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The guys slept here last night. Sizwe kept dropping bombshells one after the other. I don’t know how to take the news of my father’s involvement in this.  I know my father is a resourceful man, I just didn’t think he would use his resources for Khanyi.  I think it makes sense now why mother doesn’t like Khanyi, it’s because dad likes her. My mom has never really liked any  girl of mine that my dad liked.  I need to speak to my dad about all this.  As I walk to the kitchen I bump into Andile, he is in his gym clothes.
Andile:  Morning
Me:  Morning, where are the guys?
Andile:  Not sure, somewhere around this big house.
Me:  Ok.  Have you seen Khanyi and the kids?
Andile:  She dropped the kids off at school, came back and went straight to the gym.
Me:  Alright.  Thanks.  (I say walking towards the gym)
Andile:  I wouldn’t go in there if I were you
Me:  is it that serious?
Andile:  serious is an understarement.
Me:  I’ll take my chances.
Andile:  It’s your funeral.
Me:  See you later man.   (and I walk towards the home gym and when I get there, Khanyi is punching the living day lights out of the punching bag.  She must be really frustrated about this whole thing.  I stand by the door and just watch her, she stops, she turns to look at me and smiles but her smile is not her usual smile. I walk in but she runs me and jumps into my arms wraping her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck and hides her face on my neck.  I walk to one of the benches and sit with her still in the position.  She has wrapped herself around me so tight as if she is saying something.  I know what she is saying with this action, I have learned to understand what she means by her actions but sometimes I wish she could just say it.)
Me:  I’ll never leave you, I’m here and we’ll get through this.  You’ll never lose me, no matter what your ex tries, he won’t win. (she pulls out a little and looks at me. I can see the love she has for me and I see the fear she has for her family.)
Khanyi:  I’m scared Qhawe, I really am.
Me:  you don’t have to be, I’m here baby and I’m not going anywhere.
Khanyi:  what if he manages to get to you Qhawe?  I couldn’t live with myself knowing the kids lost their father because of me.
Me:  there is no way you are losing me.  Eddie and Sizwe will never allow that.
“He is right Khanyi, we’ll never allow that to happen.”  (that was Eddie and Sizwe they are in their gym clothes as well)
Eddie:  I thought we were going to walk into a war zone in here when Andile said the two of you were here.  How do you manage to keep her that calm, ever since I’ve known her, I would never come in here when she relieving stress.
Me:  I don’t really do anything special man.  The way she is wrapped around me right now seems to do the trick everytime.  (she smacks my shoulder playfully and laughs a little.)
Sizwe:  He is her heart and she is his heart.  From what I’ve head about Qhawe, he is also not that calm in situations like these but around her he is as calm as anything.  Qhawe your dad is on his way here.
Me:  What?  How did he know I was here?
Eddie:  We told him.  He wants to explain everything.
Sizwe:  he knows I told you the truth.  There’s something that I didn’t you last night.
Me:  Sizwe don’t you think you’ve dropped enough bomb shells and now you want to drop another one.
Sizwe:  it’s something I have to do and I promise for now this is the last one.
Me:  Meaning there’s still more.  You know what go ahead drop another one.  ( Khanyi laughs and she still wrapped around me, she really doesn’t want to let go, she’s being her childish self now.)
Sizwe:  A few months back before Khanyi was shot I was dating this woman but she was so hung up on her ex that she broke things off with me to persue her ex who had moved on with his life and has someone he truly loves but she couldn’t accept that and ended up shooting the woman her ex is dating.
Me:  Don’t tell me you were dating Anelisa.
Sizwe:  I was, but I didn’t know she was your ex until I found out about what she did. After I found out, I tried to find out everything I could about her and I did. And I made her suffer for what she did.  Trust me you don’t want to know the details. What  I really want to tell you is that she is pregnant right now with my child, I am going to be a single father in a few months to come and I am asking for your help to raise my child.  (Khanyi lets go of me, gets off me and walks to Sizwe.  I’m still shocked.  I have never been so shocked so many times in my life in such a short space of time.)
Khanyi:  You are going to be a dad you are finally going to be a dad? (after everything that Sizwe said right now, is that all she head? )
Sizwe:  Yes I am. You are finally going to be aunt to my child.  (She hugs him and congratulates him.)
Me:  How far along is she?
Sizwe:  She’s 3 months.
Me:  wait, if she is three months pregnant, that means it happened after Khanyi was shot, did you….?
Sizwe:  Yes it happened after Khanyi w me if she didn’t want me to but she never did.  When I asked why she didn’t stop me, she said she wanted it.
Me:  I get it. (I’t really don’t want to know what happened.)
Khanyi:  so we have six months to get ready for the baby.  Where will you be staying?
Sizwe:  Well I’m buying the house next door. 
Khanyi:  That’s great.  You should finalise the sale soon so that we can get the baby’s room ready.  (this woman is so excited about this, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my kids will have a new sibling.  My dad walks interrupting my thoughts.)
Loyiso (My Dad):  So this is where you hold meetings in the morning, very unusual.
Me:  this is where we relieve our stresses and this is not a meeting, we just having a conversation.  How are you dad?
Loyiso:  I’m good son and how are you, how are you Khanyi?
Me:  I’m good dad.
Khanyi:  I’m ok tata. Please excuse me, I need to go change.
Loyiso:  ok and when you are done we have lots to talk about.
Khanyi:  Ok.  I’ll be quick.  (and she walks away.)
Qhawe:  wait babe I’ll come with you and also change. (she turns to look at me and gives me a naughty smile.)
Khanyi:  Race you to the bedroom?
Me:  and if you lose?
Khanyi:  I’m not going to lose (still giving me that naughty smile of hers.)
Sizwe: You guys are being childish just go (everyone just laughs and Khanyi just takes that as the opportunity to get a head start and she runs off.)
Me:  You are cheating (I say running after her)
Khanyi:  No I’m not. (she is laughing all the way. I love hearing her laugh.)


I can’t believe I am here right now.  How did this happen?  I have to get myself out this situation.  I don’t even like being in this room.  It’s obvious that this mistery caller of mine was not just making threats, he lived up to his threats.  He did say he wanted to see me in jail.  He just began a never ending journey for me of being in and out of a police station.  Dammit and I can bet my life that Khanyi is involved somehow whether directly or indirectly.  Someone walks in and sits on the opposite side, right in front of me.
Him:  are you ok Mr Tom, do you need anything?
Me:  Why would I be ok with being in a police station and in cuffs?
Him:  Oh those, I can take those off as long as you promise to behave.
Me:  Where could I possibly run to, it is a police station after all.  (he walks to my side and takes off my cuffs and goes back to his seat.)  Thank you.  What am doing here and who are you?
Him:  Well I’m Detective Nxele and your lawyer is on his way.  We are waiting for him so that we can start with the interrogation.
Me:  Why do I need a lawyer?  I’m not guilty of anything.
Him:  I wouldn’t be too sure if I were you.  Let me leave, I’ll be back with your lawyer.
Me:  you are the famous  Detective Nxele, you even solve cold cases and I’m pretty sure that you know you have nothing on me and I’ll be out of here soon.
Him:  I wouldn’t say famous but I am good at what I do and I know you will be out of here soon. As for me having nothing on you, I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you.  (with that he leaves the room.  I know for a fact they have something on me, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.  I need to find a way to make this case disappear and this is going to be difficult because this detective is one of those that can’t be bought.  This man lives for this, he is passionate about being a cop. I need to know his weak spot, everyone has one.)


Shit!! I can’t believe Zweli has just been arrested.  I can’t believe the charges against him.  That can’t be the Zweli I know.  It doesn’t matter, I love him and I’m not letting him rot in jail.  I can’t go there right now because of the twins but his lawyer is on his way there.  I hope he appears in court soon for his bail hearing.  In the meantime, I need to take care of this Khanyisile problem. I need to make a call.

Him:  what do you want, this call can only mean trouble.
Me:  I need you to take care of someone for me.
Him:  I don’t come cheap, you know that and I’m sure the man who raised you would be proud of you right now.
Me:  what do you mean proud?
Him:  remember how he used to say you can’t run away from this life and he was right.  Look at you wanting to get rid of someone and using one his best man.
Me:  You are not going to tell him and besides this is a once off.
Him:  once you start darling, you never go back but if that’s what you say then, oh well…  who is this person you want taken of?
Me:  Khanyisile Sondlo girlfriend to Qhawe Mtimkhulu the architect guru.
Him:  forge itt.  She’s a no go, I can’t do it.  find someone else.
Me:  What do you mean you can’t do it?
Him:  I mean exactly that Sima.  Anyone who tries to go after her ends up in jail or dead in a ditch somewhere.  I am good at what I do, I’ve never been caught.  Going after her means the end of my life.  I love my life and I’m not ready to die yet or go to jail for that matter.
Me:  I don’t understand.  What is it about this woman?
Him:  do your homework properly and you will find out that she is not one to be messed with.  The lady rubs shoulders with the best of the best.  The security company she uses only deals with the elite.  Find someone else darling.
Me:  Anyone you can recommend.
Him:  the few people I know won’t take this job.  Sorry dear I can’t help you.  Speak to the big man, maybe he can help.
Me: No, I’m not going to speak to him. I have to go.
Him:  Sorry I couldn’t help.  Whatever you do Sima keep one thing in mind.  The woman that tried to kill her the first time got off easy.  Be careful, you might not be so lucky if you get caught and your husband is in deep shit because he could’t leave her alone. (he hangs up.  DAMN YOU KHANYISILE!!!!)

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