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Coming out tonight was a good idea, it actually feels good even though this manager thinks I’m here to work.  I don’t understand this guy. I mean yes I own the place but tonight I’m just here to chill.  Maybe I should consider hiring someone who will manage the club and he just manages the restaurant.  Ever since I added the club here, he’s not coping with the work load.  He won’t admit it but I can see it, I should have this conversation with him on Monday. 
I never expected to see him here, and I’ve never seen him here.  He is intimidating though, I was intimidated and I could feel his dominance but he was going easy on me.  I have a very submissive personality but I couldn’t allow him to see that, I’m sure he thought I was intimidating just like everyone else, but I think I gave myself away when he got close to me, too close for comfort, he smelled good, his cologne was not too much, it was just right, he is very tall, brown eyes, dark complexion, goodness I’m getting goose bumps thinking about him, argh.  At least he apologised, I don’t know if I’m ready for this, yes I gave him my number, well only because he threatened to follow me around and I’m not up for that. I really don’t know if I’m ready for this dating game.  Ok let me not over think it, I’m here to relax and enjoy myself not to stress.  Shit I need another bottle of wine.  I should go up to the club and chill there.
My ex-husband never wanted me to go out on own especially after I lost my job.
Me:  do you mind if I go out with Ncesh and Thando tonight?
Him:  Why would I let you do that?  Even if I do, who is going to pay your drinks, andinamali yodlala mna.(I don’t have money play with.)  I won’t give you money so that you can gallivanting.
Me:  it’s not like you give me money to do anything anyway. 
Him:  You are not going period. You can tell your boyfriend you are not coming.
Me:  Why is it that you always think I’m cheating on you.  Maybe I should, then at least when you accuse me of doing I’ll know that I’m actually doing it, I don’t think it would be a bad idea since my so called husband already has a mistress.
Him:  Oh please, who want you, you are not even that pretty and you are not working. 
………………………………………………….END OF FLASHBACK……………………………………………………………………

I’m sitting at my usual spot and I see him coming towards me with his friend and some girl
Qhawe: Hey
Me: Hi
Qhawe:  do you mind if we join you?
Me:  Sure *what am I doing, I came here to chill on my own, oh gosh.  Khanyi just relax, you never know you might just have fun, just chill.  I think to myself, then I remember Lina’s words, “Mom when someone asks to join you at your table just let them and have a conversation with them, you don’t have to panic, people don’t bite.”  I just laugh at the thought.
Qhawe:  This is my friend Bandile and his lady friend is Nomsa and guys this is Khanyi
Me: Nice to meet you guys.
Qhawe:  I’ll be back, I need to order our drinks.
Me:  You don’t have to, there are waiters here, you can wait there’s one coming  to bring my order, you can place your order with him
Qhawe:  You seem to know your way around here, you must be a regular (he says smiling)
Me:  Actually I am a regular. I like the vibe it’s very chilled.
Bandile:  Absolutely especially downstairs.  Even up here it’s chilled, music not too loud.  Whoever owns this place had me in mind when they created this place.  (I look at him and smile, so they have no idea who owns this place.  Maybe I should burst their bubble but then again showing off is not really my thing.)
Qhawe:  it’s actually my first time here, and I just decided I’m going to be a regular.
The waiter comes and gives me my order and takes their order and this Nomsa girl ordesr one of the very expensive cocktails on the menu and I notice Bandile looking at her
Bandile:  Who is going to pay for that cocktail
Nomsa:  I thought you are paying
Bandile:  I can’t afford that, it’s too expensive
Nomsa:  But you just ordered expensive whisky for you and your friend.
Bandile:  Because we can afford it.  Listen if you wouldn’t buy this cocktail with your own money then don’t order it.  Order something you would normally buy for yourself and I’ll gladly pay for it.
I couldn’t help myself, I just laughed and Qhawe joined in.  She looked at me looking very pissed and she just stood up and left while we were still laughing.  These girls come here thinking they can hustle the men that come here, things didn’t go her way today. 
Qhawe:  maybe she’s gone to find a sucker that will buy her the cocktail. I see you have good taste in wine.  (he says that looking at me)
Me:  It’s my favourite wine.
Bandile:  that’s interesting (he says that raising an eyebrow at Qhawe.)  Seems like you guys have a lot more in common than just cars.
Right now I am confused but I don’t dwell on his statement.  It’s funny how relaxed I am with these guys, I think it’s the wine. The conversation is just flowing and surprisingly enough none of us spoke about work.  The conversation is just general. We didn’t even talk that much about our personal lives. Bandile is a very laid back person, he smiles and laughs a lot, I can’t say the same about Qhawe.  I stand to go out to the balcony, I grab my coat and my glass of wine.  I find myself a sit and light my joint.  Just as I light it up Qhawe joins me telling me Bandile left with a girl.
Me:  why didn’t you leave with him, I thought you guys came together.  I ask passing him the joint, he looks at me amazed but he takes it.
Qhawe:  I still wanted to spend more time with you and make sure you get home safe.
Me:  You don’t have to worry about me, I don’t drive when I’ve been drinking, my driver is already on his way, so I’ll definitely get home safely.  And you, how are you getting home, we can drop you off if you don’t mind.  (Ok Khanyi you are talking too much now.  I blame the wine)
Qhawe:  I was going to call an uber but I can’t refuse your offer.  In fact you can tell your driver not come and I’ll drive you home.
I look at him and he has that look that says I’m not taking no for an answer.  I
don’t have the energy to argue with him before I can reply, he moves closer to me and kisses my forehead. Ok I’m letting him drive me home.  This is why I hate drinking in public, alcohol makes me all mushy and soft inside and forehead kisses are one of my weaknesses.


I think her being tipsy is making things easy for me.  She is very submissive tonight.  She takes her phone calls the driver and tells him not to come she is good.  I think the guy was very sceptical, she kept reassuring him. After she finishes her glass and I finish mine, she grabs her bag and we leave.  As we leave I notice that we are dressed the same way, I didn’t notice that earlier, I’m sure she didn’t either, we actually took a lot of pictures with my phone and Bandile’s phone, I must remember to send them to her.  When we get to the car she gives me the car keys, when we are in, she fiddles with the GPS and tells me the GPS will direct me to her house and when we get there someone will drive me home.  I just nod and drive off and she quickly dozed off.
When we get to her place, the security guys let me in, I think it’s because they recognise the car.  This is a beautiful house.  As I park, a guy walks up to the car, introduces himself as Eddie and I introduce myself too.  I walk around the car and carry Khanyi out of the car and we walk towards the house.
Eddie:  Looks like the lady of the house had a lot of fun tonight, did she smoke a joint?
Me:  Yeah she did have fun, the way you say it though sounds like it’s not something she does very often and yes she smoked a joint, we both did.
Eddie: next time don’t let her smoke in public, it always knocks her out and yes she doesn’t do it very often.  (He Opens a door to beautiful bedroom and it’s hers, there’s a black and white picture of her naked with a red guitar between her legs hiding her pussy and boobs above the bed. I wonder why Eddie would let me in here.  It’s a very beautiful picture, very sexy too. Eddie walks in and gives a blanket to cover her with it.)
Eddie:  She must like and trust you to actually let you bring her home.
Me: Why do you say that?
Eddie:  She doesn’t trust easily. She would rather have us drive her home than a stranger.
Me:  What do you mean by “us”
Eddie:  Her security team and her son.  (I wonder happened to her that she would need a security team around her.  You can also tell that these guys are highly trained.) Look man, I don’t feel like driving, so you can drive yourself home, just leave your address and I’ll send someone to fetch the car from you.
Me:  No problem.  (I give him my address and my number. He walks me out of the house and I drive off.)
She looked peaceful as she slept.  I’m just wondering what happened to this woman.  Eddie said a few things that just make me wonder.  This car smells like her.  I’m asking her out for dinner tomorrow.  If we hit off, I wonder if she’ll be able to handle me, but I think she can.  I get home, I’m tired I just want to sleep.  Bandile calls just to check if I got home safe and if Khanyi is with me. 
Me:  I’m home safe.  I used her car.  I dropped her off and one of the security guys said they’ll fetch the car tomorrow.
Bandile:  she has a security detail?
Me:  yeah man she does
Bandile:  You are going to have a tough time with bro (he says that laughing.) I just brush him off and hang up.
I’ll talk to him in the morning

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