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Dad:  Wabo are you ok, what’s going on?  You seem like you have a lot on your mind
Me:  Dad would it be so bad to want to give someone a taste of their own medicine?
Dad:  Why do you ask?
Me:  I just feel like the justice system in this country is failing it’s citizens.  People get away with a lot because they know someone high up in the system.  People are protected for their wrong doings and still continue with their wrongs because they believe they are untouchable.  If you and mom didn’t have money, if you didn’t have the resources that you have right now, do you think that the people you’ve had arrested would be in jail today.  it seems like people get arrested but the cases go cold because of lack of evidence  or the case file disappears.
Dad:  To be honest with you Wabo, if we didn’t know a good police officer  that was dedicated to his job, I don’t that the guys we had arrested would be in jail.  They probably would have bought their way out and if we didn’t have the resources that we have, there wouldn’t be much evidence against them and it would take the detective a very long time to solve the cases because of the lack of resources in the system and the fact that the system itself is slow.  Where is all this coming from?
Me:  I have this friend at school her name is Oyama Ndlela she’s a Graphic Design student.  We met at one my games and she is nice girl.
Dad:  You have a female friend, it sounds like she is more than friend. 
Me:  for now she is friend dad, maybe there might be something more later on I don’t know.  Only time will tell. I’m in no hurry to date dad. Can I finish my story now without you interrupting me?
Dad:  That’s a good thing and yes you can finish your story (this man just smiles at me. I’m sure he was thinking that I’m gay)
Me:  She has a boyfriend and this boyfriend is not very nice to her. He ill treats her that was my first initial thought because this guy kept telling me to stay away from her and I could tell that she was afraid of him.  She came to school recently wearing make up and I asked her why because she doesn’t wear make up, she didn’t want to tell me why so I let her be and figured that when she is ready to talk she will.  Right there I concluded that she was being physically abused.  But I told myself I would wait for her to talk or ask me for help.  Yesterday she sent me a text and the text said “PLEASE HELP HE IS GOING TO KILL ME” she also pinned her location to the text and I told Khaya and explained the situation to him and he went there with Banele and Mcebisi and they told me to wait at the hospital.  What I saw when they brought her in Dad, brought every memory of seeing mom filled with bruises, the times she would hardly get out of bed because she was in pain. Hearing her silent cries, begging him to stop, it all came back to me dad.   This guy beat Oyama so bad that she is lying in a hospital today with a broken rib, internal bleeding, cuts on her body and more.  She is in a bad state dad. (I can see the anger in my dad’s eyes but he is trying to keep calm.  I go ahead and tell him about what Mcebisi said about this guy and what  the plan is)
Dad:  I am going to ask uncle Sipho to look into this guy and see what’s going on and who is protecting him.  what’s this boy’s name
Me:  Lunga Sithole and he is a third year  Marketing student and a soccer player. 
Dad:  Ok.  I’ll talk to uncle Sipho.  How are you feeling?
Me:  I made a promise to myself a long time ago that no woman I care about would suffer at the hands of another man.  I couldn’t protect mom but I want to protect her dad.
Dad:  I understand how you feel.  Whatever you do involve the police and I’m sure her doctor has reported this to the police and I am going to ask Det. Nxele to look into it.  Whatever evidence you have against this guy you will have to give it to him and try and convince your lady friend to tell her story to the police that is the only we can found out who is protecting this guy. 
Me:  thanks dad.  I don’t have much going on with my classes today so can I skip this day. I want to go to the hospital and see her
Dad:  Just for today and the rest of the week you can go see her after your classes.
Me:  thanks dad.  I’ll see you later.
Lying in hospital and thinking that it is all my fault.  I should have just stayed away from Lonwabo.  Why did I even try to be friends with him because I know how Lunga gets.  Was it so bad for me to talk to other people. He doesn’t even want me to have female friends.  I can’t do this anymore and the worst part is that I never even told my parents about what was happening.  They know him to be this nice guy that loves their daughter enough not to rush her into having sex.   (my parents walk in)
Mom:  How are you feeling nana?
Me:  I’ll be ok mama.  It still hurts but I’ll be ok.
Dad:  Who did this to you baby? 
Me:  Lunga did this to me (and the room goes silent and you can even here a pin drop)
Dad:  How long has this been going on?
ME:  three months now but this is the first time it has been so severe.
Dad:  Why didn’t you say anything Oyama, why keep quiet for so long baby?
Me:  I was scared tata, I was scare that it might get worse if he knew I told anyone.
Dad:  Oh my baby, I wish you had told me, it wouldn’t have gotten to this.
Mom:  What do you do Oyama to provoke him
Dad:  what do you mean provoke him?
Mom:  She must have done something to make him beat her like this.
Dad:  Are you hearing yourself woman?  This is your daughter and you think she deserves what happened to her.  have I ever laid a hand on you when you did something I didn’t like or made me angry?  Have i?
Mom:  No you haven’t
Dad:  Then why do you stand here and think that your daughter deserves this?
Mom:  I’m sorry I was just …… (dad doesn’t let her finish)
Dad:  Just what Noxolo?  It’s this kind of behaviour that gives these men the power to continue abusing women.  Go home now.
Mom:  but I still want to stay
Dad:  just go home.  (mom looks at me and I have no words to say.  I’m shocked at what she just said, she leaves the room) I should have trusted my instincts about this boy.  The way he was so possessive over you,  my insticts told me he is no good, I should have trusted them and you wouldn’t be here today.
Me:  I’m going to be fine dad. I really am.  He beat me because I made friends with one of the rugby players at school.  He told me to stay away from him dad but I didn’t.
Dad:  he had no right to lay his hands on you not matter what the reason is.  I have never laid a hand on your mom, not even once and she has done a lot to anger me like now but that doesn’t mean I should beat her to a pulp.  We talk things out.  Oyama why did they put you in a private room, my medical aid doesn’t cover this.  They should move you to a normal ward.
Me:  it was a request made by the guys that rescued me.
Dad:  So Lunga is not the one who brought you here?
Me:  No dad.  At some point during the beatings I managed to run the bathroom and lock myself in,I had my phone with me in my dress pocket and I managed to send a text to the first person that came to my mind at that time and that was my new friend.  He sent his brothers and they got there just before Lunga could rape me. (I just could control my tears)
Dad:  shhhh don’t cry baby.  You are safe now.  I’m glad they got there in time.  I should meet these boys.  ( as I look over my dad’s shoulder, there they are but there’s five of them now.  Looks like the other one is a twin.)
Me:  they are here.  (my dad let go of me and turned to look at the door)
Lonwabo:  Sorry we didn’t mean interrupt.
Dad:  It’s ok.  Come in.  I’m Oyama’s dad and she just told me you rescued her.
Khaya:  you could say that.  I’m Khaya and that’s my brother Lonwabo Sondlo, My twin brothers Banele and Bandile Mtimkhulu and my brother in law Mcebisi Mkhize.
Dad:  Nice to meet you all.  Mkhize from Nanda?
Mcebisi:  Yes sir.  My father is Nkosinaye Mkhize
Dad:  I know your father, he is really a good man and I’m glad he raised a good man.  I don’t  know how I could ever thank you for helping my daughter.
Banele:  we just did what any decent guy would done.  We are just happy we were able to get her out.
Dad:  I take it you are the friend she sent a text to?(he asks looking at Lonwabo)
Lonwabo:  Yes sir I am.
Dad:  thank you so much.
Khaya:  Mr Ndlela do you mind if we talk to you outside?
Dad:  Sure no problem.  (He walks out with the guys and Lonwabo stays)
Lonwabo:  How are you feeling (he asks kissing my cheek)
Me:  it still hurts but not a much as yesterday.
Lonwabo:  I’m glad to hear that.  I need you to something for me
Me:  what’s that?
Lonwabo: When the police get here, I need you to tell them everything that happened.
Me:  I’m scared Lonwabo, I’m scared he is going to come after me if I do that.
Lonwabo:  Do you trust me?  (I quickly nod) I can’t here you Princess.
Me:  yes I trust you
Lonwabo:  Please do as I tell you and trust that I won’t let him hurt you again.  He is going to jail for a very long time.
Me:  I doubt that.  His father is the police captain.
Lonwabo:  is that so.  Look I have to go.  Please tell the police everything .  trust me he won’t hurt you again.  I’ll see you tonight.  I have something I need to take care of.  (He gets up and kisses my forehead and leaves)

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