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Me:  mama you need to stop hoding these babies all the time.  We don’t want them getting used it ma.
Mom:  I know, I just can’t help myself.  They are so cute.
Siyanda:  they really are cute.
Me:  what’s going to happen when you are not here.  I don’t want my babies crying all the time when we put them down on their beds because they want to be held all the time.
Siyanda:  You are right and we going to try.
Me:  that’s all I ask.  Thank you
Siyanda:  Khanyi sit I want to talk to you
Me:  is something wrong ma?
Siyanda:  No honey nothing is wrong.  Khanyi I’m sorry about how I treated you without even giving you a chance and giving myself a chance to get to know you, I judged you first and I am truly sorry for that.  My son is happy, my grandkids are happy and now we have been just blessed with 5 more grandkids.  Thank you my child for this and thank you for taking care of them, even when we are no more in this world, we’ll know that our son is happy.
Me:  Thank you for raising him for me.  He is a wonderful man.
Mom:  he truly is.  Khanyi your dad spoke to me and told what you wanted are you sure that’s how you want things.
Me:  Yes mom I’m sure even though I know dad won’t really let it go but that’s how I want it and I know I’m breaking tradition here but still, I want it this way.
Siyanda:  we understand but bare in mind that the man may not completely agree with what you want.
Me:  I know ma but we’ll wait and here from them.
Siyanda:  When are you guys planning on doing IMBELEKO for them
Me:  when they are a month old.
Siyanda:  ok then.  You guys must just keep us informed.
Mom:  Your father asked me to talk to you about something with regards to Nkosikhona.  We can talk now if you are ok with Siyanda being here.
Me:  it’s fine.  She is going to know anyway.
Mom:  Nkosikhona’s uncles came to see us and they have paid damages for Khaya and Lina.
Me:  When did they do that?
Mom:  same day, you gave birth to these bunnies.
Me:  wow
Mom:  I know right.  Nkosikhona’s aunt the sangoma told them they need to stop listening to that good for nothing child of theirs and start doing things right.  They have requested to have IMBELEKO done for them.  We told them we would speak to you first. I know that we had done it for them but you know traditionally they were suppose to do it.
Me:  I know mama.  I don’t have a problem at least they are doing things the right way which is what I’ve always asked of Nkosikhona.  It’s amazing how it had to take me to put him in jail for them to do things right.
Mom:  It’s not they didn’t want to but they listened too much to their child.
Me:  Mama you know that I have to speak to Qhawe about this.  They are his kids now and I can’t do this without telling him.  I know he is not going to be against it but as the man of this house I need to talk to him about it.  He’s been a father to them from the first day he met them.
Mom:  I know baby, I know.
Siyanda:  You really treat my son like a King.
Me:  He treats me like a Queen ma.
Me:  Qhawe are you good?
Qhawe:  I’m good man, let’s go to the man cave. Lwazi, Bandile and Sipho are here
Me:  Man cave, I love this new house.  Why don’t you have a man in your other house?
Qhawe:  You can have man caves in your houses besides this farm house was big enough to have everything we needed including the two offices we have.
Bandile:  You are here.  We’ve been waiting for you. 
Me:  I’m here and only just found out about this man cave.  It looks awesome man.  We are going to be spending more time here.
Qhawe:  the whole point of buying a farm was to stay away from you guys so that you can come over on weekends only  (he laughs at his own statement.)
Lwazi:  that’s not funny Qhawe. 
Qhawe:  It’s a good thing, you can spend all this time focusing on Thando.
Lwazi:  Thando and I are fine.  We are good.  We spend a  lot of time together.  She is awesome, I need to spend time with my friends as well and when she is mad at me and kicks me out I have to think twice about driving to your place now because you are so far away.
ME:  it’s not that far.  It’s only takes thirty minutes to get here
Lwazi:  thirty minutes is a lot of time Luyanda, a lot of time.
Qhawe:  You are being childish now.
Bandile:  you really are being childish.  Actually you did the same thing when Qhawe moved out of the apartment we were staying in when we were still at school.
Sipho:  He has attachment issues.  Do you spend time alone Lwazi?
Lwazi:  Why should I do that when there’s people I can spend my time with.  I get enough alone time when I’m at work in my office.
Me:  enough about Lwazi.  Sipho do you have anything for me?
Bandile:  What’s going man?
Me:  it’s this Sihle situation.  I have a feeling that Sihle is still lying to me.
Sipho:  You are right about that. did you know that she finished her studies?  She didn’t leave Johannesburg as quickly as she claims she did.  she didn’t come straight to Durban.  She stayed in Johannesburg for a while sorting out school transfer for herself.  She transferred to Cape Town and finished her degree there.  She stayed in Cape Town for about three years before she moved to Durban and you were still in Johannesburg then.  I don’t know who helped her yet but it’s not the person you thought it was.  I asked the tertiary institution she went to; to check who paid for her studies, that was a long time ago so it will take some time hopefully they still have the records.
Me:  this woman is really playing games with me.  There’s really more to what she claims.  She didn’t leave because I didn’t want to marry her, there’s more.
Sipho:  we’ll definitely find out man.  Don’t worry about it.
Me:  thanks guys.
Bandile:  hey,we are here for you (Khanyi walks in with three babies. )
Khanyi:  the uncles are here.  Can you babysit for a bit.
Lwazi:  No problem Mama Bear.  Where are the others?
Khanyi:  I’ll bring them now.
Me:  don’t worry I’ll come with you
Khanyi:  Thanks.  (few minutes later I’m back at the man cave with the two girls)
Me:  they are so adorable.  I can’t wait to hold my little one.
Bandile:  what little one?
Me:  Eish I forgot that I haven’t told you guys yet
Qhawe:  Here are their sits you can put them down.
Lwazi:  this man cave is fully equipped nhe.
Qhawe:  Mxm
Lwazi:  You don’t like it when Khanyi says that to you.  I remember the day she wanted us to rescue her from you. ( he laughs)  what do you do to the poor when you punish her?
Qhawe:  That’s between me and her.  Luyanda you were to them something.
Lwazi:  why do you say “them” and not say “us”, do you know what he is about to tell us?
Me:  can you shut up for a minute (Qhawe sticks his tongue out to Lwazi.  These two can be so childish at times.)  Lwandle is pregnant and we are getting married soon.
Bandile & Sipho:  congratulations man
Bandile: a baby and a wedding.  I want to marry Ncesh before Khaya’s wedding.  After Khaya’s lobola negotiations, prepare yourselves for me.
Me:  that’s what we also want maybe we can just make it a double wedding
Bandile:  I don’t think Ncesh will mind but I’ll talk to her about it.
Lwazi:  I have a question for Luyanda (we all look at waiting for him to ask his question)  Did you propose to her or did you tell her you were getting married?
Me:  What difference does it make? what matters is that she wants to marry me that’s all.
Lwazi:  a little romance won’t kill you guys.  Make it memorable.
Me:  it will be memorable and a funny story to tell our grandkids.
Lwazi:  Congratulations my friend.  Sipho the ball is in our court now.
Sipho:  I’m in no hurry man.  Besides Sindy is really doing good now after that fiasco with her mom, I don’t want to rush her into anything.  I need her to heal first
Lwazi:  We hear you man.

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