I’m done.  I’m ready to go.
Wineka:  Let’s go, don’t keep him waiting. (we out and there he is waiting in the lounge.)
Qhawe:  You look beautiful
Me:  Thank you.  You don’t too bad yourself.  (my mother is actually falling for all of this, I just hope that she doesn’t catch on anytime soon.  We say our goodbyes and leave.)
Me:  I’ve done what you asked me to do.  I told her about you and now it’s your turn.  Qhawe and Khanyi have taken her in for the meantime to keep her safe from her mother.
Mncedi:  thank you Sipho for everything. I really wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.  I have been trying for years to get to her but her mother always made sure that I don’t.
Sipho:  Your mistake was always telling her first when you wanted to see your daughter and that was giving her an opportunity to block your attempts.
Mncedi:  did you speak to Qhawe?
Sipho:  Yes I did.  I’ll be helping them to deal with that ex of yours.
Mncedi:  You really love my daughter don’t you?
Sipho:  I love her too much and I think she is picking up on it.
Mncedi:  As long as she is happy, I’m happy.
Sipho:  I have to go.  I have a few things I need to do before I go to see her.  I’ll see you soon.
Mncedi:  thanks again (and I walk out,get into my car and drive off.  things are really changing and I hope they are changing for the better.  Sindy seems to be getting back to normal.  She is different now.  She thinks fast now.  I didn’t think she would go and tell Qhawe everything but she did and I’m really proud of her for doing that.  she made things move a whole lot quicker. I really hope that she is going to be ok after all this.  She has a lot that she needs to adjust to especially living on her own.

My daughter is finally going to be Mrs Mtimkhulu.  Siyanda is very luck.  Her secret  is still safe.  Things are happening without me having to force he hand.  I wonder if she knows her precious daughter in law is no longer in the picture.  I’m sure she knows already.  Sindiswa has to make sure that  all this works out. Otherwise we are doomed, if this doesn’t work out,I am going to be in trouble finanacially.  I wonder if Qhawe would allow me to live with him and Sindy in the near future but I don’t want t o push too much and ruin things.
**************************phone conversation*************************
Me:  How are you Siyanda
Siyanda:  How many times must I tell you not to call me?
Me:  Oh come on breathe a little.  Did you know that you precious daughter in law is no longer in the picture.  Qhawe is moving on with his life with Sindy.  At least your secrete is still safe with me.
Siyanda:  Well that’s what you think.  I told my husband everything.  Yes he is mad at me but we are ok.  Only Qhawe doesn’t know.  He is also going to find out soon enough.  You see Wineka  I am one or two steps ahead of you.  Your mistake was thinking you know me but you don’t dear.
Your precious Sindy is not going to last very long, she is not the kind of woman Qhawe needs right now.
me:  My daughter is exactly what your son needs.  I hear wedding bells soon.
Siyanda:  you are really losing you mind and I feel sorry for you.  Once Qhawe finds you, you are going to regret what you did. You see Wineka you are going to end up in a loony bin.  Like I said to you before, don’t call me again.  (she hangs up on me)

If she has really told her husband about everything that means I am going to be in trouble.  I know Loyiso loves his wife and is protective of her.  no matter how wrong she can be, he doesn’t stop loving her.  Even this is not Siyanda’s fault.  She doesn’t even know that I drugged when she agreed to the deal. I’ve always wanted Loyiso but he loves his precious Siyanda too much.  The only option I have is his son marrying my daughter.  Come hell or high water they will get married.

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