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I felt someone shaking me gently while I was sleeping next to Luyanda in hospital.  I was suppose to go home but I was so tired I think I passed out in his bed.  I hear a screatchy voice telling me to wake up  and it feels like I am dreaming and I ignore it and just continue sleeping.  After a while I wake up feeling better.  I go to the bathroom and do my business and when I come back he was still asleep.  I need him to wake up now.  I miss him. I miss all of him.  I don’t understand why someone would do this.  I’m glad that there was no serious damage done. This goes to show that life can be too short or it can be too long hence we have to live our lives to the fullest, enjoy every moment, take risks at times even though you don’t know what the end result will be.  Life is unpredictable that way.  You never know what’s going to happen when you wake up in the morning.  I never knew I would wake up one day as someone’s wife and pregnant.  Four years ago I miscarried due to abuse I suffered in the relationship I was in.  I stayed in that relationship believing that he will change.  He would beat me up then the next day wake up and apologise saying he didn’t know what got into him and like a fool I believed him and it continued until the day he beat me up and i miscarried.  I could have left the relationship earlier but I believed I loved him and as it turned out I didn’t love him I was just dependant on him and he took advantage of that.  It took me losing my child to leave him.  Even though I didn’t know I was pregnant at the time, the loss I suffered gave me the courage to leave because I realised that if I don’t leave I am going to lose my life.  Since then my life has been all about work.  I have no friends and never dated again after I left Zukile.  When I met Luyanda I was out for drinks on my own, something about him drew me to him.  the way he carries himself is such  a turn on.  I never thought I would trust another man after Zukile but Luyanda came into my life and showed me a different side of love.  He showed me love that I’ve never been shown before.  He effortlessly makes me feel comfortable with him.  Whenever I am in his arms I feel at home.  Now someone decides that they want to take that away from me, why,  what did I ever do to them?  What did Lungi ever do to them for them to just take her father away.  They just found each and now this happens.  How cruel can people be?
Him:  You should really not stress so much it’s not good for the baby.
Me:  You are awake.  (I get up from the chair I was sitting on and hug him tight forgetting that he is injured, I am reminded when he flinches in pain)  Sorry babe I’m just so happy.
Luyanda:  I’m glad you are happy to see my ugly face.  Where’s my daughter?
Me:  She went home with her grandparents but they’ll be back later tonight.  They are going to be so happy.  You had us worried there for a bit.
Luyanda:  worry no more my love.  How is my uncle?
Me:  He is ok.  He also just needs to wake up.  Let me call the doctor (just then the doctor walks in)
Doctor: I see you are awake
Me:  I was just about to call you.
Doctor:  I am here now.  How are you feeling Mr Langa?
Luyanda:  I’m ok just a bit of pain.
Doctor:  I’ll have the nurse give you something for the pain.  You daughter did real good stopping the bleeding with you and your uncle.  She should consider studying medicine
Luyanda:  She will when she has completed her nurse’s course this year.
Doctor:  that’s good.  I am not going to send you home today.  I am going to keep you for another day or two just to make sure that you are completely ok. It’s a good thing you are awake, your wife was worried sick about you.  I’ve also done a check up on her and you’ll  be pleased to know that they are both ok.
Luyanda:  that’s good to know doctor at least I can breathe easily now.
Doctor:  the police were also here, I told them to come back tomorrow, you were still out then.
Me:  thank you doctor.  (with that said he walked out) You see we are perfectly fine.  (he just pulls me to him and kisses me.)
Me:  Sipho what do you have for us
Sipho:  Right now Luyanda doesn’t have any clients that are unhappy to the extent of trying to kill him. So I looked into our four ladies which are our major suspects right now.  We can rule Sihle out.  She was in Durban still is in Durban sulking, she spends most of her days at home when she is not at work.  The woman is depressed I think.
Me:  That’s not our problem.  What else do you have?
Sipho:  Sihle’s aunt is not Johannesburg, I haven’t found her yet, Luleka is not in Durban as well, I still haven’t found her and Bulelwa has been here moping around her house.  We have three suspects and it could be any of these three women.  I should have more info tonight.
Bandile:  My money is on all three of them, they are in this together.
Sizwe:  I don’t think so.  In situations like these there’s always that one person that is so stubborn that they would want revenge.  It’s only one person and they did it themselves they didn’t hire anyone.  If they had hired someone who is good at this type of thing, Luyanda and his uncle would be dead.  Unless they hired an amature.
Me:  whoever did this had better make sure that we don’t find them.  Do you know if the detective has found out anything?
Sipho:  I haven’t spoken to him yet and I’m sure that someone saw something, we just need to find that someone.
Me:  Mama Bear how are you?  (as she walks in)
Khanyi:  I’m ok just tired.
ME:  Where are the little Boovs
Khanyi:  With their grands parents.  they troublesome.  They are teething. Where are Ncesh and Thando
Me:  We’ll meet them at the hospital.
Khanyi:  Ok.  Sipho I need to look into someone for me,  Anthony Williams and check if he has a daughter named Andrea.  I need everything you can find on him.
Me:  What happened?
Sipho:  by the sounds of it’s not good.
Khanyi:  This Andrea girl drugged Bandile and raped him.
Bandile:  When did that happen?
Lwazi:  how can you not remember being with another woman, you are cheating now Bandile hee?
Bandile:  She is not talking about me you idiot
Khanyi:  Now the girl claims to be pregnant.  Qhawe told me that Anthony is his biggest competitor in Architecture business and he doesn’t like Qhawe very much expecial with the deals that Qhawe has been getting which are outside the country.
Sipho:  I know the guy.  I’ve done a job for him before and that was before I met you guys.  Andrea is his daughter.  I wouldn’t be surprised if she was faking the pregnancy.  It wouldn’t be the firtst time she lies about being pregnant.  She does that to guys she like and they don’t see her in that light, she forces them to date her and threatens to cry rape.  It looks like she is making a career out of it.
Khanyi:  She messed with the wrong kid this time.
I walked out because I had a phone call to make.

ME: Are you good man?
Him:  I’m good. I haven’t heard from you in long time, where are you, what’s happening with you?
Me:  I got out of the game years ago.  I am now legit with a daughter and soon to be married.
Him:  finally my man is settling down.  I take it this is not a friendly call.
Me:  Someone is messing with my family and I need to have them dealt with.
Him:  temporarily or permanently
Me:  In this case I prefer permanently.  I’ll send the info.  Another thing is that I need you  to find someone for me Anthony Williams, his daughter is playing with fire and she is going to burn.
Him:  I hear you.  I’ll wait for the info then.  I’ll call you as soon as I have something on this Anthony guy.
Me:  thanks man, I really appreciate it. (I hang up)

I swore I would never go back to that world and now stupid people are pushing me to use my old contacts.  I really don’t understand why people can’t leave us alone.  I guess this situation calls for drastic measures.

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