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Lwazi has been discharged today but he is going to have to miss out on the action.  Sizwe is already here.  We are starting the weekend off with a bang.
Me:  where are the other?
Sizwe:  they are coming.  I have your package. (he says with a big smile on his face)
Me:  Where is it?
Sizwe:  In the car.  Come. ( He opens the door and there she is and she looks like she has just seen a ghost.)
Me:  how areyou  my dear?
Her:  how did you find me?
Me:  Oh darling it was easy.  (I give her my hand to hold so that she can get out of the car.)
Sizwe:  You are awfully nice to her.
Me:  Oh come on Sizwe, she is going to die today, I might as well be nice.  We are probably the last people she is going to see today.
Sizwe:  You might be right about that.  Hopefully I’ll get a chance to have a little fun with her.
Her:  Lu please don’t do this.  I am sorry.
Sizwe:  what exactly are you sorry for my dear?
Me:  don’t ever call me that.  Sizwe let’s go inside, we have other people to see inside. (I knock and turn to look at her and just smile.  Right about now she is as confused as anything.  The door opens after a few minutes.  Bandile and Qhawe just walked up)
Sihle:  Luyanda! What are you doing here?  I wasn’t expecting you.
Me:  we are here to see you and I have a special guest with me.  I move aside since she was standing behind me.  (I could see fear creaping in)  May we come in? (she hesitantly stands aside and let’s us in.)  Oh look another piece of the puzzle is here,  my work has been done for me, I won’t have to spend much time looking for you.  There’s only one piece missing and it’s probably on it’s way.  Gentlemen please make yourselves comfortable. Sihle can you please bring us glasses.  (I take the bottle of whisky I was holding and put on the coffee table.  She walks in with the glasses and I pour drinks for me and my guys.)
Qhawe:  This is nice.  Baby mama, the ex fiancé, the aunt to baby mama.  Ladies!  (he lifts his glass towards them and smiles.)
Sihle:  what are you doing here?
Sizwe:  I think you know why we are here.  By the time my drink gets to be half of what it was when Luyanda poured it for me, you had better have told him what he wants to know, otherwise shit is going to hit the fern.  I would start talking if I were you.
Sihle’s aunt:  what is this, what is going on here Sihle?
Sihle:  I don’t know either.
Luleka:  just stop it.  We’ve been caught can’t you see that. it’s over Sihle, he knows. The mere fact that we are all here means he knows.
Sihle:  You can start talking since this whole thing was your idea and I went along with it.
Me:  You know Sihle Lungi’s soon to be mother in law has this special room in her house. It has all these lovely toys we can use to torture you into talking, my favourite thing in that room is the electrical chair, it’s a nice comfortable chair you wouldn’t think it’s a deadly weapon and it’s got this cute little remote and she loves playing with it.  if someone doesn’t start telling me what I want to know,  I am moving this little party to her house, put you in that chair and let her play with the remote.
Sihle:  Luyanda please don’t do this.
Sizwe:  it’s funny how they start off by begging you not to do this and forget the pain they caused  you.  The last woman I tortured is still alive.  It was hard for me to do it.  I dated her for a few months, broke up with me and hurt someone I care deeply about.  I ended up torturing her but I didn’t kill her because I realised that I couldn’t kill someone I am falling in love with and she got pregnant and now we are happy with a daughter soon we’ll be married.  You see with you ladies here, it’s different, I feel nothing for you, I can easily put a bullet through your head.  Lungi is my niece now and I love her and you’ve hurt her a lot.  I want to hear someone talking.
Luleka:  it was my idea
Bandile:  we have discovered that, move along.
Luleka:  when you told me you were not going to marry me I was hurt, I was more hurt that you made someone else pregnant.  I saw how much you paid attention to your daughter when she was born, it was like I never existed.  Sihle was also broken by the fact that you didn’t want to marry her.  I went to her and told her that she should take the baby and go away.  We both wanted to hurt you like you hurt us but we would wait until the baby was at least a year.
Me:  You stayed with me knowing that you were planning on hurting me.
Luleka:  I had to so that you don’t suspect anything on my side.  Luyanda I wanted to marry you, I wanted to be with you, your rejection hurt us. (at this moment I can feel myself boiling with anger.  I take a sip of my whisky just to calm down.)
Qhawe:  I want to understand something.  Luyanda was honest with you from the beginning that he was not ready for a serious relationship let alone being ready for marriage right ( they nod)  why did you make your problem of settiling for less his problem.  He made it clear and you still wanted to be with him, both of you wanted more from him which he couldn’t give and you opted to settle for the little that he was offering, why was that made his problem.  You settled for less and that was your choice, he didn’t force you. As for you Sihle I’m pretty sure when you got pregnant you were both drunk and didn’t use protection.  Even then he didn’t run away from his responsibility.  He loved his daughter and took care of her.
Bandile:  So your families knew and watched him make a fool of himself grieving for a child that is alive and well somewhere. I want to know why.
Sihle:  I told my family that he didn’t want us anymore that he was getting married and his new wife didn’t want my daughter to visit Luyanda.  I told them he was abusive torwards me and I was scared for my child.
Lungi:  You did what???? (when did she get here. She was not suppose to be here.  DAMMIT!!!!)
Me:  Lungi what are you doing here?
Lungi:  I came to see if I can talk to her maybe even forgive her for what she did but now I don’t think that’s going to happen. Who are these people?
Me:  these are partners in crime.
Lungi:  so what you are saying is that everything was planned.
Sizwe:  that’s what we are telling you.
Lungi:  I’ll be back.  (she walks out going to the direction of the kitchen comes back a few minutes later with a bottle of wine and a glass already filled halfway.)  Dad I love you and I respect you,you know that.  I never drink in front of you but today please let me be.  (I look at her. I take a cushion from the couch, place on the floor between my legs and signal for her to sit.  She deserves to know the truth anyway, she might as well hear it from the horse’s mouth.) So your family thinks that my dad is an abuser?
Sihle:  yes they do
Lungi:  Why mama? Wait don’t answer that I know what you are going to say.  Who is this?  (she asks looking at Luleka)
Sizwe:  well my dear niece, that is the woman your father was suppose to marry but refused.  Your mom disappearing with you was her idea.
Lungi:  Let me guess, you wanted to hurt him because he rejected you.  Tell me something, why would you want to settle for less, settle for a man who would never put you first in his life, a man you would be nothing to.  Were you that desperate that you would hurt your own child mama.  I’m sure you never thought the truth would come out and right about you are wishing I had never met a man who wanted to marry me at least that way I wouldn’t have bothered you so much about wanting to know who my father was.  You were still in school when you left right.  How did you manage to finish your degree, who helped you?
Bandile:  I like this child.  She is asking all the right the questions.
Sihle:  My aunt helped me.  She paid for my fees.
Lungi:  but how ma.  I’m pretty sure your aunt wanted to remain anonymous in this whole thing and there’s something missing in this story of yours.  Your family can’t go through all this trouble of staying quiet just because you were abused.  (my daughter just came in and took charge of this party, she is angry, I have never seen her like this.  Actually I have.  She is me, she really has taken my personality but she is too angry.  Khaya needs to come get her.)
Me:  excuse me I need to make a call.  ( I make my call and go back to the lounge)
Sihle:  Luleka paid the money herself.  Every three months my aunt would transfer money into a company’s account , that company would transfer the money to Luleka who would pay the institution.  (Khaya walks in. that  didn’t take long.)
Me:  Khaya take her.
Lungi:  but dad.
Me:  no Princess I don’t want you to end up doing something you’ll regret.  Go with Khaya please Princess.
Khaya:  Listen to your dad Lungi, this is not going to end well.  Let’s go babe.  (she gives in, grabs her bag and leaves with Khaya. Sipho walks in with the last piece of the puzzle)
Me:  good you are here, we were just getting to the part where you were involved in this fiasco.  I knew you hated us but to go to an extent of keeping my child from me.  I know you hate my mother  and she never did anything to you, we never did anything to you but here you are destroying us and for what, for a man that was never yours in the first place, a man that never even acknowledged your existence until he introduced you to my mother.  Tell me aunt Bulelwa, what did my daughter do to you?
Bulelwa:  You guys couldn’t keep your mouths shut.
Sipho:  Oh don’t blame them.  They didn’t say anything, we did a little a digging and found the truth.
Bandile:  We are smart like that.
Me:  So aunt Bulelwa you did this to have the pleasure of watching my parents and me suffer and the other two did it because I wouldn’t marry them and the other one thought I was an abuser.  You all stripped me of a chance to raise my daughter and give her all the she deserved, you took that away from her.  You watched me go crazy knowing very well that my daughter was alive. Sihle you watched being miserable everyday because she wanted her dad.  (I just couln’t continue talking.)
Sizwe:  this is how this is going to work. Sihle you were going to be part of the wedding as her mother, that deal is off
Sihle:  Luyanda please I can’t miss her wedding day.  (without hesitation I shoot her on the arm)
Me:  If you don’t shut up the next one goes through your head.
Sizwe:  You are no longer invited to the wedding including your family.  Luleka, you have been relieved of your duties due to malpractice, you will never work as a doctor again. Don’t say anything.  Aunt Bulelwa please sign the documents that Sipho has for you.  You no longer own Njongo Constructions.  (she tries to say something but Sizwe waves his gun at her.)  Sihle’s Aunt, I feel for you, sign, your boutique is no longer yours.  The three of you that are married, expect divorce papers soon from from your husbands.  As it turns out your husbands don’t condone what you did, they find it unforgivable.
Me:  I am going to take from you all bit by bit, by the time I’m done with you; You will be begging me to kill you.  This is just the beginning.  Dr Gxaji  I’m sure you can manage to patch that bullet wound.  Enjoy the whiskey ladies.

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